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Tapping in Atlantis + SG1 New movies!

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    Originally posted by Melora View Post
    I wasn't saying you couldn't express your opinion and I certainly would never red you for it. I never have before and you've said things a lot worse than this.

    I was merely presenting a hypothetical situation that I would ideally love to see one day.

    I could go into every general thread and blather on and on about how much I hate another one of the characters and how I attribute much of that to the limited abilities of the actor and the poor acting choices he made. I could talk about how the character was the major factor that ruined Seasons 9 and 10 and the AoT for me. But I would rather not, if only to spare the feelings of the many fans that really, really like him and want to see him in the movies. Who am I to want to deny them the enjoyment of seeing their favorite character again? Just because I find him an irritating and useless character that gets on my nerves?

    For example, a lot of fans jumped all over the Mitchell character when he was introduced in Season 9. Although I didn't hate the character, I was also very critical. But you know what? I found out that there were a lot of really nice people who loved the character. And every time someone posted a negative attack on the character and even BB's acting, I found that it really upset the Cam fans. I still have some problems with Cam as a character (although I adore him now), but I respect the fans of the character enough to not go on and on about it in the general threads.

    To me, it's about showing respect to fellow fans (if not to the actors). If I do have criticism for a character or actor, I try to limit it to one of the many anti threads about and I try to present my criticism in a constructive way.

    I would also never say that an established SG character should not be in the movies b/c of my own personal hatred of him/her. The show/movies do not revolve solely around my likes and dislikes and I want my fellow fans to enjoy the things they like about the franchise... as long as they afford me the same courtesy. But that's just my choice.

    You're old enough to make your own choices about what you post and where you post it, flynn.
    I didn't say you had.

    If you or anyone else has a problem with a character or an actor then post away. That's your right and don't let anyone stop you. It isn't about respect, it is about honesty and truth. If the inclusion of one or more characters or situations would ruin the show/movies for you then don't be afraid to say so. It's not affording other fans courtesy to bite your tongue, the pro's certainly don't care where or how often they post about the wonder that is Carter/Tapping.

    A few things to remember - Negative comments are just as valid as positive ones. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. The eternal repetition from some of the more enthusiastic SC/AT fans can be just as upsetting to the antis as the negative comments are to the pros. Only take the moral high ground if you are very sure of just what is under your feet.

    This thread is for comments on Tapping in Atlantis and SG1 new movies, you want her there, I don't - not unless it's the Carter from AOT. Others want different things, tptb can't please us all. Whatever happens is okay with me, I either get more Stargate to watch or the whole thing ended with Continuum. At this point I don't much care which way it goes.

    Lastly - it's just a tv show and Tapping is an actress who no doubt expects negative comments along with the positive. It's a harsh buisiness and she's done well with what she has I doubt she will be losing sleep over anything posted here.

    Jack and Daniel...the old married couple.


      Originally posted by drexim View Post
      Regarding the first lil bit of news did you have to go and try to bring reality into my happy lil make believe world?
      did it work?

      Originally posted by drexim View Post
      Reagarding O'Neill lol ok shows how much I have read about the next movie but thank you!!!!
      you're welcome

      Originally posted by Melora View Post
      I like your make-believe world. It would completely rock if Weir came back for the SGA movie. My favorite part of Season 4 was the end of BAMSR. It would be the greatest twist if Weir unexpectedly showed up again. Too bad it doesn't look like it is in the cards.

      that's pretty much impossible after GitM
      The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


        Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post

        that's pretty much impossible after GitM
        Not necessarily, my friend.

        Anything is possible in sci fi.

        But you're right. I don't think it's gonna happen.


          Originally posted by Melora View Post
          Not necessarily, my friend.

          Anything is possible in sci fi.
          LOL true *cough Carson *cough*

          Originally posted by Melora View Post
          But you're right. I don't think it's gonna happen.
          at least not in the first movie
          The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


            Unfortunately, I agree the likelihood to see Weir again (and I admit, when I say Weir I mean TH, not FRAN Weir) is slim.

            I don't think just in the first movie - if there is ineed more than one movie - but as a whole, I belive it's unlikely she'll come back. Which is such a shame.
            Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
            Yes, I am!
            Improved and unfuzzy banner being the result of more of Caldwell's 2IC sick, yet genuis, mind.
            Help Pitry win a competition! Listen to Kula Shaker's new single
            Peter Pan R.I.P


              Originally posted by Pitry View Post
              Unfortunately, I agree the likelihood to see Weir again (and I admit, when I say Weir I mean TH, not FRAN Weir) is slim.

              I don't think just in the first movie - if there is ineed more than one movie - but as a whole, I belive it's unlikely she'll come back. Which is such a shame.
              It is a shame. I must admit that I didn't watch Atlantis regularly until Carter/AT joined the show, but then I started watching a lot of the season 1-3 reruns and was soon kicking myself for not giving such a great show a chance before.

              Weir is one of my favorite Stargate characters, and from what I've seen and read about TH she seems like a lovely person. As much as I would enjoy seeing Carter in the Atlantis movie, I would love to see Weir infinitely more.



                Originally posted by flynn1959 View Post
                I didn't say you had.

                If you or anyone else has a problem with a character or an actor then post away. That's your right and don't let anyone stop you. It isn't about respect, it is about honesty and truth. If the inclusion of one or more characters or situations would ruin the show/movies for you then don't be afraid to say so. It's not affording other fans courtesy to bite your tongue, the pro's certainly don't care where or how often they post about the wonder that is Carter/Tapping.
                Thanks, but no thanks. I think I’ll continue to follow my own philosophy on this one. Like I said, you can choose how and where you want to post and I will continue doing the same. In the meantime, I can always hope that fans will try and demonstrate tolerance and respect for each other. By the way, you can still be honest, express your opinions, tell the truth, and demonstrate tolerance and respect. You don’t even have to bite your tongue to do so. I see people around here do it all the time. It’s really not that hard.
                A few things to remember - Negative comments are just as valid as positive ones. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. The eternal repetition from some of the more enthusiastic SC/AT fans can be just as upsetting to the antis as the negative comments are to the pros. Only take the moral high ground if you are very sure of just what is under your feet.
                Hmm… that’s interesting. So you get really upset when a group of fans express their enjoyment of the Carter character and AT’s performances? When I read post after post about how terrific a character I hate is or about how wonderful an actor I find to be mediocre is, I tend to just ignore it and move on. Sometimes I even enjoy it, b/c it is nice to see a group of people happy about something. As long as the fans of the character aren’t putting down something I like in order to celebrate their favorite character/actor, I’m fine with it. Fans are really fascinating, aren’t they? Just for you, I promise to dial my enjoyment of the Carter character down a notch and not go around posting about how great AT is. Who knew I was upsetting people by expressing how much I enjoy watching a fictional character?

                This thread is for comments on Tapping in Atlantis and SG1 new movies, you want her there, I don't - not unless it's the Carter from AOT. Others want different things, tptb can't please us all. Whatever happens is okay with me, I either get more Stargate to watch or the whole thing ended with Continuum. At this point I don't much care which way it goes.
                Nice to hear it. I hope you get some of what you want to see in the next movie. As long as it’s not the absence of Carter, that is.

                Lastly - it's just a tv show and Tapping is an actress who no doubt expects negative comments along with the positive. It's a harsh buisiness and she's done well with what she has I doubt she will be losing sleep over anything posted here.
                I have no idea how AT feels about these kinds of things. I seriously doubt she reads threads like this one anymore.

                I personally don’t post extremely negative comments about actors b/c I would hate it if someone posted highly critical comments over and over and over again about my physical appearance and talent online for everyone to see. Perhaps it's just a fear of karma. Who knows. And even though they are actors and are used to criticism, it is never nice to see bad things written about yourself. They are still human beings, after all. Sometimes I think fans forget that.

                That’s it for me. As usual, it’s been fun.


                  Originally posted by Pitry View Post
                  Unfortunately, I agree the likelihood to see Weir again (and I admit, when I say Weir I mean TH, not FRAN Weir) is slim.

                  I don't think just in the first movie - if there is ineed more than one movie - but as a whole, I belive it's unlikely she'll come back. Which is such a shame.

                  Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
                  It is a shame. I must admit that I didn't watch Atlantis regularly until Carter/AT joined the show, but then I started watching a lot of the season 1-3 reruns and was soon kicking myself for not giving such a great show a chance before.

                  Weir is one of my favorite Stargate characters, and from what I've seen and read about TH she seems like a lovely person. As much as I would enjoy seeing Carter in the Atlantis movie, I would love to see Weir infinitely more.
                  I feel the same way. I would love to see Sam in the SGA movie in a small role or cameo. But if TPTB got down on their knees and begged TH to come back and reprise her role and she agreed, I think I would actually squee.

                  And I never squee.


                    Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post

                    that's pretty much impossible after GitM
                    I wish I had your optimism!


                      Originally posted by Melora View Post

                      I have no idea how AT feels about these kinds of things. I seriously doubt she reads threads like this one anymore.

                      I personally don’t post extremely negative comments about actors b/c I would hate it if someone posted highly critical comments over and over and over again about my physical appearance and talent online for everyone to see. Perhaps it's just a fear of karma. Who knows. And even though they are actors and are used to criticism, it is never nice to see bad things written about yourself. They are still human beings, after all. Sometimes I think fans forget that.

                      That’s it for me. As usual, it’s been fun.
                      Tapping is an actress who no doubt has a hide as thick as a Rhino's, like all actors need to have to survive in the buisiness. I don't see why you seem to think that just because she is an actress her work shouldn't be critised. Imo she is not all that good at her chosen job and as such should expect to be critised. Who knows perhaps it would help her improve a bit.

                      Jack and Daniel...the old married couple.


                        Originally posted by Melora View Post
                        You wouldn't be married to a guy who goes by the handle "Peter57," would you?

                        If you are, congratulations on getting your figure back so quickly after having your children.

                        If not, you should look him up. You two seem to have a lot in common.
                        This has me rofl. Isn't he terrible?? Geez.


                          What bothers me is 1. the obsession TPTB seem to have with Carter, and 2. Carter is full of flaws, but she's written like she doesn't have any flaws.

                          What I mean is, Carter comes across as whiny and arrogant and kind of irritating sometimes to have around, but she's written like everyone is expected to fall in love with this perfect woman who just happens to be the one of the greatestest of the soldiers, scientists, and diplomats on Earth, oh and she's hot too... oh, and lo and behold, she has a knack for leading Atlantis too!

                          She has a great sense of humor! Oh, she can bake and sing! Look, she can fly with an umbrella!

                          If you are going to write a "perfect" character like Carter without any obvious flaws (which is not a good plan anyway imo) you better not try to make the character the leader in every situation. In the early seasons of SG-1 it worked and I liked her better because she was just part of the team. Later, however, she's too much the focus and her character is treated too well by TPTB.

                          Oh, and btw this is nothing against Amanda Tapping. Sure, I've disliked the way she's played the character at times, but I have nothing against her or her acting in general. Just the character I'm not crazy about.
                          "Yo, Adrian!" -Rocky in Rocky
                          "That'll be the Day" -John Wayne in The Searchers


                            I don't really care if she's in the movies. I stopped caring after Continuum. Never did really appreciate about SGA. (Ronon is *hot* though.)

                            She's outgrown the franchise. Odd, how an actress that is "wooden" is well-liked by her bosses and her co-workers for her ability to nail a scene in only a few takes. And has received awards for her work.

                            Oh. And left the franchise for another series - as the star *and* an EP. I don't see any other actor on Stargate doing that. When one left he came back with not much to his credit for that year. And has managed only spotty guest roles on a cable show recently.

                            I hope she's back for those who want to see Sam again, but I haven't liked the writing for SG-1 in years, so won't be watching.
                            Mourning Sanctuary.
                            Thanks for the good times!


                              Can I just say I'm absolutely DELIGHTED for ALL THE ACTORS gaining parts all over the darn shop, whether it be mainstream guest starring roles and/or their own series, but it still doesn't take away the fact for me that as far as the STARGATE FILMS are concerned, SG-1 and Atlantis, I still don't want to see ONE character dominating (be it Carter, Jackson, Mitchell or O'Neill)....I want to see a TEAM effort in both, and keep the SG-1 cast separate from the Atlantis cast for the time being, although I'd not object to a crossover in a few years' time...

                              Oh and I'm still wishing Chris Judge (remember him?...) lots of good luck with his writing project Rage of's been a long time for news but I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for him....

                              And now, I'm backing out of this thread for warmer climes....

                              Deeds xx *lover of ALL the Team, ALL the time and ALL the actors*.....
                              Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
                              MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                                Originally posted by discodiva View Post
                                Can I just say I'm absolutely DELIGHTED for ALL THE ACTORS gaining parts all over the darn shop, whether it be mainstream guest starring roles and/or their own series, but it still doesn't take away the fact for me that as far as the STARGATE FILMS are concerned, SG-1 and Atlantis, I still don't want to see ONE character dominating (be it Carter, Jackson, Mitchell or O'Neill)....I want to see a TEAM effort in both, and keep the SG-1 cast separate from the Atlantis cast for the time being, although I'd not object to a crossover in a few years' time...

                                Oh and I'm still wishing Chris Judge (remember him?...) lots of good luck with his writing project Rage of's been a long time for news but I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for him....

                                And now, I'm backing out of this thread for warmer climes....

                                Deeds xx *lover of ALL the Team, ALL the time and ALL the actors*.....

                                Agreed. Hope you get your wish.

                                Mourning Sanctuary.
                                Thanks for the good times!

