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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by VSS View Post
    I don't know if anyone has mentioned this but-

    Season 5 SGA and speculation on Sam's command
    In the SGA episode from last week, did anyone else catch the part where Daniel says something about Landry wanting him back as soon as possible?

    To me, that means Sam is not in charge of the SGC. Although it's always possible that they could put her in charge in EatG, but that'd make for a busy episode.
    You're right.
    But then again I never believed that she would be made the commander of the SGC. Yet. I always hoped, but didn't see it happening.


      [FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"]
      Originally posted by Bekki View Post
      Very possible...although I seem to recall (from an interview? commentary, I think) that Sam is a catholic. (apparently it says so on her dogtags) It's likely then that she has two middle names
      Just because it says it on her dog tags...

      They make you give a specific denomination for those, you aren't allowed to be general at all. When I tried to be, I was told, "We need to know who to call specifically if you're dying or dead."

      Nice, eh?

      So it may have been the answer Sam gave - at the time - years ago when she was entering the USAF Academy even though it has no real bearing on her own personal beliefs anymore.

      Or it might. And she just never talks about it. Which I could also see.

      Originally posted by Pol View Post
      Another part of this interview (and thanks for posting it, I missed it when it came out) was this:
      Of course, my favorite bit was "among other reasons" or some such as to why she left the SGC. Given where she was professionally and the revelations of Threads, I just love the idea of Sam finally realizing she could let up on the throttle a little and go 'pick flowers' with the people she loved.
      Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
      How sad is it that I scoured my PB account for a team pic and all I could find was this...
      *sigh* Yes, and as your beautiful explanation shows, it is a great off-duty pic. One of my favorite on-duty team snapshots is:

      Obviously, Teal'cs not in it, but he's standing right outside the frame being "Teal'c", which is almost more perfect, cause can you really see him hanging out on the 'gate steps? This one just sort of captures the ordinariness (to them) of what they do everyday, as they could be just three soldiers "hurry up and waiting" anywhere in the universe. You can almost hear the command given right before this moment: "Smoke 'em if ya got 'em."

      Originally posted by VSS View Post
      Oh, I love that... teamship. What a cute word.
      And that last part of Reckoning is teamship, too. Isn't that the part where the scene flips from Daniel, to Teal'c to Sam and to Jack, each of them engaged in their own battle? And , of course, major Sam and Jack mirroring. With guns. Ah, the good old days.
      I always find that last sequence such a touching tribute to The Team. Because even though they're not together physically, they're all acting together in unison almost instinctively for the common good. And the way it's filmed (by PdL) really highlights this fact. Not to mention the fabulous music... ( APA)


      Originally posted by VSS View Post
      I don't know if anyone has mentioned this but n the SGA episode from last week, did anyone else catch the part where Daniel says something about Landry wanting him back as soon as possible?
      APA did and mentioned this to me. It does seem to indicate whatever position Sam has, it's not SGC commander (yet). However, Daniel was also not in any sort of 'uniform', which I also find interesting given he (and the rest of SG1) were the last time they visited Atlantis for information.

      So, who knows? I figure it can't really be that long (relatively) until we find out, anyway And when someone does, could you please post it, in spoilers, as a single fact and let us know for those of us who might, say, be avoiding all spoilers entirely. Except that one Thanks!


        I have an entire folder dedicated to teamship, it's rather empty, tbh. The bestest one is this.

        I very much like this cap.

        And the edited version I wanted to turn into an av, but failed.



          *struggles to regain breath enough from Bekki's antics to post*
          Wow, that was a great way to start the day!

          Originally posted by Pol View Post
          Bekki ::: snort :::: Nice!

          In light of our recent 'names' discussion, I give you...


          Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
          Yes......we really did August, just before the start of Gatecon. And there were about a dozen of us out there, so more people should be blushing than just me.

          Melissa! You guys seriously do not need to be blushing about it! It was awesome that you all went - the ship family is so proud of you all

          And I notice in all this talk about it no-one's linked to JM's blog post about it. So I will now JM meets the shippers.

          Originally posted by mara-anni View Post
          Posting this again as I've decided to explain why this is my fav pic of all, esp considering the amount of fabulous pix out there.

          This pic has EVERYTHING wonderful in it that we love all in one pic. It has the team - the true, original and only SG1 Though fair enough that MS and CJ are not exactly in character...but who care.

          But most importantly it has Sam and Jack It has head on shoulder, hand holding (and not just hand holding, but fingers linked hand holding which is much more intimate), content smiles and Jack looking totally smug to have gotten the girl. And speaking of Jack we also have Jack looking particularly fine all in black with the white t-shirt peaking out and his leather jacket on.

          Yep...this pic is great!! What's not to love?
          *nods* Oh yes, agree completely It is a fabulous pic and I just adore the way Sam and Jack are posed. I also love to see this kind of evidence that the ship was well there and planned from so early - this has to be season 3 from their hair. Actually, thinking about it, it's interesting to compare it to this promo, another one where they're kind of half in character:

          Again showing such intimacy (and with the hands) but here almost the opposite way around - he's the one leaning and she's the one looking smug

          Originally posted by VSS View Post
          Oh, I love that... teamship. What a cute word.
          And that last part of Reckoning is teamship, too. Isn't that the part where the scene flips from Daniel, to Teal'c to Sam and to Jack, each of them engaged in their own battle? And , of course, major Sam and Jack mirroring. With guns. Ah, the good old days.

          I don't know if anyone has mentioned this but-

          Season 5 SGA and speculation on Sam's command
          In the SGA episode from last week, did anyone else catch the part where Daniel says something about Landry wanting him back as soon as possible?

          To me, that means Sam is not in charge of the SGC. Although it's always possible that they could put her in charge in EatG, but that'd make for a busy episode.
          SGA and Sam's command:
          I wouldn't be surprised but I was kinda hopeful.

          Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
          [FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"]Just because it says it on her dog tags...

          They make you give a specific denomination for those, you aren't allowed to be general at all. When I tried to be, I was told, "We need to know who to call specifically if you're dying or dead."

          Nice, eh?

          So it may have been the answer Sam gave - at the time - years ago when she was entering the USAF Academy even though it has no real bearing on her own personal beliefs anymore.

          Or it might. And she just never talks about it. Which I could also see.

          Of course, my favorite bit was "among other reasons" or some such as to why she left the SGC. Given where she was professionally and the revelations of Threads, I just love the idea of Sam finally realizing she could let up on the throttle a little and go 'pick flowers' with the people she loved.
          *sigh* Yes, and as your beautiful explanation shows, it is a great off-duty pic. One of my favorite on-duty team snapshots is:

          Obviously, Teal'cs not in it, but he's standing right outside the frame being "Teal'c", which is almost more perfect, cause can you really see him hanging out on the 'gate steps? This one just sort of captures the ordinariness (to them) of what they do everyday, as they could be just three soldiers "hurry up and waiting" anywhere in the universe. You can almost hear the command given right before this moment: "Smoke 'em if ya got 'em."

          I always find that last sequence such a touching tribute to The Team. Because even though they're not together physically, they're all acting together in unison almost instinctively for the common good. And the way it's filmed (by PdL) really highlights this fact. Not to mention the fabulous music... ( APA)


          APA did and mentioned this to me. It does seem to indicate whatever position Sam has, it's not SGC commander (yet). However, Daniel was also not in any sort of 'uniform', which I also find interesting given he (and the rest of SG1) were the last time they visited Atlantis for information.

          So, who knows? I figure it can't really be that long (relatively) until we find out, anyway And when someone does, could you please post it, in spoilers, as a single fact and let us know for those of us who might, say, be avoiding all spoilers entirely. Except that one Thanks!
          Seconded with the SGA request And the bolded part is exactly what I picked up on in that quote, but you beat me to posting it!
          Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


            Just when you think you've ssen it all...
            Awesome pics, Bekki!

            And yay for the teamship!
            Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

            Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


              Originally posted by Bekki View Post
              Walking down memory lane...


              Sir! There's no time!
              Originally posted by Bekki View Post
              One last thing


              Never mind

              Edit: If only i knew how to make gifs *giggles*
              ROFLMAO Bekki, that's hilarious!

              Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
              Oh, I'm always hanging around, lurking deep in the cavern. I wouldn't mind warping back about 14 months, back to when I had shippy mojo running through my veins. I miss being excited about the ship!
              *sends some shippy mojo towards Jena!*

              Originally posted by hbt123 View Post
              Hey shippers!

              I'm finally back from my... god it has seemed like for ever.... internet Hiatus! The Telus guy came this afternoon and installed everything and I can FINALLY go online to come see all of you!

              I'm so happy!
              Welcome back!

              Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
              Well, there is a reason it's entitled "Off Duty". And it may be less about them being out of character than it is about showing what their personas would be like if they could ever drop the inhibitions/expectations their sense of duty calls them to.

              Teal'c would be laughing all the time. (Jaffa humor is, after all, hilarious)
              Daniel would retreat into quiet isolation, being the one who usually is the one out front with his hand raised in peace and his mouth running a mile a minute.
              Sam would drop the bravado of needing no one and be willing to lean on someone for support
              Jack would be her quiet support...the shoulder to lean on, the hand to hold...and he would cherish her in ways so personal and intimate as those interlinked fingers that Mara pointed out. Unobtrusive but strong and deeply loving.

              Off Duty.


              Yeah. Kinda like that picture myself.
              Yeah...right It would be funny though...Teal'c as the joke maker in the group...

              Originally posted by Bekki View Post

              Don't you want me?
              Not like this!
              Oh. My. God. LOL. This is great!

              Originally posted by Bekki View Post
              Hahaha - oops.

              Although that does make his lips fairly close to her general chest area!

              Curse Jann and her infiltrating gutterness!!! I'm not even going to mention the fact that I was going to comment on the subliminal messages of Jack holding that sausage while talking to Sam in threads *points to APA's Threads pic* Look at it! All horizontal and....JANN!!!!!
              Lol! he is doing other things and working his way down...

              You can't hold me responsible for your actions while I was sleeping! was something mental that I send gutter messages to you...nope...I was sleeping! totally innocent sleep.

              Originally posted by VSS View Post
              Oh, I love that... teamship. What a cute word.
              And that last part of Reckoning is teamship, too. Isn't that the part where the scene flips from Daniel, to Teal'c to Sam and to Jack, each of them engaged in their own battle? And , of course, major Sam and Jack mirroring. With guns. Ah, the good old days.

              I don't know if anyone has mentioned this but-

              Season 5 SGA and speculation on Sam's command
              In the SGA episode from last week, did anyone else catch the part where Daniel says something about Landry wanting him back as soon as possible?

              To me, that means Sam is not in charge of the SGC. Although it's always possible that they could put her in charge in EatG, but that'd make for a busy episode.
              SGA Spoilers:
              I hadn't noticed it...too bad, I really hoped that she was in command...but I'll do with the command of the Phoenix then...although Area 51 would be cool as well


                *pokes* Hello?

                Thankyou to Jann who made my signature


                  Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                  Hi, recently joined the forum, doing more McKay/Keller bcuz I actually see that happening . . . No offense!

                  I've always supported Jack and Sam's relationship , written who knows how many fics about it, posted a couple of slide show type vids on YouTube . . . and now I've taken to amateur icons . . . and considering it's 3 in the morning, maybe I should go to bed . . .

                  Hello and bye for now!

                  Couple icons I did lately:


                  And I hope this doesn't offend, it's all in good fun:

                  And very nice!

                  Originally posted by Bekki View Post
                  Walking down memory lane...


                  Sir! There's no time!
                  Just as I took a sip of Baileys... While I like alcohol, my computer doesn't.

                  The next wallpaper/sig set




                    Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                    [FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"]Just because it says it on her dog tags...

                    They make you give a specific denomination for those, you aren't allowed to be general at all. When I tried to be, I was told, "We need to know who to call specifically if you're dying or dead."

                    Nice, eh?

                    So it may have been the answer Sam gave - at the time - years ago when she was entering the USAF Academy even though it has no real bearing on her own personal beliefs anymore.

                    Or it might. And she just never talks about it. Which I could also see.
                    I think in this case since we have AT's take on it, we could incorporate it into how we write Sam Carter. I suspect this is an issue they'll never truly address. So, from AT's interview, Sam prays, but would probably be considered a "non-practicing" Catholic. She probably had confirmation, grew up, stopped going, but perhaps shows up on Christmas if she's feeling up to it and might even pick up again if she had kids.

                    BEKKI -

                    Those are hilarious. TPB need to see those LOL


                      Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                      [FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"]

                      SGA SEASON 5 SPOILERS:

                      APA did and mentioned this to me. It does seem to indicate whatever position Sam has, it's not SGC commander (yet). However, Daniel was also not in any sort of 'uniform', which I also find interesting given he (and the rest of SG1) were the last time they visited Atlantis for information.

                      So, who knows? I figure it can't really be that long (relatively) until we find out, anyway And when someone does, could you please post it, in spoilers, as a single fact and let us know for those of us who might, say, be avoiding all spoilers entirely. Except that one Thanks!
                      I didn't even think about the fact that Daniel was in civvies. That's just odd. What do you think that means? It's not like he's supposed to be undercover out there! I thought MS looked great, though. They sure are keeping a tight lid on information about that last episode, which is okay with me, too.


                        Posted the final chapter of my story, Fear: Overcome. Enjoy (I mean it, this time.. I hope).


                          Oooo! Team spam! Do I need to spoil this? Well I will.


                          I love this one. I just like how they're all lined up in a row.

                          These two go together.

                          Okay, this one doesn't have Jack, but you just know it was his idea and that he's the one taking the picture...


                            CONGRATS ON 2600 BEKKI!!

                            Those are great Seahen! *clicky*
                            sigpicMy Fanfic


                              Morning, shippers!

                              Originally posted by mara-anni View Post
                              Oh (((APA))) And now I love this pic even more!!!!!! Fabulous!!

                              Oh and um..OT
                              I have now turned the air con on for the first tme thise season..yay!! And for the first time in this's sooo quiet...*loves this house*

                              But now I'm cold so I'm gonna turn it off
                              Funny, we just turned the heat on!

                              Originally posted by Egle01 View Post
                              I have an entire folder dedicated to teamship, it's rather empty, tbh. The bestest one is this.

                              Ah, I love the pic so much that it's my computer's background!

                              (((Bekki))) I never thought anyone could make pictures of toilet paper rolls HOT, but you've succeeded! Those are so funny!
                              The Return of King Arthur
                              Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                              acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                                Congrats on 2,600 posts, Bekki!
                                The Return of King Arthur
                                Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                                acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

