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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by Sg Gato
    After all the hype and numerous "must see" reviews", I was diasappointed. I expected to be laughing much more than I did. There were only
    two scenes that I thought were funny. Puppet General Hammond demanding the gate spin and the second scene --- I can't remember which one it was. The Farscape scene was over in a blink of an eye and the Wizard of Oz scene wasn't funny to me.
    . My hubby and son were watching the show as well and they didn't think it was all that funny.
    The biggest problem is that Scifi, et al have put a LOT into pushing the 200th episode. It's the quantity they're pushing, not the quality. I honestly thought the spoof scenarios would last more than the blink of an eye, although to me, the marrionnette scene fell flat - far too long and heck, even SuperCar was more entertaining than that, although Jack was more animated...

    I think the biggest problem this episode is going to cause is "now what?" Scifi has pushed pushed pushed it and well, they shoudl be pushing the entire seasons (of both SG shows), not just one.

    I don't see this episode as being particularly helpful. However, I bet it was a ball to make for the actors/crew, but will it get the audience an 11th season?? Or really, one should ask, should it?


      Originally posted by kazzyk
      Well, I expected nothing for 200 and I got nothing.
      The only thing I noticed was how much Sam, Daniel and Teal'c with RDA seemed to jump back into character. Clearly exposing the current dumping down in S9 and 10.
      yes, rda, at, ms and cj did slip right back into the groove didnt' they?

      it was like watching the 'good old days'...too bad they didn't last longer and that rda's return really was little more than a ratings gimick
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        Originally posted by Skydiver
        yes, rda, at, ms and cj did slip right back into the groove didnt' they?

        it was like watching the 'good old days'...too bad they didn't last longer and that rda's return really was little more than a ratings gimick
        Did you expect it was otherwise.

        At least in the Atlantis ep he had some stuff to do
        even if it was a dream version of him

        I wonder if the last 3 appearance will be any better or if all of these are 10 min of pointless facetime to get ratings.
        Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

        ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

        AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


          i hope he gets to do more. I mean, they can only screw the fans over so many times before people see the promo, go 'yeah, like that's probably all he's in the episode' and they don't turn in

          notice the 'only those that watch it live get the special code' thingie they did with atlantis??? a trick that, i understand, didn't even work.

          they're so deserate for ratings that they're bribing people to tune in. Little to they realize if they'd have just concentrated on making a quality show for the past couple of years, no bribing would be necessary
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            Originally posted by Skydiver
            i hope he gets to do more. I mean, they can only screw the fans over so many times before people see the promo, go 'yeah, like that's probably all he's in the episode' and they don't turn in

            notice the 'only those that watch it live get the special code' thingie they did with atlantis??? a trick that, i understand, didn't even work.

            they're so deserate for ratings that they're bribing people to tune in. Little to they realize if they'd have just concentrated on making a quality show for the past couple of years, no bribing would be necessary
            Thats the thing.
            Everyone complains about no promotion. The show has never had any promotion (not really) but it was a great show. The show spoke for itself. No gimmicks required. Someone has a sig of the Big 3 with "no pimpage required". Aint that the truth.

            Make a good show with good characters and the ratings will take care of themselves.
            Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

            ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

            AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


              notice the 'only those that watch it live get the special code' thingie they did with atlantis??? a trick that, i understand, didn't even work.
              I'm really curious about this. Can you explain how it works and what reward watching it live gets viewers? And why didn't it work? You mean it failed to attract more viewers? Or it didn't work technically?

              And, yes, it does smack terribly of desperation. Especially if other shows in the US - which would, presumably, be suffering from the same TiVo problem - aren't employing this kind of bribe.

              Listen, we had General Ryan come on and do a little cameo for us, and he's a real live four star, one of the big guys. And I had to ask him point blank, because there's a certain irreverence that I bring to the character, and denseness, but while we were doing this scene, I just looked at him and said, "Do you have guys like me in...?" and he stopped me and said, "Yes, and worse, and you're doing a fine job, son."

              Richard Dean Anderson


                Originally posted by Albion
                I'm really curious about this. Can you explain how it works and what reward watching it live gets viewers? And why didn't it work? You mean it failed to attract more viewers? Or it didn't work technically?

                And, yes, it does smack terribly of desperation. Especially if other shows in the US - which would, presumably, be suffering from the same TiVo problem - aren't employing this kind of bribe.

                It didn't work technically, at least for me.
                Hatshepsut, Queen Pharaoh


                  The code was to encourage viewers to watch Atlantis live and therefore boost ratings. During a commercial break they listed a website and gave a code, noting that it would give one access to actor interviews/clips for a brief period of time. I tried going there and it didn't work, and it apparently failed for lots of other people too but eventually it started working. Poor setup by SciFi, like that's anything new.

                  200 was fun, but I don't think it's going to keep new viewers. They probably watched it, didn't get all the inside jokes, and won't watch SG1 next Friday. Those 1.4 ratings are here to stay.


                    yeah, my bet is that the info the code released was only up on the site for the evening, from the first airing to the second airing on the west coast. and since they can track ip's down to geographical location, they could know where folks were from

                    it was nothing more than a ratings trick. kinda like the sneak peak interviews were a trick to get folks to tune into the monday night stack.

                    thing is, skiffy, like usual, does a half ***** job of thier stuff and didn't make sure that it'd work right

                    and i agree, as funny as parts of 200 were, it was nothing more than a self-indulgent hour where they got to have fun - which is good for them - but basically just goofed off thumbing thier noses at everyone.

                    good for them having fun but thier actions sseem more li ke the actions of folks that know the show is toast and are having fun finishing out the ride rather than working to keep the game going
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Ah, I see. Thanks for the info. Interesting notion, but I can't see it bringing in a bulk of lost viewers or upping the ratings significantly.

                      I haven't seen 200 yet, but I must admit I'm intrigued by the comments in the episode folder, which encourage me to think it might not be as cringe-worthy as I suspected. Time will tell.

                      The one thing that is irritating me pre-watching, is that it seems that TPTB addressed all kinds of issues that their lost fans have brought up in this one - how Mitchell got command, not ever mentioning Jack since RDA left etc, etc.

                      Now, since they're obviously aware of all these issues, can we expect that they will continue to deal with them, perhaps even fix them, in a more serious fashion? Or can we expect that they feel they can just 'deal' with them in a throwaway bit of tomfoolery and then never mention them again?

                      Hands up all those who figure it'll be the second option? <sigh>

                      If it is the second option, that kind of makes me feel cheated and patronised.

                      Listen, we had General Ryan come on and do a little cameo for us, and he's a real live four star, one of the big guys. And I had to ask him point blank, because there's a certain irreverence that I bring to the character, and denseness, but while we were doing this scene, I just looked at him and said, "Do you have guys like me in...?" and he stopped me and said, "Yes, and worse, and you're doing a fine job, son."

                      Richard Dean Anderson


                        Originally posted by Albion
                        Ah, I see. Thanks for the info. Interesting notion, but I can't see it bringing in a bulk of lost viewers or upping the ratings significantly.

                        I haven't seen 200 yet, but I must admit I'm intrigued by the comments in the episode folder, which encourage me to think it might not be as cringe-worthy as I suspected. Time will tell.

                        The one thing that is irritating me pre-watching, is that it seems that TPTB addressed all kinds of issues that their lost fans have brought up in this one - how Mitchell got command, not ever mentioning Jack since RDA left etc, etc.

                        Now, since they're obviously aware of all these issues, can we expect that they will continue to deal with them, perhaps even fix them, in a more serious fashion? Or can we expect that they feel they can just 'deal' with them in a throwaway bit of tomfoolery and then never mention them again?

                        Hands up all those who figure it'll be the second option? <sigh>

                        If it is the second option, that kind of makes me feel cheated and patronised.

                        *Raises hand*
                        Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                        ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                        AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                          I was trying to write a review last night
                          and I was very torn. I laughed a lot, but I was left with a bad taste in my mouth after it was over. Maybe it was because they made fun of the fan's concerns. Maybe because the skits with RDA were the ones that worked the best for me. Maybe it was DeLuise's potty mouth.
                          In any case, I'm having trouble writing down what I think. I guess I'll go mull it over while I'm working out on the elliptical. Am I the only one with this reaction?
                          Hatshepsut, Queen Pharaoh



                            that's all fans are to them, an amusement. I seriously doubt they come onto this forum, or any other, to really see what people think or feel. it's probably more along the line of 'i bet you they'd never notice' type of things

                            despite all the white wash and spin, they don't respect us. we're nothing but an amusement and a way to kill time and something (and someone) for them to mock even as they tout the 'our fans' line of bs.

                            the only 'fans' they really want to hear from are the squeeing fanboys that stroke thier egos week after week.

                            while i do totally acknowledge that it IS no fun to hear crit and moaning week after week, i do also have to poiint out that as long as the majority of the fandom lurved them, they loved to hang with us, interact and chat.

                            then, when we started to not squee mindlessly and adore every aspect, all ofa sudden we're not worth the time of day. we're peopel with issues. we're too stupid to see and understand thier greatness. We;re to be mocked and made fun of.

                            Do i expect to have every word taken seriosly? heck no. I'm jsut a viewer with too much time on my hands to chat about a tv show. and i don't have their perspective on the real situations that they work under.

                            but the cynical part of me can't help but notice the sudden and abrupt shift in their actions and behaviors with us in the past year or so.

                            It doesn't matter if some of our crit and nitpicking is on the money and in line with what professional critics have been saying. They're still going to belittle and patronize us whenever they can, if for no other reason than to make themselves feel better

                            I did honestly laugh at 200. I got the jokes and was highly amused. But at the same time i kinda mourn the fact that they had a chance to make a statement and do something really spectacular and special...and instead they indulged their inner fanboys yet again and blew that chance to rack up some Yuks and have some fun.

                            I'm all for having fun, i just wish they wouldn't have destroyed a good tv show to indulge thier humor. 200, as fun as it was, was a waste. They made television history and are going to go down in the record books as the longest running us tv show...but it will forever be marred by the footnote of 'yeah, but the last two seasons sucked'

                            They had the chance to make a great history, having the longest running, spectacular and great tv show...but have gone for quantity over quality and now the franchise will forever be tainted by thier need to have 'fun'

                            they kinda remind me of bode Miller. Chance of a lifetime and he blew it because having fun was more important to him than doing his job
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Wait, was the command issue addressed during 200? I remember the comment about bringing in someone to replace the lead and never mentioning the lead after he's left, but I don't remember anything alluding to the Mitch/Sam fiasco. What was it?


                                Originally posted by Skydiver
                                they kinda remind me of bode Miller. Chance of a lifetime and he blew it because having fun was more important to him than doing his job
                                Ooh. That hurt.
                                Hatshepsut, Queen Pharaoh

