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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by esoap524
    I like that, actually. Some people have said there was a team feel to this one. I say--no way! There was way more team in Counterstrike, in Insiders, in...ah, heck, the one with the invisible stuff. Not in this one.

    there was no team in this. a good chunk of the eps was little more than promoting vala and one of the two male leads

    vala and daniel, vala and cam

    vala was pretty much nothing unless she was paired with one of the boys.

    Sam and Teal'c were just 'there' to fill in the back ground. as was cam part of the time. and daniel when cam was the focus.

    we could have seen vala learning that she could trust these people to watch her back. in atlantis last week, we got to see sheps' unwavering 'my friends will come for me' belief. but vala doesn't have that. vala trusts no one and this could have been her learning to trust them. seeing that they care about her.

    she could have learned as much about them as they did her
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Originally posted by Skydiver
      there was no team in this. a good chunk of the eps was little more than promoting vala and one of the two male leads

      vala and daniel, vala and cam

      vala was pretty much nothing unless she was paired with one of the boys.

      Sam and Teal'c were just 'there' to fill in the back ground. as was cam part of the time. and daniel when cam was the focus.

      we could have seen vala learning that she could trust these people to watch her back. in atlantis last week, we got to see sheps' unwavering 'my friends will come for me' belief. but vala doesn't have that. vala trusts no one and this could have been her learning to trust them. seeing that they care about her.

      she could have learned as much about them as they did her
      She could have been more.

      Again, this is why I find watching this show an exercise in frustration. It's not as though they're dealing with bad actors, and, frankly, they have the potential to be very interesting characters, Vala especially. Former host, once a thief, mother of the coming apocalypse, uses humor and innuendo as a diversion from her "real" self...losing her memory and trying to recover it to find out who she is and whom she trusts? Wow, that "Daniel" moment would have had so much more emotional resonance had there been an actual character journey involved, as opposed to cliche after cliche.

      Plus, what about Vala and Sam? I think the two actresses get along; from all I've read, I know CB certainly wishes Vala had more scenes with Carter. yeah, they're not b*&%ch slapping each other, great, but how about actually letting them interact? Would that be so difficult?

      At this point, I don't think the writers have any respect for any of the characters, old or new. And I don't mean they have to be perfect. I mean, they have character journeys. Couldn't we have a couple of those that aren't wrapped up in an hour?


        Originally posted by Skydiver
        swiping my post from samanda

        it would have been nice to have seen something more substantial with vala

        such as she and teal'c, the 'lab rats' issues with him and sam, remarks about daniel and his thing for blended women, what precisely did athena and qetesh get up to?

        i don't know if i posted my 'dream' scenario here or not but here goes
        sam and vala, or teal'c and vala are out and vala gets nabbed. a lot of it plays out like it did on screen but when vala gets away,k she makes her own way back to cheyenne mountain. something draws her there. a sense of safety or belonging or sanctuary, something.

        reunited with hter team, they then need to fix her. sam works iwth the device, but it's not looking good.

        maybe they use the tok'ra memory device and teal'c and daniel and even cam help her remeber. or she just remembers on her own. the point is that her TEAM will work to 'fix' her...which culmonates in her earning her way on the team by the team caring enough about her to want to take care of her

        landry doesn't give her those patches, sg1 gives her hte patches. they welcome her in and accept her

        if i had written the fanfic the epiosde was based off, that's how i woulda written it
        Snark alert
        But Sky -
        no motorcycle wheelies, no hairy chest, no handcuffs, no twinkie stuffed in Cam mouth

        You sure know how to suck the fun out of everything.

        And yeah I agree it would have been interesting (novel concept) for some background on Vala. I just think it is more of the ambiguous nature of their writing style as of late - never paint yourself into a box. Instead we get ill defined characters with no depth; they are all over the place cause to define them TPTB have to have a firm concept in mind.
        Last edited by Zoser; 10 September 2006, 07:23 PM.
        Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
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          Originally posted by Zoser
          Snark alert
          But Sky -
          no motorcycle wheelies, no hairy chest, no handcuffs, no twinkie stuffed in Cam mouth

          You sure know how to suck the fun out of everything.
          yes, i know.

          that's what i get for being an adult female...not a man indulging his adolescent fantasies

          junk like MM was bad enough when you had another season to come, but now, that we're literally counting down to the end of an era, every eps like MM is even more tragic because it's a waste of a finite resource

          I just hope, if stargte is rejuvenated in some way on some other network, that coop is nothing more than a writer. cause if he's still the showrunner, the franchise will continue to suffer
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            Originally posted by Skydiver
            yes, i know.

            that's what i get for being an adult female...not a man indulging his adolescent fantasies

            junk like MM was bad enough when you had another season to come, but now, that we're literally counting down to the end of an era, every eps like MM is even more tragic because it's a waste of a finite resource

            I just hope, if stargte is rejuvenated in some way on some other network, that coop is nothing more than a writer. cause if he's still the showrunner, the franchise will continue to suffer
            I still cant fathom how another network would pick up a high cost \ low rating show. If they did I cant imagen they wouldnt cut out whats left of its heart and stick in more leather and explosions (on a lower budget).

            I am thinking they will go for a movie. Saddly it will be a Scifi original movie, with all that entails.
            Last edited by AGateFan; 10 September 2006, 07:42 PM.
            Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

            ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

            AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


              Originally posted by AGateFan
              I still cant fathom how another network would pick up a high cost low \ rating show. If they did I cant imagen they wouldnt cut out whats left of its heart and stick in more leather and explosions (on a lower budget).

              I am thinking they will go for a movie. Saddly it will be a Scifi original movie, with all that entails.
              *covers eyes, and plugs ears* (yes I know it's impossible but this is about SG so make some exceptions) Don't even think it

              my fanfic


                Of course not, Seasons Nine and Ten are the best ever and a series of bad circumstances - including, but not limited to the time change, competition, the unfair Nielsen system, the weather and magnets - bear full responsibility for the ratings drop.
                For some reason - catching up on posts bleary-eyed, just out of bed - I misread this for a moment and thought you were suggesting that bears were responsible for the show being cancelled.

                What's worse is that for a second or two there it didn't seem implausible.

                Clearly, I've been listening to too many of the BAB's excuses. It's affecting my mind.

                Listen, we had General Ryan come on and do a little cameo for us, and he's a real live four star, one of the big guys. And I had to ask him point blank, because there's a certain irreverence that I bring to the character, and denseness, but while we were doing this scene, I just looked at him and said, "Do you have guys like me in...?" and he stopped me and said, "Yes, and worse, and you're doing a fine job, son."

                Richard Dean Anderson


                  Originally posted by AGateFan
                  I still cant fathom how another network would pick up a high cost \ low rating show.
                  I’m with you there AGateFan. I can’t imagine it either. Why in the world any network would want this show when there’s new cheaper Sci Fi shows pulling similar or better ratings?

                  Originally posted by AGateFan
                  I am thinking they will go for a movie. Saddly it will be a Scifi original movie, with all that entails.
                  I’m thinking TV-Mini or Movie myself. RDA stated recently in his interview in Star Log he’s been pushing Brad to go that way for years.
                  Jack O’Neill: When it absolutely, positively, needs mocked, shot, or destroyed overnight!


                    Originally posted by AGateFan
                    I still cant fathom how another network would pick up a high cost \ low rating show.
                    You can't fathom it because it is unfathomable. The people who actually think another network might be interested are in fantasy-land. They are thinking with their hearts and not their heads.

                    Between its age, cost, and low ratings no other network is banging on MGM's door--and the contract clause has nothing to do with it.


                      yeah. they MIGHT go for a movie of the week or a mini series, but that's it

                      skiffy's bled it dry and they don't care anymore

                      if, and it's a HUGE if, the show goes elsewhere, it won't be for a few years and will likey be atlantis moving - unless mgm was stupid enough to sign over all rights to it - with the potential for a 'third incarnation' to be 'birthed' on the new network

                      think about how many networks are out there that make original programming?

                      abc, nbc, cbs, won't touch it with a 10 foot pole.
                      fox - that tends to be trending more young and ethnic
                      usa is also owned by nbc thus they will be just like scifi
                      tnt, fx are maybe's
                      hbo, showtime, cinemax, not likely. they're winning emmys for 'groundbreaking' original series and there's nothing groundbreaking about stargate anymore
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        Okay, so I never got around to watching 200, as I'd promised myself I would.

                        But I did come across the puppet segment of that ep on YouTube yesterday and watched that. It was only labelled "Stargate puppets" and, you know, if I hadn't already known it came from an actual episode, I'd have assumed it was one of those short film pieces that a group of nerdy teenage boys had made in their back bedroom. I've seen ep downloads before where the cast had been replaced with puppets in the main titles. This reminded me strongly of that.

                        The idea was pretty neat. The puppets were very well done. But what let it down completely for me was the script. That's what gave me the feeling of that amateur night computer project. You know the feeling - you watch the thing and you just know these guys have written it when they were high on booze and thought it all incredibly hilarious at three in the morning, but it doesn't look quite as amusing in the cold light of day. A definite 'you had to be there at the time' sensation. Although I dare say that though it didn't raise a chuckle with me yesterday, if I had a few skinfuls of booze beforehand, I might find it hilarious then.

                        I waited eagerly for all the little moments that other posters in the ep thread here on this forum had said had them LOLing. None of them raised so much as a chuckle. Humour is, of course, a subjective thing. One fan's hilarious moment is another's dire nonsense. I love Felger, TOG, Avenger, Wormhole Extreme - and know that many fans don't share my enthusiasm. But with this...the script just hit me as a big meah. Nothing great. Nothing that teen nerd and his drunken buddies couldn't have knocked out just as easily. It wasn't even awful. Just...mediocre, obvious jokes.

                        Listen, we had General Ryan come on and do a little cameo for us, and he's a real live four star, one of the big guys. And I had to ask him point blank, because there's a certain irreverence that I bring to the character, and denseness, but while we were doing this scene, I just looked at him and said, "Do you have guys like me in...?" and he stopped me and said, "Yes, and worse, and you're doing a fine job, son."

                        Richard Dean Anderson


                          Originally posted by Skydiver
                          abc, nbc, cbs, won't touch it with a 10 foot pole.
                          fox - that tends to be trending more young and ethnic
                          usa is also owned by nbc thus they will be just like scifi
                          tnt, fx are maybe's
                          hbo, showtime, cinemax, not likely. they're winning emmys for 'groundbreaking' original series and there's nothing groundbreaking about stargate anymore
                          TNT and FX are not "maybes". Both networks require a much higher rating to call a show "successful" than SciFi does and than what Stargate gets (or has ever gotten)

                          Look at the ratings their originals get relative to Stargate.

                          Besides that, FX only wants "edgy" and Stargate is as far from edgy as a TV show can get. Check out Nip/Tuck and Rescue Me. Can anyone imagine the same network that develops those shows, liking Stargate?


                            Originally posted by MediaSavant
                            You can't fathom it because it is unfathomable. The people who actually think another network might be interested are in fantasy-land. They are thinking with their hearts and not their heads.

                            Between its age, cost, and low ratings no other network is banging on MGM's door--and the contract clause has nothing to do with it.
                            I agree wholeheartedly.

                            Stargate fans have a lot of heart, undeniably. But heart doesn't outweigh lack of profitability. Ever.


                              anybody watch Pierre's Recliner of Rage??? How about we answer him the the Queensized Bed of Apathy? Taking away his friday nite fantasy of the Big Three? Please! this is exactly what part of the problem with that show has been..Skydiver remind us again of what the 3 B's are??
                              Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                              "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda



                                and you could say that the writers' preoccupation with the former two caused the latter

                                too much of a focus on boobs and butts caused the show to bomb
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


