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"Stargate Universe" Discussion/Speculation (Spoilers)

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    Originally posted by jelgate View Post
    Will the computer be named the Big Mac? I know that was bad but I couldn't resist.
    Wish you had.

    IMHO, I think the Sergeant thing is true. Either way, we know he knows about that issue. Also, we know that some of the name changes in the list is true as well.


      The audition sides for Col Collins reveal a whole lot of spoilers, so if you don’t want to know, STOP HERE!


      A lot of the story is told in flashback, which makes putting together the order of events rather confusing, so keep that in mind when you read this interpretation:

      SETTINGS: Icarus Base is the off-world base that houses the project researching the 9th chevron. Solutions has referred to this project as the Ninth Chevron Project in previous reports. Creative consultant Joseph Mallozzi mentioned the two main sets for the show recently in his weblog, “Another visit to the Destiny in Stage 4 and the Icarus Base in Stage 5 shows the sets are coming along nicely. The ship interiors are particularly impressive.”

      AIR (2-part premiere) (Final Draft):

      Previous spoilers indicated that Col. Everett Young (Justin Louis) was in temporary command of the Icarus Base. Apparently, the intended permanent commander is Col. Collins. Collins is in the Base to meet the visiting IOA (Camille Wray, not yet cast) and US government civilian authorities (Senator Hamilton [Walker?] and Chloe, not yet cast) when the Base comes under attack.

      Collins, though, ends up on the Daedalus (The audition sides originally called for Col. Steven Caldwell to be present, but Collins was given Caldwell’s part in this one scene. Whether or not the ship remains the Deadalus or is a different Deadalus-class ship remains to be seen.) He is protecting the Icarus Base during this attack. Their immediate guess is that it is the Lucian Alliance who is attacking them, but that isn’t certain because the attackers hadn’t identified themselves. The Daedalus is up against at least three Goa’uld motherships, a troop transport, and a squadron of death gliders.

      Young and his team man the Icarus Base battlement, which has several rail guns pointed toward the sky, while Collins leads his F-302 squadron in space. Unfortunately, the transport and several gliders get by in the space battle and head for the Base. Collins, in his 302, targets the transport, but is unable to stop it from landing. At least a thousand troops begin to exit the transport and march toward the Base. Collins radios Young to let him know that they are about to be overrun. At this point, Collins commands that all the people on the Base evacuate to Earth and that they’ll rendezvous there.

      Apparently, this attack happens around the same time that Dr. Nicholas Rush (Robert Carlyle) and Eli Wallace (David Blue) are trying to figure out what the 9th chevron is supposed to be. They’ve had the eight symbols for quite some time (it took two years to find the correct properties for the site of the Icarus Base), but the Point of Origin, or 9th chevron, remained an unknown. Rush believes the 9th chevron should be the one used for the Base, but Eli asserts that the 9th chevron should be Earth’s symbol because all of the symbols on the Stargate are the constellations as seen from Earth. Rush argues that the only viable power source that they found that could power the dialing of the 9th chevron is located on the planet that they’re on, not on Earth. Somehow, the results of this experiment and the sudden attack lead the entire base to evacuate to the Destiny rather than to Earth.

      AIR PART 3 (Revised Writer’s Draft):

      Collins is back on Earth and swaps bodies with Young via an Ancient communications stone, located in a communications lab at a Homeworld Security facility. There are guards standing nearby, and a person named Park is with Collins. The communications lab had previously interacted with Rush, who is stranded on the Destiny like Young is. Lieutenant Tamara Jon (”TJ”, formerly ranked at captain in the breakdowns) takes Collins and Park on a tour of the Destiny while they’re in Young’s and someone else’s bodies. Apparently, Young’s body was injured (possibly during the evacuation), but Collins insists on staying with his crew to help them in their situation, no matter how much pain he’s in.

      Young, in Collin’s body back on Earth, is escorted to a low rent neighborhood apartment building. The reason for his visit there is not known, but he’s being escorted by Major Peterson, who is also acting as a liaison. They are there to meet a woman. (This scenario sounds very similar to that of Michael Smith’s in the previously-published audition sides and may be a rewrite. Smith visits his wife to tell her about his situation, but that he’ll do everything to get back home. Emily’s reaction indicates that she resents his secret assignment and is not going to wait for him.)

      The stranded crew aboard the Destiny are desperately seeking a way to fix their air scrubbing system. They’ve sent a team to a desert planet to find lime, apparently an active ingredient in the compound the Ancients used. It is also possible that they are looking for an inhabitable new home if they can’t get the Destiny fixed.

      The drafts used in the auditions don’t necessarily reflect the actual story, so spoilers are extremely subject to change as the episodes are in production.


        Originally posted by PG15 View Post
        IMHO, I think the Sergeant thing is true. Either way, we know he knows about that issue. .
        Tamara's rank has been debated in the topic - Why on earth is Captain Tamara Jon an 'inexperienced' medic?

        A number of Stargate fans who are in the military were irritated by her being a Captain when, by rights, she should be a Sergeant. One of them went to JM's blog to point it out.

        Even though I wouldn't have known it was an error I can understand why fans in the military were irritated. I'd be irritated if we had a story which was supposed to be set in England and we saw everyone driving on what, for us, is the 'wrong' side of the road.


          Originally posted by Madwelshboy View Post
          The audition sides for Col Collins reveal a whole lot of spoilers, so if you don’t want to know, STOP HERE!


          A lot of the story is told in flashback, which makes putting together the order of events rather confusing, so keep that in mind when you read this interpretation:

          SETTINGS: Icarus Base is the off-world base that houses the project researching the 9th chevron. Solutions has referred to this project as the Ninth Chevron Project in previous reports. Creative consultant Joseph Mallozzi mentioned the two main sets for the show recently in his weblog, “Another visit to the Destiny in Stage 4 and the Icarus Base in Stage 5 shows the sets are coming along nicely. The ship interiors are particularly impressive.”

          AIR (2-part premiere) (Final Draft):

          Previous spoilers indicated that Col. Everett Young (Justin Louis) was in temporary command of the Icarus Base. Apparently, the intended permanent commander is Col. Collins. Collins is in the Base to meet the visiting IOA (Camille Wray, not yet cast) and US government civilian authorities (Senator Hamilton [Walker?] and Chloe, not yet cast) when the Base comes under attack.

          Collins, though, ends up on the Daedalus (The audition sides originally called for Col. Steven Caldwell to be present, but Collins was given Caldwell’s part in this one scene. Whether or not the ship remains the Deadalus or is a different Deadalus-class ship remains to be seen.) He is protecting the Icarus Base during this attack. Their immediate guess is that it is the Lucian Alliance who is attacking them, but that isn’t certain because the attackers hadn’t identified themselves. The Daedalus is up against at least three Goa’uld motherships, a troop transport, and a squadron of death gliders.

          Young and his team man the Icarus Base battlement, which has several rail guns pointed toward the sky, while Collins leads his F-302 squadron in space. Unfortunately, the transport and several gliders get by in the space battle and head for the Base. Collins, in his 302, targets the transport, but is unable to stop it from landing. At least a thousand troops begin to exit the transport and march toward the Base. Collins radios Young to let him know that they are about to be overrun. At this point, Collins commands that all the people on the Base evacuate to Earth and that they’ll rendezvous there.

          Apparently, this attack happens around the same time that Dr. Nicholas Rush (Robert Carlyle) and Eli Wallace (David Blue) are trying to figure out what the 9th chevron is supposed to be. They’ve had the eight symbols for quite some time (it took two years to find the correct properties for the site of the Icarus Base), but the Point of Origin, or 9th chevron, remained an unknown. Rush believes the 9th chevron should be the one used for the Base, but Eli asserts that the 9th chevron should be Earth’s symbol because all of the symbols on the Stargate are the constellations as seen from Earth. Rush argues that the only viable power source that they found that could power the dialing of the 9th chevron is located on the planet that they’re on, not on Earth. Somehow, the results of this experiment and the sudden attack lead the entire base to evacuate to the Destiny rather than to Earth.

          AIR PART 3 (Revised Writer’s Draft):

          Collins is back on Earth and swaps bodies with Young via an Ancient communications stone, located in a communications lab at a Homeworld Security facility. There are guards standing nearby, and a person named Park is with Collins. The communications lab had previously interacted with Rush, who is stranded on the Destiny like Young is. Lieutenant Tamara Jon (”TJ”, formerly ranked at captain in the breakdowns) takes Collins and Park on a tour of the Destiny while they’re in Young’s and someone else’s bodies. Apparently, Young’s body was injured (possibly during the evacuation), but Collins insists on staying with his crew to help them in their situation, no matter how much pain he’s in.

          Young, in Collin’s body back on Earth, is escorted to a low rent neighborhood apartment building. The reason for his visit there is not known, but he’s being escorted by Major Peterson, who is also acting as a liaison. They are there to meet a woman. (This scenario sounds very similar to that of Michael Smith’s in the previously-published audition sides and may be a rewrite. Smith visits his wife to tell her about his situation, but that he’ll do everything to get back home. Emily’s reaction indicates that she resents his secret assignment and is not going to wait for him.)

          The stranded crew aboard the Destiny are desperately seeking a way to fix their air scrubbing system. They’ve sent a team to a desert planet to find lime, apparently an active ingredient in the compound the Ancients used. It is also possible that they are looking for an inhabitable new home if they can’t get the Destiny fixed.

          The drafts used in the auditions don’t necessarily reflect the actual story, so spoilers are extremely subject to change as the episodes are in production.

          Wow, I like what I read so far...

          Follow me on twitter:


            Originally posted by StarCapnRa View Post
            Ooo! Now THERE'S a thought! Apart from the Asgard and the Wraith, we haven't encountered any non-human aliens - and both of those are seemingly human. Why not have a non-human derived alien?

            Like a super intelligent meerkat?!

            (THIS is what happens when someone ~like myself~ actually takes a joke seriously.)
            (Not a pretty sight, is it?)
            Super intelligent meerkat?

            I'm thinking Furlings... a little like Ewoks!! Now that would be something!!!
            Spoilers For Brainstorm below


            Banner made by ME

            Shipper of the AWESOMENESS that is McKeller!

            Dr. Rodney McKay... he does a body good!


              Originally posted by Madwelshboy View Post
              The audition sides for Col Collins reveal a whole lot of spoilers, so if you don’t want to know, STOP HERE!
              Did I read that right? Goa'uld motherships and death gliders? Oh mother of god I hope that means the return of the Goa'uld. That would kick so much ass. I love those guys.


                The five of us - Brad, Robert, Carl, Paul, and myself - spent the morning going over the show’s arcs and relationships, character motivations and developments, and the evolution of an organized social structure aboard the ship. We discussed the need to resist the temptation to wrap up every storyline with a neat little bow and, instead, look to lay the foundation for coming events. We also focused on backstory and the sometimes surprising history of some of our characters.

                After lunch, we screened some auditions: Beckers, Franklins, and Wrays. The feeling is we’ll finally be pulling the trigger on Chloe early next week.


                PG15 writes: “So the rank/medic thing for Tamara’s worked out, what about that “Sr. Sergeant” rank for Stasiak/Greer? That rank doesn’t exist. What is up with that?”

                Answer: That was an oversight on the character breakdown.
                The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                  Originally posted by Madwelshboy View Post
                  The audition sides for Col Collins reveal a whole lot of spoilers, so if you don’t want to know, STOP HERE!


                  A lot of the story is told in flashback, which makes putting together the order of events rather confusing, so keep that in mind when you read this interpretation:

                  SETTINGS: Icarus Base is the off-world base that houses the project researching the 9th chevron. Solutions has referred to this project as the Ninth Chevron Project in previous reports. Creative consultant Joseph Mallozzi mentioned the two main sets for the show recently in his weblog, “Another visit to the Destiny in Stage 4 and the Icarus Base in Stage 5 shows the sets are coming along nicely. The ship interiors are particularly impressive.”

                  AIR (2-part premiere) (Final Draft):

                  Previous spoilers indicated that Col. Everett Young (Justin Louis) was in temporary command of the Icarus Base. Apparently, the intended permanent commander is Col. Collins. Collins is in the Base to meet the visiting IOA (Camille Wray, not yet cast) and US government civilian authorities (Senator Hamilton [Walker?] and Chloe, not yet cast) when the Base comes under attack.

                  Collins, though, ends up on the Daedalus (The audition sides originally called for Col. Steven Caldwell to be present, but Collins was given Caldwell’s part in this one scene. Whether or not the ship remains the Deadalus or is a different Deadalus-class ship remains to be seen.) He is protecting the Icarus Base during this attack. Their immediate guess is that it is the Lucian Alliance who is attacking them, but that isn’t certain because the attackers hadn’t identified themselves. The Daedalus is up against at least three Goa’uld motherships, a troop transport, and a squadron of death gliders.

                  Young and his team man the Icarus Base battlement, which has several rail guns pointed toward the sky, while Collins leads his F-302 squadron in space. Unfortunately, the transport and several gliders get by in the space battle and head for the Base. Collins, in his 302, targets the transport, but is unable to stop it from landing. At least a thousand troops begin to exit the transport and march toward the Base. Collins radios Young to let him know that they are about to be overrun. At this point, Collins commands that all the people on the Base evacuate to Earth and that they’ll rendezvous there.

                  Apparently, this attack happens around the same time that Dr. Nicholas Rush (Robert Carlyle) and Eli Wallace (David Blue) are trying to figure out what the 9th chevron is supposed to be. They’ve had the eight symbols for quite some time (it took two years to find the correct properties for the site of the Icarus Base), but the Point of Origin, or 9th chevron, remained an unknown. Rush believes the 9th chevron should be the one used for the Base, but Eli asserts that the 9th chevron should be Earth’s symbol because all of the symbols on the Stargate are the constellations as seen from Earth. Rush argues that the only viable power source that they found that could power the dialing of the 9th chevron is located on the planet that they’re on, not on Earth. Somehow, the results of this experiment and the sudden attack lead the entire base to evacuate to the Destiny rather than to Earth.

                  AIR PART 3 (Revised Writer’s Draft):

                  Collins is back on Earth and swaps bodies with Young via an Ancient communications stone, located in a communications lab at a Homeworld Security facility. There are guards standing nearby, and a person named Park is with Collins. The communications lab had previously interacted with Rush, who is stranded on the Destiny like Young is. Lieutenant Tamara Jon (”TJ”, formerly ranked at captain in the breakdowns) takes Collins and Park on a tour of the Destiny while they’re in Young’s and someone else’s bodies. Apparently, Young’s body was injured (possibly during the evacuation), but Collins insists on staying with his crew to help them in their situation, no matter how much pain he’s in.

                  Young, in Collin’s body back on Earth, is escorted to a low rent neighborhood apartment building. The reason for his visit there is not known, but he’s being escorted by Major Peterson, who is also acting as a liaison. They are there to meet a woman. (This scenario sounds very similar to that of Michael Smith’s in the previously-published audition sides and may be a rewrite. Smith visits his wife to tell her about his situation, but that he’ll do everything to get back home. Emily’s reaction indicates that she resents his secret assignment and is not going to wait for him.)

                  The stranded crew aboard the Destiny are desperately seeking a way to fix their air scrubbing system. They’ve sent a team to a desert planet to find lime, apparently an active ingredient in the compound the Ancients used. It is also possible that they are looking for an inhabitable new home if they can’t get the Destiny fixed.

                  The drafts used in the auditions don’t necessarily reflect the actual story, so spoilers are extremely subject to change as the episodes are in production.


                  As these are "sides," these may not be necessarily scripts from Stargate Universe.

                  They could be "sides" from leftover scripts from SG1 and SGA.

                  SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
                  SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
                  Morjana's Blog Twitter


                    What does that mean? Chloe is gonna get killed?

                    Seriously though, it probably means they'll sign a contract for the actress playing her. And then we'll know who it is. And then I'll say she's hawt.

                    And then certain people will roll their eyes at me for saying she's hawt.

                    Well, with the way Joe's talking about what the writers are discussing, I am definitely getting even more excited about it. The end product could be many things, of course, but they're definitely saying the right stuff right now...


                      Of course she is going to be hawt. Just look at the other female regulars in Stargate. None of them were really lacking in the physical attractiveness department.
                      Originally posted by aretood2
                      Jelgate is right


                        Well yeah, that's why I said that I WILL say she's hawt.

                        I'm making a prediction based on precedence.


                          Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                          Then there's the super intelligent meerkat.

                          Originally posted by crowmagnumman View Post
                          Did I read that right? Goa'uld motherships and death gliders? Oh mother of god I hope that means the return of the Goa'uld. That would kick so much ass. I love those guys.
                          Same here. Neat way of reinforcing SGU's connection to the rest of the franchise too.
                          And now it's time for one last bow, like all your other selves. Eleven's hour is over now... the clock is striking Twelve's.
                          Stargate Ragnarok | | AO3 | Lakeside | My Fallout 3 Mods | Poppy Appeal | Help For Heroes | Combat Stress


                            Ah, nice way to make a nod to SGA with Caldwell and the Daedalus, and to SG-1 with the Lucian Alliance/Goa'uld!
                            Mia: Don't you hate that?
                            Vincent: Hate what?
                            Mia: Uncomfortable silences. Why do we feel it's necessary to yak about bullsh*t in order to be comfortable?
                            Vincent: I don't know. That's a good question.
                            Mia: That's when you know you've found somebody really special: you can just shut the f*** up for a minute and comfortably share silence.
                            - Pulp Fiction


                              I'm pretty sure it'l just be some generic guy attacking with old goa'uld ships. Unless its the shows brand new enemy, except they are using goa'uld tech for some reason. Maybe to leave the base staff thinking it was The Lucien Alliance, rather than a new threat.


                                Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                                Well, with the way Joe's talking about what the writers are discussing, I am definitely getting even more excited about it. The end product could be many things, of course, but they're definitely saying the right stuff right now...
                                That they most definitely are.

                                But if you can expect all female cast members to be hawt based on precedent, then I can expect TPTB attempts to swim in the murky gray waters of ethical ambiguity to result in mass drownings.

                                Just sayin'...

