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Mess Hall / Commissary

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    Anthony nodded. "Ohh. What happened to them?" He said quickly, "It may seem like I'm outta the loop here, I'm telling you, it's like the twlight zone around here, I'm surprised I know what's going on at all." He sardonically sipped his Coke. "besides the obvious...I mean..."


      "as far as I know it was standard recon mission, they got ambushed by the goauld, Major Johnson managed to get through the gate rest of the team couldnt" she took a bite of her sandwich.
      Last edited by Major Henderson; 23 September 2005, 12:10 PM.
      Lt.Col Donna Henderson
      SG-2: CO
      Base Senior Biologist,
      Stargate RP, Gateworld

      Cassidy Evans, SG-10:CO


        "That's awful. Dam those Goa'uld. I knew they had something to do with this...never thought those little buggers would actually do something like... what they did." He expression clouded over. "I can see why Major Johnson is is pepped to get going somewhere. I don't think I'd be able to sit."
        TEAM SG1 LIVES


          Donna couldnt help but laugh a little but quickly pulled over a serious expression "I know I couldnt believe it either...actually I rather not but what can ya do..." she took a drink of milk "actually am just icthin right now to get out an get some revenge on the goauld, but cant fight on an empty stomach...well I could I'd just rather not"
          Lt.Col Donna Henderson
          SG-2: CO
          Base Senior Biologist,
          Stargate RP, Gateworld

          Cassidy Evans, SG-10:CO


            "I couldn't do that. Fight on an empty tummy, I just couldn't. I'd start seeing food everywhere. Though it might help me thinking the Goa'uld or Jaffa was like a big turkey sandwich or a huge chicken drumstick all slathered with BBQ." He grinned slightly, trying to make the Colonel laugh. "I wonder what those Jaffa eat anyway. They're always so cranky, whatever it is it's probably constipating them. You can't be cheerful and be constipated. Uh uh."
            TEAM SG1 LIVES


              Donna Started laughing cheerful and consitpated she was still laughing "you might have a point there those jaffa do seem to get really cranky"
              Lt.Col Donna Henderson
              SG-2: CO
              Base Senior Biologist,
              Stargate RP, Gateworld

              Cassidy Evans, SG-10:CO


                "definitly." He finished off his sandwich. "That's why I'm on a Raw Food diet. Keeps you healthy, cheerful and your bowels happy. I'm not really supposed to be eating this sandwich actually, the white bread is devitalized, the tuna or whatever this white stuff is is processed as is the mayo, relish... lord, I think the only healthy part of this thing is the tomatoe and lettuce...ah, well." He slurped his coke. "This coke is no good either. I should bring some of this along actually, this is a great weapon for defeating the goa'uld, this is."

                He was half serious.
                TEAM SG1 LIVES


                  "gotta keep your bowels happy right...or youll jus get cranky" she grinned I dont eat white bread anymore, wholegrain, the rest i dont really mind eat what I want though try to keep it healthy. "least your gettin fruit'n'veg in your sandwich" she laughed about the comment on the coke.
                  Last edited by Major Henderson; 23 September 2005, 11:58 AM.
                  Lt.Col Donna Henderson
                  SG-2: CO
                  Base Senior Biologist,
                  Stargate RP, Gateworld

                  Cassidy Evans, SG-10:CO


                    Sarah laughed at the conversation.

                    "Im on the 'Seefood' diet," she said to them, "Observe." and pointed at her sandwich, then ate it.
                    "Its the see food then eat it diet, the 'Seefood' diet!"
                    Tappity-tap. Tappity-tap.
                    LOVE HIM-> DT
                    ~Proud Member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team~


                      "yeah been on that one to" Donna said smiling
                      Last edited by Major Henderson; 23 September 2005, 02:01 PM.
                      Lt.Col Donna Henderson
                      SG-2: CO
                      Base Senior Biologist,
                      Stargate RP, Gateworld

                      Cassidy Evans, SG-10:CO


                        "That's a way of life for me." Anthony agreed heartily as he chugged down the last of his soda pop. "I would say food should be eaten and not seen but I might have a problem with not seeing what people are feeding me."
                        TEAM SG1 LIVES


                          Originally posted by Hulabaloo
                          Sarah laughed at the conversation.

                          "Im on the 'Seefood' diet," she said to them, "Observe." and pointed at her sandwich, then ate it.
                          "Its the see food then eat it diet, the 'Seefood' diet!"
                          Tyler snickered as she tipped up her bowl and poured the last of her dry Froot Loops into her mouth. Washing everything down with the milk, she commented, "I've been on that one. Thank gods I've a metabolism that will let me eat anything."
                          She broke open a chocolate fudge muffin and started savoring each bite. "Enjoy it now, kids. When our supplies run out . . . ."
                          You're never too old to do something goofy.
                          Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


                            Donna smiled as she finished the rest of her sandwich, then took another drink of her milk which was almost finished.
                            Lt.Col Donna Henderson
                            SG-2: CO
                            Base Senior Biologist,
                            Stargate RP, Gateworld

                            Cassidy Evans, SG-10:CO


                              Anthony was staring at his empty Coke can. "When our supplies run down..." he looked at Tyler half expectantly, "then what? We all starve? I don't think there's a Piggly Wiggly for a few billion light years." He slumped onto the table and hid his face in his arms. "We're all gonna die." He moaned.
                              TEAM SG1 LIVES


                                Donna turned and looked at the Major with head on the table "holy crap...nice...we aint gonna die, though I hope we dont run out of chicken to soon...I like chicken" she grinned
                                Lt.Col Donna Henderson
                                SG-2: CO
                                Base Senior Biologist,
                                Stargate RP, Gateworld

                                Cassidy Evans, SG-10:CO

