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Continuum for S/J shippers SPOILERS

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    jumble I found a transcript of the split screen scene that another GW member transcribed.


      Originally posted by VSS View Post
      I think if he can drag himself up to the Arctic to film a few minutes of a movie, he can manage more screen time in a movie that doesn't require that kind of effort.

      Plus, I'm not sure BW would have said what he did about the next movie featuring Jack if it weren't true, considering the whining people have done about there not being more Jack in Continuum.

      I guess we will know more if they really are going to start filming it in January.
      I didn't realize he'd said that. Sweet!! I would looooovvvee to see more Jack!

      Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
      Am I the only one who thinks Jack's eyes drift ever so slightly Sam's direction when Ba'al asks how he is? Maybe my shippy glasses are too rose-tinted?
      They did? Now I'm gonna have to watch the entire movie again!

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        Originally posted by jumble View Post
        That's what I thought. In past scenes where she's cried over someone dying, they were not in a life or death situation, whereas here there was not time. If Cam hadn't dragged her away and through the gate, they would have had no chance to escape and fix things.
        I got the impression from watching Sam there that she hadn't even gotten to the actual grieving stage of grief yet. She was still stuck in shock and denial and hadn't really even processed far enough to get to tears.
        Originally posted by jumble View Post
        Totally agree. I'm in the minority who actually like Cam and I think BB did a really good job in Continuum.
        Nyah. I just think your one of the few who has said it around here
        Originally posted by jumble View Post
        Also, am I the only one who thought Teal'c didn't take much persuading to team up with the others against Qetesh? Seemed like Sam only had to say 'We can guarantee freedom for your people' and he just went along.
        Well, looks like it's 'time-to-convince-Teal'c-to-join-our-side-again' time. Again.
        It'll be fine, we haven't committed genicide today.
        Cool. Back in 5.
        Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
        Am I the only one who thinks Jack's eyes drift ever so slightly Sam's direction when Ba'al asks how he is? Maybe my shippy glasses are too rose-tinted?
        I don't see that. I think under those circumstances, given experience (think Entity and Abyss here), that would be the DEAD LAST thing Jack would do. In fact, he is almost studiously staring straight at Ba'al and not looking around, which is actually rather un-Jack-like.

        What's telling there, imho, and in that scene in general when Jack's confronting Ba'al is Sam's reaction. She seems to be taking a great deal of smug personal pride in Jack's successful interaction with Ba'al...


          I would have liked to see Sam fight Mitchell a little more about staying with Jack. I do expect too much though. I just want to see Sam more upfront with her feelings for Jack. I still think Sam is holding back too much. It's like when Sam went to see Jack in Threads and it took her a while to say what see wanted to say and by that time Kerry showed up. We should be way past this point. Sam saying sir to Jack when he's dying still bothers me to no end. It should never happen. I do not care what the situation is and who is their. I do not want to hear anymore Sirs from Sam to Jack. I do not care if the president or Pope is next to Sam and Jack.


            Originally posted by jumble View Post
            Yes, but in that AT they didn't know Jack had the Ancient Gene, and before they had a chance to get to the Chair, it was blown up, so really the question didn't arise.

            Of course they do

            That's what I thought. In past scenes where she's cried over someone dying, they were not in a life or death situation, whereas here there was not time. If Cam hadn't dragged her away and through the gate, they would have had no chance to escape and fix things.

            Totally agree. I'm in the minority who actually like Cam and I think BB did a really good job in Continuum.

            What surprised me on the commentary was that BW said a lot of people didn't realise BB was playing the part of the Achilles' captain! I recognised him instantly, mainly by his voice.

            I've watched Continuum twice today. I watched it first as an SG movie and thoroughly enjoyed it. RDA, MW and BW all said it felt like 'the old days' of the earlier SG1 eps, and I agree. Lots of action, no Asgard tech. saving them at the last minute, and all the ingenuity of the original team.

            Then I watched with the commentary and picked up a lot of interesting tidbits. For example, I didn't realise BW was piloting one of the F15's, or that Charles Cohen (MGM) was the doctor pushing Daniel in his wheelchair! Also, that MW was the Major Wood who was with Jack when he met Sam and Cam on the ice. And apparently Daniel's phonecall to himself has been cut from the TV version because of time restraints

            My only complaints so far are 1) I wished it was longer, and that more was shown of the year they spent in seclusion. And 2) I found the multi-screen part where Cam, Sam and Daniel were being interrogated extremely hard to follow. I had to rewind and watch each of them individually to understand what was going on

            Also, am I the only one who thought Teal'c didn't take much persuading to team up with the others against Qetesh? Seemed like Sam only had to say 'We can guarantee freedom for your people' and he just went along.

            Now off to watch it again, this time with the shippy glasses on
            I'm surprised you didn't want more Jack in Continuum, Jumble


              Originally posted by ses110 View Post
              Sam saying sir to Jack when he's dying still bothers me to no end. It should never happen. I do not care what the situation is and who is their. I do not want to hear anymore Sirs from Sam to Jack. I do not care if the president or Pope is next to Sam and Jack.
              She didn't, though. She said it as she rushed to him after he'd been stabbed, when I can't see she'd have had any certainty as to the extent of his injuries. Neither of them address the other by any title or name after that while he dies.

              And in ItloD (edit: TBftGoG), AU Sam, who is not even military, addresses her fiancee Jack as 'sir' until he goes off to die, and even then it's more to get his attention and clue him in to the fact that she really is addressing him personally. Calling Jack 'Sir' while in uniform and on duty is called professionalism, and Sam is nothing if not a professional, and it makes perfect sense to me. But then again, I've seen several military couples do the exact same thing, granted not while one of them was dying , so maybe that's the difference.
              Last edited by JenniferJF; 02 August 2008, 01:17 PM.


                Originally posted by VSS View Post
                I laughed at the nose!
                Me too
                Originally posted by VSS View Post
                jumble I found a transcript of the split screen scene that another GW member transcribed.
                Thank you! I guess because it was going to DVD and not to cinema they assumed we would rewind. I just found it really distracting

                Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                I got the impression from watching Sam there that she hadn't even gotten to the actual grieving stage of grief yet. She was still stuck in shock and denial and hadn't really even processed far enough to get to tears.
                Yes, that's right. I think it would have been a bit, I don't know, 'shallow'? if she'd started crying at that point.

                Nyah. I just think your one of the few who has said it around here
                Really? Well I'm just saying what I feel. Can't expect everyone's opinion to be the same, and I'm not ashamed to admit I like Cam I'll even go out on a limb and say I think Vala/Qetesh was brilliant in Continuum

                Well, looks like it's 'time-to-convince-Teal'c-to-join-our-side-again' time. Again.
                It'll be fine, we haven't committed genocide today.
                Cool. Back in 5.


                  Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                  She didn't, though. She said it as she rushed to him after he'd been stabbed, when I can't see she'd have had any certainty as to the extent of his injuries. Neither of them address the other by any title or name after that while he dies.

                  And in ItloD, AU Sam, who is not even military, addresses her fiancee Jack as 'sir' until he goes off to die, and even then it's more to get his attention and clue him in to the fact that she really is addressing him personally. Calling Jack 'Sir' while in uniform and on duty is called professionalism, and Sam is nothing if not a professional, and it makes perfect sense to me. But then again, I've seen several military couples do the exact same thing, granted not while one of them was dying , so maybe that's the difference.
                  I agree with you, just the ep was TBFTGOG.


                    Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                    She didn't, though. She said it as she rushed to him after he'd been stabbed, when I can't see she'd have had any certainty as to the extent of his injuries. Neither of them address the other by any title or name after that while he dies.

                    And in ItloD, AU Sam, who is not even military, addresses her fiancee Jack as 'sir' until he goes off to die, and even then it's more to get his attention and clue him in to the fact that she really is addressing him personally. Calling Jack 'Sir' while in uniform and on duty is called professionalism, and Sam is nothing if not a professional, and it makes perfect sense to me. But then again, I've seen several military couples do the exact same thing, granted not while one of them was dying , so maybe that's the difference.
                    There's no AU Sam in ITLOD...


                      Originally posted by ses110 View Post
                      I would have liked to see Sam fight Mitchell a little more about staying with Jack. I do expect too much though. I just want to see Sam more upfront with her feelings for Jack. I still think Sam is holding back too much. It's like when Sam went to see Jack in Threads and it took her a while to say what see wanted to say and by that time Kerry showed up. We should be way past this point. Sam saying sir to Jack when he's dying still bothers me to no end. It should never happen. I do not care what the situation is and who is their. I do not want to hear anymore Sirs from Sam to Jack. I do not care if the president or Pope is next to Sam and Jack.
                      Although, I doubt the President or the Pope would really care.
                      I think the "sir" count is dramatically lower, but it's still irritating. I mean, she's got to use it sometimes, but still.

                      Another point I thought it would have been appropriate for her to use his name is when they met up on the ice. There really was no one around except Cam and a lower-ranking officer (sorry, Martin, didn't know it was you). She should have been a little more excited to see him, IMHO.


                        Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
                        I agree with you, just the ep was TBFTGOG.
                        You know, it's funny. I typed that the first time, then edited something else, and mistyped when I had to type that. I hate all these acronyms. My fingers get confused. *sigh*


                          Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                          You know, it's funny. I typed that the first time, then edited something else, and mistyped when I had to type that. I hate all these acronyms. My fingers get confused. *sigh*
                          That's okay, I just called the Pope "Pop", but edited it real quick.


                            Originally posted by VSS View Post
                            Another point I thought it would have been appropriate for her to use his name is when they met up on the ice. There really was no one around except Cam and a lower-ranking officer (sorry, Martin, didn't know it was you). She should have been a little more excited to see him, IMHO.
                            I completely agree with that. And it wouldn't even have screamed 'relationship' as she's used Jack before.. would have gone down as over excitement at being rescued from near death experience by those unwilling to accept.


                              Originally posted by silly sally View Post
                              I'm surprised you didn't want more Jack in Continuum, Jumble
                              Hey, I'd like as much Jack as I can get, but the storyline here didn't call for it. I watch SG first and foremost because I like SG, and for me Continuum gave me real SG action, angst and fun Of course, I'm expecting a lot more Jack in the next movie

                              Best line from Daniel (in the F15's, when Sam says the approaching planes are Migs)

                              Cam: What the hell did you just say?
                              Daniel: We're Americans, please shoot the people chasing us!

                              Next best

                              Daniel: It was warmer on the ship!
                              Cam: You wanna go back?
                              Daniel: No, I'm good.


                                Originally posted by jumble View Post
                                Hey, I'd like as much Jack as I can get, but the storyline here didn't call for it. I watch SG first and foremost because I like SG, and for me Continuum gave me real SG action, angst and fun Of course, I'm expecting a lot more Jack in the next movie

                                Best line from Daniel (in the F15's, when Sam says the approaching planes are Migs)

                                Cam: What the hell did you just say?
                                Daniel: We're Americans, please shoot the people chasing us!
                                Yeah, that was brilliant. Actually, the segments where they were in the F15s were probably my favorite of the show for dialogue and action.

