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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Hey DEM, it's from the Sci-Fi Wire, which just put up a brief interview with Brad Wright.


      SG-1's Anderson Like Old Times
      Brad Wright—executive producer of SCI FI Channel's original series Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis—told SCI FI Wire that it's been like old times having Richard Dean Anderson back on set for several guest appearances on both shows, reprising his role as Gen. Jack O'Neill.... [Wright said] "He's doing two episodes of SG-1 and three episodes of Atlantis."


        Originally posted by DEM
        Did you ever get an answer to this? I haven't yet found the original source either.
        this I saw also on Morjanna's Yahoo spoilergate thread.
        Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

        "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


          Originally posted by Strix varia
          No, I think they plan to use Mitchell, Teal'c, Daniel, and Vala to spin off a new series. They've already set it up... Mitchell and Teal'c have their little big-brother, little brother relationship going on, and Daniel and Vala are GOLD.
          that's waht i think too. cam, vala daniel and teal'c will go off in a ship and sam will be on atlantis

          wonder if they'll get sucked through a wormhole to another galaxy????

          despite the fact that amanda is one of the most decorated actors on the show, someone at skiffy seems to have it in for her and seem to be diong everything they can to minimize her while maximizing vala

          whatever. spin the kids off to a new show. i'll just watch atlantis., i personally find brad's work more to my taste anyway
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            Ah, thank you, golfbooy & ShadowMaat!

            I'm not looking forward to more Wormhole X-Treme!. Methinks the producers may be a little bit too close to their product to evaluate it objectively. Frankly, I found it light on content and never felt that "giddy shock of recognition" at seeing crewmembers -- even after digging around to find out who they were. Plus: Not enough SG-1 (Sam, Teal'c, Daniel) for my tastes.


              Originally posted by Amanda Eros

              They should really target an older demographic of 30 - 45 year olds that are staying home with their little kids and watching TV once they have gone to bed. Which makes me believe that this demographic, that has little kids, won't really like the idea of the Vala baby turning into an evil brainwashed zombie. It might hit too close to home for some people.
              Oh yeah - been there , done that

              Originally posted by Amanda Eros
              they have forgotten that a ton of women watch this show as well... it's really sad that it seems like they are alienating fan groups to bring in others.
              I agree!
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                Originally posted by Skydiver
                which just goes to further 'prove' that jack's return is nothing more than a ratings stunt and that they don't care about the show

                and if the general feeling that s10 has already been stated to be 'it'....going by brad's comments in his interview you COULD interpret it to mean that they nkow the show is over, then they're gonna just let SG slide and turn their attention to atlantis.

                and moving, even temporarily, sam and jack to atlantis will boost its ratings.

                it is very possible that Stargate has alredy been cancellled, so there's nothing they can do about or for it now but just ride it out. but atlantis' fate could still be up in the air so it makes sense for them to work on what can be saved rather than wasting effort on the 'walking dead'
                So are there pretty much confirmed rumblings that this is the end of the line for SG-1? Because it seems obvious when on employs the logic you just used, but is it pretty much it. Or is it possible that SG-1 could be "saved" by miraculously high ratings?

                Not that I want it to be saved at this point. *shudder* I think a movie or miniseries featuring AT LEAST the original quartet would be great.

                Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                *grumble* Yet more indication that the Atlantis cast is going to stay underdeveloped while the SG1 team comes over and wallpapers 'em. I'm hoping that Jack's presence at Atlantis is minimized in most of the eps, but then what's the point of having him? It would be like slapping Carter in at the end of LFP - nice but certainly not necessary.

                So he's going to be in more Atlantis eps than SG1 eps? If I was more of a SG1 fan than an Atlantis fan I would be irked.

                It does sound like a ratings ploy to draw SG1 fans who may not be watching Atlantis over to that show. The ratings last year have shown several times that people tune in for SG1, tune out for Atlantis, and then tune back in for BSG. This is likely an effort to stop that from happening - plug the hole with SG1 guest stars! What bad writing? Come on Jack, you can fit!
                I'm a bigger fan of SG-1, because I started with SG-1 and those characters were still solid by S8, but I watch Atlantis a lot as well. I think that show has potential, there are just some kinks that need to be worked out. And I don't think it's fair that the actors on Atlantis should be shoved aside (which is EXACTLY what will happen) for SG-1 actors.

                Can't you just see it now? Sam will be relegated to McKay/Sam banter (great for perhaps 42 minutes ONCE, but NOT great for more than 2 minutes thereafter); Daniel will be relegated to Weir/Daniel Ancientbabble; and Jack will have some nice he-man moments with Sheppard, and may even be reminded of his relationship with Teal'c by the infusion of the resident Grunt, Ronon (whom I actually like, btw).

                The more I think about, the more likely it sounds and the less logical it seems. All I know is, keep the SG-1 powerhouses on SG-1 WHERE THEY BELONG, and if someone must go, find a new Alpha/Beta/Omega site for the newbies and send them to teams there. And, please, please, please, don't leave Teal'c all alone with them either.
                Last edited by the dancer of spaz; 28 April 2006, 11:26 AM.


                  One final thing... I'm noticing an increasing amount of parallels between Stargate SG-1 and XF in its waning years.

                  One in particular is Wormhole X-Treme, Part Deux, which sounds like it could be the SG-1 equivalent to Hollywood A.D.. I don't believe the tactic is new to television or anything, but for some reason, once certain series reach a certain point - jumpthesharkdom - they feel like they have the right to make fun of themselves on a regular basis. And sure, of course they do. It's a nice nod to each other, and it's fun for fans who've followed it for years. They deserve a little break from the mold.

                  Though I didn't have as much of a problem with WX as others did, it also seems like they're doing it on purpose, despite the fact that so many people hated it. I thought it was funny at the time. I was a baby fan, and didn't get half of the jokes or references, but it was lighthearted and funny, and in retrospect still wasn't that bad.

                  Still, five seasons later, they're looking at the 200th ep, and rather than doing something new and improved! to fit their new model, they backtrack five years to revisit something that really bares no resemblance to the SG-1 of now. Why? Because RDA's back? Maybe. Because the new and improved! model doesn't fit? Possibly. I dunno. It just seems like, in an effort to continue moving the show "forward," if you could even call it that, they would try to do something that's never been done before on the show - not revisit something that didn't exactly send the fans into fits of glee when it first aired.

                  I guess they probably feel like they can't win either way, and they at least should have some mad fun doing something that will inevitably send two or three sections of the fandom into angry hysteria. And, you know what? Kudos to them for daring to do so. It is their show after all. And they deserve some serious laughs before their final, pitiful bow.

                  And if the ratings drop after that one episode, they can always blame it on the longevity of the series, anyway.


                    Originally posted by Strix varia
                    Hey Bink, I am/was a huge Firefly fan, and Morena Baccarin's character was one of my favorites on the show. I know it sounds strange, but her character was actually a class act, and I thought her acting was stellar. I reacted to the news that she'd be playing Adria with mixed feelings... predominantly horror, I suppose, that she'd take such a potentially barf-inducing role. But perhaps there was a glimmer of hope in there, also, because if anyone could lift the role out of the realm of dreck, it might be her.

                    Suffice to say, I really, really like her.
                    I really liked her as well. What concerns me, though, is that I really, really liked Ben as Chricton on Farscape; thought his acting was great. Don't care for Mitchell at all on Stargate, and most of that is because of how the character is written. Not sure how much Morena can do if the writing is as bad for her character as I feel it is for Mitchell.

                    Who knows...maybe PTB think that all they have to do is bring on another actor from a former Sci Fi show and the fans of that actor will automatically watch Stargate; that it's no longer necessary for them to pay attention to little things such as writing a good character, etc.


                      A few things come to mind re: RDA's return.
                      Reading about how good it was to have RDA back on set, I'm glad BW wasn't one of those who babbled on about how wonderful/easier the set was to work on without RDA there. That would have been... wow, humble pie. Excuse me if I don't expect RCC to say how wonderful it is working with RDA again anytime soon.
                      2 eps of SG-1 and 3 eps of SGA. I'm sorry WTF? RDA offered to come back and help tie up loose ends, what Jack related loose ends are there on SGA? I don't think he even started unravelling the thread there.
                      We knew RDA's return was no more than a ratings ploy, but way to make SGA look weak and desperate. (On the plus side, now I only feel the need to watch two eps of AllNew!! SG-1 rather than five.)

                      On crossovers in general and Mitchell in particular:
                      I was wondering how they were going to avoid making Mitchell look incompetant next season, especially with Jack around, now it seems stupidly obvious. Keep any character able to make him look bad (up to and including Vala, of all people) away in Atlantis, so he remains the only character (wallpaper Teal'c not withstanding) consistantly on SG-1, and the only character available for the audience the connect with. You will like him because the menu only contains Cameron Mitchell.

                      On the 200th episode:
                      Now I quite like Wormhole X-treme, as a once per season bit of silliness it was fun. Hearing this about part 2
                      So it's a series of, I guess you could call them, vignettes or flashes.
                      makes me think, eh?
                      Doesn't sound like there will be any semblance of a plot on this episode.

                      I was looking forward to the 200th episode, but with this and the disturbing thought I had the other day about what hil-arious (and mildly insulting) in-joke they'll put in in reference to Jonas/CN - I'm banking on Martin saying they were worried the actor playing Levine wouldn't be available, so they had a replacement ready, but luckily the actor came back and it all turned out right in the end - I'm seriously losing interest.


                        Originally posted by smurf
                        A few things come to mind re: RDA's return.
                        Reading about how good it was to have RDA back on set, I'm glad BW wasn't one of those who babbled on about how wonderful/easier the set was to work on without RDA there. That would have been... wow, humble pie. Excuse me if I don't expect RCC to say how wonderful it is working with RDA again anytime soon.
                        2 eps of SG-1 and 3 eps of SGA. I'm sorry WTF? RDA offered to come back and help tie up loose ends, what Jack related loose ends are there on SGA? I don't think he even started unravelling the thread there.
                        We knew RDA's return was no more than a ratings ploy, but way to make SGA look weak and desperate. (On the plus side, now I only feel the need to watch two eps of AllNew!! SG-1 rather than five.)

                        On crossovers in general and Mitchell in particular:
                        I was wondering how they were going to avoid making Mitchell look incompetant next season, especially with Jack around, now it seems stupidly obvious. Keep any character able to make him look bad (up to and including Vala, of all people) away in Atlantis, so he remains the only character (wallpaper Teal'c not withstanding) consistantly on SG-1, and the only character available for the audience the connect with. You will like him because the menu only contains Cameron Mitchell.

                        On the 200th episode:
                        Now I quite like Wormhole X-treme, as a once per season bit of silliness it was fun. Hearing this about part 2

                        makes me think, eh?
                        Doesn't sound like there will be any semblance of a plot on this episode.

                        I was looking forward to the 200th episode, but with this and the disturbing thought I had the other day about what hil-arious (and mildly insulting) in-joke they'll put in in reference to Jonas/CN - I'm banking on Martin saying they were worried the actor playing Levine wouldn't be available, so they had a replacement ready, but luckily the actor came back and it all turned out right in the end - I'm seriously losing interest.
                        Wow - I just saw the quote in your sig from CN - no wonder TPRTS do not want him back - he talks trash and he does not buy into the crapola cooper and others apparently are selling - NOW it finally makes sense why they booted him so unceremoniously and refuse ot even discuss the man or his character.

                        On WX2 - their "brand" of humor "idiotic potty" is not my idea of smart, intelligent, well-written stuff which is what the show was for 6 1/2+ years with a few clunkers over the course of that time like WX1 - I have absolutely no desire to watch WX2 and not even the presence of RDA will change that (I never watched because of RDA anyway). Seems like for RDA he will be in 2 eps of SG1 and one of those will be a useless waste of time because it is not going to represent anything near the realm of what Stargate is all about - it sounds like a self-made farce not grounded in Stargate reality so all we really get with RDA is one ep of SG1 that will (maybe) be grounded in Staragte's reality - very, very sad and obvious ratings ploy for SG1 and a horribly desparate move to prop-up SGA which it seems TPRTS think needs propping-up.
                        Last edited by binkpmmc; 03 May 2006, 07:46 PM.


                          you know the other name for 'series of vignettes'????

                          clip show

                          or, at the very least, it'll be like crusade. our kids sitting in a room reminiscing while htey cut to something taped by the second unit and guest actors of the week
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by binkpmmc
                            Wow - I just saw the quote in your sig from CN - no wonder TIIC do not want him back - he talks trash and he does not buy into the crapola cooper and others apparently are selling - NOW it finaly makes sense why they booted him so unceremoniously and refuse ot even discuss the man or his character.

                            On WX2 - their "brand" of humor "idiotic potty" is not my idea of smart, intelligent, well-written stuff which is what the show was for 6 1/2+ years with a few clunkers over the course of that time like WX1 - I have absolutely no desire to watch WX2 and not even the presence of RDA will change that (I never watched because of RDA anyway). Seems like for RDA he will be in 2 eps of SG1 and one of those will be a useless waste of time because it is not going to represent anything near the realm of what Stargate is all about - it sounds like a self-made farce not grounded in Stargate reality so all we really get with RDA is one ep of SG1 that will (maybe) be grounded in Staragte's reality - very, very sad and obvious ratings ploy for SG1 and a horribly desparate move to prop-up SGA which it seems TIIC think needs propping-up.
                            Ah, but, ya see, given they essentially did a test run of how well he worked with the crew during Meridian, and the interview being done early in S6's shoot, you would have thought they might have noticed they hired someone who has real live opinions. Surely they can't have been so stupid not to have noticed, could they? Could they?! If they wanted a yes man they looked in the wrong place.

                            So 2 eps of SG1 will be WX2 and the setup for getting Jack to Atlantis. Still not sounding like anything important will be resolved there.


                              Originally posted by Skydiver
                              you know the other name for 'series of vignettes'????

                              clip show

                              or, at the very least, it'll be like crusade. our kids sitting in a room reminiscing while htey cut to something taped by the second unit and guest actors of the week
                              Or Citizen Joe. A character completely unrelated to the Stargate universe seeing/imagining the clips for most, if not all, of the episode.


                                probably. it'll be from martin's pov i'm guessing

                                martin describing his upcoming movie to sg-1, clips of what really happened possibly interspersed with images of how the movie was going to 'rewrite' history

                                imagine this

                                yeah, in this episode danning grabs monroe and does this

                                jack going : umm, danning would neve do that. he's an af officer, y adda, ,yadda

                                anyone wanna take bets that they'll have the sg1 folks nitpicking martin's movie to pieces as a mockery of the fans that nitpick the show????
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


