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'Incursion, Part 2' (120) General Discussion

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    That was just amazing. The best season finale I've seen in a looong time. It's up there with Galactica's first season finale when Adama got shot. In fact, I think this may just be the best Stargate season finale yet. You heard me, Brian!

    I must watch it again. I simply must.


      Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
      Chloe might be die. Scott, Greer and Young may die as well. And T.J. Might be dead.
      dude she was shoot in the leg and givven that there was no dripping on the floor its safe to say that she'll live
      ofc she did have some bloodloss before eli took care off here leg and when u loose some blood well lets just say ull be tired ALOT and have probs staying conscious

      as far as scott & greer goes well they will survive in some lame and miraculous way done to death ofc

      Originally posted by Utitan View Post
      Young, your my point man on this show but I'm flat out disappointed.
      I sure as hell agree with u on that and i hope they will kill him cause he's the worst leader ive ever seen... i mean how hard is it to push a button and get rid of our headache i sure as hell would have pushed the button as soon as the gate opened up

      McKay: Crap.
      Hermiod: What did you do?
      McKay: I just ran it through a translation program. It's Wraith.
      Hermiod: Crap, indeed.


        Originally posted by hassel View Post
        Yeesh - how many people are just watching the show and enjoying the show and that's all? They're not constantly comparing it to the former shows, constantly nitpicking... I'm starting to think I'm the only damn one.
        Count me in as a second, at least. SGU is good television.

        Originally posted by GenieinaZPM View Post
        I'm not even going to bother comparing this to any other SG's. SGU stands alone. It has a different feel to it (more dramatic, I think - personal opinion). This was an awesome season and an amazing season finale. The cliffhangers are going to drive me insane. October can't come fast enough! I'm going to have to find something else to distract myself until then....not going to be easy. Any suggestions? I've seen ALL of SG-1 (including all the movies) and I'm working on seasons 4-5 of SGA. Need.....MOAR!!!
        I recommend Battlestar Galactica - just make sure you check the ordering beforehand of which seasons and movies come in which order.

        I've heard there's a show called Caprica (spin-off from BSG) but haven't had a chance to watch it yet so I can't comment on that one.

        Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
        Here's a question when the power goes out would that shielded hull breach lose integrity and wouldn't Scott and Greer be able to just go in?
        It would, but Scott and Greer would be dead long before that happened. Even those suits won't be able to save them if Destiny's shield has to struggle to protect the people inside.
        Enjoying SGU. 'Nuff said.


          Originally posted by nano View Post
          I sure as hell agree with u on that and i hope they will kill him cause he's the worst leader ive ever seen... i mean how hard is it to push a button and get rid of our headache i sure as hell would have pushed the button as soon as the gate opened up
          And have the death of a long-time friend on your conscience? I doubt it.

          For that particular situation, at least, I would have done the same as Young.

          Someone also complained about Kiva making a claim for control when they were asking her for access to the damaged hull, saying that it wasn't believable... I beg to differ. She had her one chance to get what she wanted and she took it. She knew that she held that hallway and they wanted it - and that they were literally forced to agree with whatever terms she set if anyone was to survive. She's cold and ruthless, and Young/Camille are not. Kiva knew that and used it to her advantage.
          Enjoying SGU. 'Nuff said.


            I can see Varro stopping the execution. He was sort of nice to TJ, kinda. And can I just add. WWWWWWWWTTTTTTTFFFFFFFFFFF about that whole episode. TOO INTENSE FOR ME!
            Teal'c: "Appearances may be deceiving."
            O'Neill: "One man's ceiling is another man's floor."
            Daniel: "A fool's paradise is a wise man's hell."
            O'Neill: "Never run with...scissors?"


              Originally posted by Azzers View Post
              Well if you can even remember a scene with the man who got shot, I'll give you bonus points.
              He was the guy who was "reading" with Lisa Park in the opening montage of Life. He is also seen in another scene in that episode. Now where's my bonus points, dammit!? I demand green!


                Originally posted by icsteffi View Post
                I can see Varro stopping the execution. He was sort of nice to TJ, kinda. And can I just add. WWWWWWWWTTTTTTTFFFFFFFFFFF about that whole episode. TOO INTENSE FOR ME!
                Its just hard knowing that we are left with so much cliffhangers at once and thats it for some time. I still enjoyed the start of this Series a lot. I think I will stick around for a few more Seasons.

                P.S: Lost all my money on Franklin, well..... would have been cool.
                Fuzzy Wuzzy wasnt old,
                Fuzzy Wuzzy gotten bald
                There was Fuzzy no more Wuzzy


                  Originally posted by Stranded View Post
                  And have the death of a long-time friend on your conscience? I doubt it.

                  For that particular situation, at least, I would have done the same as Young.

                  Someone also complained about Kiva making a claim for control when they were asking her for access to the damaged hull, saying that it wasn't believable... I beg to differ. She had her one chance to get what she wanted and she took it. She knew that she held that hallway and they wanted it - and that they were literally forced to agree with whatever terms she set if anyone was to survive. She's cold and ruthless, and Young/Camille are not. Kiva knew that and used it to her advantage.
                  First the whole situation is utmost ridiculous. Young had more than enough opportunity to get rid off this whole damn thing. His first change was the gateroom. Telford is a soldier enough said about this.

                  Now this ep. No way in hell I would let two of my men go outside. I would demand Kiva to give up one of her own to go help.

                  Why did he surrender his weapons. Can't figure this out he must have never played poker.
                  He is so fixated on bringing everyone home alive and look what happened.
                  The thing is a total mess.

                  The wont kill the military. It's just a cliffhanger drama. Young is in that room also. Enough said.

                  The whole Eli/Cloe thing has just been set up to save the 2 others.... hmmm

                  All this to get new people on board? Sorry but if LA joins the crew this show has lost the little credibility it has left. What is this. Star Trek Voyager 2010 ???


                    Originally posted by EvilSpaceAlien View Post

                    That was just amazing. The best season finale I've seen in a looong time. It's up there with Galactica's first season finale when Adama got shot. In fact, I think this may just be the best Stargate season finale yet. You heard me, Brian!

                    I must watch it again. I simply must.
                    This is one of those agree to disagree moments i was told about in human sciences

                    I headdesked at Young's choices. All the reasons why have been listed, and i just cannot bring myself to comprehend why he'd do anything else. Even O'Neill agreed that Young dropped the ball. Was that some kind of "justifying" that Young isn't a good leader? How'd he become a full bird Colonel if he didn't show good leadership beforehand?

                    The whole situation is contrived and forced. Young's mistake is as bad as "Greedo Shot First". It makes no sense. What i would have MUCH rather seen is point and counterpoint.

                    Young vents the gateroom, there's boobytraps and James and Greer waiting to shoot them in EVA suits.
                    Lots of LA going through, a full expedition worth. First LA group go through and die from asphixiation
                    Second LA group go through with rebreathers, die from getting shot.
                    Third LA group throw flashbangs, confuse James and Greer, go through and start fighting back hardcore. James gets shot and her EVA suit is ruptured, she has to fall back and Greer covers her. They set off booby traps, fourth LA group is wounded.
                    Fifth LA group with Kiva and Telford come through. Kiva executes her wounded men to save them the pain. Continues as episode showed.

                    That would have been much more awesome IMO, and Young would have believably been beaten despite his experience and honest attempt to defend.
                    Originally posted by Apostle's Message Redux
                    Shepard understood. Given the situation, he wasn't sure that exposing the planet to this kind of secret was smart. Miranda had regaled him with stories of how horrible 20th century Earth sounded in her history lessons and it made him leery. "I agree, god knows what would happen if Grunt got loose."

                    Joker snorted and muttered loudly. "Run! It's The Incredible Hulk! Kill it with fire!"
                    Read the story ---- Apostle's Message Redux, ME/SG Crossover


                      Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                      Jelgate's Two Cents

                      If I could describe Incursion Part II in one word it would be speechless. I am totally speechless on the events that unfolded in this episode. Most specifically the ending but we are getting ahead of ourselves. The whole point of season finales in to leave your audience in suspense and just begging for more come the next season of the show. And count me as one of those people. I thought it was a worthy end to this season and all that SGU has brought us. The only downside is that I have to wait until October 5th to see how it plays out. But let’s get started on my last review for awhile.

                      Greer as a medic, it’s hilarious. I mean seriously the last thing you would see is Greer having the right mindset to conduct medical first aid. But besides that it was completely predictable. You knew the two would raise gun as they made a tradeoff. I kind of saw it coming and given the nature of TV I pretty much knew Young would fail miserably in whatever he was trying to do when he gave those medical supplies to Kiva. Speaking of Kiva she sure is cold. Just walking into the gateroom and shooting that soldier because she was angry. I have said it before and I will say it again you have to be a cold person to show absolutely no emotion when you kill someone like that. Its mind blowing.

                      The scenes with TJ caring with medical aid to wounded of the Lucian Alliance and soldier kind of dragged on. I understand the point of showing a kind and compassionate TJ and showing her trying to help those live on but it got a little dull after awhile. It seemed to serve no purpose but to prolong the episode and to show that one Lucian Alliance showing compassion to TJ. But you don’t need so many scenes to show that

                      Now I’m a Nuclear Medicine major at my university so I know what Brody said about the gamma radiation being so deadly to humans. He was so accurate about how gamma radiation is related to X-rays but it’s a TV show so I’ll let it slide. But I don’t know how accurate the part about the binary pulsar emitting that type of radiation is. I’ll have to consult my physics advisor on this. Anyway if that’s true it’s a pretty ingenious way to up the ante of the episode if you will. Not only do we have two groups fighting for control of Destiny but we also have a piece of “space matter” that wants to kill us. It makes it more dire and makes Kiva more cold and interesting

                      I have to credit to Wray on this one. I’m one the first to call her annoying and other things I’m not allowed to say here. But I take credit for the courage it took what she did arranging the prisoner exchange and going in there full well Kiva wouldn’t keep her end of the bargain. We all knew that was going to happen. Enough watching of SG1 has shown that the villain never is far to us. But making one of the prisoners exchanged a dead corpse is just plain sick and disgusting. That why I love it.

                      We should break for a second to talk about Eli and Chloe. Okay granted I’m not a huge shipper when it comes to these things. I tend to take it or leave it when it comes to these things because in the past Stargate series the writers have shown to me that writing ships is not their specialty. But I thought it was a shocker among other things. First of all at first I thought this would be Chloe whining about having no friends again like in Earth and I really did feel like seeing that again. However I was pleased to see her acknowledge that Eli is really a friend and not that dreaded friend zone girls sometimes put guys in. You people know who you are. But what really shocked me more then anything was that Chloe knew all along that Eli had a crush on her all along. I sure haters are probably going to bring out names for this but I think it shows a tender moments between the two in it really tries to show despite all this friction that there is a part of her that cares about Eli. Just a lot different then how she cares about Scott.

                      Okay now we can return to the action. This is Universe at its best. This show comes with a realistic solution for a problem (i.e. the pulsar) without coming up with something so out there it makes no sense. I’m looking at you Atlantis. The notion of collapsing the shield area to get more energy to engage the FTL drive makes so much logical sense that I applaud Mallozzi for making it sound good. But as always there has to be difficulty in arranging this plan. I was a little baffled that Wray (and Young) agreed to so much in exchange to be let over to correct the pulsar. Yes they had little time and yes Rush/Telford had a plan to gain control of the ship again its still quite a risk to make to give up so much. It’s like playing with fire. Speaking of Telford that scene where Kiva comes behind him when he is transferring command back to Rush and they both kill each other. That was quite intense but I guess that’s the point of season finale as I said before. Everyone needs to be put in jeopardy including your big recurring actors.

                      I know I said you want to be suspenseful and have you audience begging for more at the cliffhangers of season finales but that is too much. I’m just jaw dropping at everything is going on. We have a Lucian Alliance soldier shoot up the room leaving TJ for dead. We have Chloe passed out from what I can only guess is internal bleeding. We have Eli rushing to an airlock to save Scott and Greer who are about to die from a pulsar on the hull. And then the biggest draw dropping is the enraged Lucian Alliance 2IC gathering up all the military personnel including Young and is about to shoot them. Rush seems to be the only safe one in his console chair. I think it’s just cruel to make us this suspenseful for 3 months.
                      GREAT review! couldn't give green for some reason but i tried!!
                      Sig Created by Lovley Lahela!


                        Great episode. I'm watching it again as we speak.

                        I liked the scene where Young couldn't barely contain his anger after Rivers was killed .. You could see that the death really meant a lot to him. Just when he did start compose himself, Rush had to say "If anyone had to die...". Wow.

                        Lisa Parks "Don't yell.... we don't know yet" line was another nice moment. I like it when the ancillary characters have more to do than just give information.

                        Greer's "Well you need to learn" line is just another example why I like it every time the man speaks.

                        I love the shot of Greer & Scott at the shield relay thing with one of the arms of the Destiny arcing out of the picture.

                        The only question (well not THE only) I have is: Where was James at the end? She didn't appear to be in the room with the military when the LA team entered and put them on their knees. She was clearly in combat uniform when they surrendered so she wouldn't have been confused for a civilian.

                        The episode ended with me yearning for a conclusion. The cliffhanger was intense and had me cursing that I have to wait 4 months for a conclusion.


                          Young is a bad commander. He cannot be a SG Leader. He screwed up again.

                          I think Telford, Kiva and TJ will be dead in s02xe01.
                          Nou ani Anquietas


                            TJ will be ok, her baby won't
                            Stolen Kosovo


                              Originally posted by janus4ever View Post
                              Young is a bad commander. He cannot be a SG Leader. He screwed up again.
                              Why couldn't he? Do we have to bring up the numerous historical examples of military leaders in senior positions or in charge of elite units who have screwed up immensely?

                              As for the episode, it was good. Comparing it to the other shows season 1 finales, it was a tad better than SG1's (while that episode was exciting there was no suspense in the cliff hanger, you knew earth wasn't going to get destroyed and with sg1 all in the same room you knew they weren't all going to die) but the Siege still edges over Inursion for me. Nevertheless Incursion as a whole was an exciting and tense ep with a great cliffhanger.

                              Glad as well that TJ got her abortion. Yes dead babies make me happy. They got lumbered with the storyline but while we can be uncertain about TJ's fate, that baby certainly hasn't survived. Good because it would have been a rehash of the Teyla baby storyline.

                              Oh and I hope that broken look on Young' face mans he's about to go ax crazy on everyone.


                                Originally posted by Aragon101 View Post
                                This is one of those agree to disagree moments i was told about in human sciences

                                I headdesked at Young's choices. All the reasons why have been listed, and i just cannot bring myself to comprehend why he'd do anything else. Even O'Neill agreed that Young dropped the ball. Was that some kind of "justifying" that Young isn't a good leader? How'd he become a full bird Colonel if he didn't show good leadership beforehand?

                                The whole situation is contrived and forced. Young's mistake is as bad as "Greedo Shot First". It makes no sense. What i would have MUCH rather seen is point and counterpoint.

                                Young vents the gateroom, there's boobytraps and James and Greer waiting to shoot them in EVA suits.
                                Lots of LA going through, a full expedition worth. First LA group go through and die from asphixiation
                                Second LA group go through with rebreathers, die from getting shot.
                                Third LA group throw flashbangs, confuse James and Greer, go through and start fighting back hardcore. James gets shot and her EVA suit is ruptured, she has to fall back and Greer covers her. They set off booby traps, fourth LA group is wounded.
                                Fifth LA group with Kiva and Telford come through. Kiva executes her wounded men to save them the pain. Continues as episode showed.

                                That would have been much more awesome IMO, and Young would have believably been beaten despite his experience and honest attempt to defend.
                                I think that M6P's post makes for a good reply. Yes, Young screwed up, but he's only human and it happens in real life too and that's what makes it believable. Okay, the part with ancient space ships and intergalactic wormhole rings are not very believable, but you get what I'm trying to say.

                                Originally posted by The Mighty 6 platoon View Post
                                Why couldn't he? Do we have to bring up the numerous historical examples of military leaders in senior positions or in charge of elite units who have screwed up immensely?

