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Continuum for S/J shippers SPOILERS

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    Sorry VSS. I do not mean to keep going back to this but Sam did cry when the Promethesis commander was killed. I do not remember the episode but it was a combat situation. When it comes to Sam and Jack lately their never seems to be enough time.


      Originally posted by VSS View Post
      Honestly, i can't disagree with any of this, except to say Sam didn't have a chance to cry and be upset when Jack died. Teal'c and others had just vanished. The city was disappearing, and they ended up stuck in a frozen cargo hold. There's just too much going on and Cam was right, they needed her to start thinking or they'd all die. That was VERY unlike Sam- to stand there dazed like that. But, an officer doesn't cry in the middle of combat and for all intents and purposes, that's what was going on.

      Regarding Mitchell, I think Continuum was his day in the sun. That's why BW said what he did. If he doesn't get Ben back again, it won't be as big a loss going forward, because the next movie will be focused on Jack anyway. And then the next one BETTER be focused on Sam.
      Hi. Sorry. So sorry. Err...have I missed something with Browder and his availability for a third movie? Has he said something that might have indicated at his moving on from playing Mitchell? In an interview I read somewhere I believe he's quoted as saying that he's working on writing something. To me I got the vibe that he was focusing his energy in other areas now and he was happy to leave Stargate behind.

      I might be wrong though.

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        I don't think there's going to be a new movie without Ben. Cam's the 'hewo' and Coop and Brad and MGM are in luv with him


          Originally posted by ses110 View Post
          Sorry VSS. I do not mean to keep going back to this but Sam did cry when the Promethesis commander was killed. I do not remember the episode but it was a combat situation. When it comes to Sam and Jack lately their never seems to be enough time.
          Colonel Pendergast, wasn't it, in Ethon? The big difference there, in my mind anyway, is that her job was done (temporarily, of course. ). She didn't even know Pendergast was dead for sure until she was in the relative safety of the war room in Caledonia, IIRC.

          There's no confusion about what's going on, not like when Jack died. You can see her trying to figure out what was happening in that room in Continuum. People are disappearing- then the whole world is disappearing, then they're suddenly in the hold of a ship. If she'd have been crying, I would have thought it was out of character. She's an officer with people depending on her, and she's got to keep it together.


            I think everyone would like to see the original SG-1 back in action, but it's just not going to happen. RDA is RETIRED, and while he says he had an awesome time doing Continuum, and that he now knows he needs to work a certain amount to stay sane, that does not mean he's gonna be available to come back and shoot a full on movie as the star of the show.

            Now this is not to say that it doesn't bug me endlessly that Mitchell is always the hewo that saves the day and the others are pushed off to the side. It makes me pretty mad, but overall, I liked Continuum because it was Stargate, and I really like Stargate. Even S9, though not as much as the others, and not really until Sam came back.

            As far as Sam crying, it doesn't matter whether or not she and Jack were "together". No one can deny there has always been something going on there. If nothing else, they had known each other intimately for 11 or so years. Of course she was upset. Military officer or not, she's still human and is gonna be shaken up by someone close to her being killed so unexpectedly like that. She's not a robot. And if they were together, which is what this thread is all about, then it would be ten times stronger. It would have been very weird if she hadn't reacted.

            "The men cheered! The women fainted! The children waved multi-colored flags!" -Amanda Tapping

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              Originally posted by Alan View Post
              Hi. Sorry. So sorry. Err...have I missed something with Browder and his availability for a third movie? Has he said something that might have indicated at his moving on from playing Mitchell? In an interview I read somewhere I believe he's quoted as saying that he's working on writing something. To me I got the vibe that he was focusing his energy in other areas now and he was happy to leave Stargate behind.

              I might be wrong though.
              No, it's just that BW said he would focus on getting the original team back, and "to a certain extent" Mitchell and Landry. I'm not saying he wouldn't be in the third movie, just that it doesn't seem like a priority. Maybe Ben knows this. I think we got a nice bit of character development on him in Continuum, so it's someone else's turn, anyway.

              Not saying he's out of the franchise, just that he might not be a high priority for the next movie, because of the above two factors.


                Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                I know I for one, and I think others from things they've said in posts, found AT's performance extremely moving as well. The shock and horror in Sam's face as she watched Jack die spoke volumes more to me that a more obvious and overt reaction would have done, as is so often the case with both AT and RDA's acting as Sam and Jack.

                And, having seen RDA's appearance listed in the opening credits as "Special Guest Appearance by..." I wasn't that surprised he wasn't in more of the movie. I'm just happy, I guess, given his relatively short appearance, they did spend a lot of it showing classic unspoken emotional looks between Sam and Jack (though, I'm not sure, "Offer to buy lunch" is truely emotional ).

                Or, as on the sub, emotional looks Sam was giving Jack that went unreturned (*sob*)

                Of course, part of my reason for liking the movie is that I enjoy Stargate, and all the characters, beyond just Jack and Sam/Jack ship. For those like yourselves who are mainly Jack fans, or interested in the ship, I can see why the movie might dissapoint.
                I can't help it that I found that shippy-it brought back memories of -was it Evolution (I'm so bad with titles) when at the end Jack asked "Lunch?" to Sam on her return from the supersoldiers mission. The looks that were in the episode were so reminiscent of that scene to me.

                Originally posted by VSS View Post
                Honestly, i can't disagree with any of this, except to say Sam didn't have a chance to cry and be upset when Jack died. Teal'c and others had just vanished. The city was disappearing, and they ended up stuck in a frozen cargo hold. There's just too much going on and Cam was right, they needed her to start thinking or they'd all die. That was VERY unlike Sam- to stand there dazed like that. But, an officer doesn't cry in the middle of combat and for all intents and purposes, that's what was going on.

                Regarding Mitchell, I think Continuum was his day in the sun. That's why BW said what he did. If he doesn't get Ben back again, it won't be as big a loss going forward, because the next movie will be focused on Jack anyway. And then the next one BETTER be focused on Sam.
                I wasn't upset with her reaction-Sam was (to me) so obviously in shock that she didn't even have a chance to react. I found the reaction on the ice ship with her "I dunno" when Cam asks her a question about what happened to be so telling of how she felt. She couldn't think, couldn't react, couldn' mourn. Cam had to tell her that she was needed in the here an now and then she went on auto-pilot of what to do. I found Sam to be so emotionally distraught with her reaction. I know that some shippers really would have liked more, but I found it perfect-for me.
                Thank you Astra Per Aspera for the sig....... My Fan Fiction


                  Watched. Enjoyed. Can't wait for the next.


                    Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                    ROFL! Yes...that smacked of the "Teal'c is sooo deep....tell him how deep you are..." conversation from LC.

                    Although he managed to pull it together a bit when Jack showed up...still...I think he was a little more...lose-lipped?...tactless?...than he might otherwise have been, under the circumstances. He kinda smacked Jack right between the eyes with the intel about Charlie.

                    And I had to smile when it turned up that the Russians had salvaged the original gate from the bottom of the ocean. I guess some things never change, regardless of the timeline!

           more random thing...when they had the original plan to get the Ancient Platform Chair working in the Arctic...did anyone else think that the person with the Ancient Gene that they were going to need to operate it would have been Jack???
                    Yes, but in that AT they didn't know Jack had the Ancient Gene, and before they had a chance to get to the Chair, it was blown up, so really the question didn't arise.

                    Originally posted by ses110 View Post
                    It's not about raining on anyone parade. We all have a right to say what we feel. The non positive fans have the same rights as the positive fans have. No more and no less.
                    Of course they do

                    Originally posted by VSS View Post
                    Honestly, i can't disagree with any of this, except to say Sam didn't have a chance to cry and be upset when Jack died. Teal'c and others had just vanished. The city was disappearing, and they ended up stuck in a frozen cargo hold. There's just too much going on and Cam was right, they needed her to start thinking or they'd all die. That was VERY unlike Sam- to stand there dazed like that. But, an officer doesn't cry in the middle of combat and for all intents and purposes, that's what was going on.
                    That's what I thought. In past scenes where she's cried over someone dying, they were not in a life or death situation, whereas here there was not time. If Cam hadn't dragged her away and through the gate, they would have had no chance to escape and fix things.

                    Regarding Mitchell, I think Continuum was his day in the sun. That's why BW said what he did. If he doesn't get Ben back again, it won't be as big a loss going forward, because the next movie will be focused on Jack anyway. And then the next one BETTER be focused on Sam.
                    Totally agree. I'm in the minority who actually like Cam and I think BB did a really good job in Continuum.

                    What surprised me on the commentary was that BW said a lot of people didn't realise BB was playing the part of the Achilles' captain! I recognised him instantly, mainly by his voice.

                    I've watched Continuum twice today. I watched it first as an SG movie and thoroughly enjoyed it. RDA, MW and BW all said it felt like 'the old days' of the earlier SG1 eps, and I agree. Lots of action, no Asgard tech. saving them at the last minute, and all the ingenuity of the original team.

                    Then I watched with the commentary and picked up a lot of interesting tidbits. For example, I didn't realise BW was piloting one of the F15's, or that Charles Cohen (MGM) was the doctor pushing Daniel in his wheelchair! Also, that MW was the Major Wood who was with Jack when he met Sam and Cam on the ice. And apparently Daniel's phonecall to himself has been cut from the TV version because of time restraints

                    My only complaints so far are 1) I wished it was longer, and that more was shown of the year they spent in seclusion. And 2) I found the multi-screen part where Cam, Sam and Daniel were being interrogated extremely hard to follow. I had to rewind and watch each of them individually to understand what was going on

                    Also, am I the only one who thought Teal'c didn't take much persuading to team up with the others against Qetesh? Seemed like Sam only had to say 'We can guarantee freedom for your people' and he just went along.

                    Now off to watch it again, this time with the shippy glasses on


                      Originally posted by Bekah See View Post
                      I think everyone would like to see the original SG-1 back in action, but it's just not going to happen. RDA is RETIRED, and while he says he had an awesome time doing Continuum, and that he now knows he needs to work a certain amount to stay sane, that does not mean he's gonna be available to come back and shoot a full on movie as the star of the show.

                      I think if he can drag himself up to the Arctic to film a few minutes of a movie, he can manage more screen time in a movie that doesn't require that kind of effort.

                      Plus, I'm not sure BW would have said what he did about the next movie featuring Jack if it weren't true, considering the whining people have done about there not being more Jack in Continuum.

                      I guess we will know more if they really are going to start filming it in January.


                        Am I the only one who thinks Jack's eyes drift ever so slightly Sam's direction when Ba'al asks how he is? Maybe my shippy glasses are too rose-tinted?


                          Originally posted by jumble View Post
                          Totally agree. I'm in the minority who actually like Cam and I think BB did a really good job in Continuum.

                          What surprised me on the commentary was that BW said a lot of people didn't realise BB was playing the part of the Achilles' captain! I recognised him instantly, mainly by his voice.

                          I laughed at the nose!


                            Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                            Am I the only one who thinks Jack's eyes drift ever so slightly Sam's direction when Ba'al asks how he is? Maybe my shippy glasses are too rose-tinted?
                            Maybe they are.
                            But I thought RDA had forgotten his lines at that point, until someone said he was just thinking, so I'd say I'm not the best to comment on that particular scene.


                              I just finished watching it for the fourth time .

                              Gathering my thoughts, excited to add to the discussion. Although suffice to say,

                              LOVE IT!!!!!


                                Originally posted by VSS View Post
                                No, it's just that BW said he would focus on getting the original team back, and "to a certain extent" Mitchell and Landry. I'm not saying he wouldn't be in the third movie, just that it doesn't seem like a priority. Maybe Ben knows this. I think we got a nice bit of character development on him in Continuum, so it's someone else's turn, anyway.

                                Not saying he's out of the franchise, just that he might not be a high priority for the next movie, because of the above two factors.
                                Thank you.

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