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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
    i will consider it a minor miracle if they get a s5, so there's only so much 'damage' that can be done to it in 20 eps
    Sky! have you forgotten S9 so quickly?
    (Or have you blocked it as I have?)

    Mourning Sanctuary.
    Thanks for the good times!


      Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
      Ah sky, that's too nice of a description for Bounty. I agree it was a waste of time, space and good liquor, because there aint enough booze to help this one go down
      Well, skipping over the Cam & Vala parts, there were moments that were tolerable-- If you turn off your brain (or get good and buzzed) I find it hard to believe that even Vala would wear that shorts outfit. I'd love to know if CB had to be talked into that one. One part besides the Vala stuff that annoyed me to no end for *sheer idiocy*
      Landry is warning Cam about danger to his life and he relies on the cell phone? Doesn't he have Cam's parents' phone number? And Cam waits until the end of the episode to think that maybe he should find a land line?
      Oh, the pain, the pain.


        Beside all the idiocy of this episode - I actually enjoyed it - I think something is wrong with me!
        Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
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          Bounty, where do I begin with the bad.

          Well first off. When I read Alex Levine blog update at Skiffy about how it was like Grosse Pointe Blank, I felt it was more like damage control than anything else. I like other people who saw this on TNT/TBS last week and before would and could make some compairsions.

          But this is one of many comparisions, especially since he fails to mention another actor that was in this movie, Dan Aykroyd. Now I know that Damian and Coop have worked with/for the Aykroyd Brothers before and I love that DK is working with AT on Sanctuary, but come on.

          Next, when I saw Cam's friend, Darrell the first thing that srang from my mind was "Wow has James Spader lost weight" because that's who I thought it was. It was like TPTB had to insert a Daniel Jackson look alike (JS) to be in the scenes that Daniel (MS) wasn't in.

          The convention scene with Sam and Lee somewhat reminded me of Buckaroo
          Banzai, the ray weapon pointed at the bullseye was like from the Road Runner. The Bus scene where Daniel's hunter too.

          Now was the insurance salesmen supposed to be Jeremy Piven?

          And of course Vala dressed-up as Daisy Duke, was a a backward step to what I saw in TLITS.

          Now I know that I've witched and moaned about the way Cam has been written, but I really feel for Ben in this episode. I would have liked to see him
          do more in the way of acting, if not for this badly concieved episode.


            yeah, the dorothyesque daisy duke was a new low in titilation.

            i was like 'what is this, the debbie does kansas???'

            it was like bad, bad fanfic brought to life...cept in fanfic, the author would make herself be Amy, who the hero falls for.

            about the only good things i can say about it

            at least they picked a kansas like part of canada to tape it in. the costumes on everyone but vala were realistic...but the rest was pure silliness and stupidity.
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              I am sure glad I decided to skip the second half of this season.
              Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                Originally posted by Rogue View Post
                I am sure glad I decided to skip the second half of this season.
                me 2
                Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                  This episode is not in the spirit of SG-1 seasons 1-7 and even 8 was better altho lots of earthbound settings. Clearly, this was written for a specific age group and they enjoyed it immensely. Sadly, not I, on both counts.

                  When the Bounty hunter locked all the prom's gym doors I immediately thought of Carrie. Yes, that dates me.

                  If I overlook the plot *cough* I actually thought Cam was kind of endearing with his crush over Amy. But, Vala left a bitter taste in my mouth. Daisy Duke. Oh, puh-leeeeese!

                  Some folks think that Vala is deeper and smarter and morally better underneath her campy, obnoxious, impulsive superficial veneer! NOT!!!!!!
                  I measure her against Teal'c's and Jonas' adjustments to Earth and the American/Air Force/Military cultures. Maybe that's my big, honkin' mistake. Apparently, TPTB are using no measure at all. No consistency. No foundation. Nothin'.

                  Maybe Vala IS just the tip of the ice berg for me when it comes to 'WHAT IS WRONG' with this episode NOT TO MENTION seasons 9 and 10, in general. With the exception of good Sam, Teal'c, and Daniel moments. And Jack's appearances were priceless to me.

                  Rant over! *sigh* I feel better, kind of...


                    I find its like the writers are shooting themselves in the foot They give us an episode like LITS, where they actually finally write Vala really well. She shows depth and compassion, we see a hint of what the character could have been like had she been written well throughout the show.

                    Then we get Bounty,

                    I find myself asking if this character suffers from multiple personality disorder She is now made into a joke, that's the only way to describe Daisy Duke Vala in this episode. Not only is she the butt of the jokes, but the whole episode was a very bad farce. Were we watching SG1, or Saturday morning cartoons? Even the alien bad guys were more suited to cartoons than the once intense dramatic series of Stargate SG1, where yes we had humour, but it was intelligent, in character humour. We knew how are our characters should react when put in certain situations, now its a guess to see who is going to show up and what they are going to do...and we only hope to see glimpses of the characters we once knew as members of SG1

                    my fanfic


                      Nell IMO SG-1 and Atlantis has become about TPTB being buddy buddy with certain Actors and giving those Actors all the screen time. TPTB have a little click going on like in High School. I do not watch Atlantis though I heard McKay made a character in a game that is like Sam. I though McKay was getting help for his Sam obession? If he is it's not working.


                        Is it me or the episodes are more and more fanfictionish (?) ? I thought JM said they're not allowed to read any fic


                          FanFiction is 10 times better than these episodes.


                            Yea, a big backward step for Vala. Just when she was starting to grow on me a bit they give us this. (shudders)
                            And yes, Mandy--oh for the days when the humor had some *intelligence.* Oh, and was actually funny.
                            though, it may just be me, but I did laugh a bit at
                            Daniel's "and you would have suceeded if it wasn't for meddling us" comment. Partly b/c i got the Scooby Doo reference & partly b/c the writing of the episode was on par with old Scooby Doo episodes. Which I thought were pretty dumb when I watched them at around age 8(?).


                              Originally posted by ses110 View Post
                              Nell IMO SG-1 and Atlantis has become about TPTB being buddy buddy with certain Actors and giving those Actors all the screen time. TPTB have a little click going on like in High School. I do not watch Atlantis though I heard McKay made a character in a game that is like Sam. I though McKay was getting help for his Sam obession? If he is it's not working.
                              I have that impression as well. If you are part of the "click" then you get screen time. If not--then you get no time.

                              Originally posted by ses110 View Post
                              FanFiction is 10 times better than these episodes.

                              Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                              Yea, a big backward step for Vala. Just when she was starting to grow on me a bit they give us this. (shudders)
                              And yes, Mandy--oh for the days when the humor had some *intelligence.* Oh, and was actually funny.
                              though, it may just be me, but I did laugh a bit at
                              Daniel's "and you would have suceeded if it wasn't for meddling us" comment. Partly b/c i got the Scooby Doo reference & partly b/c the writing of the episode was on par with old Scooby Doo episodes. Which I thought were pretty dumb when I watched them at around age 8(?).
                              The scooby doo comment coming from Daniel is what made it so odd. I would expect that comment to come from Jack. The comment took Daniel out of character.

                              The character was supoosed to be more into ancient history and not into cartoons. Jack had all the pop culture refrences.

                              Daniel's comment should have been more along his line of expertise. Something like, "ad astra per aspra." (kansas motto-to the stars through difficulty) or something in a differnt language!
                              Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                                Originally posted by Jackie View Post
                                I have that impression as well. If you are part of the "click" then you get screen time. If not--then you get no time.


                                The scooby doo comment coming from Daniel is what made it so odd. I would expect that comment to come from Jack. The comment took Daniel out of character.

                                The character was supoosed to be more into ancient history and not into cartoons. Jack had all the pop culture refrences.
                                See, that actually didn't bother me. Even as brainy as Daniel must have been growing up, he must have watched some cartoons. After all, Scooby Doo was a *mystery* show . Didn't they always run into mummies & stuff? I bet Daniel watched it and critiqued it. "That's not what a real sarcophagus looks like."

