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Would you say stargate universe is sci-fi.

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    Originally posted by AdamTM View Post
    Not to mention Earth is barely on the radar of the Culture.
    Its "just another planet with pan-humans".

    That would shock the suits the most, a story where earth and humans from it are insignificant, shocking can’t have that, humans must be special and superior in every scifi movie and tv programme!

    Dont worry, its just the best, greatest, most magnificently written, epic sci-fi universe ever written or conceived by mankind.



      Originally posted by The Mighty 6 platoon View Post
      That would shock the suits the most, a story where earth and humans from it are insignificant, shocking can’t have that, humans must be special and superior in every scifi movie and tv programme!
      The suits would die if you told them that drug-use is totally common and encouraged in the Culture, not to mention you synthesize it in your brain.

      Pop that Crystal Fugue State and get on with it
      Later, AdamTM

      I swear a lot, just take it as my attempt at honesty.

      Stargate Atlantis Unlimited

      Stargate Universe - BSG Style

      Stargate Universe - Monk Style



        Originally posted by AdamTM View Post
        The suits would die if you told them that drug-use is totally common and encouraged in the Culture, not to mention you synthesize it in your brain.

        Pop that Crystal Fugue State and get on with it
        Yes I have to say that I’ve never actually particularly thought I’d enjoy living the future that Banks presents in his works, however it seems very plausible. Noticeably however his protagonists tend not to be the drugged out hedonists that seem to populate much of the Culture.


          Originally posted by The Mighty 6 platoon View Post
          Yes I have to say that I’ve never actually particularly thought I’d enjoy living the future that Banks presents in his works, however it seems very plausible. Noticeably however his protagonists tend not to be the drugged out hedonists that seem to populate much of the Culture.
          Well its not like youre forced to take them, in the Culture everything goes, so im sure there is some "Willful Drug Abstinence Primitivists" club.

          Then again you'd most likely be Special Circumstances

          Id probably be one of those galaxy-exploring college frat-boys.
          Later, AdamTM

          I swear a lot, just take it as my attempt at honesty.

          Stargate Atlantis Unlimited

          Stargate Universe - BSG Style

          Stargate Universe - Monk Style

          SGU SUCKS


            Originally posted by The Mighty 6 platoon View Post
            Yes I have to say that I’ve never actually particularly thought I’d enjoy living the future that Banks presents in his works, however it seems very plausible. Noticeably however his protagonists tend not to be the drugged out hedonists that seem to populate much of the Culture.
            It seems as plausible as my left toe taking over the world, from what i here you talking about. To many unknown variables.

            Now I well leave as you continue you boring discussion
            By Nolamom


              Originally posted by AdamTM View Post
              Well its not like youre forced to take them, in the Culture everything goes, so im sure there is some "Willful Drug Abstinence Primitivists" club.

              Then again you'd most likely be Special Circumstances

              Id probably be one of those galaxy-exploring college frat-boys.
              I dunno the galaxy exploring always sounded like fun to me. I guess I just felt that much of the Culture’s populace where rather dislikeable, but that’s probably more of a comment by Banks on the nature of society than anything else.


                Originally posted by AdamTM View Post

                I dont get anything from watching "real life drama" I got my drama right here, in my own life, thanks but ill pass.

                Im an escapist!
                Thats why i immensely enjoyed SG1 and SGA, it was so positive about things, same with Dr.Who or Star Trek.
                Sure, i like some drama or dystopias once in a while (Blade Runner, BSG, Starhunter) but I much more enjoy the utopias and positive outlooks on future.
                My your god bless you.

                Exactly how I feel about "Stargate: Universe". Exactly.

                Science-fiction that I am accustomed to has a very positive spin on humanity, and it inspires people to think beyond the next corner. Now, that doesn't mean "Stargate: Universe" is a horrible show; however, it does mean that the series is not as imaginatively upbeat as "Star Trek", "Star Wars", and "Stargate: SG-1". You don't learn something about yourself, nor do you learn anything new about the world around you. "Stargate: Universe" is a series based upon 'realism', which is limited to human interaction and human emotions. Instead of learning about other cultures, the pallet used in this series is very narrow and limiting. You are confined to a small box. "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" had a diverse spectrum of alien cultures, so the box they played in was massive in comparison. Both shows were geared towards exploring personal relationships, but only one of them provided a diverse spectrum of alien culture interaction. There is 'currently' no variety in "Stargate: Universe". We are left with modern man/women issues, which can be found in everyday life on Earth. I'm willing to bet that is why this show is boring to many people who like "Stargate: SG-1" and "Star Trek".

                According to what I read about the tenth episode, I believe they are getting ready to add an alien element to the series. If the possible new character looks humanoid, we will be stuck once again with a very human story. Maybe Rush will find the original occupant to the downed craft. Who knows? After the episode airs, I will read up on it through spoilers.

                "Stargate: Universe" needs to embrace alien cultures, new technologies, and an upbeat-positive tone to mirror traditional science-fiction. Even though it does not have those elements, that doesn't mean its not science-fiction. Its a very lighter version of the genera.

                :::ADDED OBSERVATION ABOUT SGU:::
                Since we are currently living in a dark point in human history, people are now looking for that more positive aspect of human life. Science-fiction such as "Star Trek: TOS/TNG" and "Stargate: SG-1" inspired positive ways of thinking, and gave us all an uplifting and optimistic perception of the future. People are trying to find that science-fiction show, which reminds us that humanity has a more bright and uplifting future. Even though we may be living in darker times, humanity has the potential to do wondrous and extraordinary things.

                "Stargate: Universe" might have come out at the wrong time; thus, adding to the heat that it has been getting from the franchise and science-fiction loyalists. Since science-fiction has always been about lifting our spirits, during dark periods of history, "Stargate: Universe's" tone doesn't echo the impact "Star Trek: TOS" had during the Cold War.
                Last edited by Col. Tomorian; 11 December 2009, 08:25 AM.


                  Originally posted by Col. Tomorian View Post
                  "Stargate: Universe" needs to embrace alien cultures, new technologies, and an upbeat-positive tone to mirror traditional science-fiction. Even though it does not have those elements, that doesn't mean its not science-fiction. Its a very lighter version of the genera.
                  I really disagree with this comment, a browse through this thread brings up plenty of examples of "traditional" science-fiction that neither embraces alien cultures or new technologies, nor has an upbeat-positive tone. SGU only needs to embrace these things if it wishes to mirror the type of sci-fi epitomised by Star Trek and it's ilk, which i'm fairly certain the writers have already stated is not their intention.


                    I would have thought traditional science fiction would be along the lines of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein or The Last Man, which pioneered the genre. Frankenstein is not an upbeat novel.


                      Originally posted by Krazeh View Post
                      I really disagree with this comment, a browse through this thread brings up plenty of examples of "traditional" science-fiction that neither embraces alien cultures or new technologies, nor has an upbeat-positive tone. SGU only needs to embrace these things if it wishes to mirror the type of sci-fi epitomised by Star Trek and it's ilk, which i'm fairly certain the writers have already stated is not their intention.
                      SGU bringing back the old school pre-popcorn Sci-Fi? I wonder...

                      I think they're going for the edgy drama stuff that gets shown on TV these days, with a sci-fi background and plot elements (A bit like the old school - "traditional" - science fiction).
                      ~ When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take back the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! WITH THE LEMONS! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that BURNS YOUR HOUSE DOWN! ~

                      ~ Burning people! He says what we're all thinking! ~


                        Originally posted by MattSilver 3k View Post
                        SGU bringing back the old school pre-popcorn Sci-Fi? I wonder...

                        I think they're going for the edgy drama stuff that gets shown on TV these days, with a sci-fi background and plot elements (A bit like the old school - "traditional" - science fiction).
                        Well, i actually think some of the "darker" sci-fi stories are actually at the same time up-beat (im excluding I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream, Stardiaries of Captain Prix and consorts, they are non the less interesting).

                        Its not really a thing of happy-endings, more of i like to see the struggle to lead somewhere. You know, like i want the protagonists to overcome the hardships, not bathe in them.

                        For example id like the crew on SGU actually overcome some hardships, so you get that feeling "yeah, theres hope for humanity!"
                        Also i want them to overcome those obstacles by themselves, and not by chance (like in Time )

                        Make the drama matter, dont make it just a report of peoples issues, show some resolution.

                        Thats what "classic" sci-fi is about imo.
                        Later, AdamTM

                        I swear a lot, just take it as my attempt at honesty.

                        Stargate Atlantis Unlimited

                        Stargate Universe - BSG Style

                        Stargate Universe - Monk Style

                        SGU SUCKS


                          Originally posted by Avenger View Post
                          Stop trying to pass off your opinion on what is entertaining as a fact.
                          OMG did I just post an opinion, wow I thought we were allowed to do that, everything everyone posts here is an opinion of sorts, so I'm as entitled as you, without someone tacking a snard remark on the end.
                          My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
                          sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


                            Originally posted by The Mighty 6 platoon View Post
                            SGU is not genuine scifi because it deals with realistic issues? What about scifi films like Gattaca, District 9 and Moon to name a few. These deal with realistic issues, for instance District 9 deals with racism, apartheid, immigration, while Moon looks at issues like how humans react to being totally isolated. These films are most definitely scifi.

                            Hell your entire post is rubbish imo. I happen to like a lot of classic tv shows, some of the best remembered and best loved shows from the 70’s and 80’s were those that broke the mould from the cheesy rubbish that was so prevalent back then. Miami Vice dealt very realistically with the harshness of the Miami underworld and showed the effects of drugs and violence, Magnum PI went into great detail about the problems many Vietnam vets had reintegrating into society, The Sweeny dealt frankly with London crime and the Police’s brutal response over it.

                            As for sg1 and sga one of the things I like about them is they frequently weren’t always over the top and unrealistic. It was present day people, there was no “prime directive” rubbish, people acted believably often and the show dealt with a wide range of issues, covering religion, faith, whether false belief systems should be left in place, they looked at politics, how much civilian oversight should be given to top secret projects, the heartbreak at taking casualties, the ethics of war and science, there are many examples. I think some people seem to have the most rose tinted spectacles, sg1 and sga were hardly the A Team in space. The reason why I looked forward to sgu and now thoroughly enjoy it, is because I think it’s the logical extension of the franchise, developing the previous shows ability to look at realistic issues.

                            I think it’s a very blinkered view to think that scifi, or entertainment in general should be restricted to a gurning unrealistic mush in common with shows like the A Team or Saturday morning cartoons. I want my entertainment to challenge me, to make me think and part of the joy of scifi is that it can do this, indeed literary scifi is ahead of every other media format, when the best tv shows and movies could put forward were Buck Rogers and Star Wars authors like Arthur C Clarke, Heinlein, Asimov, and Frank Herbert to name a few had written scores, if not hundreds of stories that explored realistic issues in a scifi setting.
                            Crikey mate don't get your knickers in a not, and god if my entire post was rubbish, then your entire waste of time posting the above is the most appalling claptrap I've ever seen, but hey that's just my opinion
                            My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
                            sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


                              Originally posted by puddlejumperOZ View Post
                              Crikey mate don't get your knickers in a not, and god if my entire post was rubbish, then your entire waste of time posting the above is the most appalling claptrap I've ever seen, but hey that's just my opinion
                              Wow that's a mature way to answer to an opposing argument!
                              ~ When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take back the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! WITH THE LEMONS! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that BURNS YOUR HOUSE DOWN! ~

                              ~ Burning people! He says what we're all thinking! ~


                                Originally posted by puddlejumperOZ View Post
                                Crikey mate don't get your knickers in a not, and god if my entire post was rubbish, then your entire waste of time posting the above is the most appalling claptrap I've ever seen, but hey that's just my opinion
                                Gee, why not ignore my post and the difficult questions for you it poses, and why not focus on semantics. If I didn’t disagree with you and think you were talking sense it wouldn’t make much sense for me to post an opposing argument would it?

