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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by majorsal
    even though vala was soooo over done from the beginning, i think it's mitchell that's in the worst shape. for someone that's supposed to be the new lead and GOD of the show, he's pretty bland, unwanted, and controversial.

    the writers are fixing both characters, but i have to wonder if mitchell will *ever* be the rda/jack that the writers wanted? my thoughts on this, no. the writers screwed him up too much in season 9 for him to ever be totally and completely accepted. in fact, i think the only time the anti mitchell ppl will actually accept him is if he was killed off. and i'm truly sorry to say that.

    I pretty much agree. I find Cam inoffensive at the moment but as soon as the leadership issue rears it's ugly head again all bets are off. I know I was yelling during the season premiere.
    Mourning Sanctuary.
    Thanks for the good times!


      Originally posted by Hatusu
      Awwww. ((((SimilarCadence))))
      Thanks, I needed that.....


        Originally posted by Hatusu
        OK. A lot of our issues were addresses in
        "The Pegasus Project" Brad Wright did say he's paying attention to fan reactions. One sticking point. Vala is still annoying to me and she was unnecessary to this plot. Excellent episode. Come on. It was!

        I'm feeling a lot better about this season.

        I did not hate this episode. There was actually some suspense.
        The destruction of the supergate was not a foregone conclusion. But I thought the ending was a bit muddled. Were we 'just that good' or d@mned lucky.
        However the characters of Vala and Mitchell are totally pointless. Anyone (Walter) or thing (potted plant) could have taken their place and the outcome would be the same. I say ashcan them and get back to the gold team. (Now if we can replace the CO of the base with a handsome sardonic tall guy - hmmmm)
        Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
        My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


          Originally posted by Hatusu
          OK. A lot of our issues were addresses in
          "The Pegasus Project" Brad Wright did say he's paying attention to fan reactions. One sticking point. Vala is still annoying to me and she was unnecessary to this plot. Excellent episode. Come on. It was!

          I'm feeling a lot better about this season.
          I agree....I thought Pegasus Project was very good. Best episode in quite some time.

          Brad Wright did a good job of capturing the right "voice" for all the characters. I liked Mitchell more than I've ever liked him before. Vala was still annoying to me but only because she was a little bratty - which I can handle better than overt sexual innuendo. And she did show a little growth and compassion towards the end. And I actually felt the suspense when they were trying to get away from the Wraith ship and Teal'c was hiding from the Ori ship. Heck I actually got some satisfaction out of seeing the toilet ship blow up. Mitchell was a leader without moving anyone out of their chair. Sam was still the smartest kid on the block and pivotal to the heroics. And McKay played very nicely with those two - loved Cam sticking up for Sam. Daniel felt like the passionate and intuitive guy we used to see in the earlier seasons. Teal'c was still underused but at least he got to be pivotal to the moment of glory

          As I said in the review thread - it would be helpful to both shows if we could clone Brad Wright.
          Last edited by keshou; 29 July 2006, 04:33 AM.
          Life is hard...and it's harder if you're stupid


            I loved this episode, even Mitchell wasn't too bad but could we like trade him and a "player to be named later" to Atlantis for Sheppard?
            BRING BACK THE NOX!!!!!
            Also bring back Jack and get rid of that other guy whatever his name is.


              Originally posted by keshou
              I agree....I thought Pegasus Project was very good. Best episode in quite some time.

              Brad Wright did a good job of capturing the right "voice" for all the characters. I liked Mitchell more than I've ever liked him before. Vala was still annoying to me but only because she was a little bratty - which I can handle better than overt sexual innuendo. And she did show a little growth and compassion towards the end. And I actually felt the suspense when they were trying to get away from the Wraith ship and Teal'c was hiding from the Ori ship. Heck I actually got some satisfaction out of seeing the toilet ship blow up. Mitchell was a leader without moving anyone out of their chair. Sam was still the smartest kid on the block and pivotal to the heroics. And McKay played very nicely with those two - loved Cam sticking up for Sam. Daniel felt like the passionate and intuitive guy we used to see in the earlier seasons. Teal'c was still underused but at least he got to be pivotal to the moment of glory

              As I said in the review thread - it would be helpful to both shows if we could clone Brad Wright.
              All very true. I remember reading your comment about Brad Wright and wishing I'd said it in my review.
              Hatshepsut, Queen Pharaoh


                Originally posted by Zoser
                I did not hate this episode. There was actually some suspense.
                The destruction of the supergate was not a foregone conclusion. But I thought the ending was a bit muddled. Were we 'just that good' or d@mned lucky.
                However the characters of Vala and Mitchell are totally pointless. Anyone (Walter) or thing (potted plant) could have taken their place and the outcome would be the same. I say ashcan them and get back to the gold team. (Now if we can replace the CO of the base with a handsome sardonic tall guy - hmmmm)
                As for Vala
                If I were Daniel Jackson, I would have told her to shut up!
                Someone, please, explain why that character is on this team/show.
                Hatshepsut, Queen Pharaoh


                  LOL, it's beginning to feel as though I'm in the wrong thread. All these positive vibes. I'm actually looking forward to watching TPP after reading all of the comments about it.

                  Am I right in thinking (I'm too lazy to go check through) that Brad Wright was absent in the script department for S9? Seems that he is what makes the difference. And to hear that he, at least, is actually addressing fan concerns is gratifying...if he keeps to it.

                  At this rate, I might have to cross over to the Dark Side and Pro, if this keeps up. Which would be sad because I don't find those guys half as entertaining and fun as the people here in Anti.

                  Listen, we had General Ryan come on and do a little cameo for us, and he's a real live four star, one of the big guys. And I had to ask him point blank, because there's a certain irreverence that I bring to the character, and denseness, but while we were doing this scene, I just looked at him and said, "Do you have guys like me in...?" and he stopped me and said, "Yes, and worse, and you're doing a fine job, son."

                  Richard Dean Anderson


                    Originally posted by Albion
                    LOL, it's beginning to feel as though I'm in the wrong thread. All these positive vibes. I'm actually looking forward to watching TPP after reading all of the comments about it.

                    Am I right in thinking (I'm too lazy to go check through) that Brad Wright was absent in the script department for S9? Seems that he is what makes the difference. And to hear that he, at least, is actually addressing fan concerns is gratifying...if he keeps to it.

                    At this rate, I might have to cross over to the Dark Side and Pro, if this keeps up. Which would be sad because I don't find those guys half as entertaining and fun as the people here in Anti.

                    He wasn't absent, he was concentrating on "Atlantis". I'll have to check season 9 to see if he's credited for anything. I think he was for the finale.
                    Hatshepsut, Queen Pharaoh


                      Joe Mallozzi and Paul Mullie wrote the finale "Camelot". In Season 9, Brad Wright wrote "Beachhead" and was one of the writers on "Ripple Effect".
                      Hatshepsut, Queen Pharaoh


                        Originally posted by Albion
                        LOL, it's beginning to feel as though I'm in the wrong thread. All these positive vibes. I'm actually looking forward to watching TPP after reading all of the comments about it.

                        Am I right in thinking (I'm too lazy to go check through) that Brad Wright was absent in the script department for S9? Seems that he is what makes the difference. And to hear that he, at least, is actually addressing fan concerns is gratifying...if he keeps to it.

                        At this rate, I might have to cross over to the Dark Side and Pro, if this keeps up. Which would be sad because I don't find those guys half as entertaining and fun as the people here in Anti.

                        Hey there! I haven't seen it either and I'm encouraged as well. Especially if Zoser says she didn't hate it - well, that's just ringing enthusiasm! I have also had secret thoughts of going darkside - but the reason I'm here is still the same. They should have done a true spinoff, which they admit now. I'm not against Stargate going on, I just think they should have made a clean break with Classic Stargate and started Next Generation. Its different enough to have warranted a spinoff IMHO. When you hear comments like, "we don't know what to do with AT's character" that screams spinoff. IMHHHHO of course.
                        Last edited by WhatFateAlmondRoca; 29 July 2006, 08:45 AM.
                        If you immediately know the ep stinks, the writers were cooked a long time ago

                        Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild
                        proud Shore Leave 28 Attendee
                        Naughty Shore Leave 29 Attendee (sorry all but thanks for the rescue. many many thanks)

                        Carmen Argenziano Appreciation


                          Originally posted by Albion
                          LOL, it's beginning to feel as though I'm in the wrong thread. All these positive vibes. I'm actually looking forward to watching TPP after reading all of the comments about it.

                          Am I right in thinking (I'm too lazy to go check through) that Brad Wright was absent in the script department for S9? Seems that he is what makes the difference. And to hear that he, at least, is actually addressing fan concerns is gratifying...if he keeps to it.

                          At this rate, I might have to cross over to the Dark Side and Pro, if this keeps up. Which would be sad because I don't find those guys half as entertaining and fun as the people here in Anti.

                          I had to put something negative in my comments cause they looked like they didn't belong here. It wasn't fantastic but next to the recent fare it was pretty d@mned good.
                          And you right - the gang here isn't negative just to be onery but have insightful comment out of a affection for many years as loyal fans. I get bored quickly of the OOOhhhs and WOWs. Give me clever and, oh yes, snarky anytime!
                          This Zoser is a she!
                          Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                          My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                            Originally posted by WhatFateAlmondRoca
                            Hey there! I haven't seen it either and I'm encouraged as well. Especially if Zoser says he didn't hate it - well, that's just ringing enthusiasm! *snip*.
                            LOL. Should be the new test. If Mikey....I mean Zoser.....didn't hate it maybe I'll like it.
                            Life is hard...and it's harder if you're stupid


                              Originally posted by Hatusu
                              As for Vala
                              If I were Daniel Jackson, I would have told her to shut up!
                              Someone, please, explain why that character is on this team/show.
                              I couldn't figure that out either. She brought no skill or expertise to the team in this episode at all; only interrupting Daniel and making exaggerated facial expressions again. Why was she brought along? For training purposes? Because Landry told Daniel he had to keep an eye on her?

                              I can't see her value at all even though she is the mother of Adria. What do they think she's going to do? Talk Adria out her beliefs and turn her to the good side? Adria was created for one express purpose and I don't think wanting her please Mommy is going to interfere with her "cause." And fcol, Adria was taken away from Vala at birth, and has only spent about 2 hrs with her so far, so I don't see how she can have any deep affection of Vala, anyway.

                              I just think it's going to continue to be Vala with Daniel only because the writers think they have such chemistry. I'm not denying that they do, but too much of anything becomes tiresome. Mentality seems to be, "Oh, we'll stick Daniel with Vala and even though there's really nothing funny or ironic going on, we'll just have her interrupt Daniel and say silly stuff." And the "Darling" and "Honey?" WTF?

                              I do NOT like this character.

                              Having said that...I thought this episode was one of the best so far of Stargate: The New Team.

                              Absolutely loved Sam.


                                Originally posted by Hubble
                                I couldn't figure that out either. She brought no skill or expertise to the team in this episode at all; only interrupting Daniel and making exaggerated facial expressions again. Why was she brought along? For training purposes? Because Landry told Daniel he had to keep an eye on her?

                                I can't see her value at all even though she is the mother of Adria. What do they think she's going to do? Talk Adria out her beliefs and turn her to the good side? Adria was created for one express purpose and I don't think wanting her please Mommy is going to interfere with her "cause." And fcol, Adria was taken away from Vala at birth, and has only spent about 2 hrs with her so far, so I don't see how she can have any deep affection of Vala, anyway.

                                I just think it's going to continue to be Vala with Daniel only because the writers think they have such chemistry. I'm not denying that they do, but too much of anything becomes tiresome. Mentality seems to be, "Oh, we'll stick Daniel with Vala and even though there's really nothing funny or ironic going on, we'll just have her interrupt Daniel and say silly stuff." And the "Darling" and "Honey?" WTF?

                                I do NOT like this character.

                                Having said that...I thought this episode was one of the best so far of Stargate: The New Team.

                                Absolutely loved Sam.
                                While I dislike the Vala character much, (no offense to Claudia Black), but her bluntness did pay off in getting the information, I mean, she told him to ask the question and he asked it, and he got an answer too.

                                The reason you should vote Republican in 2010.

