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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
    Since the thread is slow (and it's WoW Server maintenance day), I figured I'd stir things up a bit. Not picking on you, Buc, but you were the last to express these very common S/J shipper sentiments:
    I've avoided mentioning it but, like I said, the thread is slow. Having watched Chimaera live when it was first aired as a non-S/J shipper, I had never even considered Pete as a shipper until I found online S/J fandom. Before that I saw him as actually rather sweet, in that around him Sam finally seemed to smile and relax (even if it was a bit forced). What shippers refer to as his stalking her I took as not truly being pathological and 'evil' but rather a symptom of his neediness and desire to be accepted and loved. As for the illegality of searching Sam's background, I do know from my husband's stint as a PI that most of that sort of information is available to anyone who signs up and registers for access to it through many publically available websites due to the Freedom of Information Act and so I never really saw it as breaking the law but rather one friend asking another to access data he had available to him as a favor. (though in retrospect I do agree it was at least bending the rules.)

    So I've honestly always thought Pete got a bit of a bad rap with shippers, especially as in retrospect I think all the 'wrongness', both Pete's grasping for Sam and inability to just accept who she was and the secrets she had, and Sam's accepting his neediness and basically ignoring it, show the relationship was dysfunctional from inception and more an attempt by both of them to fill empty spaces in their lives than a true loving and romantic relationship.

    And, really, I think Sam did more wrong (or at least as much wrong) in the relationship as Pete. She was, after all, using him terribly. The fact that he went along with it - even admitting later he knew she wasn't in love with him - doesn't imho absolve her of blame. She in effect led him on, and I have a feeling if the gender roles were reversed and Pete were the beloved regular on a series instead of Sam, she would be painted as the villainess of the piece instead of him.


    See, I think the commitment and the sex were necessary. Commitment and sex, imho, were exactly what Sam was missing in her life and exactly what she was using Pete for. After all, she has a 'relationship' with the man she loved, they were very good friends, together more often probably than not considering their working relationship, and so I think rather than risk that 'sure thing' who she believed would always be there for her in that capacity by trying for more with him, she tried to find someone else who could give her those two things Jack couldn't. And so it was specifically in those two areas she had to learn no one but Jack could satisfy
    I couldn't have said it better myself.


      Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
      And, really, I think Sam did more wrong (or at least as much wrong) in the relationship as Pete. She was, after all, using him terribly. The fact that he went along with it - even admitting later he knew she wasn't in love with him - doesn't imho absolve her of blame. She in effect led him on, and I have a feeling if the gender roles were reversed and Pete were the beloved regular on a series instead of Sam, she would be painted as the villainess of the piece instead of him.
      I'm gonna have to disagree with you on that one. The only way I can see Sam as the bad person in this case, would be if she went in the relationship with Pete, with the sole purpose of playing with him, using him for fun, knowing that she's gonna dump him in the end when she "got a better deal" or got bored. Which didn't happen here. She really believed that she could make their relationship work, and tried her best, however in the end it simply didn't work out.

      I also disagree that if the roles were reverse Sam would have been guilty of much. Any mature person that lets him/her self be lead on a leash, while knowing that that's what's happening, has no-one to blame but themselves. It doesn't matter if they're a man or a woman, or a regular vs supporting character.

      Anyway, just MHO.

      p.s. I'm not saying that Sam didn't have fault in how everything turned out in the end. I just think that most of the injustice she did wasn't toward Pete, but toward herself.


        Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
        I also disagree that if the roles were reverse Sam would have been guilty of much. Any mature person that lets him/her self be lead on a leash, while knowing that that's what's happening, has no-one to blame but themselves. It doesn't matter if they're a man or a woman, or a regular vs supporting character.

        Anyway, just MHO.

        p.s. I'm not saying that Sam didn't have fault in how everything turned out in the end. I just think that most of the injustice she did wasn't toward Pete, but toward herself.
        That's exactly my point. I'm not saying Sam should be blamed, or that she ultimately hurt anyone worse than she hurt herself. I'm actually just saying the exact same thing about Pete.


          I broke down. My challenge sig:


            Pete makes me think of this - which VSS reminded me of the other day with her own XKCD cartoon posting. Spoilered for size:


              Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
              Since the thread is slow (and it's WoW Server maintenance day), I figured I'd stir things up a bit. Not picking on you, Buc, but you were the last to express these very common S/J shipper sentiments:
              I've avoided mentioning it but, like I said, the thread is slow. Having watched Chimaera live when it was first aired as a non-S/J shipper, I had never even considered Pete as a stalker until I found online S/J fandom. Before that I saw him as actually rather sweet, in that around him Sam finally seemed to smile and relax (even if it was a bit forced). What shippers refer to as his stalking her I took as not truly being pathological and 'evil' but rather a symptom of his neediness and desire to be accepted and loved. As for the illegality of searching Sam's background, I do know from my husband's stint as a PI that most of that sort of information is available to anyone who signs up and registers for access to it through many publically available websites due to the Freedom of Information Act and so I never really saw it as breaking the law but rather one friend asking another to access data he had available to him as a favor. (though in retrospect I do agree it was at least bending the rules.)

              So I've honestly always thought Pete got a bit of a bad rap with shippers, especially as in retrospect I think all the 'wrongness', both Pete's grasping for Sam and inability to just accept who she was and the secrets she had, and Sam's accepting his neediness and basically ignoring it, show the relationship was dysfunctional from inception and more an attempt by both of them to fill empty spaces in their lives than a true loving and romantic relationship.

              And, really, I think Sam did more wrong (or at least as much wrong) in the relationship as Pete. She was, after all, using him terribly. The fact that he went along with it - even admitting later he knew she wasn't in love with him - doesn't imho absolve her of blame. She in effect led him on, and I have a feeling if the gender roles were reversed and Pete were the beloved regular on a series instead of Sam, she would be painted as the villainess of the piece instead of him.


              See, I think the commitment and the sex were necessary. Commitment and sex, imho, were exactly what Sam was missing in her life and exactly what she was using Pete for. After all, she has a 'relationship' with the man she loved, they were very good friends, together more often probably than not considering their working relationship, and so I think rather than risk that 'sure thing' who she believed would always be there for her in that capacity by trying for more with him, she tried to find someone else who could give her those two things Jack couldn't. And so it was specifically in those two areas she had to learn no one but Jack could satisfy
              *raises hand*

              I also never took Pete's actions as that of a stalker and I recall being quite surprised when I came here and found out he was so reviled. I've always looked at Pete two ways...from an analytical pov, he's an NPD...necessary plot device...the outsider who comes in to disrupt the status quo, pose the risk that the two main characters may indeed go their separate ways, and provide a means by which the main characters finally have their true feelings revealed so they can overcome whatever obstacles were in their way and finally find true happiness with one another.

              From a story pov, he is just a flawed guy who was smitten with this beautiful, brainy and funny woman and who, being a cop, figured out early on that there were parts of her story that just didn't mesh. And maybe, before he got himself in too deep with something he couldn't handle, or because investigating things is just what he does, he dug deeper than he should have. The thing is, I don't think Pete is a one night stand kind of guy; it was pretty evident that he'd developed some serious feelings for Sam by the time they spent the night together and when he'd just bared his soul about his life, only to have her not reciprocate, I saw more hurt and disappointment than nefarious behavior. He wanted to be close to her and went about it the only way he knew how.

              As for Sam using him...I agree. Although I don't think it was intentional in the least...or even conscious. For me, that final scene, when she asks "Is that it?" because his response to her breaking off the engagement is so...subdued...demonstrates her expectation that he should be angry with her...and is a sort of acknowledgement that there would be some righteousness in that anger...hence the "I thought you would react differently". Because that's when I think she finally got it herself, and understood what she'd done and how she'd been unfair to him, even though that had never been her intention.

              But then, that's just how I see it....

              *runs and ducks behind Jenn*


                Originally posted by Solo View Post
                Pete makes me think of this - which VSS reminded me of the other day with her own XKCD cartoon posting. Spoilered for size:
                That's great! And it makes me think of Pete too, especially the last 3 bubbles!

                Originally posted by starlover View Post
                and again OT :
                Got back from my Goa'uld doctor....and I got some antibiotics...I hope I feel now better soon
                Good news, I'm glad for you!


                  See, I think I kind of see Pete as a NPD that had stalkerish tendencies. He was necessary. He allowed Sam to grow as a character. He was something outside of work that she could focus on. Pete was her was of moving past anything that she may have felt "in the room" that she has decided after her previous hallucinations were not good for her and going no where. So yes, Pete was very necessary.

                  Having said that, I do feel that he exhibited stalkerish characteristics. Even if he could have easily found out the information about Sam on his own, to me it is simply the fact that he looked at all that is wrong. Yes, she didn't explain things to him. But a relationship should be built on trust. While I can see how her lack of explanations is a sign of lack of trust, so is his research on her. He could have easily said "Sam, honey, I know you aren't telling me everything about your life and what you do for a living. Please tell me the truth." And she wouldn't have been able to tell him. But she could have told him that it was a matter of national security and that she would tell him as soon as she was able. And he should have then either decided to let it go until she could tell him or cut and run after deciding that she wasn't worth waiting for. And she should have understood that he'd need to know more than what she told him and that he'd probably want to know more.

                  The fact that he was following her around in some type of stakeout is another check in the "stalker" column for me. You can't just follow the people in your life around if they haven't told you what you want to know. It's not right. It's one thing to have a PI or detective or whatever follow a spouse you think is cheating on you or whatever, but it's something else entirely to follow around the girl you're dating because you don't like her story. And I could be wrong, but I always took that as being pretty early in their relationship. Not the very beginning, but pretty darn close. And he knew pretty early on in the relationship that Sam couldn't/wouldn't tell him everything he wanted to know.

                  In my mind, they both were wrong. Having said that, I do think Pete was a bit more...agressive in his crimes against Sam than she was in her crimes against him. She didn't realize she was using him until the end, but he knew he was bending, if not breaking, the law to find out her secrets. To me it's a sign of a bad relationship if you have to research the other person in it instead of waiting for them to feel comfortable telling you their secrets.
                  Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa


                    Originally posted by Amalthea View Post
                    What about a Hippie Day in honour of 1969? A Woodstock kind of thing?
                    Given the apparent signifigance of "Moonbase" could combine the 40th Anniversaries of Woodstock (August 1969) and the 1st Moon Landing (July 1969).


                      Originally posted by ddc View Post
                      Given the apparent signifigance of "Moonbase" could combine the 40th Anniversaries of Woodstock (August 1969) and the 1st Moon Landing (July 1969).
                      I think it's been pretty much decided that we won't be doing another day. Unless the hippies do something on their own, most of us have decided that there just isn't time for another day.
                      Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa


                        Originally posted by TrueRomantic View Post
                        The fact that he was following her around in some type of stakeout is another check in the "stalker" column for me. You can't just follow the people in your life around if they haven't told you what you want to know. It's not right. It's one thing to have a PI or detective or whatever follow a spouse you think is cheating on you or whatever, but it's something else entirely to follow around the girl you're dating because you don't like her story. And I could be wrong, but I always took that as being pretty early in their relationship. Not the very beginning, but pretty darn close. And he knew pretty early on in the relationship that Sam couldn't/wouldn't tell him everything he wanted to know.
                        I agree with you on the stalker part entirely (cuz I don't like him!) but if I was in Pete's place, as a cop, I probably would have done the same thing. He knows she's hidding something important and he wants to know what it is... I don't see how he could have know without following her. At this point I'm no exactly sure when he turns himself into a stalker but he was in a situation where he didn't have an other choise...

                        *looking at her post*

                        It looks like I'm defending Pete, not good!


                          Originally posted by elbarta View Post
                          I agree with you on the stalker part entirely (cuz I don't like him!) but if I was in Pete's place, as a cop, I probably would have done the same thing. He knows she's hidding something important and he wants to know what it is... I don't see how he could have know without following her. At this point I'm no exactly sure when he turns himself into a stalker but he was in a situation where he didn't have an other choise...

                          *looking at her post*

                          It looks like I'm defending Pete, not good!
                          That's quite a scary concept - the idea that he's actually entitled to know things that Sam isn't willing or able to tell him! I disagree quite vehemently - as much because it isn't up to Sam whether or not he is allowed to know about her work. He doesn't have a choice? Of course he does - he can respect her privacy!!! THAT is a choice!! If he starts off a relationship not trusting another person enough to allow her to keep her secrets until such time as she is ready or able to share them, then that is NOT a healthy relationship. I've not even seen Chimera yet, but Pete strikes me as deeply insecure - and frankly I wouldn't wanna be within fifteen city blocks of a relationship with someone who started using his work connections to find out more information about me than I was willing to tell him. But then, I've had one or two experiences which - although not "stalkers" - have creeped me out sufficiently to utterly inflexible on this subject. It's as though Sam, being relatively inexperienced in terms of relationships because of her job and her family life, has to go confirm how idyllic her (at this stage, non-)relationship with Jack is by finding an apparently obsessive individual for comparison.


                            Originally posted by elbarta View Post
                            I agree with you on the stalker part entirely (cuz I don't like him!) but if I was in Pete's place, as a cop, I probably would have done the same thing. He knows she's hidding something important and he wants to know what it is... I don't see how he could have know without following her. At this point I'm no exactly sure when he turns himself into a stalker but he was in a situation where he didn't have an other choise...

                            *looking at her post*

                            It looks like I'm defending Pete, not good!
                            See, that's what I'm saying though. He did have another choice. He could have asked her. If/When she said she couldn't tell him, he had two choices. Accept it and move on (choosing to wait on the chance that she might tell him) or tell her that he couldn't date her knowing she was keeping a seemingly big secret from him. Then she would have either told him or they would have broken up. He didn't have to follow her when she didn't tell him things. He didn't have to look her up, or have a friend do it for him. And when he did find out that it seemed to be something in the military that she was covering up, he again could have accepted it or they could have broken up.

                            My point is that there are always choices, and he made a choice that showed his lack of trust in Sam and his innability to accept the bumps in the road of life. He needs to know everything about everyone in his life, and sometimes that just isn't possible.
                            Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa


                              Originally posted by starlover View Post
                              And I feel the war is starting more peace...hippies...ya have to come to defend the peace!

                              and again OT :
                              Got back from my Goa'uld doctor....and I got some antibiotics...I hope I feel now better soon
                              ''It's Christmas time
                              There's no need to be afraid
                              At Christmas time, we let in light and we banish shade
                              And in our world of plenty we can spread a smile of joy
                              Throw your arms around the world at Christmas time''

                              Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                              Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                                Originally posted by Solo View Post
                                It's as though Sam, being relatively inexperienced in terms of relationships because of her job and her family life, has to go confirm how idyllic her (at this stage, non-)relationship with Jack is by finding an apparently obsessive individual for comparison.
                                Yup. I've also been struck that in many ways Pete and Jack are almost polar opposites when it comes to how they treat Sam. Jack values and respects her immeasurably, and yet the best way he seems to feel to show that is, basically, to let her go. Pete, OTOH, seems the opposite. His reaction is to grasp her tightly. And I think, really, after years of feeling at some deep emotional level un-cherished by Jack because she doesn't feel the value he places on her - or even really see the value he places on her by that point beyond the professional - Pete at least clearly wants her and desires closeness and so I do think that appeals to that part of her which has been undernourished for years.

