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Company of Thieves (1009)

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    I was hoping Col Emerson would eventually get put in that closet where characters go to disappear, but I was never expecting them to shoot the guy to get rid of him. And then put a couple more into him for good measure. Oh well. I found Col Pendergast’s death to be more emotional and meaningful. I feel bad for Sam, but not so much Emerson. The character and acting was flat, imo. I’m guessing his was the character death that was rumored about near the start of the season? Haven’t read spoilers lately.

    Originally posted by ColCaldwell
    Glad to see that hack Emerson killed off. Hopefully they bring in Colonel William Ronson to replace him!
    Please, no. I couldn't really stand that guy either. Though he did at least have a little more spunk to him.

    The ending wasn’t much of a surprise. I figured that was Mitchell all along.

    And is it just me or do these earth ships really suck at taking damage. They take a couple of hits and they are dead in the water. What happened to those super advanced Asgard shields that we begged for for so many years and then finally got. I think those Asgard are running a scam and passing off defective goods.

    Eh, this episode wasn’t much better than last week’s, storywise. I don’t care for the whole Trust bleh and this Lucian Alliance bunch doesn’t interest me all that much either. Though I would say that this episode had more of a team feel to it than last week’s.

    On the other hand, I’ve really enjoyed the past 3 episodes of SGA, including last night’s.
    IMO always implied.


      Great ep.

      Loved that we got to see more of the LA, and its inner workings.

      Great to see that they finally used Vala's connections a couple of times.

      Killing Emerson was also ok. I hadnt read spoilers, so it was unexpected to me. Gave it more of a dark, and real feel to the ep.

      Mitcell and Teal'c were both good.

      Nice to see that we have finally showed our hand, and are at war with the LA.

      "Cam Mitchell:Bounty Hunter", lol, Classic stuff. Nice to see that they included that and the mind altering potion from previous eps too.


      Season 10 rocks
      Science Fiction is an existential metaphor; it allows us to tell stories about the human condition.

      Isaac Asimov once said individual science fiction stories may seem as trivial as ever to the blinder critics and philosophers of today, but the core of science fiction, its essence has become crucial to our salvation if we are to be saved at all.



        Originally posted by Skydiver
        but emerson's 'set a course, hard right????' dude, what happened to starboard?? that's the proper ship term
        Emerson's Air Force.
        Originally posted by Skydiver
        not to mention one of what? 4 aliens in the LA that know what cam looks like jsut happening to be the ones that beamed on board netan's ship

        as the church lady would say 'isn't that conveeeennnniiiieeeennnntttttt'
        So are a lot of things in a lot of TV shows.
        Originally posted by meimei
        It was a good episode but what is with the killing off of recurring characters! Can't they kill redshirts instead of people we start getting used to? I mean, is the payroll too high when you use recurring characters! I'm still pissed about the other recurring they've killed in the last year, specifically Jacob/Selmak, Chekov and Pendergast.
        Would you rather they kill off main characters a la Serenity?
        Originally posted by Descent
        Yes, it seems nothing will please anyone these days.
        Of course, this is the EVIL NEW seasons, which MUST ALWAYS PALE in response to the PERFECT OLD EPISODES.
        Originally posted by Arative
        Anyone catch that Netan told the strange alien guy that he was the biggest fool in two galaxies?

        I don't think he'd be talking about Pegasus since I don't think many people know about that galaxy yet. So does that mean the strange alien guy is from a different galaxy? And does the Lucian Alliance know howto get to different galaxies?
        Yeah, I noticed that too. My guess is that those LA aliens are from another galaxy.
        Originally posted by suse
        Not as bad as I thought it would be. That snivelling alien coward at the end "Damn you, Cam Mitchell" just before blowing up was OOOOOOOTT though. So very bad sci-fi cliched.

        The aliens were over the top in the first place..."Damn you, Cam Mitchell" fits in perfectly with that.
        Originally posted by rarocks24
        Also, where did the Lucian Alliance get Tau'ri guns? Did they just decide, hey, these are better than Zatnikatels.
        They looked more like Ronon's gun than Tau'ri guns to me.
        Such a shame that I wouldn't know by now your revelations
        Cut me in, I don't wanna live without your revelations.


          Well, not too much to say that someone hasn't all ready said... I was really sorry to see Emerson go, as I liked him a lot, but if he had to, then I liked the way they did it. Because so often in these shows it's all threatening and no action from the bad guys, making you wonder why they bother threatening. Sometimes they need to just pull the trigger and show their unreasonable sides to prove that they're actually worth disliking.

          There were plenty of points that I didn't care for, but again, those have mostly been covered so I'm gonna stay on the positive.

          I liked the humor, I liked Teal'c's reactions, I liked the falling apart ship bit... *chuckles* is it just me, or did they end up seeming a little more like the A-Team in that instance... with Vala filling in for Face as their con-man who got them something that flew... mostly... (ah, but if I begin to date myself... sorry...)

          But there's one thing I'm wondering about other people's thoughts on... I don't know if it's already been covered in this discussion, I might have missed it when skimming through all the posts, if so, sorry.

          I'm wondering what exactly happened to Sam while she was gone with Anateo the first time? She seemed awfully upset when she came back... Yes, I understand he'd killed Emerson in front of her, but I wasn't aware they were that close, and Sam's seen plenty of death before without evoking that much of a reaction. If it was one of her close friends, okay... but otherwise...? And according to the man who spoke to her when she came back, she'd been gone for hours... the initial shock would have worn off by then, no?

          The fact that they chose to stress that she had been gone a good deal of time was also giving me pause. Now, obviously, she could have been gone for hours because Anateo was making her work on the ship, as he continued to do throughout the episode, but usually when Sam goes techy she tends to get absorbed and calmer, not more upset. Another thing to note is that Anateo was kinda coming on to her at more than one point, and that little crack about women and food, and earth people having one out of the two seemed a little pointed to me. So I'm just wondering if anyone else wondered if anything else was going on there. *shrugs*
          "Now would be the time for me to say something profound... nothing comes to mind."
          --Jack O'Neill


            That was a rather pointless death (Emerson's). The least they could've done would've been to give him a proper sendoff, instead he died on a whim. I expect better deaths for recurring and semi-recurring characters.


              I liked the humor, I liked Teal'c's reactions, I liked the falling apart ship bit... *chuckles* is it just me, or did they end up seeming a little more like the A-Team in that instance... with Vala filling in for Face as their con-man who got them something that flew... mostly... (ah, but if I begin to date myself... sorry...)

              Oh wow, I had the exact same reaction! Vala seemed to be mirroring Face Man and Murdock all at once. But I loved it!


                This ep was mildly entertaining.

                I loved Undercover Daniel and Vala. Arguing like a married couple. I guess there's a closet full of leather for these undercover missions, right?

                Captain Daniel. LOL!

                Poor Emerson. TPTB are going to be happy until they kill off everyone and destroy all the ships, are they? *slaps writers*

                Continuity points for bringing Tennat back.

                The Teal'c bondage has been done to death. While I appreciate the writers working in bondage, let's give some of the other characters a chance to be in restrants. *coughDanielcough*

                New ending song with Vala. Yay!


                  Poor Emerson, that was rather shocking. But it did make the bad guys feel like they really would kill Sam. Sometimes its "good" to see bad guys be really "bad".

                  I enjoyed everyone in this episode. Poor Teal'c is going to blow a fuse one of these days. Mitchell was good with his impersonations, Vala was funny with her version of ship repairs, and Carter's quiet tears were touching but not overdone.

                  Still hard to believe this show is cancelled.


                    reaaly neat episode, itwas a little weird showing how Cam looked to Netan, i still however don't quite get how the LA got hold of tau'ri projectile weapons, and i don't see how Anetao could fire a gun in the vacuum of space


                      Originally posted by cassia
                      I'm wondering what exactly happened to Sam while she was gone with Anateo the first time? She seemed awfully upset when she came back... Yes, I understand he'd killed Emerson in front of her, but I wasn't aware they were that close, and Sam's seen plenty of death before without evoking that much of a reaction. If it was one of her close friends, okay... but otherwise...? And according to the man who spoke to her when she came back, she'd been gone for hours... the initial shock would have worn off by then, no?

                      The fact that they chose to stress that she had been gone a good deal of time was also giving me pause.
                      I also thought that scene a bit odd; however Agent Dark (elsewhere) pointed out that it was only after Marks 'provoked' the reaction that Carter let the tears fall. I find merit in that interpretation. That said, I am not letting go of my belief that the writer wanted a "Carter finally has a chance to grieve" moment and could find no other way or place to get it into the script.

                      Marks' line about being gone for hours sounded very odd to my ears. It sounded dubbed. Did anyone else think that?

                      In the end, although I would have preferred not to have Col Carter be weepy in front of the crew she was seeing for the first time in 'hours' (and the FIRST time as their commanding officer), I guess I can live with it because it was far preferable to the depiction of the Carter-Pendergast relationship in S9. Carter has been involved with the SGC's spacecraft program since Day 1 and was even moreso when she was stationed at Area 51. Therefore, the lack of any sort of tangible Carter-Pendergast camaraderie -- including the lack of a significant emotional beat for Carter when Pendergast perished in Ethon -- really rubbed me the wrong way. So, this was better than that.


                        Originally posted by LMichelle
                        destroy all the ships

                        And, this is bad, how?
                        I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

                        Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

                        Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

                        Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty


                        Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


                          Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                          I don't really mind that part with Sam. She is in the military, yes, but also human. And she wasn't bawling her eyes out in the corner. She showed a little Sam(and had every reason to if you think about it), then the rest of the episode she was Colonel Carter-a great leader doing her thing.
                          i had absolutely no probs with sam's reaction. after reading some ppl's views on that scene, i thought sam was going to be a quivering mess. she acted normal. now *i* would have been a quivering mess.




                            Pleasantly surprised by this one.


                            A good story, though resolved a little too easily

                            Emmerson's death was fan-bloody tastic, no heroics, no blaze of glory, a simple death, sort of a "this is war, people die pointlessly" situation, its realistic IMO

                            Mitchell didn't annoy me for once, I don't normally like this amount of focus on him, but for this episode, it worked IMO

                            Referencing the past, I've always wanted them to use the Reole compund again, and it was cleverly utilised for this episode


                            The Lucian Alliance finally get a little bit of development, and they turn into clones of the System Lords

                            Inapropriately timed humour galore, this is getting repetetive

                            Character issues AGAIN! Vala and Daniel glued at the hip, while Teal'c and Sam get sidelined. Though at least Sam showed both her human side by mourning Emmerson, and her military side by following his orders, even though she knew it would get him killed.

                            So, overall, this episode surprised me, no Lucian based ep has gotten higher than a 4 in my book, so this is a record beater

                            6/10 - just a shame that this is an impressive score for the season, way back when a 6 would be a bad ep
                            Equality is not a concept. It's not something we should be striving for. It's a necessity. Equality is like gravity. We need it to stand on this earth as men and women. And the misogyny that is in every culture is not a true part of the human condition. It is life out of balance, and that imbalance is sucking something out of the soul of every man and woman who is confronted with it.
                            - Joss Whedon - Equality Now


                              Originally posted by full.infinity
                              Would you rather they kill off main characters a la Serenity?

                              Of course, this is the EVIL NEW seasons, which MUST ALWAYS PALE in response to the PERFECT OLD EPISODES.

                              can i choose which ones they kill???

                              The older episodes weren't perfect. nothing is perfect. but they were a LOT less farcical and mocking than the fine stuff our Marty Stu writers are cranking out now

                              CoT was far from the worst eps of the season, but it won't even get close to some of the classics from the earlier years....back in the 'good old days' when they took pride in their work and cared about more than how many jokes can be crammed in each hour and how often they can justify wearing leather
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by DEM
                                In the end, although I would have preferred not to have Col Carter be weepy in front of the crew she was seeing for the first time in 'hours' (and the FIRST time as their commanding officer), I guess I can live with it because it was far preferable to the depiction of the Carter-Pendergast relationship in S9. Carter has been involved with the SGC's spacecraft program since Day 1 and was even moreso when she was stationed at Area 51. Therefore, the lack of any sort of tangible Carter-Pendergast camaraderie -- including the lack of a significant emotional beat for Carter when Pendergast perished in Ethon -- really rubbed me the wrong way. So, this was better than that.
                                Nice point. I had forgotten that she spent a considerable amount of time at Area 51 with all these people during the development of the ships. She probably knows most of the crew personally, so the loss of any of them (particularly in such a pointless fashion as Emerson died), should hit her really hard.

                                In contrasting her reactions to Emerson vs. Pendergast, I would think that as a soldier she is better prepared for dealing with deaths in battle. Pendergast died as a captain at the helm of his ship, while protecting and saving his crew. It was a heroic death and was a choice he was able to make for himself. In this case, the captain was taken from his crew and ship and executed right in front of Sam. The situation was made more personal, because Emerson was specifically killed in order to motivate Sam to follow their orders. There was no redemption in the act, and the death was senseless. Soldiers can learn to accept heroic deaths, but senseless death is another matter. I'm glad she was able to shed a tear for that.

