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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Just wanted to touch on the stargate mythology special that aired tonight. I only watched the last 15 minutes...but when Joe M (I think it was Joe M-in red shirt) commented on how he wanted the new enemy to be like the Goa'uld and how he wanted them to be dark (I would say..boring) as the opposite of the Goa'uld. I realized that everything we brought up that wrong with the writing of SG-1, he claimed to be good.

    As I am watching his interview, I am shaking my head. He deliberately came up with a boring, dark, bad guy who was the false god and then had to make it more powerful because...we defeated the Goa'uld.

    when he stated he wanted a new bad guy that would seem impossable for SG-1 to defeat and that is why the Ori had real power he dug himself into a hole. Because now that the Ori are going to be dealt with in the movie he would have to come up with an even more powerful enemy in order to continue the movies...if he still plans on making one or two a year.

    It's almost like he did read this thread and rebuttal!
    Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


      i think the red shirt guy was coop. IIRC, joe was in black and in the gateroom while coop was in the caves set.

      but yeah, why 'bigger'? why not better? something deeper and more complex.

      that whole special cracked me up, waht parts i could stay intersted in - i found it quite boring - they spend 40 minutes going on all the old know, the stuff that is so boring and so much baggage that they dumped it, all to set things up to pimp the blunder that is the bori.

      it was like watching a hard sell. see, see, see, they're so great

      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        i think the red shirt guy was coop. IIRC, joe was in black and in the gateroom while coop was in the caves set.

        but yeah, why 'bigger'? why not better? something deeper and more complex.

        that whole special cracked me up, waht parts i could stay intersted in - i found it quite boring - they spend 40 minutes going on all the old know, the stuff that is so boring and so much baggage that they dumped it, all to set things up to pimp the blunder that is the bori.

        it was like watching a hard sell. see, see, see, they're so great

        Oh, Cooper. Okay..actually I liked the guy in black. I had them mixed up.

        I should probably say something about the episode I saw.

        Best part;

        Sam slugging Ba'al. CS and AT have good timing together. Would like to see them in other stuff. Old Merlin was cool.

        Worst part;

        Vala seeming all worried for Daniel. Daniel in general. Was that Daniel we saw tonight or Micheal Shanks? Way out of character. Too cynical to be Daniel. Must have been Anubis! Mitchell is not Jack O'Neill and Teal'c--the football player?
        Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


          Originally posted by Killdeer
          Thanks! *relaxing slightly* For the record, since this has come up on other threads, I will take this opportunity to state that I have no personal issues with AT. From what little I know she's a great person. Just wanted to say that....
          No hard objects from me! I think some of it could be due to tptb being bored w/Sam's character or at least not knowing how to write her anymore. I think it goes back (in part anyway) to the whole "we don't know what to do with your character" thing between S9 and S10 when they were gearing up to have Vala on full-time.

          Sam has been mostly wallpaper this season and hasn't really been given very good material. Almost felt to me like they were trying to phase her out of the show and made wonder if, had they ended up being renewed for S11 if they'd reduce her appearances a lot more (split them evenly between SG-1 and SGA or given her more to do on SGA than on SG-1). I guess it almost seemed like they'd just stick her in a scene because they needed someone to do something tech-y and rattle off jargon.

          Then again I haven't been too pleased with S10's writing on the whole anyway...


            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
            i think the red shirt guy was coop. IIRC, joe was in black and in the gateroom while coop was in the caves set.

            but yeah, why 'bigger'? why not better? something deeper and more complex.

            that whole special cracked me up, waht parts i could stay intersted in - i found it quite boring - they spend 40 minutes going on all the old know, the stuff that is so boring and so much baggage that they dumped it, all to set things up to pimp the blunder that is the bori.

            it was like watching a hard sell. see, see, see, they're so great

            That's exactly how I felt. Rolled my eyes through most of it. Of course touting the "great new direction" or however it was referred to...


              Originally posted by JessM View Post
              That's exactly how I felt. Rolled my eyes through most of it. Of course touting the "great new direction" or however it was referred to...
              You mean the one that got them cancelled? Yep great direction


                Originally posted by Jackie View Post
                Oh, Cooper. Okay..actually I liked the guy in black. I had them mixed up.

                I should probably say something about the episode I saw.

                Best part;

                Sam slugging Ba'al. CS and AT have good timing together. Would like to see them in other stuff. Old Merlin was cool.

                Worst part;

                Vala seeming all worried for Daniel. Daniel in general. Was that Daniel we saw tonight or Micheal Shanks? Way out of character. Too cynical to be Daniel. Must have been Anubis! Mitchell is not Jack O'Neill and Teal'c--the football player?
                Quest Pt 2 spoilers

                Gotta agree there. When I saw it I had the Anubis-masquerading-as-Daniel thought in the back of my mind too. Was a bit annoying too how they had to highlight Vala being just so worried about Jackson, as if she's the only one who is worried (although i suppose her worry is really the only worry that matters). I guess Sam and Teal'c are so used to him disappearing, dying, etc. it doesn't really faze them much anymore...


                  Have to admit I taped it and watched (I never watch live anymore - just don't have the patience to sit through it for an hour - I usually have friend tape it but tonight I broke my own self-imposed rule). I really tried but ended up FF through majority of it (took a total of 15 minutes to watch it).

                  The Adria stuff - let's get this over and done with and move on as she is just not what they have cracked her up to be - bORIng. Give me that old wrinklly guy played by the CSM over adria any day.

                  Daniel, oops I mean JACKSON!!, I cannot really stand to watch Micheal Shanks anymore (that is who I think I am watching, not Daniel).

                  vala - please let me have her to myself in a room for 5 minutes to slap the irritating nature out of her - IMO I have never seen as useless a regular character in Stargate - that is until what they have done to Teal'c in seasons 9-10 - but for a regular who is supposedly one of the main cast she is useless. Oh the opportunities for the character especially with the adria card out there - what do we get "I demand you stop this right now" -- "sorry Mother, blah, blah, blah" how vanilla and bORIng - geesh.

                  I will not even discuss mitchell - can anyone, anyone at all, answser the question I have been asking for 2 seasons now - WHAT THE HECK IS HE DOING ON THE TEAM - WHAT DOES HE BRING TO THE TEAM? WHY IS HE THERE? Unlike what I thnk about vala (that there COULD have been an opportunity for her but TPTKSG-1 screwed it up royally for the fun, fun, fun (a/k/a sex, sexual innuendo and now innocent, love-struck, school-girl crush immaturity) part of it, there is absolutely nothing, IMO, that is even remotely a missed opportunity for the character of mitchell - they just plain ol' missed with him and by a million light years.

                  Last but not least the dragon - OMG ('nuff said - did they use the CGI budget on something else?)

                  There were a few odd minutes that were bearable but overall - this will not entice me to watch most of the rest of S10 nor will it entice me to spend one dime on a DVD movie.

                  This pretty much seals it for me, the last nail in the coffin, these new charcaters, the bORIng new "enemy" (I scoff at their "enemy" where is Louis Gossett when you need him), the new direction, it all has ruined the show for me and that is pathetic especially as a loyal fan of the original SG-1 for 7 1/2 years (I always end up back at the middle 0f S7 for where it really went bad for me and I blame the showrunner for that. The vision, the decision-making, the dismantling of the "team", the dismantling of the BIG 3 I see it all pointing in one direction . . . ).
                  Last edited by binkpmmc; 13 April 2007, 08:41 PM.


                    Originally posted by binkpmmc View Post
                    Depending on the episode, boring me with stories about his grandma, screwing up, nearly getting the rest of the team killed, playing with swords, etc.

                    Originally posted by binkpmmc View Post
                    WHAT DOES HE BRING TO THE TEAM?
                    Nothing useful.

                    Originally posted by binkpmmc View Post
                    WHY IS HE THERE?
                    PR stunt that went too far or General Magwitch-orchestrated conspiracy are my top guesses.

                    Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                      Originally posted by JessM View Post
                      No hard objects from me! I think some of it could be due to tptb being bored w/Sam's character or at least not knowing how to write her anymore. I think it goes back (in part anyway) to the whole "we don't know what to do with your character" thing between S9 and S10 when they were gearing up to have Vala on full-time.

                      Sam has been mostly wallpaper this season and hasn't really been given very good material. Almost felt to me like they were trying to phase her out of the show and made wonder if, had they ended up being renewed for S11 if they'd reduce her appearances a lot more (split them evenly between SG-1 and SGA or given her more to do on SGA than on SG-1). I guess it almost seemed like they'd just stick her in a scene because they needed someone to do something tech-y and rattle off jargon.

                      Then again I haven't been too pleased with S10's writing on the whole anyway...
                      Well I guess we should have considered Sam would have less to do and be wallpaper this year. I mean wasn’t their original plan to kick her over to Atlantis for 10 eps? I guess they changed their minds on that. She has only been on Atlantis for 2-3 or something this year. Then there’s next year, but I wonder if some of next years eps for Atlantis were originally supposed to take place this year? Or if it was going to be a slower phase over? (though I doubt they plan that far ahead).

                      Whatever, they all as much said they didn’t know what to do with Carter (that’s a quote someplace right?). And although Teal'c got more play in the last couple of years I guess they decided he wasn’t needed now the goa'uld are gone so they have nothing for him. And I guess Daniel didn’t really fit in either so they created a new character for MS. And they pretty much treat the Stargate the way they treat the previous stars.

                      This really is a different show with none of the old characters in it in any significant way. And it is a bad show. Kinda like crusade for B5....but at least after a couple of eps that show had "some" promise, but nothing really when compared to B5 the way this new show does not really compare to classic (actual) Stargate SG-1.

                      I didn’t watch SG-1 last night, I refuse to watch the further dismantling of the once great Stargate Universe for the "new vision". If they wanted their "universe" they should have went off and made their own show, but then it would have failed immediately and miserably. So instead they jump on the great and powerful working horse that was SG-1 and try to turn it into their personal circus trick horse. It’s just sad.
                      Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                      ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                      AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                        I have not been here in ages but had to stop in with Stargate returning. I watched 10 minutes of the Mythology special but simply could not stand listening to the very people who ruined this show.

                        The long absence of Stargate has been a very good thing--Im so very over it. I have zero desire to watch the last 10 episodes. That does however make me very curious of what the ratings will be.

                        PS--IMO Sam's character was dissed the past two yrs so they could shine the light on Vala--not because Vala showed up and somehow made Sam look bad.


                          Oh I have an announcement to make

                          I've been told in a red (from this thread) to BE MORE POSITIVE

                          um...*looks at title* yep this is the anti S 10 thread, where does it say positive????

                          Oh the poor little noob must have accidentally wondered into the wrong thread and didn't know what to do with himself or how to handle it

                          It seems Killdeer is safe here, but not the rest of us

                          ETA: Hmmm...maybe I should wonder into pro threads and tell them to be more cynical
                          na, I wouldn't go down to their level.
                          Last edited by Mandysg1; 14 April 2007, 06:35 AM.

                          my fanfic


                            I did have to really fight myself to get myself to turn on Atlantis. I just wasn’t interested. I kept saying "yeah but Jack is captured by replicators, I should really see how that turns out....but I could just read about it....Atlantis still might be salvageable...but think of what rumors you have read....think about who’s running the Hockey playoffs are on and boxing.....just check it out...flip back and forth, it could be fun......"

                            I made a point of not flipping over until I was 100% I would not glimpse the undead SG-1 and watched Atlantis but skipped all commercials (lest I get a hockey and boxing were on). The show was....fine, nothing great, I had no chills or happiness that I used to get just hearing the Stargate music let alone seeing the show. It was all so much meh.

                            I did get on Gateworld, because I am pretty much always checking Gateworld and my video game websites. Was it me or was this place relatively dead last night? I could be wrong, the amount of "browsing" I do has been limited and I mostly just check on the threads I like.
                            Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                            ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                            AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                              Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                              Oh I have an announcement to make

                              I've been told in a red (from this thread) to BE MORE POSITIVE

                              um...*looks at title* yep this is the anti S 10 thread, where does it say positive????

                              Oh the poor little noob must have accidentally wondered into the wrong thread and didn't know what to do with himself or how to handle it

                              It seems Killdeer is safe here, but not the rest of us
                              Maybe the thread title needs to be amended to avoid confusion.

                              The Anti Season 10 Thread (SG-1). For complaints and misgivings ONLY - AKA the thread where everything ISN'T sunshine and rainbows and we DON'T spend our time happily extolling the virtues of Season 10.

                              Our fault for not making things clearer.

                              Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                                Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                                Oh I have an announcement to make

                                I've been told in a red (from this thread) to BE MORE POSITIVE

                                um...*looks at title* yep this is the anti S 10 thread, where does it say positive????

                                Oh the poor little noob must have accidentally wondered into the wrong thread and didn't know what to do with himself or how to handle it

                                It seems Killdeer is safe here, but not the rest of us

                                ETA: Hmmm...maybe I should wonder into pro threads and tell them to be more cynical
                                na, I wouldn't go down to their level.

                                WOW! Getting a red for being negative on an ANTI thread. I would gather that person just thinks it's thier god given right to click on that little red button whenever thier little hearts content. I have actually PM a few that red me in the past to find out what they found so bad.

                                One thought that I should be red because my hubby is a hunter. Another just didn't like the fact that I was winning the argument. And another did it out of spite, because I did gave one red marking for refusing to give her "qouted" source.

                                I wouldn't put much faith in the rating system here. Too many times it is been abused.

                                Don't worry--I greened ya!

                                Back on topic,

                                I also would agree about Adria. She's not the villian I was hoping for and Ba'al is becoming just as boring.

                                Vala, according to coop, is the embodiment of all the Ori. Well, body is all. The whole villian seems to be a take of of Vala. Black leather and the long black hair.

                                I also noticed MS seemed to have better timing with Adria. Also, I noticed that when ever Adria has a scene...Vala get's wallpapered like Sam.

                                I would say, Adria was thier new favorite toy.
                                Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.

