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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    I have to admit that I am an SG-1 fan but, am being swayed to not liking it due to the crapadoodledoo story lines. But really I'd like to see it go on but unfortunately I feel it will stop soon enough!


      Originally posted by ReganX
      That'd suit me. If they start a third series, TPTB can move Cam and Vala there and recreate Farscape to their hearts' content. Even if SG-1 with Sam, Daniel and Teal'c lasted only another season or two, it'd go a long way to erasing the bad memories of Season Nine.

      That would suit me fine. At the moment I don't intend to watch any of season 10, unless there is an ep devoted to the big 3.

      There was a lot of potential progression for all 3 characters with RDA leaving. If the writers didn't know where to take them, the easiest thing would be to get new writers.

      My well loved characters Jack, Janet, Hammond and Jacob have all gone, it looks like Sam and Teal'c will be much more in the background. There is no point me carrying on watching really - especially as the stories have degraded into rubbish. I stopped watching season 9 halfway through an ep which was a direct lift from a Startrek TNG episode.

      I would be happy if they reset SG1 back to moebius with the team returning to Hammond and Janet and Jacob.

      let BB, BB CB have their own show!! You never know it may be win win for everyone!!


        Scratch what I said earlier about the interview with BB... Apparently I'm a noob, and there IS an interview with BB about him leading in the official (*blech*) magazine. Yech.

        Are there any subscribers who've gotten the magazine yet?


          Originally posted by Skydiver
          maybe they've gotten so used to NOT writinig all 4 kids at once that they don't remember how???
          Ya thats the problem...
          I'm from Iowa, United States


            Well if their having problems not writing for 4 all once, I think their going to have a problem on 5.


              Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
              Scratch what I said earlier about the interview with BB... Apparently I'm a noob, and there IS an interview with BB about him leading in the official (*blech*) magazine. Yech.

              Are there any subscribers who've gotten the magazine yet?

              NearlyCircular posted an excerpt from his interview in the MiniGeek Off Topic thread a few days back. Basically, BB talks about how he thinks the egalitarian approach is the best approach in regard to the leadership issue, and that it is a delicate balance. And so, that means? I have no idea. Anyway, you should be able to find the quote in that thread.


                Originally posted by chocdoc
                NearlyCircular posted an excerpt from his interview in the MiniGeek Off Topic thread a few days back. Basically, BB talks about how he thinks the egalitarian approach is the best approach in regard to the leadership issue, and that it is a delicate balance. And so, that means? I have no idea. Anyway, you should be able to find the quote in that thread.
                Thanks chocdoc! I just read it. I'm wondering if it goes in depth, or if it just kinda skims of the surface. I don't really blame anyone if it does ('specially not Browder), I suppose. I just wish we could get to the meat-and-potatoes, so to speak, of the issue at hand. Is he the leader, or is he the frontman for a band of merry men with varying positions? I just don't know. But if no one's willing to actually address the issue, I'd just as well not read anything about it at all - especially when it seems to all be about the same thing.


                  Originally posted by LaCroix
                  Well if their having problems not writing for 4 all once, I think their going to have a problem on 5.
                  What gave you the idea that they'd be writing for five characters? They'll write for Cam and Vala and whichever of the original trio happens to be handiest will be tossed a couple of back-up lines.

                  Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                    Originally posted by ReganX
                    What gave you the idea that they'd be writing for five characters? They'll write for Cam and Vala and whichever of the original trio happens to be handiest will be tossed a couple of back-up lines.

                    What ever was I thinking when I posted that. Sorry.


                      Originally posted by ReganX
                      What gave you the idea that they'd be writing for five characters? They'll write for Cam and Vala and whichever of the original trio happens to be handiest will be tossed a couple of back-up lines.
                      Yep. That sounds about right. Thanks for the reminder.

                      BTW, I've gone up with a name for the third series. It'll take place in a Fantasy Universe 3000 galaxies away:

                      Stargate: FU 3000X or Stargate: FU

                      Whichever rolls off the tongue the easiest.


                        Originally posted by Amanda Eros
                        I don't think Sam would be okay with their choice either. However, I think she is mature enough to take it if there doesn't seem to be any point in fighting it. Or she has decided to go back to Area 51 once the Orii situation has ended.

                        At the same time if she doesn't protest it a little bit then it looks like that she is willing to let others walk all over her. At that point she wouldn't look like she has any leadership potential.

                        Though I think the way TPTB are spinning it is that she feels they all "owe" Mitchell one, and if this is the way he wants them to pay him back than so be it. I feel this is wrong on so many leaves it's not even funny. One he was doing his job. Two he knew what was at stake if they failed. Three he told Landry that he wanted to be on SG1 not Lead it. Landry's the one that told him he was going to lead the team since he was the only member. It was technically SG-Me until Sam rejoined with Teal'c and Daniel in Beachhead. That's really the point where she should have been declared the leader of the team. However the characters may have felt it to be inapproprate since it was a crisis situation.

                        I hope in Season Ten they do correct the situation. It's not like they really need a science expert anymore. Vala was able to do quite a bit of tinkering in Promethous Unbound. The whole situation is very unbalanced... No matter how you slice up the responsibilities of the members of the team, there will continually feel like there is a un needed extra person.
                        All the more reason to have an experience leader - Sam.
                        Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                        My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                          Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                          Yep. That sounds about right. Thanks for the reminder.

                          BTW, I've gone up with a name for the third series. It'll take place in a Fantasy Universe 3000 galaxies away:

                          Stargate: FU 3000X or Stargate: FU

                          Whichever rolls off the tongue the easiest.
                          I prefer Crapgate - unless, of course, it stars Sam, in which case AmazingGate, GreatGate or similar would be more appropriate.

                          Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                            Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                            Thanks chocdoc! I just read it. I'm wondering if it goes in depth, or if it just kinda skims of the surface. I don't really blame anyone if it does ('specially not Browder), I suppose. I just wish we could get to the meat-and-potatoes, so to speak, of the issue at hand. Is he the leader, or is he the frontman for a band of merry men with varying positions? I just don't know. But if no one's willing to actually address the issue, I'd just as well not read anything about it at all - especially when it seems to all be about the same thing.

                            Yes, this is what I thought too. The part on the leadership issue doesn't say really anything at all. It's just the same old stuff. It's a different kind of team, the veterans know more than I do, so leadership style is different in this case, etc., etc What is an egalitarian leadership? Listen to all team members first, and then decide---based on what if you don't have the expertize yourself to make the decisions?

                            Notice how BB says that this egalitarian approach is more evident in season 10 than in season 9. Not sure how this could be so. It just all seems like words that don't say anything definitive. Not blaming BB here. He's only doing what he is supposed to do for the show. It's just that the issue is never really addressed by anyone.

                            But, yes, there could be more to the interview too. I don't know if more was said on the leadership issue.


                              Originally posted by chocdoc
                              Yes, this is what I thought too. The part on the leadership issue doesn't say really anything at all. It's just the same old stuff. It's a different kind of team, the veterans know more than I do, so leadership style is different in this case, etc., etc What is an egalitarian leadership? Listen to all team members first, and then decide---based on what if you don't have the expertize yourself to make the decisions?

                              Notice how BB says that this egalitarian approach is more evident in season 10 than in season 9. Not sure how this could be so. It just all seems like words that don't say anything definitive. Not blaming BB here. He's only doing what he is supposed to do for the show. It's just that the issue is never really addressed by anyone.

                              But, yes, there could be more to the interview too. I don't know if more was said on the leadership issue.
                              Maybe he doesnt brush Daniel off by telling him that he (mitchell) is right and Daniel is wrong without even thinking about it. Maybe he actually listens when they tell him the drug dealer idea is a bad idea.... or he listens when they tell him that rushing off just because you "feel" like it is not a good reason and that leaders should actually "think" about stuff. But I doubt it, probably its just more of the same.
                              Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                              ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                              AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                                Originally posted by AGateFan
                                Maybe he doesnt brush Daniel off by telling him that he (mitchell) is right and Daniel is wrong without even thinking about it. Maybe he actually listens when they tell him the drug dealer idea is a bad idea.... or he listens when they tell him that rushing off just because you "feel" like it is not a good reason and that leaders should actually "think" about stuff. But I doubt it, probably its just more of the same.
                                Maybe Vala helps there - she's not exactly a polite or diplomatic person, so if she thinks Mitchell's plans are dumb, she'll say so and maybe she'll be prepared to smack him over the head when (not if) he's being an idiot.

                                Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje

