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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by smurf
    Seeing as the third to last episode is about
    Lam and Landry

    I'd say, yep.
    Crud. I'd forgotten about that ep. Thanks, smurf. I guess we now know why the Bori are being held over: Apophis forbid that we miss that scintillating drama.

    Someone oughta take RCC's showrunner merit badge away before it's too late. Oh. Wait.

    Do we suppose that Martin Wood will at least direct the 2nd movie?


      Originally posted by AGateFan View Post
      So they are not even going to bother finishing up season 10 in season 10. I guess it was a waste to leave those last three eps unwritten.

      Are these really spoilers? I mean its on the front page.

      Maybe in the time travel movie they will make everything right again.... or that will be their opportunity to create an entire new reality based on the movies and separate from Atlantis.

      I dunno, all I know is direct to DVD normally means its crp. And if it is the ori story line that just means it is double double so. I am just hoping something good comes in movie two. It was sad that they didnt let it die in peace and now they will continue to kick it as the audience gets smaller and smaller.
      Yeah I am not having high hopes for these, especially not the first one. I hope that we get something good in the second one. A couple of friends who have been enjoying S10 are telling me to be optimistic. Eh, I just don't have a whole lot to be optimistic about.

      I guess that direct-to-dvd episode set in S2 has gone by the wayside. It would be great for them to do that one finally, if only to get RDA back and not have to worry about including our "shiny new characters."


        So...the the poster that recommended the costume changes for the boys-does the old adage: "What Nature has forgotten, Playtex stuffs with cotton" work here too?
        Last edited by pittsburghgirl; 12 October 2006, 05:23 PM. Reason: didn't need the word "you"
        Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

        "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


          Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
          Well now we know for sure, film #1 will definitely be crap
          LOL, that was my first thought too. One of my friends was appalled at the fact that I was thinking this way, since RCC has written so many good eps.

          She's a really nice person but we have to agree to disagree on that one.


            Given how many pages there are to this thread... I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned the fact that RDA isn't there because he doesn't want to be on full time. Stargate is still "good" but I agree that the original cast trumps any combination they have had since. As for continuing Stargate, I am reasonably sure they will continue in some form. Amanda Tapping even seems to think so herself. MGM wants to continue even if Sci Fi, or any other US station, will not.

            Time travel episode... no I don't think that's going to make it better. That's going to get a lot of people complaining about hitting the reset button. That's also not the style of the show. I mean yes they have had time travel episodes but they did not "fix" anything the way anti-reset button people complain about all the time.

            That's my two cents on this... but I'm sure I've missed something and it would surprise me if no one else has mentioned this. I admit I have enough of a life not to read 320 pages worth of thread material


              Originally posted by smurf View Post
              Time travel
              Time travel
              Time travel
              Time travel
              **Clean up in aisle one please**

              Here's an idea. How about:
              SG-1 travel back in time to the point before Vala was taken as a host. Vala decides to save herself from becoming a Goa'uld, and we see how terrible it all is if she didn't/doesn't make the sacrifice of losing part of her life.
              Valagate meets It's a Wonderful Life.

              **Clean up in aisle two please**
              Ugh... and the worst part is that I can actually see that being the scenario.

              And Daniel will of course reiterate how valuable she is to the program and to him, complete with shippy music and lots of tender glances, followed by kisses, a shotgun wedding and their next mission serving as the Vaniel honeymoon.

              **Clean up in aisle three please**

              (thanks to Scarimor for the smilie)


                you know, i can deal with the time travel one since it's brad's movie

                and i don't think it'll contain much of our folks anyway. my money is on it being a pseudo pilot for the next incarnation

                the part that makes me sad is that the first movie is gonna be wasted on rob's ori crap.

                dear mister cooper, the ori suck. they are a lame o storyline and now that you've emasculated and charicturized every one of the once brilliant characters to make the ones you've created look' better' there is nothing left in the show to redeem the crap that you call entertainment

                why don't y ou restrain yourself to template lifetime movies...oh wait, you can't. see, they actaually have people talking to each other and angst and pathos...and if you can't blow crap up it's not entertainment now is it????

                You killed a franchise. so why don't y ou and Berman and Braga go off together, have a nice laugh and enjoy your infamy
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  Originally posted by DEM View Post
                  Crud. I'd forgotten about that ep. Thanks, smurf. I guess we now know why the Bori are being held over: Apophis forbid that we miss that scintillating drama.

                  Someone oughta take RCC's showrunner merit badge away before it's too late. Oh. Wait.

                  Do we suppose that Martin Wood will at least direct the 2nd movie?


                  Bori???? i like that bettter than oreos

                  and yes, anything like demoting coop would be like building the barn after the horse freezes to death

                  if martin directes movie 2, then there's hope. cause brad and martin can do good stuff

                  if pdl directs coops movie, write it off now. cause they are a dastardly combo. the only thing that could make it worse is if it's an alan mccullough/coop/pdl trifecta. that'll pretty much doom it from the get go
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by smurf View Post
                    Difference I can see is that RDA made Jack more likeable and did it for the specific reason of taking the long term view of his place in the show, and MS has made Daniel (for me) far, far, more unlikeable, and seems to be doing it because he doesn't like the character.

                    And I apologise to everyone for the mess. Look on the bright side; we know TPTB lurk around these threads, so if they even go near Valagate meets It's a Wonderful Life I could sue them for stealing my idea, and prevent it happening.
                    I agree with that. I've always been a Daniel fan and he's become less likeable to me the past two seasons. I read somewhere that he was bored with the role and wanted to flesh it out. I guess I can understand being bored with a role and wanting to breathe some life into it after playing it for a number of years, but hadn't he been trying to change it since at least the end of S2/beginning of S3? I can just imagine what Daniel would have been like if he'd played him the way he does now back in S3.

                    lol, no apologies necessary. Hopefully it won't come to that but if it does, we'll be ready.


                      Originally posted by DEM View Post
                      Crud. I'd forgotten about that ep. Thanks, smurf. I guess we now know why the Bori are being held over: Apophis forbid that we miss that scintillating drama.

                      Someone oughta take RCC's showrunner merit badge away before it's too late. Oh. Wait.

                      Do we suppose that Martin Wood will at least direct the 2nd movie?
                      Bori! Is that your creation, DEM? LOL! It's perfect!

                      My LJ


                        in one way, i like the more ballsy daniel. Mister 98 pound 'protect my poor lily white innocence' daniel was beyond boring. he annoyed me to no end

                        and it does make sense that, after so many years, daniel would grow a backbone and become a bit more self sufficient and forceful

                        so while i do like him being a bit more manly, i just wish he was becoming his own man, not desperately channeling any variety of 'WMAH' (white male action heros) in an effort to studly himself up. it doesn't make him look more hero-y. MS will never - to me - be one of those confident masculine men like Reynolds, or jack or Dixon. He's not the type. He's the 'nice guy' not the 'masculine alpha male'. And - again to me - every time a beta male tries to act like an alpha male, it's just kinda pathetic.

                        he's forcing himself into becoming such a cliche that it's actually pretty sad. It's just like, in one way, i do like how he acts around claudia. it seems that she losens him up enough that he forgets that he's acting, gets that stick outta his backside and loses the self-conscious stiffness and acts more normal.

                        I just wish that, to get vala chilling him out, we also didn't have to be 'treated' to vala's silliness adn eye-rolling stupidity

                        it seems to get a measure of good, we're stuck with twice as much cheese and triteness

                        daniel would still be daniel, if MS wasn't so obsessed with filling his 'daddy's' shoes that he's forcing himself into a role that he just doesn't fit.

                        Anyone watch numbers? what MS is doing to daniel is like if Peter McNichol all of a sudden played a cop. He'd never pull it off because it's just not a fit
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                          you know, i can deal with the time travel one since it's brad's movie

                          and i don't think it'll contain much of our folks anyway. my money is on it being a pseudo pilot for the next incarnation

                          the part that makes me sad is that the first movie is gonna be wasted on rob's ori crap.

                          dear mister cooper, the ori suck. they are a lame o storyline and now that you've emasculated and charicturized every one of the once brilliant characters to make the ones you've created look' better' there is nothing left in the show to redeem the crap that you call entertainment

                          why don't y ou restrain yourself to template lifetime movies...oh wait, you can't. see, they actaually have people talking to each other and angst and pathos...and if you can't blow crap up it's not entertainment now is it????

                          You killed a franchise. so why don't y ou and Berman and Braga go off together, have a nice laugh and enjoy your infamy
                          That's tellin' em, sky I do have more hopes for the second movie because of Brad Wright but...ugh... think I'll have to sit out the "Bori" (LOL - it's perfect, DEM) one.


                            Originally posted by TomT64 View Post
                            Time travel episode... no I don't think that's going to make it better. That's going to get a lot of people complaining about hitting the reset button. That's also not the style of the show. I mean yes they have had time travel episodes but they did not "fix" anything the way anti-reset button people complain about all the time.
                            If hitting the reset button gets rid of Mitchell and the Ori - I'd even settle for just Mitchell - I won't complain.

                            Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                              Originally posted by ReganX View Post
                              If hitting the reset button gets rid of Mitchell and the Ori - I'd even settle for just Mitchell - I won't complain.
                              well, if they go back and we get Major Mitchell, i could live with that. (course for that to happen they would have to have the humility to admit that the Bori are not the bestest plot in the world....don't see that happening anytime soon. the storyline isn't bori'ng, we're just too stupid to appreciate the brilliance that is the Bori

                              but my money is on a 'going forward in time, saving the day, coming back to the present to either find things changed or with a 'wow aren't we lucky' ' theme
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                well, if they go back and we get Major Mitchell, i could live with that. (course for that to happen they would have to have the humility to admit that the Bori are not the bestest plot in the world....don't see that happening anytime soon. the storyline isn't bori'ng, we're just too stupid to appreciate the brilliance that is the Bori

                                but my money is on a 'going forward in time, saving the day, coming back to the present to either find things changed or with a 'wow aren't we lucky' ' theme
                                Hmm, somehow I'm not looking forward to the new movies

                                my fanfic

