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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
    A bit OT...

    Do we have a ship psychiatrist on board?

    You see, my friend and I finished watching Stargate SG-1 (including the movies). The same friend who I turned into a shipper. Okay, I didn't turn her, the ship is UNAVOIDABLE! So. We finished watching, she loved every ep, the movies, the shipp...and when I said: "When are we starting over?" She looked at me, shook her head and said No.

    My question to the good doctor: What's wrong with her????????
    Perhaps she wants to wait before she wants to see it all over again...wait a few monts and only talk about it...till she wants to see it again...or make sure she joins a Forum....on the moment you do that, get addicted to the forum, there is no way in hell that she doesn't want to see an episode again... The forum members make her ...the addiction will be permanent

    Originally posted by TrueRomantic View Post
    Claudia, it's the sig Bekki's using now. With on it. Just her usual stuff about being better than .

    And family, it's no miracle Bekki and Claudia are hugging. If you've been to either of the profiles you can see the messages of love they leave each other when they think the rest of us won't notice.

    *smiles cheekilly*

    *decides to save herself*

    *runs back to watching Iron Chef America*

    *grabs butcher knife from kitchen for good measure* our Christmas miracle isn't a miracle at all...darn it

    *goes to see their profiles and stalk them to make sure they are still in a kerry/pete kind of war...or disagreement*


      Hey Hey Shippers nothing to add for the moment but...

      Thanks Oma for the medal

      OT: i was taken with grippe !!!!!!


        Originally posted by Pol View Post
        Hey Family,

        Just popping in to share this, something I've been meaning to say for a long time. When I'm dragged too far into the CoA (which I tend to avoid as much as possible) or find that I've had a bad day and am feeling low, or even when I'm forced to reluctantly abandon a fic that I am reading because the grammar and spelling errors are so atrociously bad that I simply cannot hang in, despite a solid story premise...and having abandoned the fic (or met the other two conditions above) and now feel a bit down, I go and read this.

        JenniferF's "Colonel O'Neill" is short, sweet, shippy without being saccharine and is a permanent fixture on my PDA. I am not kidding when I say what I did above. It has become my go-to fic for a shippy fix and a warm-fuzzy just before bedtime. It's the fictional equivalent of a hot-toddy.

        Just wanted to share...goodnight all.

        Oh, one last thing (OT in spoilers):
        Had the wrist MRI last Thursday, will get the results on Tuesday. It's the "are we having surgery or waiting it out" dance, now.
        (((((Pol))))) I really hope everything will be okay!
        Thank you Astra Per Aspera for the sig....... My Fan Fiction


          Sorry for the double post, but I had forgotten what I had wanted to post originally!

          It has to do with WoO. THE KISS. The timing of the KISS. I've been thinking about how Jack timed the kiss to coincide with the flip back to the starting time. I think maybe...that he did it because he was sure that if he started kissing Sam, he might not stop!
          Thank you Astra Per Aspera for the sig....... My Fan Fiction


            *runs to watch it*
            I'm really glad you're ok


            Last edited by Aveo_amacus; 15 December 2008, 03:32 AM.
            sigpicMy Fanfic


              Originally posted by Pol View Post
              Just popping in to share this, something I've been meaning to say for a long time. When I'm dragged too far into the CoA (which I tend to avoid as much as possible) or find that I've had a bad day and am feeling low, or even when I'm forced to reluctantly abandon a fic that I am reading because the grammar and spelling errors are so atrociously bad that I simply cannot hang in, despite a solid story premise...and having abandoned the fic (or met the other two conditions above) and now feel a bit down, I go and read this.

              JenniferF's "Colonel O'Neill" is short, sweet, shippy without being saccharine and is a permanent fixture on my PDA. I am not kidding when I say what I did above. It has become my go-to fic for a shippy fix and a warm-fuzzy just before bedtime. It's the fictional equivalent of a hot-toddy.

              Just wanted to share...goodnight all.

              Oh, one last thing (OT in spoilers):
              Had the wrist MRI last Thursday, will get the results on Tuesday. It's the "are we having surgery or waiting it out" dance, now.
              Ah, shucks .

              And hope the news is good!

              Originally posted by gater62 View Post
              Sorry for the double post, but I had forgotten what I had wanted to post originally!

              It has to do with WoO. THE KISS. The timing of the KISS. I've been thinking about how Jack timed the kiss to coincide with the flip back to the starting time. I think maybe...that he did it because he was sure that if he started kissing Sam, he might not stop!
              Oh, I agree completely. Sorta a built in safety net!


                Originally posted by gater62 View Post
                Sorry for the double post, but I had forgotten what I had wanted to post originally!

                It has to do with WoO. THE KISS. The timing of the KISS. I've been thinking about how Jack timed the kiss to coincide with the flip back to the starting time. I think maybe...that he did it because he was sure that if he started kissing Sam, he might not stop!
                I actually figured it was a built in defence mechanism in case, rather than kissing him back, Sam hauled back and punched him in the face. She's a career officer, after all - her feelings for him aside, snogging her CO in front of their General wouldn't do much for her job security.


                  Originally posted by gater62 View Post
                  Sorry for the double post, but I had forgotten what I had wanted to post originally!

                  It has to do with WoO. THE KISS. The timing of the KISS. I've been thinking about how Jack timed the kiss to coincide with the flip back to the starting time. I think maybe...that he did it because he was sure that if he started kissing Sam, he might not stop!
                  I think Jack's really insecure when it comes to that relationship - the old, "What's she want with me?" thing. Timing the kiss right at the end of their loop definitely gives him the "out" in case she pulls back and asks him what in the name of all that's holy does he think he's DOING anyway instead of kissing him back!

                  Yeah, or in case she socks him, like someone else said. LOL


                    Originally posted by tayradio View Post
                    Yeah, or in case she socks him, like someone else said. LOL
                    Mildly OT:
                    Hehe it actually reminded me of Scully & Mulder on the Queen Anne - when he kisses the historical version of Scully, and she smacks him so hard his head spins - when he gets the feeling back in his jaw he goes, "I was expecting the left.." still makes me giggle.


                      Originally posted by jumble View Post
                      You're planning on both? There's enthusiasm I thought we were thinking either/or
                      I vote both! Although I'll be happy with whatever the consensus is.

                      A holiday for St Pats day makes sense if Jack is in fact Irish (or, rather, of Irish descent. Like me...) I know, O'Neill is a very Irish name.

                      So's Shanahan, for that matter...

                      Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post

                      Yup, sad, mad bint that I am I've just had a count up 21 to 28 for Jack/Sam right now but that's tight. To be fair, going up against Daniel / Vala was always going to be tough; there's a lot of Sam / Jack shippers who love D/V too and will or have abstained which doesn't help.
                      I had to abstain. I just can't choose between my three fav SG ships (S/J, D/V, and J/E) I love all three.

                      Here's my first challenge entry

                      Who are we supposed to send them to this week btw? I forget.


                        Originally posted by hopalong View Post
                        I vote both! Although I'll be happy with whatever the consensus is.

                        A holiday for St Pats day makes sense if Jack is in fact Irish (or, rather, of Irish descent. Like me...) I know, O'Neill is a very Irish name.

                        So's Shanahan, for that matter...

                        I had to abstain. I just can't choose between my three fav SG ships (S/J, D/V, and J/E) I love all three.

                        Here's my first challenge entry

                        Who are we supposed to send them to this week btw? I forget.
                        It's a normal week, so pm them to Oma

                        Oh, pouting Jack! Love it


                          *runs in*

                          Thanks Oma for the medal. It's awesome.

                          Thanks Seahen and Bekki for making me laugh, I needed that...

                          Great sig Hopalong.

                          Congrats to any milestoners. WTG!!!

                          *runs out*


                            Originally posted by Seahen View Post
                            Bekki! I was catching up on my shipmas fanfic and just saw Mistletoe. Thanks! *hugs Bekki... remembers people are watching... smacks Bekki upside the head*
                            Originally posted by Bekki View Post
                            *hugs back*


                            Thanks for such a wonderful shipmas yesterday, shippers! It was fun fun FUN!
                            Originally posted by Seahen View Post
                            Yeah, it looks like it was fun, sorry I had to miss it. By the way Bekki, what's this I hear about you and a sig and small print? Are you making fun of your elders?
                            You guys aren't going to make me have to write another verse, are you????

                            The Tale of the Pete/Kerry War

                            Two shippers on the S/J thread decided to have a battle,
                            For Shipper B and Shipper S each other liked to rattle.
                            One said Pete was the worst for Ship, the other said twas Kerry
                            And so to prove their various points, they started into parry.

                            Pete was the choice of Shipper B, his face adorned her posts.
                            Kerry the choice of Shipper S--but who to hate the most?
                            For scores of posts and months and months we suffered their visages
                            We hid our eyes, we looked away, we hoped they were mirages

                            Until the day that Shipper B achieved her milestone count
                            Two thousand posts and she was off to find a different front.
                            And cuz she ditched the face of Pete before the end of Kerry
                            Shipper S the winner was and not long did *she* tarry.

                            Now both are gone, the faces that one plagued our favorite pair
                            We never see them anymore, it's like a breath of air
                            And Shipper B and Shipper S are now the best of friends
                            And that's the tale of the Pete/Kerry War, and how this story ends.



                              Originally posted by gater62 View Post
                              Sorry for the double post, but I had forgotten what I had wanted to post originally!

                              It has to do with WoO. THE KISS. The timing of the KISS. I've been thinking about how Jack timed the kiss to coincide with the flip back to the starting time. I think maybe...that he did it because he was sure that if he started kissing Sam, he might not stop!
                              You know, after all this time, the scene afterwards, where Jack's just staring at Sam, still gives me the warmfuzzies.

                              What are you staring at?

                              EDIT: Yes APA, I think we do need another verse.


                                Hello Shippers

                                Ok - let's see here...I had too many things to say and for some reason quoted nothing! *smacks self upside the head before Seahen gets the chance*

                                Hmmm - ah yes!

                                Devilish Me - as ship counseler for Avoiders Anonymous, I believe it is within my jurisdiction to help out I recommend not mentioning Stargate for a while, but leaving subtle hints...leaving a dvd out every now and then, so that your friend doesn't think you're obsessed, but finds Stargate entering her mind more and more. After a while, mention how you watched Stargate together in passing and your friend, thinking that they've thought more about it than you have, will want to have another go at it.

                                If that fails, come back and I'll get you a prescription

                                Oh and APA - I was looking for that poem for ages! I do love it so (((((APA)))))

