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Unending (1020)

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    Originally posted by Aria Rayn View Post
    Umm....Yeah. I had the finale Tivo'd, and just finished watching it. It was fairly...interesting. But there are two things that drove me absolutely nuts:

    1) WTF was going on with Daniel!?!? That is DEFINITELY NOT the Daniel I know. I was sitting there watching that 5 minute rant waiting for the skin to unzip and reveal a Gou'ald, Ori, or Replicator. And I was pissed when that didn't happen.
    It's the Daniel I've come to know over the last four seasons Definitely not the Daniel of the first four (and a bit), that's for sure - but that compassionate Daniel died and never came back.

    It's the Daniel who is pissy without being poignant. The Daniel who has never checked in on Sarah Gardner (once his girlfriend) since her horrifying ordeal as Osiris. The Daniel who has never shown a scrap of concern or remorse for his involvement in the genocide of millions of Jaffa men, women and children because he revealed secret codes to the Trust.

    I was surprised but not shocked to see that Daniel surface so nastily towards Vala. At best he was clueless.

    2) Really....there's only so much of Mitchell running a person can watch....

    But those lovely legs..!


      Originally posted by PG15 View Post
      Or, you know, maybe, due to the fact that they got cancelled the last episode had to be written quickly, and there was no time to get RDA in for another episode? It's not that easy to do that, especially if RDA's schedule didn't work.
      I seem to remember RDA saying he wasn't even asked.

      Besides, they could have used the Ark of Truth story and saved the movie for something more interesting MY opinion, I am allowed to have itthan the (B)Ori.

      Mourning Sanctuary.
      Thanks for the good times!


        I know it's your opinion, but the Ark of Truth story was already condensed into a movie from a whole season. Cutting that in half would've probably destroyed it altogether.


          Hmm, why was Vala crying....?
          1) After six months, she couldn't take the lack of cable TV anymore, and worse, she'd been waiting for an order from QVC (she 'borrowed' Daniel's credit card to get it) right before they shipped out
          2) There was nothing left to steal on board the ship


            Originally posted by prion View Post
            Hmm, why was Vala crying....?
            I was just about to ask that! I personally think perhaps its something too do with children...


            One was an experiment made to cause destruction in any condition except water, the other was an aquatic expermiment to destroy the world...but in the end...Stitch and Nim: They made an amazing Hula team


              Originally posted by Blitz View Post
              I was just about to ask that! I personally think perhaps its something too do with children...
              I just don't think that was the scene was about. Remember, she always had to do something to keep busy from being bored. She even faked a birthday for Daniel just to have a party. I believe she was crying because it had been many months since she had been onboard and she was frustrated and missed her care free life, even at the SGC. Daniel was there to comfort her. It was a breakdown due to the situation she was in.


                She'd been peeling onions.


                  Besides Cam's obvious breakdown, I'm sure they all had their own moments of weakness and frustration with the situation they were in for so long. That was just a moment we got to see Vala going through, with Daniel there to try and comfort her.
                  MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                  "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                  Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                    Originally posted by the fifth man View Post
                    Besides Cam's obvious breakdown, I'm sure they all had their own moments of weakness and frustration with the situation they were in for so long. That was just a moment we got to see Vala going through, with Daniel there to try and comfort her.
                    like the scene where vala finds sam in the mess hall (is that what it's called on a ship?) to tell her she wants to help... you can tell that sam had been crying.

                    storywise, it didn't need to be 'shown' why sam was crying - it's not hard to figure out - but i'd still have loved to have seen what lead sam into that room and when/why she started crying.

                    sam seemed very alone in this ep... ((()))




                      Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                      sam seemed very alone in this ep... ((()))

                      I wonder how much of that was her own doing in a way? She was so dedicated and focused on trying to find a way out of the mess they were all in. She put a lot of pressure on herself to fix things.
                      MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                      "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                      Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                        Originally posted by nccjones View Post
                        I just don't think that was the scene was about. Remember, she always had to do something to keep busy from being bored. She even faked a birthday for Daniel just to have a party. I believe she was crying because it had been many months since she had been onboard and she was frustrated and missed her care free life, even at the SGC. Daniel was there to comfort her. It was a breakdown due to the situation she was in.
                        I agree. I saw nothing to implicate the idea of children in this episode. And who would want to bring children into that trapped situation anyway? It would be selfish and irresponsible.

                        I've seen a notion that Vala was crying because she'd had a miscarriage kicking around for a while now and it's based only on the fact that she's female There's nothing else to it, and it's classic Woman = Vessel, lol.

                        Though it would make sense if they'd all come to the realisation that they must never have children because of their plight, and some of them found that hard to take.

                        But the miscarriage notion - the peeling onions hypothesis has more merit


                          Warning: During this post, the writer may appear unstable because of repeating lines such as "NO!" or "SG-1, we love you!" at seemingly odd times, but writer is not crazy, just a devoted fan.

                          SG-1 is over. NOOOOOOOOOOOO! How horrible. Why I thought this;

                          1. Jack wasn't there. That makes no sense, that would have been one of the Asgard's last wishes, Jack was their pal, they even named a ship after him! And O'Neill wouldn't have let it happen either. SG-1 forever!

                          2. The plan to save them was okay, but... Once they froze the ship, why not just move out of the way?! Or fix the shields?! That just didn't make since to me.

                          3. The interesting facts. Carter learned how to play the cello! We watched Mitchell go berserk! (glad I'm not the maid!) Daniel spent it studying (Now, there's a shocker!) Laundry grew a jungle! Vala... was annoying. SG-1... no more.

                          4. Did anyone else find the singing thing... odd? It seemed very un-Stargate like. Though it is catchy... can't get it out off my head.

                          5. The ending. Very sweet, but did it have to end?! Curse you, Sci-Fi!!!!! Them all saying "Indeed" together, Daniel's "Silence is golden." And the last words... "God speed." Touching. I cried so hard, not physically, but mentally. It's so sad it was dumped just as Mitchell 'Got the band back together'. SG-1, live forever... AND THOSE MOVIES HAD BETTER COME OUT FAST!!


                            Originally posted by Carter1994 View Post

                            2. The plan to save them was okay, but... Once they froze the ship, why not just move out of the way?! Or fix the shields?! That just didn't make since to me.
                            As i believe they explained in the ep. the beam would hit them before the shields could activate if they droped the time dialation field. Additionally they couldn't move in the field.
                            Please do me a huge favour and help me be with the love of my life.


                              I really liked the music over the montage scene! was very un Stargate, but i think ity worked!

                              Now even though i liked to see it, i do believe that Daniel and Vala getting together was simply to please the audience! I relaly wish they hadnt done it really!

                              Daniel snapping at Vala, hmm seemed out of character, but i guess that if i'd been stuck on that ship for a while and Vala kept messing me around i would snap eventually, it just happened to be the time she was really vulnderable! I guess it was his way of protecting himself from being hurt by her! but it worked out in the end anyway!

                              I think something they should have done aswell is record as much stuff as they can down,such as the things daniel learned from thedatabase (least the important things) technoology sam created etc, put it all in a crystal or somethign and give it to teal'c when he went back! that way the 40+ years they lived would'nt have been in vain!

                              thats just somethings i think! then again i havnt seen the episode in months so im proberly forgetting things!

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                              Please Read and if it interest you make a comment

                              Atlantis -
                              SG1 -


                                Originally posted by scarimor View Post
                                It's the Daniel who is pissy without being poignant. The Daniel who has never checked in on Sarah Gardner (once his girlfriend) since her horrifying ordeal as Osiris.
                                Perhaps he has but it was not shown, just like other things such as jack revisiting the planet from a hundred days...

                                think something they should have done aswell is record as much stuff as they can down,such as the things daniel learned from thedatabase (least the important things) technoology sam created etc, put it all in a crystal or somethign and give it to teal'c when he went back! that way the 40+ years they lived would'nt have been in vain!
                                Perhaps they thought of that but sam shot it down since it would cause some sort of paradox..

