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Avalon, Part 1 (901)

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    Originally posted by Kas
    I look forward to Ben creating the different layers of Cameron Mitchell.
    Me too


      Yes, I really do look like (a younger) Daniel. Don't believe me? Look for yourself.

      Hey, Mitchell! You want a turn?


        Originally posted by valaCB
        I have to say sadly, when i see Ben as Mitchell, all i can see is JC from Farscape... . the same movement, when he speak and when he shouting.
        Like Kas, I don't really see it, either. I think it's more a "bleed" that is Ben's characteristics than Crichton's. Few of us have seen Ben in many different roles, at least not in enough different roles for any length of time to analyze all of the characteristics of his different characters. [That was a convoluted sentence!] Mostly, we have Crichton to compare Mitchell to. I believe what we are comparing is not necessarily Crichton, but Ben.

        It reminds me of a Venn diagram, where one circle is Mitchell, one is Crichton and the intersecting area is that part of Ben that he will bring to any role. There is going to be overlap of voice inflections and physical actions because the same actor is playing both parts.

        In the case of these two roles, I believe the actor will put more of himself into the parts [and causing a larger intersecting section of the Venn diagram] because:
        1. They are the types of roles that you would do that: average [or a little above average] men put in extraordinary circumstances. [You would be less likely to put personal characteristics into playing a serial killer, I would think.]
        2. Assimilation breeds imitation? He played Crichton for over 4 years and, hopefully, will play Mitchell for many years. Over time, more of Ben's characteristics will probably bleed into Mitchell as he feels comfortable in the role.

        Also, as I mentioned, the roles are similar. Crichton and Mitchell were obviously both highly intelligent, confident, brave and noble men that were thrust into extraordinary circumstances. I can see Ben playing both parts with similar characteristics - - although I expect Mitchell's path to take a lighter turn than the dark path Crichton was forced to go down.


          Originally posted by Dani347
          I don't know. That sounds like saying if Teal'c found out the place was on fire and he "rushed" off to help, that meant he was being rude to Mitchell.
          I didn't realize a simple phrase would entail such rich subtext and/or lead to this much inference -- should have paid attention in English class. Please allow me to clarify: by rushing off I meant Teal'c had left in great hurry and with very short notice. That's it. I did not imply he had been dismissive or rude towards Mitchell, as no judgment was passed at this juncture. (At least, not by me. I am aware that there are people who think Teal'c was rude, but only they can explain why they say that.)

          Originally posted by Dani347
          I think why he did something is just as important as the action itself. I'm not really sure what he was supposed to do, or what was objectionable about his behavior. If it was his rushing off, I don't think you (or, at least I) can't separate the reason for doing it. The fact that he had a very good reason makes the difference.
          As I was not passing judgment on his swift exit, merely stating a fact, his reason for doing so is irrelevant (for that particular part of our discussion).

          Originally posted by Dani347
          What else could he possibly have done?
          Like sending a "flunkie" to show Mitchell around? How many times do we see some extra showing up in SG-1 episodes, saying "Master XYZ instructs me to see to your every need / way out"? That Teal'c didn't do that surprised me. This and his other scenes with Mitchell -- like the smirk after Mitchell's "wow, wow, bullets bounce" -- are the reasons I called Teal'c's demeanor "aloof."

          Originally posted by Dani347
          I'm not sure why not, since not 5 minutes later, Mitchell was still trying to get him to do something he didn't want to do.
          "This is not a good time" is the kind of answer one uses under ordinary circumstances. However, a debt of gratitude sometimes obligates one to return a favor when it's not convenient. I am not saying Daniel must grant Mitchell's request, mind you; simply that it was a little surprising that Daniel didn't show much regret beyond that standard reply. Surprising, because of the flow of their conversation had specifically addressed that debt of gratitude.
          In all matters of opinion, our adversaries are insane. ~ Oscar Wilde


            Just watched this episode (was in Boston ), and I have to admit one thing really bothered me. When CM is in cave with T, and T shoots the gun, the reaction (acting) was sooooo John Creighton, I was looking for a pusle gun and leather pants. Sorry BB, but you have to watch the crossover directions, and Martin Wood you should know better.

            Vala, glad to see CB smiling after year sof sullen Aryun Sun tight lipped melodrama. And the leather ... still works wonders.
            The very young, do not always do what they are told.

            "To me, my board" - Silver Surfer


              This was better than I expected -- I was really dreading this season, and especially these first eps, because of no Sam and no Jack.

              I do think that it was a pretty weak episode, but not the worst. I do however think that it was probably the worst season premiere for SG-1. :\ Mainly I just found it rather boring and contrived and too different (and too suddenly different) from the old SG-1. The flashbacks weren't very well done IMO either.

              The Avalon scheme was a bit cheesy, but I happen to adore Arthurian legends, and I liked the 'Arthurian' score that went along with this ep.

              I enjoyed seeing Vala again, as I think she's hilarious (I fell out of my chair when she said 'I'm pregnant!'), and I think she and Daniel have a great rapport and great chemistry. I just LOVE how they bicker. They absolutely need to make babies!

              One thing though, I wasn't impressed with Vala's outfit -- I though it was pretty unflattering (made her look kind of pudgy IMO which of course she is far from), and just totally inappropriate. Seems it was put in merely for sex appeal at the expense of realism.

              I haven't yet decided how I feel about Cameron. Just a few days ago I started watching Farscape, which I have never seen before. His character on Stargate really DOES seem to be extremely similar -- same humour and mannerisms etc. Which just makes me think that he has been typecast (a shame, if that's the case) or else he isn't the greatest actor and can only play that one role. No offense to BB, that is just the IMPRESSION that I get -- and he certainly SEEMS like a good actor, not fake or cheesy.

              Anyway, even if we are going to see Farscape-Cameron, he seems like a pretty decent character and addition to the team. They certainly could have done a lot worse .


                Originally posted by fair_nymph
                I haven't yet decided how I feel about Cameron. Just a few days ago I started watching Farscape, which I have never seen before. His character on Stargate really DOES seem to be extremely similar -- same humour and mannerisms etc. Which just makes me think that he has been typecast (a shame, if that's the case) or else he isn't the greatest actor and can only play that one role. No offense to BB, that is just the IMPRESSION that I get -- and he certainly SEEMS like a good actor, not fake or cheesy.

                Anyway, even if we are going to see Farscape-Cameron, he seems like a pretty decent character and addition to the team. They certainly could have done a lot worse .
                I haven't seen enough of Mitchell yet to know him. Since it's the same actor, there may be a tendency to look for similarities with Crichton. I think that as the Mitchell character gets developed, the distinctions will be clearer. But Ben Browder is going to make any character likeable and funny.

                One immediate difference is that Mitchell's military. Crichton was a civilian scientist-astronaut, and didn't carry a weapon at the start of Farscape. Once you get to know that guy, you'll see he doesn't really follow orders either.

                I'm assuming you saw the first few episode(s) of Season 1 Farscape. If you stick around for the later half of Season 1, John Crichton becomes a very different fellow from the Crichton in the first 8 or so episodes. The Crichton character goes through a major arc of experiences over the four seasons that should be different from whatever is in store for Mitchell.

                My point is to let Mitchell be shown to us before drawing conclusions about the actor or the character from watching just a few episodes of either SG1 or Farscape. We've only seen 2 parts of a 3 part story on SG1.


                  I was really disapointed with this premiere. It had some good points but i am mainly disapointed in some of the new charachters. Vala i thought was horrid. She is just constantly annoying and idiotic. I hope we never have to see her again after the arc.

                  As for Cameron Mitchell. Well maybe ill just say i had high hopes for the replacement of Jack. So far i have not seen Cameron meet it. I think TPTB did a good job tieing Cameron in to the original SG-1 and i hope that he grows out of this stage of kid in a candy store. Hes just a little to exicited.

                  General Landry we really havent got to see to much, so i wont say anything negative or postive till i have seen more of him.

                  Hopefully the show picks up from here, i think it will be a hundreds times better once Vala leaves.
                  Last edited by SmartFox; 24 July 2005, 09:07 AM.


                    My point is to let Mitchell be shown to us before drawing conclusions about the actor or the character from watching just a few episodes of either SG1 or Farscape. We've only seen 2 parts of a 3 part story on SG1.
                    I definitely agree, I haven't come to any sort of conclusion yet. Those were just my first impressions. It definitely wouldn't be fair to pass judgement yet.


                      I think the use of first-person flashbacks, in this particular context, was the major problem for me. Besides the possible perception of self-involved personality, the technique did not accomplish its objective(s) in the most satisfactory manner. Since I've already gone on long enough about "personal heroics" , let's just tackle the "traumatic experience" angle.

                      First-person POV tends to be rich in emotional content. Coming into the episode, however, I knew next to nothing about Mitchell and, consequently, had neither the inclination nor the opportunity to invest in the character. Therefore, it would be quite disingenuous of me to say his feelings or his experience touched me a great deal. Perhaps intellectually, (for "no man is an island" and all that jazz) but not emotionally.
                      Agreed...I wasn't taken with the flashbacks. I actually found them a little boring and slightly confusing at first. They simply seemed incongruous with the rest of the ep.

                      I also felt that not having any Jack at all was very odd...the show was just so radically changed overnight and without an adequate transition IMO.


                        Originally posted by BackStageJim
                        Just watched this episode (was in Boston ), and I have to admit one thing really bothered me. When CM is in cave with T, and T shoots the gun, the reaction (acting) was sooooo John Creighton, I was looking for a pusle gun and leather pants. Sorry BB, but you have to watch the crossover directions, and Martin Wood you should know better.

                        That's the ONLY time that I was reminded of his Farscape character--I really felt he was a bit over the top in his jumping up and down and freaking out on Tea'lc. Other than that, I thought he did a wonderful job of establishing a new character. I look forward to the rest of the season (oh my, that sounded far too mild for how I really feel!).

                        I am so blessed! Cherriey made this cool sig; scarimor made this great Dr. Lee smilie and Spudster made another neat one Dr. Lee RULES!

                        Myn's fabulous twilight bark smilie:


                          So, I was bored and something popped into my head, so I checked on it. Did anyone else notice that Daniel was wearing the jacket he acquires in season 8's "Icon" when he's visiting Mitchell in Mitchell's flashback, which should've happened just after season 7's finale? Not significant in any way, but I thought that was kind of a funny anachronism.
                          Thornbird: I'm Major Robort Thornbird. And you are?
                          Jack: Captain James T. Kirk of the starship Enterprise.
                          Thornbird: Your dog tags say otherwise.
                          Jack: ... They're lying.


                            The Flashback wasn't officially a season 7 flashback as it took mitchell a long time to recover.
                            Just saw Avalon parts one and two today They Are kick ass. Although I do miss O' Neill however Mitchell brings back the kind of old Season 1-6 attitude and sense of humour which is sorely missed.
                            The Cliffhanger for this ep was ok but its the kind of thing they have in athe middle of the episode eg ep 6:3 Descent when the water was filling up in the room with Sam and Jack trapped inside. I give Avalon Part 1 7/10
                            Oh Yes the Sam is Back and hes more Sci-fied up than ever !!!!!!!!!

                            Coming Soon a new Banner from Me


                              Did you noticed that Merlin (Mirdon) is the same person as the leader of the Ancients in Atlantis (Moros - "Before I Sleep")?

                              "I was hoping for another day. Looks like we just got a whole lot more than that. Let's not waste it."

                              "Never underestimate your audience. They're generally sensitive, intelligent people who respond positively to quality entertainment."

                              "Individual science fiction stories may seem as trivial as ever to the blinder critics and philosophers of today, but the core of science fiction, its essence, has become crucial to our salvation, if we are to be saved at all."


                                Yep, it was pointed out in a couple of threads. Some people believe they're two different Ancients because they have different names, some people (well, really only me, as far as I know) believe that they could be one and the same and his name was just changed behind the scenes.
                                Thornbird: I'm Major Robort Thornbird. And you are?
                                Jack: Captain James T. Kirk of the starship Enterprise.
                                Thornbird: Your dog tags say otherwise.
                                Jack: ... They're lying.

