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Will you give Season 10 a chance?

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    Yes I will give it a chance! Season 9 was a time of change, and guess what, in real life things change too! Think back over the last 9 years of your life. (At least for me, new relationships, new work, etc). So it just wouldn't seem realistic if things were the same as they were in season 1. (Okay, just to preempt some of you from saying it, I know Stargate is a fictional show, and is not real) Yeah, I miss the interaction between the characters when O'Neill was around (esp the Jack/Daniel stuff), but there is new interaction to look forward to.
    And, as some of you have already said, introducing new characters takes time and that is what parts of Season 9 focused on. If they just threw new people at us without telling us why they are how they are, their background, etc, we would probably just be confused and might think the characters were just overbearing. I know I have seen shows that do that to new characters and I really hated it because I did not want to get emotionally invested in them.

    So all that to say: Yes, I will watch Season 10 and hope that there will be some great stories and great character development.
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      I know where I'll be Friday nights this summer ... watching S10. I feel like the new stories and characters of S9 gave the series quite a bit of momentum going into a new season, and I can't wait to see how the story lines build and resolve in the new season.


        Give it a chance? Hell, I can't freaking wait for it. IMO, season 10 is going to kick some serious butt.
        MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
        "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
        Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


          Yes I will give season 10 a chance Im hooked for life


            ive been watchin this program since the film first came out and im still loving it hope the writer's dont giveup on us..


              Originally posted by kazzyk
              Why? I am not interested in the CB and BB show. S9 has already shown the sidelining of the 3 SGC members in favor of the new guy CM and for all intents and purposes SG is no longer a team show. It will be even less so in in S10.

              If that was not enough--the Ori and the whole religious war thing--I can read the papers for that.
              What if the Ori and the Wraith had something to do with religious war here on earth. Reletivily this planet is in the dark and imature compared to the rest of the galaxy. I'd like to see the stuff in SG1 and SGA in the papers for real not like the War of the Worlds fanfic.

              SAM: "If we go public about the gate then [they] cant control it"
              Signature to remain private from online usage at this "time"


                i didn't like season 9 very much. sorry. don't get mad, "that's just how i feel about it". looking forward to season 10 though. i was one of those that missed jack. alot. but even with jack gone i'd hope sam would be the leader. mitchell is ok but don't like vala at all. guess that's cause i'm female and she is way too over the top. guys would disagree i guess. sam plays a more realistic woman. i relate better to her. vala plays a ....well know...and that is off putting to me. but jack will be back although only for 5 so i'm looking forward to 10 again.


                  Originally posted by GateGipsy
                  I'll watch Season 10, and I hope I enjoy it as much as I've enjoyed Season 9.

                  For me this is not the same show I started watching 9 years ago. It simply does not give me that same buzz anymore when I hear the opening music. For me SG1 is Jack, Daniel, Sam and Tealc. However, it is still way better than anything else on TV right now with the exception of BSG. Plus I do like Vala.
                  On balance I enjoyed season 9 more than i enjoyed seasons 6, 7 or 8, and I have hopes that I will continue to enjoy the show, but like you Gipsy, It's not the same show that I started watching 9 years ago. I don't expect it to be, because all shows have to evolve in order to survive, although I haven't agreed with some of the things they've done to this show, and some decisions they've made, dramatically, have annoyed the H&ll out of me.

                  I've changed over the years so I can't expect my reactions to the show to be the same as they were back then in that first flush of enthusiasm for the show. In fact, if the show *were* to recapture exactly what made me love the show in the first place, I probably STILL wouldn't regain that sense of love that I had for it back then, because I've lived with the show for so long that it's like a comfortable old jumper, and I probably *can't* get that involved with it again. But there's no doubt that I've been increasingly bored with a lot of the show recently (I mean the last few years) and my viewing habits and patterns have changed. For the first time ever I didn't buy the Season 8 DVDs. I don't record it to watch later anymore (although I did start again in S9, I haven't really done much rewatching). I used to record them and watch them over and over, but they bore me too quickly now, the level of sophistication, to me, has dropped so that it can no longer sustain my interest through several viewings.

                  I don't really care that much any more about who leaves the show and who comes in as a replacement, as long as the characters that are there do the job they're supposed to, make me care about them, make me interested in them, and give me that 42 minutes of viewing enjoyment each week. I dislike it when established characters are manipulated to fit plotlines or to fill plotholes, and that has happened more and more over the years. I dislike it when characters are inconsistent or suddenly display new traits or talents simply because without them the episode plot wouldn't work. If characters or their talents are to change then one should be able to follow the reason and history of that progression, not suddenly have it dropped on you from a great height because it's convenient for the story. That's lazy writing, and yes, I think I've seen quite a bit of it over the last couple of years.

                  The Ori storyline has, in some ways, potential in a way the Goa'uld storyline never had, but I do retain some considerable scepticism that this potential can or will ever be fully realised on a TV show which its present creators seem to think is first and foremost a comedy. Yes, comedic elements are essential in a dramatic show, if only to relieve the tension at the correct moment and provide variation in pace and drama, but some of the comedy has been *so* heavy handed in recent years that I do have serious doubts that this particular team is capable of doing what they've potentially set up with the Ori real justice. Is their solution going to be a technological cop out? A bigger and better weapon, yet again? Very probably, and if so, that will really disappoint me.

                  But as we head towards the start of Season 10, I have a reasonable amount of confidence that I'll find enough in it to enjoy on a shallow level, and I'm still hoping that I might find that I'm wrong, that the writers will really surprise me with the depth of their scripts, and that I will go back to loving the show on the same level that I once did. And that would be absolutely wonderful.


                    I have my reservations about it and I haven't bothered to watch most of S9 but I will watch any episodes that:

                    1) Have Sam in a MAIN storyline as a significant participant
                    2) Have Jack back
                    3) Have any hint of S/J ship (although I think I covered that with 2)

                    In that order.
                    Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                    My fanfic



                      Season 9 in my opinion was just as bad as Seasons 7-8 of Stargate SG-1. The only relief was that RDA was (mostly) not involed in the show so I no longer had to watch my favourite character detoriate into an idoit who had consitpation whenever he had to act the 'shippy' scenes with Carter.

                      I despise Vala - if I want to watch women dressed in tight leather with humour more suitable for the gutter then I'll watch most of the other sci-fi shows out here.

                      Mitchell? Er, how did someone so immature get to be Colonel? Ben Browder is a brilliant actor! Give him something to work with!

                      The storylines leave much to be desired.

                      There is no reason to torture myself further, I have no love for the Carter character, Teal'c I'm indifferent to and Daniel has changed into an immature jerk who is more solider than archelogist (apologies for poor spelling and any insult to Daniel fans I do love the character!). The actors are doing their best and I wish them the best but I'll not stay and witness (imo) their fall.

                      I'll stick to Seasons 1-3 which had (mostly) excellent storylines, a RDA who wanted to be there Jack/Daniel friendship, a Sam who I could respect if not like , no ship and even the feeling of a team. Seasons 4-6 weren't too bad either: Jonas and some great eps too.

                      Best Seasons in order: 2, 1, 3, 4, 6 and 5.

                      Best wishes to those who continue to watch - I hope you get what you want! For me Season 6 was the end.
                      The man who opened the way.

                      The man who led the way.

                      "It will take you a million light years from home. But will it bring you back?" Stargate the movie

                      A mystery ... a secret ... a threshold ... to the future. Stargte the movie

                      The perfect SG-1 team: Colonel Jack, Daniel, Major Ferretti and Jonas


                        yes. honestly, i could barely stand s9, i hate the new!show and characters. mitchell is much to inconsistant and contrived, and a horrible leader, not to mention officer. vala is OTT and out of place and too readily excepted. sam has been completely pushed to the background. and so has teal'c, for the most part. daniel has become merely a sidekick to mitchell and vala. there is no team anymore, much less a story. and by the spoilers, TPTB LOVE it, and nothing's really going to change. but i believe. I BELIEVE. because i'm a masochist.
                        "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
                        Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.


                          I don't really think so, unless I hear some good news. I don't like Vala, a little of her goes a llllloooonnnnnggggg way. I've also been missing the team dynamic. The deep affection and friendship of Sam, Daniel and Teal'c has been lost. And lastly,I'd also like to say that after all these years, could we please have ONE, only ONE ep with Daniel and Sam considering the possibilities of "could be, might have been." with them together. I suppose instead it will be Vala and Daniel in a torrid love affair.



                            I have been watching Stargate SG-1 since day one, and was absolutely outraged when the series continued without Richard Dean Anderson at the helm, and to make it even worse, the new guy, Ben Browder, gets first billing in the title sequence.

                            As well as i understand it, the Ori were introduced into the series because they didn't know what to do with the show, as they had ended season 8 on a DAMNED GOOD SHOW FINALE.

                            The Ori story arc raises so many problems:

                            1. Why aren't they going to the pegasus galaxy if they saw everything in daniel's head?

                            2. How the bloody hell do you selectively kill ascended beings, when the only person you know who has experienced it, Daniel, remembers little or nothing about his time ascended.

                            3. Why would anyone who had moved on to a new job be coerced into coming back to work by a new idiot who had a hissyfit when he found out that he had been screwed over by a general with a bizarre sense of humour.

                            Other things that annoyed me about season 9:

                            RDA being in those two scenes with Mitchell, just served to pour salt in the wound.
                            Officially, the worst episodes in Stargate History were Avalon Pts 1 & 2.

                            STARGATE SG-1 what? its more FARSGATE 1 (Pronounced FarceGate).

                            For the record, Atlantis Season 2 shat all over SG-1 Season 9. Lets hope the rivallry continues.

                            SG-1 Season 8 should have been it's last, and i was very surprised to find that the show was to continue.

                            The Ori Arc cannot possible go on longer than season 10, and i seem to remember Brad Wright saying that he would do 10 seasons. Does this mean more? 6 years after he said it it could!


                              Personally, I can't freaking wait for season 10 to get here. I think SG-1 remains a very strong show, and that it could go on for several more seasons.
                              MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                              "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                              Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                                No, I do not plan to watch season 10. I might tune in for a few episodes--most likely the premier, "Pegasus Project" and "200," just for curiosity's sake. But unless I'm absolutely blown away by the premier, I will definitely not be watching season 10 on a regular basis.

                                I actually started to lose interest in SG-1 around season 7. I'm not entirely sure why; I can't put my finger on an exact reason, but it didn't really seem the same to me anymore. Season 8 was not much better, but it was season 9 pushed me over the cliff completely. I don't care about the Ori. I don't care about Mitchell. I don't care about Vala. It just wasn't SG-1 any more. I realize the show had to undergo some change--the Goa'uld had been around for an awfully long time and it was time for some fresh blood. But it was like the show underwent a complete makeover and came out looking nothing like the show I used to love. The introduction of Atlantis didn't help at all--I just started watching and obsessing over Atlantis instead of SG-1.

                                But if there's one thing that absolutely guarantees I won't be watching season 10, it's Vala being added as a regular character. There are few things that disgust me more than characters whose main purpose (or at least, one main purpose) is to sex up the screen and draw in members of a certain demographic that TPTB are obsessed with. I had enough of Vala's ridiculous leather outfits and cheesy, idiotic, unfunny sex and pregnancy jokes after about two minutes. Why on earth would I want to watch an entire season of her? Not to mention the news that she'd actually been added to the SG-1 team pretty much made me fall off my chair laughing.
                                When the stars align, and the east meets the west...

