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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    I made a wp for our D&C discussions this week

    Its interesting that its been suggested to just listen to the audio fo the ep, cos I was thinking about watching it with just the pictures. Somehow I think I'd be able to quote the vast majority of the lines.....

    Mada - I think it's highly appropriate that you bought S4 for ship month Mine's going to be getting acquainted with the new computer this month


      ...and this

      That was kind of funny to seach these neck-ear looks. Maybe i start to collect (don't know if it's right word) them...


        Originally posted by jumble View Post
        *waves* Hi Bev First Ship Month ep is Divide and Conquer
        *waves back* Many thanks. I've just begun watching my dvd now.

        The first thing I notice is Anise's outfit. Holy Hannah! She'll take someone's eye out!

        [shallow moment] Jack looks incredibly hot in this episode [/shallow moment]

        I'm sorry to say, but I still find Martouf to be bland and boring.

        Oh, and his teeth scare me

        *Martooth smiley by Mala*
        Last edited by dipsofjazz; 05 July 2008, 02:52 PM.


          Major Astor's just done herself in. *ouch*

          Hehehe. Jack asks who's next for testing and Anise replies, "SG-1". Jack says, "D'oh!".

          Uh oh...both Sam and Jack have failed the first test.

          Jack visits Sam in her room. I really miss seeing these two on my tv screen.


            *scrubs eyes out with soap* Anise has just kissed Jack.

            Anise: "Is there someone else to whom you are loyal?" I like how Jack gets flustered and mumbles, "Er....that's not the point...."

            Daniel's talking to Jack.

            "She made a pass at me."

            *sob* Jack's decided to do the procedure. Sam's upset.



              Sam's getting sedated by Janet and Jack's about to do the procedure and we hear the 'Sam and Jack ship music'. Yay!

              Sam mumbling about them lying without realising, and Janet running, "STOP!"

              Sam talks to Jack and we get more of the ship music.


                Originally posted by babancat View Post
                Hello Ship family!
                *waves madly*

                I've come on tonight to ask a question of all those writers of fanfic out there.
                Do you all have a 'beta'?
                I'm asking because I'm writing my first attempt at fanfic. It's Jack/Sam *obviously!* But, it's a bit on the adult rating side
                Anyone here beta for folks? And what does a beta do?
                I haven't shown it to *anyone* yet

                *creeps off in embarrassment*
                Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                Yeah, I write, and I do have someone read it over for me. I also beta for a couple of other people. Personally, I think a beta has several functions. Proof reader, keeping the story on track, helping with Americanisms - maybe, etc. It depends on what the writer wants from the beta reader.
                Couldn't have said it better myself!
                Slidell and I are re-watching SG1. Why don't you join us? SGBFFF-SG1-Rewatchsigpic
                You want to read Torn written by Slidell Yes... yes you do.


                  *sobbing uncontrollably* No words from me are needed....

                  The shippy music is great when they're at the force shield. You hear it along with the strings playing a long note. Very atmospheric. It then changes to a fuller version during Jack's confession.

                  Don't leave it in the room! Please don't. Aargh...too late.

                  Well, that's Marty gone. The End.

                  Sorry I wasn't more eloquent, but I was too busy listening to all the shippy music.......and crying.


                    Originally posted by SamO'Neill View Post

                    Spoilers for Continuum: (Just to be on the safe side!)

                    Oh yes. Now I remember reading about that. It would be so exciting. Of course, if it's about Jack, it would have to include things like I don't know.... HIS WIFE!?!?!? lol.

                    Hmmmm... maybe they could do a movie showing us how Sam and Jack finally got together? I mean, after watching Continuum, I know they're together, but I WANT TO SEE IT HAPPEN. More than just proof. I kinda want to witness that AHA moment. You know what I mean?
                    I totally know what you mean. We need an onscreen confirmation and with a possible jack centric movie hopefully TPTB will the shippers what we want to see on screen.


                      Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
                      Spoilers for S&R...not really spoilers, just a pic of Sam

                      You mean this

                      This is more spoilerish

                      I love S&R too. It's been a while since I've seen such a good Stargate episode. And it's sad that they finaly writen Sam properly in Atlantis right before she leaves, she could have been used much better in S4.
                      Ha! Thank you for posting this!

                      Spoilers for S&R:

                      I didn't catch that! I now loove the new similarities between Sam and Jack. Between 200 and this, oh wow.
                      my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                        Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
                        *waves back* Many thanks. I've just begun watching my dvd now.

                        The first thing I notice is Anise's outfit. Holy Hannah! She'll take someone's eye out!

                        [shallow moment] Jack looks incredibly hot in this episode [/shallow moment]
                        Jack looks hot in every episode

                        I'm sorry to say, but I still find Martouf to be bland and boring.

                        Oh, and his teeth scare me

                        *Martoof smiley by Mala*
                        Me too. I just don't see the attraction. I love that smiley of Mala's

                        Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
                        *scrubs eyes out with soap* Anise has just kissed Jack.

                        Anise: "Is there someone else to whom you are loyal?" I like how Jack gets flustered and mumbles, "Er....that's not the point...."
                        Daniel's talking to Jack.

                        "She made a pass at me."

                        *sob* Jack's decided to do the procedure. Sam's upset.

                        This is a great moment It's got all the shippy connotations one could possibly wish for, setting us up for all the gut-wrenching angst of the later confessions

                        I love the shippy music too. I recently went scouring the internet for it and found a piano score I'm a very happy shipper now I can play it too. Even my 2 year old knows when Mum's playing Sam & Jack's music


                          Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
                          Jack looks hot in every episode

                          Me too. I just don't see the attraction. I love that smiley of Mala's
                          He is just so....grey, and sooooo boring....Zzzzzzzz

                          I love the shippy music too. I recently went scouring the internet for it and found a piano score I'm a very happy shipper now I can play it too. Even my 2 year old knows when Mum's playing Sam & Jack's music
                          Excellent! I hope all your children are learning to play instruments so they can become Mum's backing band, with the shippy music being the full extent of their repertoire.


                            I was planning to do a similar thing to Oma and APA, I'm planning to watch the ep - and maybe the other 3 too if they work out too - 3 times, picture and sound, just picture and just sound. I think entity will work well too, but I'll see how it goes...
                            sigpicMy Fanfic




                                I really need go to bed, it's 2;40 AM here
                                Night shippers (((((family)))))

