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    Originally posted by Skydiver
    to the best of my knowledge this wasn't the one that torri posted in, this was the new one started a few months ago.

    and yes, it's perfecty fine to start a new thread
    Are you able to change the little character in the first post? I didn't choose anything, but it came up with Vala

    Lovebar made by natz099
    My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


      weir's on there now, and i didn't do it. so someone else did or you chose her to begin with
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        Originally posted by Skydiver
        weir's on there now, and i didn't do it. so someone else did or you chose her to begin with
        Thanks Skydiver It was me actually! My mouse has a random habit of clicking and scrolling even when I don't have my hand on it. I swear it's possessed.

        Thanks again

        Lovebar made by natz099
        My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


          This might seem like a silly question as I have tried to figure it out myself but how do you give a reputation? I have read several posts I want to green and can't figure out how.
          Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
          "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
          Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


            i hope this is the right thread to ask

            whats it like being a moderator of a website like this, surely it takes more work because its a large fansite too... do you love and enjoy moderating

            just a general question to any moderator around, i love your site its great


              Originally posted by tears of blood
              i hope this is the right thread to ask

              whats it like being a moderator of a website like this, surely it takes more work because its a large fansite too... do you love and enjoy moderating

              just a general question to any moderator around, i love your site its great
              LOL, sure, ask away We don't often get questions about us, they're usually about where to find stuff etc.
              Well, I don't claim to speak for everyone, but I was a member and fan long before I was a mod. I love the site because of the great people I get to talk to, interact with and the awesome friends I've made I don't get to talk much Stargate in my real life, altho a suprising number of fellow fans crawl out of the woodwork once they know I'm a fan
              In terms of work, well, some of it is dealing with the reported post emails which cover everything from the forum being spammed to inappropriate language and links to threads being in the wrong place. Some of it is interacting with fellow members, answering questions or explaining rules. And every so often it involves dealing with the odd person who refuses to respect everyone else.
              As for the main Gateworld site, I personally don't have much to do with content or programming (bar a couple of convention photo galleries) - we leave that tricky stuff up to Darren and David and a couple of others, which leaves us free to talk Stargate with you guys!


                Originally posted by Mitchell82
                This might seem like a silly question as I have tried to figure it out myself but how do you give a reputation? I have read several posts I want to green and can't figure out how.
                Well, this (and many other questions!) are answered in our FAQ

                Basically, click on the scales in the top right corner of any post you want to rep, then check whether you liked or disliked it, add a comment and hit submit Until you've been around a bit your rep points will show up as small grey boxes in the receiver's control panel, and you won't contribute to their rep total. However, most of the fun of rep points is reading the (hopefully nice!) comments (IMHO )


                  If i choose to red somebody can they see that it was me, or do they just have to deal with it?


                    Yes, the person you red rep will see who it was from.
                    We are not the rep police, how and why you choose to red someone is up to you. However, the same rules go for PM's and rep comments that go for the forum as a whole - keep it clean and respectful. If anyone leaves a comment that breaks those rules we can remove it.


                      The forum rules forbid discussing any downloading episodes. Does that include legal sources (e.g. iTunes)?

                      Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


                        Footnote to CeeKay's question - if such downloads (legal) CAN be discussed, can we get an update on the forum rules? Thanks in advance.


                          Thanks for the heads up guys!
                          I wasn't even aware iTunes had added Stargate to their service - about time too!
                          Anyway, for now I think we'll say that yes, discussion or reference to downloading episodes LEGALLY on iTUNES is fine, we want to support the legal dl option as much as possible. However, NO discussion of torrents or other downloading is allowed as it is STILL illegal.

                          Please report any posts that refer to illegal downloads, or anything else in this area that you are not comfortable with.
                          We will update the forum rules shortly

                          Thanks again!


                            I don't know where to post this question. It is not a forum question but deffinitely a Darren question. or was it David?

                            I would like to know how that child of his is doing?


                              Originally posted by greytop
                              I don't know where to post this question. It is not a forum question but deffinitely a Darren question. or was it David?

                              I would like to know how that child of his is doing?
                              It is entirely up to Darren whether he answers this question or not
                              I'm not sure personal questions about family is something he would really want in the open forum...


                                Discussions about legal downloading (iTunes) is more than welcome.

                                Discussions about illegal downloading are welcome, as long as they are kept on a theoretical level. Advocating illegal downloading, talking about your downloading, asking for torrents, telling people where they can find them, etc. is not allowed.

                                Baby Darren is doing fantastic. He's 8 months now, and four teeth. And he's started scooting with reckless abandon, so we'll have to baby-proof soon!
                                GateWorld Podcast - Info - iTunes - Google
                                The Stargate Omnipedia -
                                Stargate Image Gallery -

