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Third SG-1 movie ("Stargate Revolution") Ship Free hopes/speculation/ideas

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    Merlin thought SG-1 and co where the knights. Maybe they WERE. Though that would mean another time travel movie.

    I would like to see something done with Stonehenge.


      Originally posted by Icedragon View Post
      Merlin thought SG-1 and co where the knights. Maybe they WERE. Though that would mean another time travel movie.

      I would like to see something done with Stonehenge.
      Both of those ideas would be interesting.

      Maybe Sam, Daniel, Mitchell, Vala, Ba'al, Teal'c were actually born back in medieval days............ i dunno how that would work but it would be cool...


        "ladies and gentleman around the globe. we are not alone. somewhere, there might be aliens" then he pulls a face and laughs.

        " ladies and gentleman. i have good news and bad news. bad news is: we are not alone. good news is: we are the most powerfull race"


          Originally posted by thekillman View Post
          "ladies and gentleman around the globe. we are not alone. somewhere, there might be aliens" then he pulls a face and laughs.

          " ladies and gentleman. i have good news and bad news. bad news is: we are not alone. good news is: we are the most powerfull race"

          "We made first contact with a super-advanced, malevolent alien race known as the Goa'uld. They'd enslaved millions of our fellow humans around the galaxy using their super-advanced starships equipped with interstellar engines and weapons beyond your comprehensions..."


          "So we sent two of our best Air Force operatives and an archaeologist to deal with the matter and by their ninth year they'd defeated the Goa'uld, and we've already integrated their best technologies into the United States Military."

          [sporadic clapping, but mostly shock]

          "The larger threat, however, was a race of alien robots that managed to defeat a millenniums-old race with technology that even the Goa'uld were in awe of."


          "Several minutes after the robots attempted an invasion of Earth those same two operatives and the archaeologist, with the help of one of the operatives' father, we annihilated the entire robot presence in the galaxy.

          [sporadic clapping, but mostly shock]

          "Though those were great threats to the sovereignty of our great nation, surely the largest threat was the Ori, a race that represents the original incarnation of humanity. Their technologies, using eons-worth of knowledge, was beyond anything we could even comprehend. And their intentions, well the conquest of Earth was certainly on their agenda."


          "Yes, it took us almost two years to assassinate the entirety of their top leadership officials. And then with the help of two of our archaeologist's guardian Angels, we've made them our allies."

          [sporadic clapping, but mostly shock]

          "Oh, and before I forget, we've recently acquired technologies that makes The United States the most powerful nation in the galaxy.

          God bless America."

          [sporadic clapping, but mostly shock]
          "Most of our John Sheppard impressions sound more like a demented Jimmy Stewart than Joe Flanigan."
          ~David Hewlett


            "ladies and gentlemen. what has transpired in the last 12 years cannot be said by words. but i have something to show you"

            * the earth fleet drops from the sky and flies over*

            *everyone is shocked*

            "say hello to our little friends"


              Originally posted by thekillman View Post
              "ladies and gentlemen. what has transpired in the last 12 years cannot be said by words. but i have something to show you"

              * the earth fleet drops from the sky and flies over*

              *everyone is shocked*

              "say hello to our little friends"
              Too bad our little friends are dead! Thanks again RCC


                maybe an alliance of all of the remaining goaulds and the foothold aliens and the ashen and maybe the retou that are trying to anialate earth. the only catch is they developed a wepon thats even more powerful than our 304s. but this couldnt have come at a better time because while we were looking in the asgard core we found a file that has a map and a set of clues and riddles that will lead us to a cache of incredible asgard toys more powerful than anything weve seen so far. the file was supposed to be opened years down the road when we were "ready" for that level of tachnology but it was accidentaly discovered. so can sg1 decipher the clues in time to find the treasure trove of knowledge and technology first in time to prevent the anialation of earth once again? because theyer not the only ones looking. the alliance is as well so they cant defeat them.

                the search will most likely take them cross galexy and parts of it will take place on the odessy. and who knows maybe they discover a new enemy in some distant galexy while theyer looking for the cache. a new enemy worthy eneough to be a 4th movie? who knows?
                STARGATE ROCKS

                THERE IS NO BETTER SHOW


                  Originally posted by stargater1990 View Post
                  maybe an alliance of all of the remaining goaulds and the foothold aliens and the ashen and maybe the retou that are trying to anialate earth. the only catch is they developed a wepon thats even more powerful than our 304s. but this couldnt have come at a better time because while we were looking in the asgard core we found a file that has a map and a set of clues and riddles that will lead us to a cache of incredible asgard toys more powerful than anything weve seen so far. the file was supposed to be opened years down the road when we were "ready" for that level of tachnology but it was accidentaly discovered. so can sg1 decipher the clues in time to find the treasure trove of knowledge and technology first in time to prevent the anialation of earth once again? because theyer not the only ones looking. the alliance is as well so they cant defeat them.

                  the search will most likely take them cross galexy and parts of it will take place on the odessy. and who knows maybe they discover a new enemy in some distant galexy while theyer looking for the cache. a new enemy worthy eneough to be a 4th movie? who knows?
                  hmmmm, i think that episode is called the Quest....


                    Originally posted by Jack_Bauer View Post
                    hmmmm, i think that episode is called the Quest....
                    i never said it was an origional idea but i did change it around a little
                    STARGATE ROCKS

                    THERE IS NO BETTER SHOW


                      I think that this "Direct-to-Dvd" type of movie is a great thing for Stargate 'franshise' it could allow for movies/stories based on that old and cool standalone episodes that came early on the series and then were never talked again like "Crystal Skull"(fuelled no doubt by indiana jones ) or the Nox or whatever theres a bunch...

                      This came to me as a way to have a real Stargate story without the faces of the main characters because of that all "its gonna be hard to have them all together again" thing...

                      So this movie/adventure happens when Daniel is in Atlantis(thus no need to have Shanks there).
                      O'neill, Carter and Teal'c go off-world (We see Carter and Teal'c backs as they go trought the gate, thus eliminate the need to have Tapping or Judge, and O'neill 'saluting" Landry before he to goes throught the gate, we do see O'neills face so RDA must be in the movie )

                      They 3 get kidnapped and vanish without a trace... Back at SGC Landry, Cam, Vala and Dr. Lee release what happened and come to the conclusion that the key to save them is in O'neills kid clone from "Fragile Balance" (not sure how but the writers staff can come up with a reason ), so Cam and Vala go ask young O'neill's help and they 3 go off in an adventure to find Old O'neill, Carter and Teal'c. (They only to be there in the end it shouldnt take more than a week to shoot i supose... i guess it depends on the rest of the story)

                      Its kinda of a joke but is the New SG1 coming to the rescue of the Old SG1

                      What do you guys think??
                      "Do you know what's the Chain of Command?? It's the chain i'm gonna beat you
                      with until you realize who's in rotten command here." - Jayne Cobb


                        there is one thing missing - bad guyz and it would be really really good if bad guyz would be somehow connected to stargate mythology


                          I do believe that whatever captured Old'Neill, Sam and Teal'c would be the bad guys of the movie. Its a lovely idea, they dont touch on the O'neill clone at all and they should have. It had so much potential. They could even bring in the Tin Man robot clone idea thing again just for kicks. I like the premise honestly, they should do something like that.


                            An idea I have been playing around with in my head (not necessarily for a third movie as will be seen in my idea):
                            It is now the year 2010 again and the Aschen have finally recovered enough from their black hole experience to be a threat. Our gang decide to go on a retreat to Kheb to help them think about the problem they run into Dr. Janet Fraiser. After Dr. Fraiser went to Chulak to get Teal'c, she decided to go to Kheb for safety in case the plan did not work. She was in the worm hole on her way there when the past was changed but it did not affect her, similar to what happened in Continuum. She tells them all the information she has on the aschen, through her ten years of history. With the help of that information that are able to defeat the Aschen, and rescue ambassador Joe Faxon.

                            A side note possibility is that the Aschen used research from the Ori plague from the time of the Ancients to develop their bioweapons.
                            "Time Travel: it's a cornucopia of disturbing concepts"-Ron Stoppable- Kim Possible


                              Originally posted by Nathan Reynolds View Post
                              I think that this "Direct-to-Dvd" type of movie is a great thing for Stargate 'franshise' it could allow for movies/stories based on that old and cool standalone episodes that came early on the series and then were never talked again like "Crystal Skull"(fuelled no doubt by indiana jones ) or the Nox or whatever theres a bunch...

                              This came to me as a way to have a real Stargate story without the faces of the main characters because of that all "its gonna be hard to have them all together again" thing...

                              So this movie/adventure happens when Daniel is in Atlantis(thus no need to have Shanks there).
                              O'neill, Carter and Teal'c go off-world (We see Carter and Teal'c backs as they go trought the gate, thus eliminate the need to have Tapping or Judge, and O'neill 'saluting" Landry before he to goes throught the gate, we do see O'neills face so RDA must be in the movie )

                              They 3 get kidnapped and vanish without a trace... Back at SGC Landry, Cam, Vala and Dr. Lee release what happened and come to the conclusion that the key to save them is in O'neills kid clone from "Fragile Balance" (not sure how but the writers staff can come up with a reason ), so Cam and Vala go ask young O'neill's help and they 3 go off in an adventure to find Old O'neill, Carter and Teal'c. (They only to be there in the end it shouldnt take more than a week to shoot i supose... i guess it depends on the rest of the story)

                              Its kinda of a joke but is the New SG1 coming to the rescue of the Old SG1

                              What do you guys think??


                                I've been kicking around an idea somewhat involving the Ancients, atlantis, and the SGC. I've got no real working title though.

                                It would involve the Ancients during the Lantian/Wraith war. A military research faction was trying to build advanced weaponry to fight the massive wraith fleet. The beginning of the movie would pan down to a remote planet on the out ridge of the PG where the group has a base that is phase cloaked to prevent wraith detection. The camera follows two scientists as they walk through a small tunnel that resembles a mine, they open a old looking steel door which leads to a walkway over a massive pit in the center of the planet. The caveren is large enough to house 3 Aurora class cruisers, but there is nothing but catwalks and open space. Each scientist places his/her hand into a small opening in the rock face, they are phased and you see that 2 large bizzare looking war ships are docked here and that there are nearly 1000 scientists below working on various projects.

                                As the story follows you find out that Janus started the faction but was forced to quit as the council got curious about his where-abouts. We follow two unknown scientists and learn about the "_______" (don't have a good name) project. They are developing combat suits. Suits powered by miniture ion generators, capable of EVA walks and temporary phase shifts. Equiped with advanced Lantian pulse weaponry and personal shields. the alloy they are comprised of is energy absorbing, but only to a point, there is a limitation on how much they can absorb at once, thus the need for the shield.

                                Heavier artiliary suits are seen behind this smaller version, no information is given on them.

                                The suits are nearly perfect, they tie into the nervous system of the user and allow nearly instantaeous reflexes and acts like a second skin. but this is the drawback, as the suit over time permanently bonds to the user and he/she cannot remove it.

                                Then the order to evacuate PG is given. With none of the warships finished or the suits flaw fixed, the greatest war fleet in the PG is left in the phase dock.

                                Come to modern day, Michael and the Hybrids manage to find the Tria near the demolished Midway station (data he stole from Atlantis in S5). He figures out the Ancient IG hyperdrives, and manages to graft them into his Hive. He now has access to Earth.

                                Back in the SGC Daniel is investigating a relic he found in Atlantis. McKay thought is was junk, so Daniel brought it back to Earth for further study. Covered in Pre-PG Ancient language, Daniel struggles to understand it. He finally realizes it is a puzzle much like how the Dakara weapon was hidden. He twists and turns the egg shaped relic until the word "DAKARA" is formed but can only be read horizontally. But nothing happens, a much older Teal'C walks in and asks Daniel of his progress. Daniel obviously let down that it did nothing, but Teal'c asks what the large letters say, Daniel says nothing as it appears as gibberish when held vertically (all other ancient letters are vertical except these). Teal'C notices this and he is standing to the side of Daniel and turns it, Daniel speaks "Dakara" and the stone opens to reveal and a 7 symbol holographic gate address appears.

                                Meanwhile, Michael has successfully grafted the HD into his hive and is prepared to test his new ship. He plots a course to Earth and activates the HD. The Hive jumps into hyperspace........................

                                you get the idea, I will think of more later.

