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Avalon, Part 1 (901)

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    Originally posted by Dani347
    I can see how he would assume that. Vala comes in wearing her outfit, making blatant sexual commments, grinning when she sees Daniel and teasing him.
    Plus there's the whole binding him to herself with what she believed were a pair of marriage bracelets, so he can't wander too far away from her without risking his life.

    She may have had reasons for doing that which were more practical than amorous (or, at least, as practical as they were anything else) but, in either case, and whatever her reasons for wanting to keep him close - and all innuendo aside - that's about as "hard to get" in approach as dragging him back to her cave by the hair.



      Originally posted by DigiFluid
      I never really watched Farscape....but the "limited genetic pool" thing seemed to me more like making fun of the fact that Shanks and Browder look alike.
      I agree that it was less a FarScape in-joke as it was an internet/convention in-joke. A FS in-joke would mean that anybody that watches FS would get the joke, but this one relied more on someone having read about it on the internet or heard the comments at a convention.

      I also think it might be pushing it to say that the testosterone joke is an inside joke to FarScape. Making jokes about testosterone in male-dominated arenas is quite common and just because a particular actress used the same word in two different scripts, doesn't really make them connected.

      I love all the lines everyone has mentioned, though. My current favorite [and it changes constantly] is the wonderful comedic timing of "Says here, that's your name..."

      I also think one of the best things about the "bullets bounce" scene was that after Mitchell demonstrated the bouncing, he paused, and then did another bullet richocheting demonstration. That cracked me up.


        Hi guys. I was just reading over what everyone's said, while wondering when we're gonna get word on how SciFi Friday did in the Nielsen's department... I suppose it'll probably be later on this week before the info is released.

        Just wanted to say that I've watched the ep again, and I think I'm gonna like Landry. I think Beau Bridges is pretty neat for some reason. I don't know what it is, considering I'd never really seen his work before. Nevertheless, like I said before, I think it's really nice that he's a different kind of General. Knowing that Bridges researched the role also adds to his character. In a way, I compare Landry to Mitchell, because he is totally different than Hammond, and Mitchell is meant to be totally different than Jack.

        I still think I'm gonna like Vala, and I like the idea of her having depths as deep as Kelowna's core. Maybe Avalon Part II will give us a chance to see her let go of that wisecracker facade in the face of real danger. She and Daniel will both be out of their elements, which make for the drama that was a tad lacking in the first part. I also think that a serious Vala will be just as redeeming as a comedic Vala, given that it's CB who's playing her.

        When Cam was trying to get the sword out and Vala said to Teal'c, "Try your hand, Muscles and I'll give you half," I cracked up. All of the characters' relationships - Cameron, Daniel, Sam, Teal'c, Vala, and Landry - are gonna have that slight edge to them that makes the characters' reactions rather unpredictable. I'm looking forward to seeing more of that in Avalon Part II.


          People have problems with Vala (clearly ) and yes, I know some people might think her antics were over the top, which they're perfectly entitled to think, (I enjoyed them) but others seem to be disturbed by the fact that the dreaded sex has been mentioned. I mean, this show certainly never showed Sam about to have sex with Pete, it never showed Teal'c the morning after he got it on with Shaun'auc and it certainly never had Jack catch aging nanites from doing a complete stranger while on drug-cake. Just putting it out there... (no puns intended )

          However, any episode that has the name Bill Dow in the opening credits is going to kick ass and it certainly did.


            Originally posted by Teal'c
            People have problems with Vala (clearly ) and yes, I know some people might think her antics were over the top, which they're perfectly entitled to think, (I enjoyed them) but others seem to be disturbed by the fact that the dreaded sex has been mentioned. I mean, this show certainly never showed Sam about to have sex with Pete, it never showed Teal'c the morning after he got it on with Shaun'auc and it certainly never had Jack catch aging nanites from doing a complete stranger while on drug-cake. Just putting it out there... (no puns intended )

            However, any episode that has the name Bill Dow in the opening credits is going to kick ass and it certainly did.

            Vala doesn't appeal to everyone. I think she's a riot and part of that is being over the top. That said, I think the line about making babies was a little too much. She's only around for a while, so for those who don't like her, all I can say is hang in there and keep your eyes on Daniel or Mitchell or anyone else while she's on screen, or just close your eyes for those parts and focus on the plot. Just like Daniel, we have her with no choice in the matter, but it's not a permanent thing...we'll manage.


              Originally posted by Teal'c
              People have problems with Vala (clearly ) and yes, I know some people might think her antics were over the top, which they're perfectly entitled to think, (I enjoyed them) but others seem to be disturbed by the fact that the dreaded sex has been mentioned. I mean, this show certainly never showed Sam about to have sex with Pete, it never showed Teal'c the morning after he got it on with Shaun'auc and it certainly never had Jack catch aging nanites from doing a complete stranger while on drug-cake. Just putting it out there... (no puns intended )

              However, any episode that has the name Bill Dow in the opening credits is going to kick ass and it certainly did.
              To be honest, I was irked by the Sam/Pete, Teal'c/Shau'nac, Jack/various alien women, AND Daniel/Hathor sex romps. But I was willing to deal with it, because it wasn't in your face - with, of course, the exception of Sam and Pete's, which I will always blame on SciFi.

              I think some people wig out because Vala is SO in-your-face about it, and it's hard to avoid. I'm slowly getting over it, but I did cringe during those moments when she mentioned it, solely because I think it's rather unnecessary. It didn't move the plot forward, nor did it develop Vala beyond the concept of a woman who likes a casual lay. Yipes.

              I like looking at Vala as a thieving, witty, pathological liar who hides behind humor like a shell, and who has a shady and painful past, with perhaps some unresolved family issues that were never properly addressed. I don't need to know about her, or anyone else's, sex life.


                I suggest you to visit the previous page and read Piratejenna's review of this episode and her extremely deep analize of Vala's character. Outside Vala and inside Vala can be two completely different people... ("you know nothing about me!" - Vala to Daniel in the cave)


                  Originally posted by Kalliope
                  I suggest you to visit the previous page and read Piratejenna's review of this episode and her extremely deep analize of Vala's character. Outside Vala and inside Vala can be two completely different people... ("you know nothing about me!" - Vala to Daniel in the cave)
                  Yep. That's what I'm hoping for, though I'd like to think her concerns and her fears extend beyond her attraction to and interaction with Daniel, someone whom she'd only met once. The issues I'm talking about are the deep-rooted kind, and while I definitely think she cares about what Daniel thinks of her, I'd like to think that he's not her main concern for the duration of her stay with SG-1 (or SG-Mitchell and Co. ).

                  She's used to working alone, and I find it hard to believe that one encounter with Daniel could shatter a resolve that was literally years in the making. But we'll see. I guess I'm just not a very hardcore Vala/Daniel shipper, and I'd like to see her developed well beyond how it affects her relationship with him. I think we've all seen how fans react when TPTB attach a female character's feelings/actions/responses to that of a male character's. A lot of people don't like it, and characters get bashed because of it.

                  Though I definitely like the undercurrent of sexual tension between Daniel and Vala. Daniel's cute when he's flustered. And if they can keep it "undercurrent" for a little while longer, I'll be satisfied.


                    Well, I judged this episode on having to do two things – introduce the new regular characters, and setup the arc for meeting the new enemy/enemies.

                    I give it an A- on handling the characters, especially introducing Mitchell and Landry. Loved the scene where Landry meets Mitchell – told me enough about them to know they are not Hammond 2.0 and Jack 2.0. They are unique and different from any past characters, and I like both of them.

                    I liked when Landry was talking about “finding Mitchell’s Kryptonite”, and “liking to yell at people.” I really loved Mitchell’s disappointment about finally getting to the Big Show to find all the players had been traded. And when he tells Sam that he’s worried he’ll screw up and destroy the world. I like that Sam and Cam are friends, and hope that gets developed in an interesting non-ship way. Mitchell’s an SG1 fanboy, how swell is that?

                    Also loved how Mitchell was trying to win over Teal’c - “any minute Jackson will find blah blah…That’s what I’m talking about!” and the “I’m digging this rapport we have going.” Liked that Teal’c is still assessing Mitchell. I find the back and forth of Vala and Daniel fun (“I’m pregnant”… “so if I kill her she dies too”, “not a minute…still not a minute”) but there can be too much of a good with her sexual innuendo comic relief. We need a reason to like Vala and so far, just her humour isn’t going to take me far.

                    Now to the second job of the episode – setting up the “finding of more Ancients and eventually the new enemy”… I give that a C- for implausible beginnings (why would they do anything but immediately seize all Vala’s gear and throw her into the brig?) and unoriginal plot devices (Arthurian legend). The ‘walls dropping fast while working on riddles cliffhanger” didn’t cross any new territory. Is anybody worried that lives are in jeopardy? Nope.

                    If we must have King Arthur, then I bring on the Black Knight and the Killer Rabbit next week though. I think Mitchell and Teal'c can take 'em.

                    Overall, I enjoyed it, and the show is off to a good start; better than I expected. All these actors can do drama and humour. I look forward to seeing the full spectrum of everyone, if the writing is there for them. I am enthusiastically optimistic.



                      Originally posted by greytop
                      Seeing Sam there and talking to Mitchell. I was just wondering if they were friend at the Academy together. By the way they sounded talking to each, they have been friends a long time.
                      You know, I picked up on that as well. Cam and Sam (ok, that's bad) talked like old friends talk. He was not nearly as casual with Teal'c or Daniel, and you know he wasn't with Jack. There's a twist in that connection there somewhere and I don't think (or hope) it's 'ship'. But there is something....
                      "You cannot reason with your own heart;
                      it has it's own laws and beats about things
                      which the intellect scorns."
                      - Mark Twain -


                        What's the answer to the riddles?

                        Anyone got any theories? Or actually know the answer?

                        I think it might have something to do with what Daniel said about "when you immediately know the candle light is fire..." or maybe not lol. Actually I have no idea...

                        So thoughts anyone? I really can't wait another week for this


                          Anyone picked up that the table in both of the rooms will stop the ceiling?


                            I really enjoyed Avalon 1. Sure, I kept quoting Battlefield toward the end, but that's just me. I love Vala. She's so crazy. I guess I just likes me women a bit mental. Daniel's chemistry with her is just so great, and it's fantastic to see her with Ben Browder again. Can't wait to see where they take the Arthur stuff.

                            "Let's make babies!"
                            "There's not a little boy born who wouldn't tear the world apart to save his mummy... and this little boy can." --The Doctor.
                            "The plastic tips at the ends of shoelaces are called Aglets. Their true purpose is sinister."--The Question.
                            BAD WOLF!!!


                              I loved the whole Daniel/Vala scene in the Infirmary.

                              The way Daniel said

                              "How can you not KNOW!" cracks me up everytime I see it, and the pillow throwing is great. The whole scene is justfunny and well done IMO.


                                Originally posted by Scoobing
                                Anyone picked up that the table in both of the rooms will stop the ceiling?
                                Well now, where's the fun in that? I really hope your wrong... cos that's just lame

