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Unending (1020)

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    I'd just like to point out that had Jack been on the ship, and the story had been the same... he would probably have been the one dying, not Landry.

    And that's just wrong.
    It would have been emotional and dramatic... but wrong.

    (Although, yeah, a mention would have been good.)


      Originally posted by prion View Post
      Yeah.... the hair and makeup were, well, not up to snuff. Or maybe people just don't age particularly well in time dilation fields. Ohyes, I retract my comment about Daniel's glasses (think I made it here) as they can manufactuer whatever they want, which I guess would mean low-calorie pizzas Or hey, maybe all those years of eating fake food is why they looked so bad! See! Ha! ;0
      Yeah, I remember you mentioning about the glasses, then when I watched it a second time, I noticed Sam was wearing glasses at the very end so I figured they had a way to test eyes and make glasses. But with the Asguard technology, I figured they had way to improve vision. I thought that's why they lived so long, with the Asguard technology to help them out.

      As for earlier posts as to why they looked so bad, I found it believable. Remember, they haven't seen daylight in over 50 years. The skin needs that vitamin D and E from the sun. A person who has been indoors for years looks horrible. Even Landry said that their was no substitution for sunlight in the episode.


        The Ori can't track it anymore. They'll figure it all out before the movies and season 4 of SGA.


          Obviously they will be put on other ships however they wont be as powerful on the other ships because the oddessey had a zpm.


            First of all, Daniel's rant at Vala seem way out of character to me. I can't help but wonder if Mallozzi and Mullie wrote it, it would have been different. So I blame Cooper for that. Vala deserved an apology for what he said to her. Perhaps he did give her one. We never saw much of them as a couple. I'm glad they had fifty years together, but since no one remembered, I felt it was a slap in the face for us D/V shippers. When Daniel said "silence is golden," he might as well have been saying shut the hell up to her yet again. If they had remembered, I would have felt better about it. They only good part was their time on the ship leaves us with infinite possibilities for missing scenes.

            Other than that, I was alright I guess. *shrugs*


              On the same topic, but different aspect:

              1. The ships shields, when at full capacity, could withstand a couple of hits from the Ori weapons, could they not?

              2. The ship, as we found later, was capable of fabricating anything the occupants could design (including a cello!)

              Question: Why could they not fabricate whatever components were necessary to repair (even improve) the shields, drop the bubble, take the hit and blow the Ori out of existence?


                so why didnt Odyssey use its cloak? did the asgard tech signature show through the cloak as well?


                  I do miss their "little grey butts".


                    Originally posted by monkey_man132 View Post
                    I do miss their "little grey butts".
                    I WAS JUST ABOUT TO SAY THAT!
                    1 Year 11mths without using the letter U on the thread: ask Morbo anything


                      Originally posted by Arga View Post
                      I was thinking about Teal'C.

                      Since he is the only one who actually remembers any of this (50 years worth of life, even in Earth yearth, it's quite a lot), I wonder how he can manage not to say anything about what happened in the ship! It would be a great torture for me to keep my mouth shut if I was in his place

                      Teal'c's fate reminded me of this episode of star trek DS9 where O'Brian is condamned to virtually live a fair number of years in prison (by memory implants). But here, he actually aged.
                      I think Teal'c was the most logical choice, *because* he is so super quiet (and in many ways, "indeed" similar to Mr. Spock of Star Trek). He holds a lot of info inside him that not even the SG-1 team ever knew existed within him. He's also good at being stealthy and knowing when to turn against his own friends for the sake of accomplishing the goal -
                      hence, Bra'tac, in an earlier season, while Teal'c was being tortured and ordered to kill Bra'tac with a staff weapon. Teal'c's actions were so convincing, that even in the last few seconds I didn't think he'd suddenly change direction and rescue Bra'tac and himself from deceiving Ba'al (?) holding him prisoner. Even Bra'tac admitted he was fooled into thinking he was as good as dead in that close encounter moment.

                      So, it's not a far stretch to think of Teal'c as the one harboring all those memories.

                      I also think if any jokes come around about Teal's age - well, he carries it well. But I still think he might call Bra'tac "old man" now and then, and have the joke ultimately come back to him as being the "old man".


                        My thoughts
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                          Originally posted by blf34 View Post
                          Is anyone else bothered by this??? What happened with Jack and Sam? No closure???
                          O'Neill will be sending her to a different there you go

                          EDIT: Note that this wasnt the "unending thread" when I posted. Though I understand the moderators need to keep a clean house. I will find what I was responding to and add the quote here.
                          Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                          ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                          AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                            So...what happened to Hermiod? He's still aboard the Deadalus, right?
                            Folding@Home|Babylon 5 Canon Guide

                            Delenn: This is Ambassador Delenn of the Minbari. Babylon 5 is under our protection. Withdraw,...or be destroyed.
                            Earth Captain: Negative. We have authority here. Do not force us to engage your ship.
                            Delenn: Why not? Only one human captain has ever survived battle with a Minbari fleet. He is behind me. You are in front of me. If you value your lives, be somewhere else.
                            --Babylon 5 - "Severed Dreams"


                              Im sorry..Id love to join in with the general throng and say this was a great last episode, but for me it answered no questions, did not have any great surprises, and left me flat. I am glad Sam character is going over to Atlantis, I would miss her..and I hope Daniel joins her. Those would be logical transplants. Let Tealc rest and get rid of Cameron..he was good but not needed. I liked Cory Niemec better.


                                Originally posted by Popeston View Post
                                It's a great conclusion really.
                                Poor Teal'c though
                                He'll be older than Bra'tac!
                                That'll be awkward.
                                I seriously doubt that considering that he still looks way younger than Bra'tac.
                                Have you ever remembered what life was like before you were born? That's how it will be like after you're dead.

