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    Originally posted by Madeleine_W
    Do you mean that some people treat you as second class citizens if you post in OT? How? Seriously. Do they do it in the OT folder (which would be tricky, as they'd then be admitting to also being second class) or do they disrespect your views when you post in an episode thread cos you're an OT-er?

    Or is it the Avatars and PMs that make people feel second class? Hey Darren! You're giving perks that cost you bandwidth and storage space to some of your users! How rotten of you to be generous to some people without being equally generous to everyone else! How rotten of you to make up a rule on your own board for where to draw the line with your costly (literally) generosity!
    Why are you so angry at Egeria? I feel this way too. And it's not the perks. The perks just point at the differences even more. We're trying to tell you that something is happening here in this social experiment. If we didn't care about the forum and the people here, we wouldn't try to bring it to your attention..

    I apologize if I sound pompous or overwrought. I'm trying to communicate as clearly as I'm able.

    Originally posted by Madeleine_W
    And he has answered it before. Forgive us for trying to set out his reasons rather than buck-passing. We couldn't tell whether you wanted a reason or a rationale, and accidentally tried to give a rationale. Sorry.
    Thank you.
    Hatshepsut, Queen Pharaoh


      hey madelin, ive got a question from your last post, the long one,. Whats a satsuma?


        Originally posted by Hatusu
        Why are you so angry at Egeria? I feel this way too. And it's not the perks. The perks just point at the differences even more. We're trying to tell you that something is happening here in this social experiment. If we didn't care about the forum and the people here, we wouldn't try to bring it to your attention..

        I apologize if I sound pompous or overwrought. I'm trying to communicate as clearly as I'm able.

        Thank you.
        wait you're saying you dont have a problem with the perks themselves, just the fact that they reflect people with higher post numbers? so you are basically saying your problem is with people that have a much higher post count? what should the limit be? should people be blocked from posting until those with less can catch up? one post a day per person to keep it fair? the primary focus of the board is stargate, and recently that has been expanded to other popular science fiction shows as well. OT is there because when you have this many people friendships arise and less stargatey threads crop up. but in all fairness, if he wanted Darren could just remove the OT section and make it a pure stargate board. Having posts only count in the on topic threads simply fosters more on topic discussion and keeps the board from becoming like most other general topic forums that get out of control.


          It's like a mandarin but with easier peel. They are the first thing that Father Christmas puts in any stocking. They are flatter than a mandarin.

          They are also part of a social experiment to make the people in the Printouts team feel like second class citizens to the Investors and the Borrowers. I'll let you know when I've managed to get someone from Printouts kicked out of the comfy chair in the staffroom by an Investor



            I'm sorry, I just don't see how giving new avatar choices to people who have contributed to Stargate discussions on a free entertainment site can be compared to a social experiment which helped to point out intolerance in our society. I don't understand how people who have not achieved the post counts required to receive these new avatar choices are being treated as inferior to the people who have or even being treated differently. It's not like we're telling people who haven't posted enough that they have to sit at the back of the bus or that they can't drink at the same water fountains as those who have. I find it a horrible comparison to make. The aquisition of certain small perks when achieving a certain post count was intended as a fun thing. A sort of bonus for being involved in the forum and I don't understand how it's been so twisted. Nobody is saying that posts made in OT aren't as insightful, or at times even more so, than posts made in General Discussion or episode threads. I myself hang out quite a bit more in OT than anywhere else and have enjoyed many well thought out and insightful conversations.

            It was, is, and always will be GREEN


              Originally posted by Madeleine_W
              It's like a mandarin but with easier peel. They are the first thing that Father Christmas puts in any stocking. They are flatter than a mandarin.
              lol now Im gonna sound even more ignorant. Whats a mandarin?


                Originally posted by Shipperahoy
                I'm sorry, I just don't see how giving new avatar choices to people who have contributed to Stargate discussions on a free entertainment site can be compared to a social experiment which helped to point out intolerance in our society. I don't understand how people who have not achieved the post counts required to receive these new avatar choices are being treated as inferior to the people who have or even being treated differently. It's not like we're telling people who haven't posted enough that they have to sit at the back of the bus or that they can't drink at the same water fountains as those who have. I find it a horrible comparison to make.
                I most definitely did not make those comparisons!
                Hatshepsut, Queen Pharaoh


                  I was referring to this part of one of your posts:

                  Originally posted by Hatusu
                  So does this imply that people who participate in threads where posts are counted are better than the people who participate in threads where posts are not counted?

                  Does this start to remind you of the "brown eyed and blue eyed people" experiment?
                  If I misinterpreted it than I apologize.

                  It was, is, and always will be GREEN


                    Originally posted by spg_1983
                    lol now Im gonna sound even more ignorant. Whats a mandarin?
                    It's like an orange. Or, maybe it is an actual kind of orange. Right?
                    I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

                    Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

                    Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

                    Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty


                    Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


                      Originally posted by Hatusu
                      Why are you so angry at Egeria?
                      Because I'm deeply deeply offended at being called a nazi. When people bring up the blue eyes / brown eyes thing and accuse us of doing the same it's pretty upsetting. I accept that venting my anger was inappropriate - that's why I'd already edited my post - but 'what are you doing about it' is a pretty confrontational way to go, and it upsets and offends.

                      Yes, like you i've found that this board isn't as purely fun as it used to be. I've noticed people being abrupt and confrontational when they didn't used to be so much. It happens to me. People make unpleasant accusations, people sneer, people are rude about x and then berate us for allowing people to be rude about y. And when it happens to me I might get upset and defensive and post before I've proofread. Bad. Sorry.

                      I'd like to know why Egeria is so angry at me though...



                        Hugs n' Love to the Mods!

                        Anyway, here is my question:

                        Obviously when people use the "Report Post" button to notify mods of big violations of forum rules I'm sure you don't mind, but should people use it for smaller violations as well? For example, if someone's sig violates forum rules, should we report it, even if it's not egregious, or is that too nit-picky?

                        Does it annoy you if/when we do it...honestly? Are you like "that gorram tattle-tale is at it again, he/she should leave the modding to us" or do you honestly appreciate it? I never know if I should or not if it's not a "big deal" while remaining to be a violation of policy.
                        Secretary-General of GATO ¤ Defender of F.O.R.D.


                          Originally posted by Madeleine_W
                          Yes, like you i've found that this board isn't as purely fun as it used to be. I've noticed people being abrupt and confrontational when they didn't used to be so much. It happens to me. People make unpleasant accusations, people sneer, people are rude about x and then berate us for allowing people to be rude about y. And when it happens to me I might get upset and defensive and post before I've proofread. Bad. Sorry.
                          i think part of the problem is that people have gotten so hung up on things like post counts and rep points and who is criticizing the show, who said what too whom, that people have forgotten the reason we are all here in the first place, to talk about the thing that we all have in common, our enjoyment of stargate. if people would just step back and stop treating the forum like life and death real life and remember to relax and have fun things would go back to how they were. so what if someone said something that wasnt particulalry polite, if its too bad the mods will take care of it, otherwise so what? some unknown annonymous person half way around the world wasnt absolutely nice to you? people just need to stop taking everything so seriously and this place will return to the great fun community that it was.


                            Major Tyler: We don't mind. Leaving the modding to us is fine, but pointing us in the direction of what needs modding is a help.
                            Last edited by Madeleine; 18 October 2005, 09:02 PM.



                              Originally posted by Madeleine_W
                              Because I'm deeply deeply offended at being called a nazi. When people bring up the blue eyes / brown eyes thing and accuse us of doing the same it's pretty upsetting. I accept that venting my anger was inappropriate - that's why I'd already edited my post - but 'what are you doing about it' is a pretty confrontational way to go, and it upsets and offends.
                              I apologize if people thought I was referring to the Nazis. I see how someone could extend what I said that far. What I meant is that when people are made to seem different, other people start to treat them that way. I NEVER intended to call anyone a Nazi. It's deeply embarrassing to me that anyone would think that I would intend that.

                              I'm sorry that I let this go so far. This has gotten way out of hand. I won't be back.
                              Hatshepsut, Queen Pharaoh


                                Originally posted by Hatusu
                                I apologize if people thought I was referring to the Nazis. I see how someone could extend what I said that far. What I meant is that when people are made to seem different, other people start to treat them that way. I NEVER intended to call anyone a Nazi. It's deeply embarrassing to me that anyone would think that I would intend that.

                                I'm sorry that I let this go so far. This has gotten way out of hand. I won't be back.
                                im sorry to keep this going, but please help me understand this because i truly dont get where you are comming from. please tell me how someone having a different picture as their avatar make people treat them different? because that is the absolute only thing that other people can see change about a person when they reach a certain post level. the only other difference is a higher PM number in your inbox, thats it. so please help me understand hw this leads to people being treated differently

