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"Stargate Universe" Discussion/Speculation (Spoilers)

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    Originally posted by jelgate View Post
    What is your point? Each show is different even within franchises. The stories on SGA were different then SG1 and as a result the character have different standards and qualities that define the show and maybe what is good enough on one show isn't enough for another.
    My point is crystal clear.

    Originally posted by kirmit View Post
    A major complaint by fans was this character shield that seemed to make the main characters impervius to death, taking that away is great in my opinion, makes the show far less predictable.
    And far more expendable, especially if the writing is subpar and uninteresting.


      Originally posted by sblade View Post
      Tell that to RDA, Michael Shanks, Amanda Tapping, Chris Judge and most SG-1 actors. want them dead?

      Oh wait, that makes them expendable, and thus reflects bad writing.

      What exactly is your point? I don't think it's as crystal clear as you think it is. If TPTB don't kill characters, you throw it back in their faces saying that they're favoring them; if they do kill characters, you say that's bad writing. What?
      Last edited by PG15; 03 June 2009, 01:49 PM.


        Originally posted by sblade View Post
        And far more expendable, especially if the writing is subpar and uninteresting.
        Absolutely. For those of us who continue to watch because of certain characters and despite the drop off in writing quality, it just makes it all that much easier to walk away from the show.

        If they're planning on haing more dsposable characters then they'd better sharpen up their writing skills considerably IMO.


          Originally posted by Cautious Explorer View Post
          Absolutely. For those of us who continue to watch because of certain characters and despite the drop off in writing quality, it just makes it all that much easier to walk away from the show.

          If they're planning on haing more dsposable characters then they'd better sharpen up their writing skills considerably IMO.
          That is the goal they are aiming for with SGU.

          There are no regrets. Thank you Brad Wright and everyone else for SGU,
          and the amazing Stargate franchise in general.


            Originally posted by :Orion Coran: View Post
            That is the goal they are aiming for with SGU.
            Which? More disposable characters or sharper writing?


              Both, I guess.


              Universe has such great scripts that even non SCIFI people will want to watch it. Including me. And no.....I don't have to say that because it's my job, I'm just sayin' it cuz it's true!!



                #14 is the Rush-centered freelance script that Rob will eventually jump on (as he’ll be assuming directing duties on this one). Marty G. is still working on the outline for #15. #16 is another freelancer script and, after much discussion, we’ve finally hammered out a structure for the story. #17 is the Rob-pitched idea that sounds like a story right up Brad’s alley. Still awaiting word on who’ll be doing the honors on this one. Carl steps into the #18 slot with the story we just discussed today. This one looks like it’s going to be a lot of fun and Carl is looking forward to it. Finally, Paul and I are going to start thinking about #19 and #20 as it now looks like we’ll be the ones to put the capper on SGU’s inaugural season.

                Yesterday, we all gathered in the writers’ room to watch the opening credits to the premiere – and, more importantly, listen to Joel Goldsmith’s incredible score. An awe-inspiring effort by Mr. Goldsmith coupled with some kick-ass impressive visuals make for a stirring opening. Hey, Joel, if you‘re reading this – and chances are you just might be – congratulations and well done. Brian, David, and Louis were there to check it out as well and loved it too. Terrific.


                  I don't know if anyone was watching Stargate: Continuum tonight on Sci Fi, but they showed a new 'sneak peek' at SGU. This time it was the actors giving us an insight of what the series is about PLUS it showed a scene from Air, Part III with the group walking across the White Sands.

                  It was pretty nice.

                  There are no regrets. Thank you Brad Wright and everyone else for SGU,
                  and the amazing Stargate franchise in general.


                    Originally posted by :Orion Coran: View Post
                    I don't know if anyone was watching Stargate: Continuum tonight on Sci Fi, but they showed a new 'sneak peek' at SGU. This time it was the actors giving us an insight of what the series is about PLUS it showed a scene from Air, Part III with the group walking across the White Sands.

                    It was pretty nice.
                    I feel like I missed out on something.

                    I guess I'll wait for the YouTube crowd to upload it because you know it will happen
                    Originally posted by aretood2
                    Jelgate is right


                      Originally posted by :Orion Coran: View Post
                      I don't know if anyone was watching Stargate: Continuum tonight on Sci Fi, but they showed a new 'sneak peek' at SGU. This time it was the actors giving us an insight of what the series is about PLUS it showed a scene from Air, Part III with the group walking across the White Sands.

                      It was pretty nice.
                      Ah yes, just when you thought it was safe to assume that SciFi has forgotten about SGU, this happens.

                      Life is never dull around here.
                      Last edited by PG15; 04 June 2009, 06:55 PM.


                        Originally posted by :Orion Coran: View Post
                        I don't know if anyone was watching Stargate: Continuum tonight on Sci Fi, but they showed a new 'sneak peek' at SGU. This time it was the actors giving us an insight of what the series is about PLUS it showed a scene from Air, Part III with the group walking across the White Sands.

                        It was pretty nice.
                        Yep. Had some other stuff in it as well. definitely seems more realistic. No more CG worlds hopefully.
                        Never, never, never believe any war will be smooth or easy...

                        ... or that any man can measure the tides and hurricanes he will
                        encounter on the strange journey.


                        2 Cor. 10:3-5
                        3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
                        4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; )
                        5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;


                          More details PLZ.


                            What I want to know is, why was there no countdown on the widget??? I didn't even know I was supposed to be getting excited



                              Hey, everybody! It’s time to play “Guess the Upcoming Episode Names!”

                              Episode #14 shares a title with a song by God Module.

                              Episode #15 shares a title with a song by The Beastie Boys.

                              Episode #16 shares a title with a song by Coldplay.

                              Another round of clues tomorrow. In the meantime, knock yourselves out.

                              Well, damn. Even though we’re a couple of weeks away from the beginning of summer, you wouldn’t know it by the beautiful weather. Sunny and HOT! At lunch, the circus is transformed into party central with the actors and crew members lounging outside the trailers, chatting, laughing, and listening to the booming tunes compliments of Mr. Robert Carlyle. It’s like Woodstock North, a laidback and fun atmosphere. I bet if Jason Momoa were around, he’d have his guitar out and be strumming right along. At least actress Elyse Levesque got to cool off in the dunk tank.

                              Alaina Huffman (aka. Tamara Johansen) and Julia Anderson (aka. Vanessa James). HOT DAMN.



                                Let's see....

                                Episode 14: Silence
                                Episode 15: Sabotage
                                Episode 16: Trouble (?)
                                "Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence."
                                DS9 Superior|Farscape|Legend of the Seeker|Stargate Universe|STAR WARS

