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    I gave the *Boys* some well deserved time off
    Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


      Originally posted by TechnoWraith
      Official Cons hosted by Creation entertainment are held in large metropolitan areas, where others can easily get to the venue. Also, Creation (and other Convention hosts) try to place cons in central areas of the country. (Burbank usually covers the western half; Chicago the mid-western, and Secaucus NJ the eastern half). Other factors may also play: if a particularly attendance is garnered from a particular location, more than likely, the Con host will keep bringing the convention back to that location. My assumptions may be wrong, but they come from logical thinking.
      central is a relative term since chicago is a lot of miles from the west coast and all that part of the us that's between chicago and the west coast that folks seem to forget about

      anyway yes, i'm sure they try to spread things out, however i do think their main determinig factor is getting it in a metropolitin city that, they hope, has enough of a population to make them a profit. whether or not fans can get there isn't that big of a concern (sorry, sore spot in that most folks seem to forget that there really are people and scifi fans in that 2000 miles between chicago and california)

      midwest fans are perpetually left out in the cold when it comes to cons (i think there's one fan run one down in tulsa and a couple of comic cons in kc, and maybe one in denver - largely because mile high comics has thier offices there. that's not much for such a large area)
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        yes midwest is left out a lot... course now if they would come to visit where i live... i wouldnt have to go far at all...

        In your opinions Mods... should the cons come to the midwest and smaller towns, that way we have some recognition as well.


          There are some Cons in Texas and there has been one here in Phx as well as a number of large ones in Las Vegas, But aside from the one in Chicago I can't think of any major Cons in that particular line of states, Iowa, South & North Dakota, Minnisota (sp), Missouri and the like.

          I don't know if it is due to the fact that summer and winter are harder times to get fans to travel to the midwest or not. I know that people I spoke with at the Cons I have attended said they were glad that they had a chance to get away from home since it was so cold still (april) or so hot/humid (june)

          Vancouver is kind of a given for a StarGate Con and a HUGE blessing if that is the one anyone can attend. it does seem more relaxed and there is at least many oppotunities to see other things such as filming locations and the actual studios that you wouldn't get to see at any other con.

          Overall, as with anything be it a Sci-Fi Con or Disneyland... sometimes you just have to do a little planning and a little saving in order to go to it... However I can honestly say in my opinion if you (general you) do plan and save it will be worth it in the end ....AND you will probably meet someone from GW at one of the cons....because we GWers are everywhere
          Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


            not to totally hijack this thread, but yeah, as a person who lives in the midwest it'd be nice to have a con within decent driving distance.

            the locations, or lack there of, is one reason i didn't go to any cons last year. the professional ones are alraedy prohibitively high priced then when you add in air fare, hours of driving and hotel rooms, a professional con would probably cost me $1000 for the weekend (i think the average ticket for a creation con is 2-600 dollars - wasnt' the vancouver one 600 last year?, then factor in air fare and hotel and food and, well it's literally too expensive to go to one.)

            this year i will go to shore leave to see amanda. however my ticket for that is $90 and that includes a pic with carmen and amanda and i have a friend in baltimore where i can crash. so the weekend will be significantly cheaper than a professional one. which is why i'm doing it
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              Originally posted by Skydiver
              not to totally hijack this thread
              How about a split I am sure their are lots of people who dont visit this thread who would have insight to share
              gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
              so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
              love Torri


                The *Gold Pass* for the Creation Vancouver Con last was $499.00 before Jan 15 and $599.00 after Jan 15 and it included everything ( autographs, dessert party, Studio Tour, etc) except pictures. Airfare was also separate but I can honestly say that if you are creative AND willing to make a friend or two even that can be done cost effectively. Trust me we had Six women together last year and we made it our mission to save money and this year I KNOW at least one of those same women is flying to Vancouver for FREE because of planning.

                However, if you have NO WAY to make costs any cheaper then I would say that looking for Cons that are either closer or maybe on *special airfares* from your area might be a way to go.

                Another way to try to bring a Con closer to home is *ASK* write Creation or GateCon and ASK the worst they can do is say No, we are sorry we won't be able to be in your area BUT what if they have no idea that is any interest. Are YOU the ONLY one?? Are you willing to HELP bring the Con to your area??

                As I said the worst they can do is say no but what if they said maybe would you be willing to do anything you could to make it happen?
                Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                  Originally posted by Skydiver
                  look at the letters that have been starred out. it's a racial epithet. the naughty word feature is very literal and it looks for a specific string of letters, and it doesn't care if those letters are immersed in other letters of a totally innocent word
                  So the software isn't intelligent enough to figure it out? I know that word is offencive, not that stupid guys I just didn't realise how sensitive the software was. I have not encountered the censoring of the "s" word before. Still seems hyper sensitive but I guess if it stops racial slurs I can live with it.


                    Originally posted by TameFarrar
                    The *Gold Pass* for the Creation Vancouver Con last was $499.00 before Jan 15 and $599.00 after Jan 15 and it included everything ( autographs, dessert party, Studio Tour, etc) except pictures. Airfare was also separate but I can honestly say that if you are creative AND willing to make a friend or two even that can be done cost effectively. Trust me we had Six women together last year and we made it our mission to save money and this year I KNOW at least one of those same women is flying to Vancouver for FREE because of planning.

                    However, if you have NO WAY to make costs any cheaper then I would say that looking for Cons that are either closer or maybe on *special airfares* from your area might be a way to go.

                    Another way to try to bring a Con closer to home is *ASK* write Creation or GateCon and ASK the worst they can do is say No, we are sorry we won't be able to be in your area BUT what if they have no idea that is any interest. Are YOU the ONLY one?? Are you willing to HELP bring the Con to your area??

                    As I said the worst they can do is say no but what if they said maybe would you be willing to do anything you could to make it happen?
                    There are other smilies you know...

                    Also, while I'm here I'd like to point out some more proof of the mods being in the mafia/terrorists
                    Originally posted by skydiver
                    totally hijack this thread
                    Sig from Kat Logan VIA SilverRider


                    Join the Aftermath RP


                      Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                      So the software isn't intelligent enough to figure it out? I know that word is offencive, not that stupid guys I just didn't realise how sensitive the software was. I have not encountered the censoring of the "s" word before. Still seems hyper sensitive but I guess if it stops racial slurs I can live with it.
                      it just looks for that string of letters and it doesn't care if they are immersed in another word or not. let's say you had an archaeological thread going and were talking about hellonic (the word's something like that) then it will star out the first 4 letters i believe.
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        Originally posted by TameFarrar
                        The *Gold Pass* for the Creation Vancouver Con last was $499.00 before Jan 15 and $599.00 after Jan 15 and it included everything ( autographs, dessert party, Studio Tour, etc) except pictures. Airfare was also separate but I can honestly say that if you are creative AND willing to make a friend or two even that can be done cost effectively. Trust me we had Six women together last year and we made it our mission to save money and this year I KNOW at least one of those same women is flying to Vancouver for FREE because of planning.
                        when i used to go to gatecon, the entry was 200ish, i won the studio tour for 200ish and autos were included so, it was cheaper the old way. that ticket included a banquet (which was replaced in the last year by a disco of all things) and a cocktail party and we were allowed to take all the pictures of the studio that our cameras would hold--or that we could take in an hour, whatever came first. we pretty much had free run of the place

                        Originally posted by TameFarrar
                        However, if you have NO WAY to make costs any cheaper then I would say that looking for Cons that are either closer or maybe on *special airfares* from your area might be a way to go.
                        see that's where the hard part comes in. the closest 'offical' con to me is in chicago. which is several hours driving or a flight away. with the entry price (i think it's 2-400 for the gold pass) plus air fare, hotel, food, etc. it's about as expensive as gatecon used to be

                        they won't come closer, won't come to a smaller city because they have less of a chance of making a profit.
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Originally posted by Skydiver
                          when i used to go to gatecon, the entry was 200ish, i won the studio tour for 200ish and autos were included so, it was cheaper the old way. that ticket included a banquet (which was replaced in the last year by a disco of all things) and a cocktail party and we were allowed to take all the pictures of the studio that our cameras would hold--or that we could take in an hour, whatever came first. we pretty much had free run of the place
                          Oh I KNOW I was so bummed that we couldn't take pictures this last year (knows there are other smilies but likes the ones she is using ) from what I understood from Martin Gero at the Tour it was due to the sets that were new and they didn't want anything shown before the show was ready to, it was the *Village* & the *Cave* that was the big deal. Hopefully this year since everyone has seen it they will allow a picture or a hundred
                          Originally posted by Skydiver
                          see that's where the hard part comes in. the closest 'offical' con to me is in chicago. which is several hours driving or a flight away. with the entry price (i think it's 2-400 for the gold pass) plus air fare, hotel, food, etc. it's about as expensive as gatecon used to be

                          they won't come closer, won't come to a smaller city because they have less of a chance of making a profit.
                          That is sad that there is no way to make it easier on the Midwestern Fans
                          But I still say at least Ask.. the worst they can do is say *NO*
                          so if anyone wants to put in the time AND the effort..go for it... write them and see if there is a reason why there isn't one in your area and if it all comes down to money...well then *shrug* at least you know for sure and you can either save your nickels and dimes for the day you can finally attend or not.

                          As long as SG stars are willing to come to the Con... does it matter if it is *Official* or not? or is that the only thing they will go to because they want to be paid as well?... food for thought.. but I will move my thoughts over to the Con threads before Skydiver has to *mod* me and we really do end up Hi-jacking the thread ...................... just for Col Sharp
                          Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                            ah ha! I knew it!!! *runs off to CIA*

                            see that's where the hard part comes in. the closest 'offical' con to me is in chicago. which is several hours driving or a flight away. with the entry price (i think it's 2-400 for the gold pass) plus air fare, hotel, food, etc. it's about as expensive as gatecon used to be

                            they won't come closer, won't come to a smaller city because they have less of a chance of making a profit
                            Yeah, if your town doesn't have an international airport with thousands of people going in and out , you dont stand a chance . I agree with you thouth, on the fact that the actors should chosse where THEY want to tour, no creation. But I'm in Chicago so it works out for me
                            Last edited by Colonel Sharp; 04 January 2006, 07:17 PM.
                            Sig from Kat Logan VIA SilverRider

                            SIX YEARS OF ROLEPLAYING ON GATEWORLD!

                            Join the Aftermath RP



                              "invades"!! The title is supposed to be "invades"!!

                              ((PS - I must be out ot it..))
                              Last edited by BigGator5; 04 January 2006, 10:15 PM.


                                it is now INvading instead of Evading
                                Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..

