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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by madaline_7 View Post
    Me! Over here! I do!

    I usually will bounce around and read something short... or a couple of somethings short...
    This is what I found to pull me back in! It's Raining Men by Seldear
    In spite of the title, it is a PG fic.

    Off to work!


      Re: BW Interview
      I'm guessing the "romantic" scene will be something subtle - Phone call or beam up that gets them involved in whatever the main plot's about and they're snuggeld on the couch watching TV or it's the middle of the night and they're sound asleep in the same bed.


        Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
        Welcome, Newbie!

        And Mara, alas! We are once again Shippers passing in the night. *cries a little*
        luvnjack!!! *sniff*

        Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
        You mentioned Entity. Which made me remember somethign. Just watched that a day or so ago, and there's this moment I never noticed before, right after the entity tells Jack Sam is special and that's why she was chosen, you'll never let her die (or some such).
        <snipped for length>
        Originally posted by VSS View Post
        Wow, that's so weird....I was thinking the exact same thing about Entity and was going to post that when we get around to talking about it this month! The fastest way to get to someone is not by torturing the person, but by hurting the ones they love. I first heard someone mention this in the context of Stargate was actually about some episode where Cam didn't intervene when Sam was taking a beating, and why didn't he do something? Because it would make her a bigger target. (I don't know the ep, never watched it, does this sound familiar to anyone?). Not to say that he is in love with her, but that it's a tight team.
        <snipped for length>
        LOL! OKay this is very weird coz I was, Entity the other day and was thinking along very similar lines to both of you Jenn and VSS.

        People often claim that Jack pulled away from Sam after Entity coz he had to kill her, and he hesitated and felt that he wasn't sure he could do it again if he had to. Personally I think he knows he can and will do it again if he has to. That's not to say that Jack's own life would not be completely over should she have died, I think it would have been, but that he WOULD do it. I think he would do even now having been together 3 years and that she would do the same. And I'm also not saying that it wasn't a factor in his thinking. I think it was several things that made him pull away...but I think this was the smallest factor. Bigger was the fact that I think he truly wanted SAm to be happy. And he thought at that time that there was never going to be a future with her. Maybe if he pulled away enough her feelings for him would change and see could find someone who was worthy of her and was free to love her in a way he wasn't it. I think that was his hope over the next few years even into S8.

        But I think the MAJOR factor was the danger his feelings for her presented to HER. Not to him, or even the team, or even Earth. But to HER.

        When the Entity tells him why Sam was chosen. As she's explaining it she looks directly at JACK.

        This is how it goes:
        You wished to terminate
        Still do
        But you will not. Not now. I have observed. You value the life of one [Cue S/J theme]
        Yes we do
        This one is important
        Yes she is
        For this reason this one was chosen. You will not terminate this one in order to destroy me.

        IMHO everything we need to know is right here. And the key is the "I have observed". Apart from the obvious Zatarc confessions, Sam and Jack were fairly certain I believe that no one knew how they felt for each other. At least I think Jack was. I think he was confident that he was doing a good job of hiding it. That what people saw was no more than the friendship he has with T or Daniel. Now suddenly this alien entity who has only been watching them on base for a short time was able to tell that Jack was particularly close to Sam. That his feelings for her were so strong that he wouldn't want to kill HER. That it was able to tell that Jack valued HER life above everybody elses.

        And of course we can't forget that the S/J theme starts at precisely the point where the Entity says that he values her life. THis is not therefore a collective 'the SGC' values her life. No, it's far more personal than that. This is now about Sam and Jack and no one else. And the Entity SAW what he felt for her, and chose her believing that coz of his feelings he wouldn't kill her/it.

        I believe for Jack this is a huge slap in the face. On two levels. First, his feelings are clearly not as well hidden from the eyes of others as he'd thought if some alien entity can see it. This is a problem for both their careers but esp hers. The rumours and such that would circulate. It;s also a problem for SG1 as a whole if those rumours got around to the wrong people. And secondly, but far more importantly, Sam was a target coz of HIS feelings for her, and coz they must have been so clearly obvious.
        It isn't that he can't kill her to save earth, he can. It's that the one person he cares most for in the entire world was singled out, taken and killed (whether by his hand or any other) precisely coz the enemy discovered how he felt about her. His love for her nearly killed her. For Jack this is utterly unacceptable.

        So IMHO this is the major reason he pulls away from her, that he starts treating her the way he does - abruptly, sometimes quite badly. That he puts up a barrier and a mask so thick that no one, not even her, or esp her, will ever see/know about his feelings again. He does this for the one reason he does everything, to protect her.

        The fact that she might fall out of love with him and find someone else and be happy would be an added bonus for him I think, but his main reason wouldbe so that she is never put in that position again solely coz of the way he feels for her.

        Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
        Spoilers for Continuum:
        Ironically, that was almost me in the Fruit Loops scene. When I first saw it, I for some reason didn't immediately get the significance, and thought just that, "Hmmm.. that was a careful and deliberate scene. Wonder what it means, bet it means something to someone." Then I had an epiphany and realized with joy, "Hey, that's me!! It means something to me!" Cause you see, I was totally not expecting anything shippy at that point, and it was so out of the blue it took me a minute to realize what I was really seeing. ("She's buying groceries.. no, she's buying cereal.. Why is she buying cereal she doesn't like? Oh it's generic fruit loops... GENERIC FRUIT LOOPS, OMG!!!" get the picture )
        OK, and with that, I need to say good night to all of you, clearly. Have a good day

        EDIT: Oh.. no. She's not done yet... Very minor Continuum:
        There's a penguin as the store symbol on the bookstore Daniel goes into to buy his book. That made me
        Continuum spoilers
        LOL!! Now see I happen to be a bit of a Jack fan. No really And so I got the Fruit Loops reference immediately. Coz you see Fruit Loops = Jack
        Last edited by mara-anni; 16 July 2008, 06:03 AM.
        Sig by AstraPerAspera and avatar by SamJackShipLover

        Thanks Bekki


          Originally posted by ddc View Post
          Re: BW Interview
          I'm guessing the "romantic" scene will be something subtle - Phone call or beam up that gets them involved in whatever the main plot's about and they're snuggeld on the couch watching TV or it's the middle of the night and they're sound asleep in the same bed.
          That's all right with me! I just don't want it to be Sam's last dying gasp or something along those lines.


            Originally posted by Seahen View Post
            This is what I found to pull me back in! It's Raining Men by Seldear
            In spite of the title, it is a PG fic.

            Off to work!
            Before reding the fic i see if it has happy end. That fic works for me


              Originally posted by Seahen View Post
              This is what I found to pull me back in! It's Raining Men by Seldear
              In spite of the title, it is a PG fic.

              Off to work!
              D'oh!! Oh well, I'll still take a look

              Have a great day!!

              Originally posted by ddc View Post
              Re: BW Interview
              I'm guessing the "romantic" scene will be something subtle - Phone call or beam up that gets them involved in whatever the main plot's about and they're snuggeld on the couch watching TV or it's the middle of the night and they're sound asleep in the same bed.
              Now see, this I would NOT complain about...

              *happy shippy mushy braing again* yay!

              Ack...better get to bed. Night Shippers! *hugs*
              Sig by AstraPerAspera and avatar by SamJackShipLover

              Thanks Bekki


                Originally posted by ddc View Post
                Re: BW Interview
                I'm guessing the "romantic" scene will be something subtle - Phone call or beam up that gets them involved in whatever the main plot's about and they're snuggeld on the couch watching TV or it's the middle of the night and they're sound asleep in the same bed.
                Sorry. I'm a little lost. I was away for a week. Has BW been interviewed and said something regarding our 'Ship?

                THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                K-9, CLASS and much more...


                  Originally posted by ddc View Post
                  Re: BW Interview
                  I'm guessing the "romantic" scene will be something subtle - Phone call or beam up that gets them involved in whatever the main plot's about and they're snuggeld on the couch watching TV or it's the middle of the night and they're sound asleep in the same bed.
                  Now that

                  would definitly bring my mojo back full force, and have me squeeing my heart out.


                    Originally posted by ddc View Post
                    Re: BW Interview
                    I'm guessing the "romantic" scene will be something subtle - Phone call or beam up that gets them involved in whatever the main plot's about and they're snuggeld on the couch watching TV or it's the middle of the night and they're sound asleep in the same bed.
                    I could totally live with that

                    Originally posted by Bucky View Post

                    He's writing the scene. That's what's important, and that's what we should focus on--because if it doesn't make the cut, or if it isn't as full-fledged as we'd hoped, we'll all be disappointed. A guy's idea of "romantic"--even BW's--may not be *our* idea of romantic.

                    The point is that he thinks it's romantic, and he's writing it, not whether we get to see a wedding or a BHK or whatever would satisfy us. We got the confirmation we wanted.

                    We got the confirmation we wanted? As in THE confirmation? I don't think we did. We can believe, and I do, but there's nothing confirmed on screen. Imo.

                    Originally posted by nogigglingmajor View Post
                    Come join me in the Cavern of Angst?
                    Guess I'm there


                      Originally posted by Alan View Post
                      Sorry. I'm a little lost. I was away for a week. Has BW been interviewed and said something regarding our 'Ship?
                      Yep. Minor spoilers for Continuum, big hint for 3rd movie

                      Depending, of course, on your POV


                        Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                        I could totally live with that

                        We got the confirmation we wanted? As in THE confirmation? I don't think we did. We can believe, and I do, but there's nothing confirmed on screen. Imo.

                        It's just that we shippers were building our case on tiny touches and brief glances for so long that we tend to hyperventilate when something more solid comes along. And sometimes we're disappointed.

                        I see your point, but I'm not going to wait. I'm going to be happy with BW's comment regardless of what happens in the third Stargate movie--regardless of whether it even gets made. He said, go ahead and believe if you want to--and if truth be told, I'm writing a romantic scene for the third stargate movie.

                        If the movie never gets made or if the scene gets cut, I still have BW's comment--and the "Atlantis" commentaries-- as proof that Sam and Jack are happy in their fictional world.

                        And as long as they're happy, I'm happy.



                          Originally posted by Bucky View Post
                          It's just that we shippers were building our case on tiny touches and brief glances for so long that we tend to hyperventilate when something more solid comes along. And sometimes we're disappointed.

                          I see your point, but I'm not going to wait. I'm going to be happy with BW's comment regardless of what happens in the third Stargate movie--regardless of whether it even gets made. He said, go ahead and believe if you want to--and if truth be told, I'm writing a romantic scene for the third stargate movie.

                          If the movie never gets made or if the scene gets cut, I still have BW's comment--and the "Atlantis" commentaries-- as proof that Sam and Jack are happy in their fictional world.

                          And as long as they're happy, I'm happy.

                          Don't get me wrong ... I totally agree *does happy dance*


                            Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                            BW comment

                            I'm really happy tptb say to us "go ahead, think they're together". Cause we've been doing that for a loooong time already anyway and it's VERY nice to hear tptb saying we have reason to.

                            VSS, what you said made sense. The BW comment alone makes me highly doubt we'll get prober resolution ... but all things combined?

                            *tries to not get hopes up too high*

                            I think...

                            Like a few others there has been way too much talk about *it* for BW not to give us something. I gotta keep my spirts high!

                            Originally posted by Bucky View Post
                            Sally, could you put your reply to samjackshiplover in spoiler tags?


                            He's writing the scene. That's what's important, and that's what we should focus on--because if it doesn't make the cut, or if it isn't as full-fledged as we'd hoped, we'll all be disappointed. A guy's idea of "romantic"--even BW's--may not be *our* idea of romantic.

                            The point is that he thinks it's romantic, and he's writing it, not whether we get to see a wedding or a BHK or whatever would satisfy us. We got the confirmation we wanted.


                            That is the way I feel
                            about the deleted scene in Trio! We got something. We have been getting tidbits...

                            But I understand how some ppl are getting discouraged because they want an on screen confirmation that it is + = . Altrhough that would be SO AWESOME... I'm already happy with what we have gotten.

                            On a different note:

                            I was playing in Facebook and came across this (spoiled for size ONLY):
                            GENERAL LUVNJACK... you are going to want to see this!


                            so of course I had to add it to my own!

                            Slidell and I are re-watching SG1. Why don't you join us? SGBFFF-SG1-Rewatchsigpic
                            You want to read Torn written by Slidell Yes... yes you do.


                              What a lovely way to start the morning--angst from Entity! I had thought of the conversation between Jack and the entity as based on Jack's feelings for Sam, not her importance in terms of the SGC, but I could never phrase it as well as Jennifer, VSS and Mara!

                              With being out so much, I'm not sure what our episode of the week is so I watched Scorched Earth while on the treadmill. Oops! I hadn't seen it in quite awhile. I really tried to watch it with my shippy glasses on and had a couple of pleasant moments that I ooohed and awwed over.

                              The first was when Jack was ordering Sam to build the naquada bomb. He knew she wouldn't want to do it, so he tells her he is "ordering" her to do it. You can just hear Jack thinking how he is going to remove Sam from the equation so she won't have to feel guilty about destroying the ship. He is protecting her even as he feels he has to make her do something she abhors.

                              The second was after Sam built the bomb. When Sam wants to argue with Jack, and he asks her "Do you want to talk me out of this?" and she says "Yes sir!" The way they stare at each other! *sighs* I don't know if it was inherently shippy, but I found it to be so. Jack asking her to give him a reason not to set off the bomb, and Sam struggling with how difficult this is for Jack. It tore me up!

                              Okay, will stop rambling for now .
                              Thank you Astra Per Aspera for the sig....... My Fan Fiction


                                Originally posted by Egle01 View Post
                                Q: Will we finally see Sam and Jack together as a real couple after 10 years of waiting?

                                A: If you think they're together, if you want them to be together, then go ahead and imagine that they're together.
                                Having said that, there is a scene in the movie script that I'm writing right now for the third Stargate SG-1 movie, that is shall we say... romantic. *gives a look*

                                THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                                K-9, CLASS and much more...

