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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by ReganX
    Jack's General Magwitch? He can't be - General Magwitch is a ****. He's also selfish and physically unattractive.

    I guess that now they've got to go back in time to just before SG-1 arrived in 1969 and meet up with Jack and supply him with contraceptives. Problem solved.

    It does, however, make perfect sense that the only reason Mitchell got the job was because strings were pulled on his behalf.
    I will offer to pay for said profolactics however I always thought Jack was fooling around with Sam in the back of the bus!
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      Originally posted by ReganX
      I'd say Mitchell is more likely to be Landry's long-lost love child.
      And for an episode of As the Gate Turns
      have him fall for the effervescent Dr. Lam
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        Originally posted by kazzyk
        "good for them having fun but thier actions sseem more li ke the actions of folks that know the show is toast and are having fun finishing out the ride rather than working to keep the game going"
        So right Sky--dont you think they know the show is finished and as such do not have to care at all about the fans?
        I see a trend of trying to get more folks watching Alantis (which is ok by me) to see if it might survive on its own????
        that's what i'm seeing too

        it's the 7th season of tng, they know the show is toast so they're just having fun while it lasts
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          and actually, On Air promotion DOES cost the network money
          someone has to make those promos so there's time and possibly material if anything is shot for it.

          also, the only way they're 'free' is if the ad time isn't already sold. If they're turning down paid advertisors to pimp thier shows, then the promo costs what they could have sold that ad for
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            what i am seeing between sg1 and eureka is

            let's promote the show, get everyone to watch it, let eeryone know it' there

            whereas with stargate it was more the

            pimp the record, cater to the actors, give the suits thier photo ops...basically the sg1 spending was to reward the people involved not to pimp the show while eureka is directed at pimping the show
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              That's what was really irritating me - if TPTB know why the h3ll don't they do something about it?? Make these character seem real again.
              Yeah, well this solution benefits them in two ways, doesn't it? Firstly, they don't have to work too hard to deal with the issues. They just throw in some jokes and horse around for an hour. Secondly, from this point on, should a fan complain that we've never seen the Furlings, or that Mitchell getting a command at the SGC is completely illogical, they can just shrug and say, "We've dealt with that! We showed you the Furlings! Watch 200!".

              Listen, we had General Ryan come on and do a little cameo for us, and he's a real live four star, one of the big guys. And I had to ask him point blank, because there's a certain irreverence that I bring to the character, and denseness, but while we were doing this scene, I just looked at him and said, "Do you have guys like me in...?" and he stopped me and said, "Yes, and worse, and you're doing a fine job, son."

              Richard Dean Anderson


                I think that I have finally come to the realization that the show that is being called Stargate SG-1 is in fact not that show but another. I believe that what they are showing is actually Stargate Command and i do not like this new show.
                Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                  Originally posted by pittsburghgirl
                  I think that I have finally come to the realization that the show that is being called Stargate SG-1 is in fact not that show but another. I believe that what they are showing is actually Stargate Command and i do not like this new show.
                  I prefer the title "Stargate: Friends in space", it covers everything that has happened over the past 2 seasons.

                  Gateworld Forum Troublemaker Extraordinaire.


                  Support the (r)Evolution: Gregorius for Moderator.
                  Gregorius, because clowning about is his raison d'être.


                    Originally posted by Gregorius
                    I prefer the title "Stargate: Friends in space", it covers everything that has happened over the past 2 seasons.
                    Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                    "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                      Originally posted by ParadoxRealities
                      note: i have no idea what i'm talking about. but couldn't they have been airing commercials that did give them money when they were airing the promotions? so don't they lose that money?

                      That assumes all the air-time was sold.

                      Though I don't think it's so bad that they couldn't sell all the commercial time. Though they must sell it in blocks. *5* repeats of the same comercial in 2 hours! Oy! And they wonder why we wonder off - besides potty breaks, ice cream breaks, surfing breaks...


                      Hi PR! Long time no see!
                      Mourning Sanctuary.
                      Thanks for the good times!


                        Originally posted by Albion
                        Yeah, well this solution benefits them in two ways, doesn't it? Firstly, they don't have to work too hard to deal with the issues. They just throw in some jokes and horse around for an hour. Secondly, from this point on, should a fan complain that we've never seen the Furlings, or that Mitchell getting a command at the SGC is completely illogical, they can just shrug and say, "We've dealt with that! We showed you the Furlings! Watch 200!".

                        That's the feeling I get from 200. It's not like Wormhole Xtreme where it was mostly jokes about things they did in the past (stuff they were, maybe, a little embarassed about), but about what they are doing (and not fixing) now.
                        If they continue in the same vein after acknowledging everything that is wrong with the show, then the two fingers held up to the fans wasn't for victory.

                        200 was okay, although it seems it was too much to ask for a B-plot. Or, in fact, an A-plot.
                        I'm sorry, but
                        can we cut back on the Mitchell love please? They have a party ready on the other side of the gate? To celebrate Cambo's 200th trip? Or was there a more interesting reason for the party that we weren't privy to?

                        And the quote about sci-fi at the end. Yeah, that would have worked before the show was screwed up into a shadow of its former self. It's a little pretentious when the show is as bog standard as it is now.


                          Originally posted by smurf
                          If they continue in the same vein after acknowledging everything that is wrong with the show, then the two fingers held up to the fans wasn't for victory.
                          Ooh, good one. I really didn't feel that they were saying 'screw you'... but, then again, this is RCC's show, so...

                          I'm sorry, but
                          can we cut back on the Mitchell love please? They have a party ready on the other side of the gate? To celebrate Cambo's 200th trip?
                          ANY event horizon, no less. As I said in the ep thread, I took it as pure nonsensical farce and left it at that.


                            Originally posted by DEM
                            Ooh, good one. I really didn't feel that they were saying 'screw you'... but, then again, this is RCC's show, so...
                            Well, I hope not. But if they don't want to fix what's wrong... I shall draw my own conclusions.

                            ANY event horizon, no less. As I said in the ep thread, I took it as pure nonsensical farce and left it at that.
                            Terrible link, isn't it? It's not even necessary to mention 200 (it wasn't for 100), and related to a newbie no less.
                            That bit at the end pushed it over the edge for me in Mitchell pimpage I'm afraid. Neither funny nor logical. You might as well have it for Vala or Landry.

                            ETA: Actually, thinking about it, most of the jokes were directly related to what has happened in the last couple of seasons. Not much of a celebration of SG-1's longevity...
                            Last edited by smurf; 20 August 2006, 01:14 PM.


                              Originally posted by Skydiver
                              and actually, On Air promotion DOES cost the network money
                              someone has to make those promos so there's time and possibly material if anything is shot for it.
                              Yes and no. They set aside about the same amount of time for self-promotions all the time. It's just a matter of which programs they promote in the time they've set aside.

                              They didn't set aside any more time than they usually do for "200". As for producing the promos, they do that every episode. They did produce a few more versions than usual, which is more expenditure. But, I wouldn't call it "major".


                                Originally posted by AGateFan
                                They could have also had newspaper and billboards in certain markets. I dont know. It does seem like they spent more time pimping this ep then any other ep this year. I was simply wondering if that is because they planned to spend a good portion of their pimping budget on this ep that it didnt leave a lot for the rest of the season.
                                I work in midtown Manhattan. Trust me, if there is out-of-home advertising, they run it in Manhattan where they can see them themselves. When Stargate first came on the network, they covered subway cars with ads of RDA and Ben Browder (they were promoting both SG and Farscape in the same ad.)

                                I also read USA Today and that's where they usually put ads.

                                I agree that this episode was better promoted than any other this season, but the absolute budget was not that high relative to other promotions the network has done.

