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Continuum for S/J shippers SPOILERS

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    Originally posted by MajorSam View Post

    Pretty much I agree with everything that everyone else has already said. hahaha. I wasn't moved to tears at any point as some were, but I have to say the first time I saw Jack's death scene and Sam's face, my jaw was dropped and I was thinking "holy crap, that is a woman going through pain that I can't even begin to imagine"<snip>
    That was both a shocking and moving scene for me. Seeing Jack's death and Sam's reaction to it and Mitchell practically having to drag her away. Great angsty ship stuff! When Sam looked over at Ba'al after he'd been shot by Mitchell I thought she'd kill him again if she could.

    Originally posted by majorsal View Post
    *great* acting by amanda! <snip>
    Here, here! Amanda was amazing...but then what else is new!

    K-9, CLASS and much more...


      Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
      This is a thread where the S/J shippers can discuss all aspects of "Continuum", not just the shipper one , in peace, without using those pesky spoiler tags.

      If you wanna insult the ship, please take it somewhere else.

      Have fun shippers.
      What a lovely, awesome, superb movie Continuum is.

      I am very curious about the "moon base" scene...LOL!

      We have the "cake" reference (that's definitely Ship Code Speak).

      And Sam picking up the box of Frooties in the grocery store (think of Jack from WoO)...

      Sam's desolation at Jack's death...again.

      And Sam's joy at seeing Jack in the Arctic...only to realize he's not THEIR Jack.

      And RDA's performance as the alternate time line Jack was so amazing. He's created another version of Jack O' who has his family, and his career in the Air Force is solid. He's not the Jack O'Neill from the original Stargate movie, and he's not the SG1 Jack O'Neill (and not the alternate one from TBFTGOG). He's more technology skilled, and he's not as open minded as our Jack O'Neill...and that's saying a lot! LOL!

      Amanda's performanc was stunning as well, but Claudia Black as Qetesh was a hoot. I enjoyed Qetesh much more than I have enjoyed Vala -- Vala was too much of a fence sitter. Qetesh was plain evil.

      Marvelous movie...I've seen it four times now (once with the commentary) and I'll probably watch it again this weekend.

      SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
      SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
      Morjana's Blog Twitter


        Originally posted by Reb<3 View Post
        See, when Jack invited everyone to lunch, all I could think about was Evo. pt 2! I was like, squee for shippy flashback! lol

        PS: Please tell me someone else saw the PENGUIN!!!!
        Hmmm...I was wondering about that bird!

        To be honest though, I thought this was either a crow or a raven.

        A photo of an Adelie Penguin

        SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
        SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
        Morjana's Blog Twitter


          Originally posted by madaline_7 View Post
          You know....

          The only problem real honest problem I have with this is...

          Ba'al.... being the Biggest Baddest Baddie went out like a.....

          I just thought it would be something more than what it was. KWIM?
          Never trust a woman with a sword.

          SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
          SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
          Morjana's Blog Twitter


            Originally posted by madaline_7 View Post



            What? Wait.....

            If Mitchell killed Ba'al in 1939, then how are there clones? Was the Ba'al in 1939 a clone?

            I love ATs but this is going to give me a headache.
            The Real Ba'al went back in time. From the moment he went back in time, he ceased to exist in the present and future time line (we hope).

            The Real Ba'al was killed in 1939 because he went back in time -- but he was killed in an alternate time line. This does not have any affect on the SG-1 time line BEFORE he left it.

            The Ba'al that the Tok'ra had was a clone.

            SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
            SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
            Morjana's Blog Twitter


              Originally posted by morjana View Post
              Never trust a woman with a sword.
              Reminded me of REplicarter!


                Originally posted by VSS View Post
                So now we know Jack is cheap, too.
                That's sort of the joke there, anyway. But, yeah.

                Good thing he now has a social manager and um... help.. with spending his money.


                  Originally posted by Alan View Post
                  I got something on my mind and please forgive me if this has already been mentioned before in this thread but -

                  SAM: "Actually, sir, I was hoping we could go over the plans for the new moon base"

                  JACK: "What moon base?"

                  Judging by the look on Sam's face she seemed to be very...playful?...during this. Is this some sort of secret code that Sam and Jack use now? Is she alluding to something else perhaps? The something else being the...else...of something that has nothing to do with a ""moon base""?
                  Originally posted by Seahen View Post
                  I think that moonbase is just a red herring. If you listen to the commentary, they came up with it on the day so I think they were just fooling around.
                  I thought it was Jack's echoing question, "Moon base?" that was on the spot to replace the original line he replied with, "That sounds like work." But I may be wrong.

                  And, having thought about the last bit with Jack buying and 'Moon bases' during yet another slow night at work (darn late corn crop due to darn late HUGE FLOOD ), I've come to the personal conclusion that that may be one of the biggest clues that they're in a relationship. Because it's so classic Sam and Jack - he suggests lunch, the 'guys' hesitate, Sam and Jack exchange glances in which it seems pretty clear he doesn't WANT to buy, but after glancing at her, something in that glance convinces him to offer up 'buying' as further enticement.... It's the communicating without words, and the fact he's clearly doing what he's doing because she wants him to an that's such classic S/J. But the WHAT of it is so completely personal and non-professional and such a 'couple' thing that, imho, it just screams that they've been together as a couple long enough to have developed that sort of rhythym in their personal lives now, as well.

                  And then, of course, discussing a moon base with Sam is his reward for behaving so well . Cause I do get the idea she really wants them to have lunch as a 'team', and Jack gets her what she wants, but first they get some time together.

                  Which, really, isn't fair, cause Sam gets a win-win either way Guess that proves she really is way smarter than they are.


                    Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                    I thought it was Jack's echoing question, "Moon base?" that was on the spot to replace the original line he replied with, "That sounds like work." But I may be wrong.

                    And, having thought about the last bit with Jack buying and 'Moon bases' during yet another slow night at work (darn late corn crop due to darn late HUGE FLOOD ), I've come to the personal conclusion that that may be one of the biggest clues that they're in a relationship. Because it's so classic Sam and Jack - he suggests lunch, the 'guys' hesitate, Sam and Jack exchange glances in which it seems pretty clear he doesn't WANT to buy, but after glancing at her, something in that glance convinces him to offer up 'buying' as further enticement.... It's the communicating without words, and the fact he's clearly doing what he's doing because she wants him to an that's such classic S/J. But the WHAT of it is so completely personal and non-professional and such a 'couple' thing that, imho, it just screams that they've been together as a couple long enough to have developed that sort of rhythym in their personal lives now, as well.

                    And then, of course, discussing a moon base with Sam is his reward for behaving so well . Cause I do get the idea she really wants them to have lunch as a 'team', and Jack gets her what she wants, but first they get some time together.

                    Which, really, isn't fair, cause Sam gets a win-win either way Guess that proves she really is way smarter than they are.
                    I thought they said that Rob was on set and had come up with the moonbase line that day as well and that RDA couldn't (wouldn't?) say the scritped line. I could have heard wrong.


                      Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                      Which, really, isn't fair, cause Sam gets a win-win either way Guess that proves she really is way smarter than they are.
                      Well besides the fact that she is...

                      Actually, doesn't a woman in a committed "real" relationship usually gets what she wants? I'm so not trying to sound snarky. Dh gets me pretty much whatever I want, and if there is something I want to do, we do it... 99.5% of the time.
                      Slidell and I are re-watching SG1. Why don't you join us? SGBFFF-SG1-Rewatchsigpic
                      You want to read Torn written by Slidell Yes... yes you do.


                        Originally posted by morjana View Post
                        The Real Ba'al went back in time. From the moment he went back in time, he ceased to exist in the present and future time line (we hope).

                        The Real Ba'al was killed in 1939 because he went back in time -- but he was killed in an alternate time line. This does not have any affect on the SG-1 time line BEFORE he left it.

                        The Ba'al that the Tok'ra had was a clone.
                        Right. SG-1 is going to wonder about what the clone said regarding the original Ba'al being out there. Eventually they'll decide he was lying, just like Jack said he was.

                        BTW, I'll bet that clone was highly ticked off at Ba'al when he flopped out on the floor and died.

                        Originally posted by Seahen View Post
                        I thought they said that Rob was on set and had come up with the moonbase line that day as well and that RDA couldn't (wouldn't?) say the scritped line. I could have heard wrong.
                        In my way of thinking, it doesn't matter what they said. Obviously, it was just a throwaway line. But since TPTB don't often have throwaway lines, and especially not in a movie, I have to ask myself "Why is it there?" And the only reason I can come up with is that it is a diversion.

                        Of course, the fact that it screams "We don't really mean moonbase because a moonbase is scientifically, militarily and economically worthless" makes it easier to come to that conclusion!

                        In RL we only went to the moon to say we could, and to beat the Russians. There's no reason to go back (which is why we haven't), except to use it as a jumping point to interstellar travel. In the Stargate universe, they don't even need that. It's just a rock.

                        If she'd said "I'd like to discuss the plans for the new spaceship," then it would not be shippy at all. Because that could be real. But a moonbase? No way, that's not real. And of course, there's that silly grin on her face and Jack acting like he doesn't know what the heck she's talking about. They just want to lose Cam, that's all.

                        Okay, have I over-analyzed that scene, or what?


                          Originally posted by madaline_7 View Post
                          Well besides the fact that she is...

                          Actually, doesn't a woman in a committed "real" relationship usually gets what she wants? I'm so not trying to sound snarky. Dh gets me pretty much whatever I want, and if there is something I want to do, we do it... 99.5% of the time.
                          It's true. I had to look for a long time to find a guy who would stand up to me. Can you imagine? Little old me?

                          I still get what I want 95% of the time because he doesn't care, but when he cares, that's the end of the discussion. Literally.

                          Totally OT stubborn husband story
                          When we were interviewing for grad school he said one time, and one time only, that he didn't want to go to school east of the Mississippi River. (He's a native Californian- so provincial ). So here we are one morning in Chicago and we were (I was) planning on driving into Northwestern in Chicago for an interview and then heading out to Iowa City for another the next day. I said "What time is your interview at Northwestern?" and he said "I don't have one." (Keep in mind I talked about going into Chicago several times, obviously). He reminded me that he'd said he didn't want to go to school "back east." I just sighed and cancelled the interview. Also, what's the huge difference between Iowa and Illinois, FCOL? It wasn't the city that bugged him, it was the longitude.


                            Originally posted by VSS View Post
                            Right. SG-1 is going to wonder about what the clone said regarding the original Ba'al being out there. Eventually they'll decide he was lying, just like Jack said he was.

                            BTW, I'll bet that clone was highly ticked off at Ba'al when he flopped out on the floor and died.

                            In my way of thinking, it doesn't matter what they said. Obviously, it was just a throwaway line. But since TPTB don't often have throwaway lines, and especially not in a movie, I have to ask myself "Why is it there?" And the only reason I can come up with is that it is a diversion.

                            Of course, the fact that it screams "We don't really mean moonbase because a moonbase is scientifically, militarily and economically worthless" makes it easier to come to that conclusion!

                            In RL we only went to the moon to say we could, and to beat the Russians. There's no reason to go back (which is why we haven't), except to use it as a jumping point to interstellar travel. In the Stargate universe, they don't even need that. It's just a rock.

                            If she'd said "I'd like to discuss the plans for the new spaceship," then it would not be shippy at all. Because that could be real. But a moonbase? No way, that's not real. And of course, there's that silly grin on her face and Jack acting like he doesn't know what the heck she's talking about. They just want to lose Cam, that's all.

                            Okay, have I over-analyzed that scene, or what?
                            I love what you said here. Not shippy. Shippy.
                            Slidell and I are re-watching SG1. Why don't you join us? SGBFFF-SG1-Rewatchsigpic
                            You want to read Torn written by Slidell Yes... yes you do.


                              Originally posted by morjana View Post
                              What a lovely, awesome, superb movie Continuum is.

                              I am very curious about the "moon base" scene...LOL!

                              We have the "cake" reference (that's definitely Ship Code Speak).

                              And Sam picking up the box of Frooties in the grocery store (think of Jack from WoO)...

                              Sam's desolation at Jack's death...again.

                              And Sam's joy at seeing Jack in the Arctic...only to realize he's not THEIR Jack.

                              And RDA's performance as the alternate time line Jack was so amazing. He's created another version of Jack O' who has his family, and his career in the Air Force is solid. He's not the Jack O'Neill from the original Stargate movie, and he's not the SG1 Jack O'Neill (and not the alternate one from TBFTGOG). He's more technology skilled, and he's not as open minded as our Jack O'Neill...and that's saying a lot! LOL!

                              Amanda's performanc was stunning as well, but Claudia Black as Qetesh was a hoot. I enjoyed Qetesh much more than I have enjoyed Vala -- Vala was too much of a fence sitter. Qetesh was plain evil.

                              Marvelous movie...I've seen it four times now (once with the commentary) and I'll probably watch it again this weekend.
                              Heehee...I think Moon Base = Babies...but then again...I am extra fluffy!

                              Oh yes...and since his original line with that was: "Sounds like work" Just sayin' I say Beebies!


                                Originally posted by Seahen View Post
                                I thought they said that Rob was on set and had come up with the moonbase line that day as well and that RDA couldn't (wouldn't?) say the scritped line. I could have heard wrong.
                                This is interesting to me! I wonder why he wouldn't say the line. Just wondering!
                                Thank you Astra Per Aspera for the sig....... My Fan Fiction

