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Tapping in Atlantis + SG1 New movies!

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    Originally posted by flynn1959 View Post
    I never saw any banter between S/J, plenty between Jack and Daniel but never between those two. I do agree that Jack acts like a bit of an idiot around her - which given his rank and obvious qualifications is merely a poor plot device to elevate Carter somewhat. I hate that tptb sometimes make Jack the comic relief.

    Okay, you know what? I find it utterly ridiculous that anyone would entertain the notion of another person being jealous of a fictional character! I find Carter to be the most annoying fictional character of all time and I have watched a fair amount of tv over the last forty years or so. In your opinion Carter doesn't embody any of the negative things I mentioned but in my opinion she does. You are right as you see it and I am right as I see it. Each to their own. And I have also watched the series many times - too many times if you ask my!

    When all is said and done I don't want to see any more of Carter, I don't like her, I don't find her interesting, I do find her annoying in the extreme and am quite frankly sick to death of seeing her and hearing about her. For me she killed any SG1 scene she was in stone dead, she ruined Atlantis season four for me and I don't want her to ruin any future Atlantis movie.

    All of this is of course just how I feel, how I see the character. I understand that others might feel diferently and that's fine. I don't understand why some of the AT/Carter fans have some kind of desperate need to make those who don't like the character convert. Why they can't just accept that to some people Carter isn't all that great. Why they can't understand that no matter how many times they red a person simply for stating their own opinion of a fictional character, no matter how much they protest, no matter how many times they accuse a person of jealousy etc that person is not going to suddenly see the Carter light and bow down before her wonderousness!!

    I'm not trying to start an argument or even a debate, I just really don't understand the mindset behind this sort of behaviour.

    And, just for the record, I do happen to find the suggestion that I am jealous of a bad fictional character offensive.
    Hi Flynn

    Thanks for the reply. I do hear what you're saying and of course I have no need to convert you (or anyone for that matter) to a Carter fan. I just initially found your reasons for disliking the character hard to understand. Usually when we have a great dislike for someone it's because they possess certain qualities that remind us of what we don't like about ourselves, or that we fear we may exhibit (not necessarily have.) So you recognise all those negative qualities about Carter but she had a lot of positive ones too, there is a balance. But like you said, I guess it's up to individual perspective and what one persons sees as jealousy, or whatever, is not the same to another.

    As above, so below, as within, so without, what you give, so shall you receive.


      Originally posted by Quetz View Post
      Hi Flynn

      Thanks for the reply. I do hear what you're saying and of course I have no need to convert you (or anyone for that matter) to a Carter fan. I just initially found your reasons for disliking the character hard to understand. Usually when we have a great dislike for someone it's because they possess certain qualities that remind us of what we don't like about ourselves, or that we fear we may exhibit (not necessarily have.) So you recognise all those negative qualities about Carter but she had a lot of positive ones too, there is a balance. But like you said, I guess it's up to individual perspective and what one persons sees as jealousy, or whatever, is not the same to another.

      I don't know about that, maybe in real life that holds true a little with some people, but sometimes people dislike a fictional character because they are badly written, poorly acted, or both.

      I actually quite liked Carter the first two seasons or so, I still think she can be entertaining. For example I liked the Carter we got in AOT. I do think that she works best as a secondary, supporting character. She just doesn't have the depth to hold my attention when she is pushed to the front. That is in part due to the way the character is written and in part due to what I think are shortcomings in the actress's ability. I don't find Tapping's portrayal of Carter convincing. She changes with the wind, imo. If the Sam from AOT is in any future movies they may be watchable but if we get the Sam from the latter seasons - count me out.

      Jack and Daniel...the old married couple.


        I'm just glad there will be another SG-1 movie, and that Sam will be a part of it. Good news.


          Went into the office today and watched the producer’s cut of Enemy at the Gate. A fitting end to a terrific series, and one that’ll segue nicely into the movie - which Paul and I continue to spin. To those of you asking, it will ideally include all the familiar faces - and then some.

          The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


            Why do TPTB love Carter so much? She's arguably the weakest character on SG-1 (in my opinion), but they act like she should be the big star of both series. Apparently good 'ol Carter can do everything. I hope they don't dump Woolsey for her again.

            I'm like Flynn in the respect that I haven't been a big fan of Carter the last few seasons. I don't hate her, but she isn't my favorite.
            "Yo, Adrian!" -Rocky in Rocky
            "That'll be the Day" -John Wayne in The Searchers


              Mallozzi is a Carter/AT fanboy, so much so that I'm worried her new command is going to turn out to be SG-1, though I'm not sure Brad and Rob would let him get away with that...


                Originally posted by jenks View Post
                Mallozzi is a Carter/AT fanboy, so much so that I'm worried her new command is going to turn out to be SG-1, though I'm not sure Brad and Rob would let him get away with that...
                Why not? She's been in command of SG1 before. Maybe this would mean Mitchell is the commander of the Phoenix...


                  Originally posted by jenks View Post
                  Mallozzi is a Carter/AT fanboy, so much so that I'm worried her new command is going to turn out to be SG-1, though I'm not sure Brad and Rob would let him get away with that...
                  I think it's far more likely that Carter's new command is going to be a battleship, in part because it was hinted at in the AU in The Last Man, and I think it would be the most logical way to get her back into the Pegasus galaxy.

                  Also, since she's going to be in Enemy at the Gate in her new command position, if it was SG-1 then Mitchell, Daniel, Teal'c and Vala would also probably be in the episode, which I don't think is the case.

                  I personally wouldn't mind seeing Carter in the first Atlantis movie, as long as the character remains very much in the supporting position to the main Atlantis characters; something along the lines of Landry in Ark of Truth in terms of screentime.



                    Originally posted by Jack_Bauer View Post
                    Why not? She's been in command of SG1 before. Maybe this would mean Mitchell is the commander of the Phoenix...
                    Well personally, I thought her in command just wasn't believable, and it was the low point of the series. As for Mitchell being commander of the Phoenix, I don't think that makes much sense, he hated being commander of the Odyssey and it's doubtful they'd just switch his role and stick Carter as leader of SG-1 just for the hell of it. It seems much more likely to me that it's Carter that's been placed in command of the Phoenix, I hope that's all anyway.


                      Originally posted by A_PophisandhisFran View Post
                      Why do TPTB love Carter so much? She's arguably the weakest character on SG-1 (in my opinion), but they act like she should be the big star of both series. Apparently good 'ol Carter can do everything. I hope they don't dump Woolsey for her again.

                      I'm like Flynn in the respect that I haven't been a big fan of Carter the last few seasons. I don't hate her, but she isn't my favorite.
                      Perhaps because TPTB realize that there are many SG fans who love the character and would be disappointed were she not included in future SG movies. They also realize that if they have Carter play a small role or do a cameo in the SGA movie that it might get a few more fans to tune in or buy the DVDs. Likewise, if Carter is in the SGA movie for less than five minutes, I doubt that any serious SGA fan would refuse to watch it just because of her presence. For example, I watched First Contact and I plan on watching Lost Tribe even though I don't really enjoy the character of Daniel Jackson much anymore. There is enough that I do enjoy about SGA that I wasn't going to tune out just b/c of one character that I don't like.

                      You see, for every fan that dislikes or hates a character there is at least one fan who loves the character. You dislike Carter and think she is the weakest one on SG-1. I happen to think she is the most interesting character on the show and would not be inclined to watch any future SG-1 projects that did not include her in some way.

                      Having said that, I don’t think Carter needs to be in the SGA movie and I don’t really care if she is or isn’t. I will probably end up watching it on SciFi either way b/c I still like SGA and its characters. But if she is in it (even for a cameo), I would probably be more likely to buy the DVD when it comes out.

                      Anyways, from what AT said in the interview she has not been approached about the SGA movie and it is highly unlikely that she will play a big role in it even if she were asked. She does have other projects going on and will probably be very busy with the next SG-1 movie (which they have already approached her about, unlike the SGA movie).

                      Just providing an alternative view on the subject.


                        Originally posted by Mcfergeson View Post
                        I'm just glad there will be another SG-1 movie, and that Sam will be a part of it. Good news.
                        I feel exactly as you do, my friend.
                        MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                        "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                        Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                          Originally posted by jenks View Post
                          Well personally, I thought her in command just wasn't believable, and it was the low point of the series. As for Mitchell being commander of the Phoenix, I don't think that makes much sense, he hated being commander of the Odyssey and it's doubtful they'd just switch his role and stick Carter as leader of SG-1 just for the hell of it. It seems much more likely to me that it's Carter that's been placed in command of the Phoenix, I hope that's all anyway.
                          Really? I felt that after 7 straight years of serving as the second-in-command of SG-1, it was quite logical and believable for Carter to move up to command of the team in season 8.

                          But I agree that it's far more likely that Carter will be the commander of the Phoenix than Mitchell. I think it's fair to say that SG-1 is now solidly Mitchell's command, and that Carter has moved beyond the team, first to Atlantis, and now most likely to a battleship.



                            Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
                            Really? I felt that after 7 straight years of serving as the second-in-command of SG-1, it was quite logical and believable for Carter to move up to command of the team in season 8.

                            But I agree that it's far more likely that Carter will be the commander of the Phoenix than Mitchell. I think it's fair to say that SG-1 is now solidly Mitchell's command, and that Carter has moved beyond the team, first to Atlantis, and now most likely to a battleship.
                            I didn't mean her promotion wasn't believable, more AT's performance. She doesn't have much of a commanding presence IMO and she's never been very believable as a soldier either I don't think, much less one who's supposed to be giving Teal'c and Daniel orders.


                              Originally posted by flynn1959 View Post
                              Well she all but ruined it for me. The character is deadly dull, flat, irritating, whiny, un-professional, childish, selfish...I could go on but that is just how I see her.

                              Why should I let one awlful character stop me watching the show? I just ignored Carter as best I could, looked around her to see the interesting characters, or simply ff her scenes. Mind you I did stop watching Atlantis when she joined the show and I won't buy any future dvds that have her as a main character. Even the draw of Daniel, Teal'c and Vala won't be powerful enough for me to overlook the sucker of life from a show that is Carter.
                              Well, I know we all have our opinions of characters, but I truly don't understand where you got the idea the Sam Carter character was "whiny, un-professional, childish, selfish". She was never any of these things, and if anything, was just the opposite of those negative words. (Are you sure you were even watching SG1?) And, personally, if I felt that way about any character I was watching in a series, I'd just stop watching the program and find other things to be entertained by.


                                Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                                Well, I know we all have our opinions of characters, but I truly don't understand where you got the idea the Sam Carter character was "whiny, un-professional, childish, selfish". She was never any of these things, and if anything, was just the opposite of those negative words. (Are you sure you were even watching SG1?) And, personally, if I felt that way about any character I was watching in a series, I'd just stop watching the program and find other things to be entertained by.
                                I got the idea from watching the show, actually.

                                Carter is a dreadful little character, imo. She displays all of the negative characteristics I mentioned in almost every episode. She gulps and neck stretches her way through scene after scene, whining and doing her 'look at me, look at me' act. She deserts her post, crumbles under pressure/torture, moons around, consorts with aliens, treats her boyfriend like crap, acts just like a thirteen year old when presented with anything in any way, shape, or form adult.. etc... etc. I think that she is the worst character I have ever seen on any show.

                                But, like I said before, I watch around her, despite her. I love all of the other characters to different levels, why should one bad apple spoile the whole barrel? I find that after so much practise my finger hits the ff button as soon as she opens her mouth! It's become an automatic response. My husband used to throw things at the tv whenever Carter appeared but I had to stop him after he knocked a vase off the top.

                                That said I did enjoy Carter in AOT because she seemed a lot more like the Carter from the early seasons and if we get that version of the character I could put up with her in the next SG1 movie as long as it is in a supporting role. But I don't want her anywhere near an Atlantis movie, she doesn't belong there and imo should never have taken over from Weir in the first place.

                                Jack and Daniel...the old married couple.

