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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by ParadoxRealities
    you mean he has a--? <slams into 10' pole>

    I wonder if he hit his head really hard when his F-302 got shot down.

    He makes it very difficult to believe that he actually aspired to join the space program at one time - when even Sam would have had to go on a waiting list "a mile long" but for Jacob's influence - and impossible to believe that he really does have a "perfect" record.

    Maybe there really is a Cameron Mitchel and Mitchell has been mistakenly getting credit for Mitchel's achievements.

    Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


      Originally posted by ReganX
      I wonder if he hit his head really hard when his F-302 got shot down.

      He makes it very difficult to believe that he actually aspired to join the space program at one time - when even Sam would have had to go on a waiting list "a mile long" but for Jacob's influence - and impossible to believe that he really does have a "perfect" record.

      Maybe there really is a Cameron Mitchel and Mitchell has been mistakenly getting credit for Mitchel's achievements.
      Well everything makes sense now

      my fanfic


        Teal'c could not be in worse hands.Might as well have Felger rescue Teal'c.


          Is it me or in the new AOL vignette does it look like
          the Star Wars homage is still at work. That one guy looks like he came off GL original/new Star Wars movies.


            I'm not sure how AT CJ and MS got through Season 9 and 10.I would have ran away screaming from the set and never went back.


              Originally posted by ses110
              Teal'c could not be in worse hands.Might as well have Felger rescue Teal'c.
              Stop! You are giving away the big S10 cliffhanger ending!!


                Sorry.I hope I did not ruin it for everyone.


                  Originally posted by MediaSavant
                  TNT and FX are not "maybes". Both networks require a much higher rating to call a show "successful" than SciFi does and than what Stargate gets (or has ever gotten)

                  Look at the ratings their originals get relative to Stargate.

                  Besides that, FX only wants "edgy" and Stargate is as far from edgy as a TV show can get. Check out Nip/Tuck and Rescue Me. Can anyone imagine the same network that develops those shows, liking Stargate?
                  The thing is, Stargate never was edgy, even in its heydey. I think that's one reason for its longetivity. It's easily relatable, has clearly defined good guys/bad guys, resolves by the end of the episode, usually favorably to the good guys. It avoids long plot and character arcs. And when it does end on a down note, the resolution is usually around the corner. There's nothing edgy about the camera work or the writing or the characterizations.

                  There's nothing wrong with that, per se. As I said, that's probably the reason it's lasted so long. When you go edgy, you can either show brilliance or fail miserably. SG1 seems to have stayed to the middle of the road--nothing offensive, nothing earth shattering.

                  But I do think that expecting a show like that, in today's competitive media, to continue past a 10th season is a bit of wishful thinking.

                  That being said, I could see it as a movie or mini to wrap up whatever loose ends might be left by the end of the season.


                    one way they could keep it alive would be to have one mini-series a year for a few years. pimp it up the ratings will probably be good enough for a while (remeber the pretender movies? i think we ended up with 3 of the 4 after nbc canned it for the wonder that was arena football....that did so well in the ratings we literally couldn't give away ad time in it)

                    they would probably do 'ok' in airing it then recoup their money on dvd sales

                    the hard part would be keeping enough of a storyline that each incarnation wasn't just a retread of hte past (go through the gate, get into trouble, get out of it, go home)

                    they would need to have a bit of a twist to keep inteerst from year to yer, but not so much of a twist that you get lost
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      I can go for one mini-series a year.That's my idea of keeping SG-1 alive.Not a Season 11.If RDA is involved the chances are good it will be a success.


                        Originally posted by ses110
                        I can go for one mini-series a year.That's my idea of keeping SG-1 alive.Not a Season 11.If RDA is involved the chances are good it will be a success.
                        So long as RCC isn't in control (showrunning) or in charge of the "creative direction".

                        Geez, I seem to be on an anti RCC kick lately

                        Basically what I'm trying to get at is that in the entertainment industry your creative choices can be hit or miss, in RCC's case he took S9 in a new direction, which I have no problem with. What I do have a problem with is the lack of skill with which it was implemented.

                        Rather than building on a solid existing base he seems to have basically shown little respect the the existing show (and fans) and destroyed that base and brought in a "sci fi series formula" (3 b's) with a stunning lack of finesse which many have equated to a pack of hormonal schoolboys making their first video. Then seems amazed and insulted that everyone doesn't see that his new direction is Pulitzer Prize material.

                        Sorry sunshine, I can appreciate and enjoy "mindless" sci fi and quite often do, but it needs to have some style to it. S9 under RCC's control was puerile tripe and S10 has obviously had a bit more BW influence and tried to tone down the glaring problems of the previous season but quite often it results in vastly improved eps (over S9) but they still only get a "Meh" as they lack that "classic SG-1" spark.

                        I still don't see how a bunch of professionals could even think of taking a well established show in a new direction with new main characters and NOT sit down and have a well thought out plan of who the characters were and what their "essence" was and how to introduce them effectively over a period of 20 eps. If they did have a plan then it certainly wasn't implemented because the writers and directors seemed to be all on different pages and it is RCC's responsibility to make sure that the creative staff are on the same page and see the same direction as he does. S9 had that "cobbled together the day before shooting" feel to it and S10 is suffering badly from it.

                        Shame on you RCC I expected better.

                        (My apologies for venting but the prospect of an AM script has obviously put me in a bad mood. Well on the bright side at least it isn't directed by PDL, I seriously dread the AM / PDL combo).


                          Originally posted by ses110
                          Teal'c could not be in worse hands.Might as well have Felger rescue Teal'c.
                          Yes only SG-1 can manage to have the hero thought so little of by the fans. The
                          Lucian Alliance should see right thru his cover. "Isn't that the idiot who tried to by our corn in S9".
                          Last edited by Rogue; 12 September 2006, 08:01 PM.
                          Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                            Originally posted by RealmOfX
                            Sorry sunshine, I can appreciate and enjoy "mindless" sci fi and quite often do, but it needs to have some style to it. S9 under RCC's control was puerile tripe and S10 has obviously had a bit more BW influence and tried to tone down the glaring problems of the previous season but quite often it results in vastly improved eps (over S9) but they still only get a "Meh" as they lack that "classic SG-1" spark.
                            You know eventhough they have tried to make S10 better than 9, its unfortunately too little too late. It's hard to forget how the new characters were introduced and portrayed in S9 to even take them seriously in S10. Sorry guys (RCC in particular) but fans are not as stupid as you think they are

                            my fanfic


                              Very true about RCC.It always seemed TPTB spend about 5 minutes in planning for Season 9.I would love to see RDA and Michael Greenberg back in charge.Can you image how good the mini-series would be with RDA and Michael Greenberg as TPTB and RDA acting? I would pay good money for this to happen.


                                A few thoughts, but too tired (& lazy) to quote the relevant posters.

                                I have my doubts whether we will see more than one TV movie/mini-series of Stargate: SG-1. I think there will definitely be a mini-series (I've been thinking it's a shoo-in from the moment of cancellation), but I can't see the actors not moving on after that and, simply, without the majority of the original characters there isn't much point IMO.

                                S10 being better is definitely too late for me. I stopped watching seriously in season 9, and it would really take a lot of effort on my part to get back into the show especially now it's become more arc-based. I'd have to start caring about the characters for a start.

                                Frankly, I still find it unbelievable that they went into their "new show" without basic characterisation for their new lead. Why do I have the feeling that there is a belief in the showrunner that because it is a plot-led show it requires no thought towards the characters. If the writers didn't know what sort of character they were dealing with, at least let the actor have a say in ensuring a consistancy of character. After all, he is the only person who deals with the character every day.

                                And Hunt the Ancient technology storyline = very bad and repetative.
                                Especially when you've done your damndest (over two shows) to make the Ancients/Ascended appear to be a bunch of selfish and arrogant morons.

