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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
    Really? More than Jonas? I wasn't around for that fandom implosion, so I honestly don't know.
    Honestly, I wasn't around fandom until the very tail end of Jonas' time with the show. I didn't start "coming online" until the end of season six. Still, it's been my observation that it was primarily a certain group of fans who were outraged by Jonas. Mitchell seems to cut a wider swath across the various factions of fans. I think that Jonas the character had fans. I think that Ben Browder the actor has fans. Mitchell the character? Not so much. YMMV


      Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
      Really? More than Jonas? I wasn't around for that fandom implosion, so I honestly don't know.
      I wasn't around fandom at the time but my guess was that it was primarily a specific sector of fans who had an issue with Jonas. My sense now is that people across the board have issues with Mitchell.

      And it's funny because Jack's anger toward Jonas is part of what made me like him. He had to prove himself. He was most certainly the outsider there, wasn't he? Not exactly welcomed with open arms. It made his being there more interesting I think. Having him clash with Jack because of the Daniel thing. I like that Sam made a point of telling him she was only helping him with things because she was ordered to do so. She was probably irked at him too for what happened...but was more willing and open to accept him because of choices that he made to help them out. But it was a process.

      Vala? Well Vala is absolutely THE outsider. Everyone is waiting for her to screw up and to me that's fun. Had that scene been left in for Morpheus, we'd see that Carter has already offered her support and will be there for her. It's a nice contrast to Daniel constantly acosting her verbally or Mitchell...uh...doing or feeling however the writers want him to do/feel that week.

      I would have loved for Carter to have decked him for that Mary Poppins crack. Or Teal'c to flatten him for almost getting them all killed. But nooooooooooo. They laugh it off. He's the "intergalactic screw up," Coop intoned with glee. "Something special" that they all just LURVE to death.

      Me? I so badly want for Mitchell to REALLY screw up and be called on it. Or even better, call himself on it...but not be reassured by the others that he did great and what would they do without him there, etc.. I want one of them to be really angry at him for something and for them to eventually work it out. Then and ONLY then will I start to feel like he's "real" and a part of the team. When I see how they handle an actual, honest to goodness internal conflict and how they all come out of it afterwards: an actual, real team not a group of folks with conveniently matching patches.

      ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...



        although mitch does have some fans. but you are right, the dislike about mitch does cut a wider swath across fan groups.
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by Skydiver
          yeah, i'm not sure if cam beats out jonas or not

          but, conflict would be good.

          like folks said, in shades of grey, teal'c and daniel didn't want sam to NOT be the boss...and this was before she was thier l eader for a year. then, all of a sudden, mister wonderful comes by and everything's rainbows and roses and isn't it wonderful htat cam lowerd himself to be on the team???? and golly gee whiz wally, it's so grand!!!!!

          come one, every new grouping has its growing pains. it's inevitable that 'but we've always done it this way' would come up. or 'but we don't do it that way' or any other conflict.

          but there really hasn't been any, has there? i mean, the only conflict there's been has been vala beating up on daniel.

          they're all too happy, too nicely put together, too pleased with each other

          the tensions between the team is what made it interesting.
          It's like watching a tea kettle...waiting for one of the original three to come to their senses and respond like a normal person would and blow their top at him for something.

          ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


            Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
            It's like watching a tea kettle...waiting for one of the original three to come to their senses and respond like a normal person would and blow their top at him for something.
            Yes! Yes! YES! Exactly. Well at least that's tension. I think Sam is going to blow first. This not knowing who's in command is probably grating on her. Want to take bets?

            This thread is like taking a writing seminar...from a very snarky professor with a beard, chinos and hiking sandles. He looks a little like Peirce Brosnan.

            Sorry, did I say that last part out loud?
            Hatshepsut, Queen Pharaoh


              You're really making me miss Jack.


                Originally posted by Hatusu
                Yes! Yes! YES! Exactly. Well at least that's tension. I think Sam is going to blow first. This not knowing who's in command is probably grating on her. Want to take bets?

                This thread is like taking a writing seminar...from a very snarky professor with a beard, chinos and hiking sandles. He looks a little like Peirce Brosnan.

                Sorry, did I say that last part out loud?
                I'd like her to blow. But I don't think the B@B will ever write anything that doesn't put Mitchell in a super spectacular light.

                I tihnk the professor looks for like Harrison Ford circa 2nd IJ movie.

                Mourning Sanctuary.
                Thanks for the good times!


                  I othught it would be rather amusing to have our own rating scale for the eps.

                  Using the HArry Potter OWL scale:

                  O = Outstanding
                  E = Exceeds Expectations
                  A = Acceptable
                  P = Poor
                  T = Troll

                  Gives a whole new meaning to the term "trolling" doesn't it?

                  ::evil grin::
                  Mourning Sanctuary.
                  Thanks for the good times!


                    Originally posted by suse
                    I othught it would be rather amusing to have our own rating scale for the eps.

                    Using the HArry Potter OWL scale:

                    O = Outstanding
                    E = Exceeds Expectations
                    A = Acceptable
                    P = Poor
                    T = Troll

                    Gives a whole new meaning to the term "trolling" doesn't it?

                    ::evil grin::
                    There's also D for Dreadful between P and T.

                    Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                      Originally posted by ReganX
                      So do you think Mitchell is secretly a very powerful telepath/hypnotist or has he been routinely dosing those at the SGC with mind-control drugs?
                      Don't give them ideas, or the next thing we know the US Military has a brand labled "Psi Corps" who wear black uniforms and have Walter Koenig, as Alfred Bester, as their leader. Or, the cliche, Cam's invested with a Goa'uld and is secretly Kinsey's pion to gain control over the SGC.

                      As for the tension thing, I think my sig summons it up why Cam is friends with everyone Seriously, I think Cam has spawned more anger in the fandom than Jonas ever did, because, as I said before, he never had to proof himself and every mistake he makes is allowed; He isn't even called in the General's office to explain his bad calls or his decisions, it's like the people in the Pentagon say: "Cam's the man, lets do him what he wants to do because he deserves it". This same line also goes for the others in SG-1 who somehow can't seem to get angry with Cam's bad decision making. This behavior, this written character shielding TPTB have placed around Cam is frustrating people. Jonas on the other hand, like was said before, had to proof himself to everyone on the Stargate program since he was "replacing" THE Daniel Jackson, the man who made the Stargate work, and even more importantly he allowed Daniel to die. Jonas had no such character shielding and it worked for most people, because the response of the characters were far more natural.

                      Gateworld Forum Troublemaker Extraordinaire.


                      Support the (r)Evolution: Gregorius for Moderator.
                      Gregorius, because clowning about is his raison d'être.


                        Great post.I'm very fustrated regarding the Teacher's pet Mitchell.Jack only had to say Boo and Daniel was ready to challenge him.Now Daniel cannot be bothered.I think the Daniel character looks the worst thanks to Mitchell.They way TPTB handled Jonas was perfect IMO.I'm not sure what happened with the Mitchell character unless SciFi put pressure on Bridge to make the Mitchell character be excepted by everyone.In Mitchell's first episode Walter was pratically bowing.It makes no sesne.


                          Originally posted by golfbooy
                          Honestly, I wasn't around fandom until the very tail end of Jonas' time with the show. I didn't start "coming online" until the end of season six. Still, it's been my observation that it was primarily a certain group of fans who were outraged by Jonas. Mitchell seems to cut a wider swath across the various factions of fans. I think that Jonas the character had fans. I think that Ben Browder the actor has fans. Mitchell the character? Not so much. YMMV
                          The funny thing is that Jonas/Corin still has fans and websights dedicated to him. Now I don't know about Mitchell, but for a character that hasn't been on the show in three seasons, he's still popular with his fans. You just need to go over to his thunk thread to see that.


                            Originally posted by Amanda Eros
                            The funny thing is that Jonas/Corin still has fans and websights dedicated to him. Now I don't know about Mitchell, but for a character that hasn't been on the show in three seasons, he's still popular with his fans. You just need to go over to his thunk thread to see that.
                            The truth is that this has to be just as frustrating for Ben Browder. As an actor, he needs those tensions, those interactions, too.
                            Hatshepsut, Queen Pharaoh


                              Originally posted by Amanda Eros
                              The funny thing is that Jonas/Corin still has fans and websights dedicated to him. Now I don't know about Mitchell, but for a character that hasn't been on the show in three seasons, he's still popular with his fans. You just need to go over to his thunk thread to see that.
                              To each his/her own... I disliked season 6 (I want to say hated, but I don't hate things very often), and I don't even consider it the "Jonas Year" more like "The Jonas Blip" - out of 20 episodes he was hardly in 3-4 of them! I want to say "how the heck does he get thunk threads/websites dedicated to him, but when you think that there are threads dedicated to Sheppard and McKay getting it on, its not hard to imagine


                                See thats how a NEW character should be brought in. Nice and slow. The ORIGINAL characters are who people want to see. After a year as a new character people may get to like that character and then he can get more screen time. To bring the NEW people in and make them the near sole focus of the show and give them fake, unwarrented respect is what destroys the character.
                                Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                                ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                                AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.

