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    i don't think we have an official stance on firefox any more than we do IE or Oprah or netscape or any other browsers that are out there

    just as i don't think the site is optimized for any individual browser

    One of the reasons we may be having continuing problems is because greg's on vacation and hasn't had time to tweak all the fixes necessitated by the recent upgrade.

    I personally have tried firefox but stopped using it when i started to have issues with the memory leak. others have used it and not had an issue and others use other browsers

    I doubt that darren will ever endorse an 'official' browser for the site. HIs preferences tend to be to keep it as open and accessible as possible, and limiting folks to one browser would be counter to that

    we'll just have to wait for greg to get back and see if he can tweak things
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Originally posted by ShadowMaat
      I can understand that, but I think there's a difference between "Hey guys! If you're joining our game, here are the rules. If you're starting your own game, remember to keep it clearly marked so no one gets confused." and "Read our rules before you post here again."

      And yeah, I thought the game was sharp's, but from the set-up in the RPG folder and the tone of the replies to the homeless thread, I suddenly wasn't sure.
      OK. I'm not sure I understand the point here. We moved a thread into the RPG folder, then we were asked to move it out as it didn't belong there. We took another look at the thread, and as it wasn't really a game we agreed with the person, and moved it back to the general discussion folder while we decided what to do with it. I don't think anyone was saying 'read our rules before you post here again' but if that's how it came across then my apologies. I didn't mean it that way.

      I like the homeless thread description! I feel quite sorry for it now poor homeless thread


        I was actually referring to the replies on the thread itself, which I took as meaning "follow our rules for our game or don't post here." But whatever. Maybe now, whever the thread is, it can die a merciful death and sink back into oblivion.


          ah I see. I didn't see those replies - I just looked at the first post. Well, I can understand how it must have been perplexing to the people in the RPG folder.

          Poor thread, homeless, unwanted and now left to die a slow death


            or you could delete it, giving it a respectable Gw death according to mod traditions
            You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
            Stargate : Genesis |
            Original Starship DesignThread
            Sanctuary for all |
            11000! green me


              Originally posted by immhotep
              or you could delete it, giving it a respectable Gw death according to mod traditions
              We can't delete a thread just because it's homeless! We need a homeless shelter for these poor, disenfranchised threads.
              Secretary-General of GATO ¤ Defender of F.O.R.D.


                Maybe where the Mods hide


                  Originally posted by Major Tyler
                  We can't delete a thread just because it's homeless! We need a homeless shelter for these poor, disenfranchised threads.
                  Create a folder called "The Gate Buffer" and put all the "homeless" threads in their.


                    make one, actually tie this in with another issue that been cropping up, darren could you create a micelaneous section on Gw. for all the 'creates' and all the thread that dont belong anywhere. food for thought.
                    You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                    Stargate : Genesis |
                    Original Starship DesignThread
                    Sanctuary for all |
                    11000! green me


                      Nicely brought back on topic Immhotep

                      Altho it's nice to have a bit of fun, got to remember that Darren isn't going to get in here that often at the moment, and it probably wouldn't be too kind to make him wade through pages of stuff to find the questions!


                        Do we have a time frame on when things like the "Report post" feature might finally be fixed? Is Greg still on vacation?


                          Originally posted by ShadowMaat
                          Here's a question: Is the RPG folder open to everyone, or are only people playing Gen Blue's game allowed to post in there? I understand the whole issue of not wanting to confuse multiple games, but does that mean that NO ONE is allowed to play there if they aren't part of "the" game?
                          Hopefully this will clear things up:
                          ~You must sign up to play the game we have currently going.
                          ~I have no problem (other than the cludderness), with someone else starting a different RP if they really want to..

                          For other details about the RP currently running please look here:
                          before asking.

                          (sorry to go back 'off topic' I just wanted to respond to this )
                          Sig from Kat Logan VIA SilverRider

                          SIX YEARS OF ROLEPLAYING ON GATEWORLD!

                          Join the Aftermath RP


                            Originally posted by Colonel Sharp
                            ~I have no problem (other than the cludderness), with someone else starting a different RP if they really want to...
                            Neither have the mods, although if anyone does want to start a RPG of their own it would be a good idea to let the mods know so we can establish a way of distinguishing the threads in the new game from those of the existing one. It won't be at all hard, but we would need a heads-up to arrange it.



                              (in reply to gategipsy)

                              i realise that, is there anyone stepping in, i know david doesnt have much part in the forum so i assume the new mod team has been told to fill in for him until hes back full time, but are you still able to make the decicion he was able to? otherwise major issue could become persistant and put people off. like the lagging issue has made Gw unpoular for the first time im aware of.
                              You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                              Stargate : Genesis |
                              Original Starship DesignThread
                              Sanctuary for all |
                              11000! green me


                                Originally posted by immhotep
                                (in reply to gategipsy)

                                i realise that, is there anyone stepping in, i know david doesnt have much part in the forum so i assume the new mod team has been told to fill in for him until hes back full time, but are you still able to make the decicion he was able to? otherwise major issue could become persistant and put people off. like the lagging issue has made Gw unpoular for the first time im aware of.
                                Only Greg and Darren have Admin capability, and I doubt that's going to be extended to any of the mods. I don't think any of us are knowledgeable enough where it counts. (One of us only learned to merge threads last week, and no I'm not even referring to one of our newly-initiated mods ). As to when Greg will be back, I don't know so I'll leave that to one of the others


