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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Aveo_amacus View Post
    I don't know where Kim is
    hmm the only thing I can offer is this:

    wow sorry 5 out of the last 7 are my posts, sorry for the ramble there family
    mmmmmmm gutter...good good!

    *makes Jann happy*

    Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
    *Runs in* Hi Ship Family! Back from camping! Did I miss anything??
    You missed GW doing poof on a regulary basis...
    some thunking
    some angst...
    some gutter..
    some fluff
    some spoilers 'bout continuum...don't ask me what;s in them...I don't know! Jann tries to evade(sp?) them!

    otherwise...some goofing around...and that's about it I think...
    oh and you do know that the episode of this week is D&C...coz I thought it was already known before you left...but don't know for sure!

    Also very important, how was your trip?


      Originally posted by starlover View Post
      mmmmmmm gutter...good good!

      *makes Jann happy*

      You missed GW doing poof on a regulary basis...
      some thunking
      some angst...
      some gutter..
      some fluff
      some spoilers 'bout continuum...don't ask me what;s in them...I don't know! Jann tries to evade(sp?) them!

      otherwise...some goofing around...and that's about it I think...
      oh and you do know that the episode of this week is D&C...coz I thought it was already known before you left...but don't know for sure!

      Also very important, how was your trip?
      Must watch D&C tomorrow, then! *happy luvnjack*

      Trip OT:
      Trip was great! Lots of sun, lots of family, lots of laughs! Thought of all Y'all and Jack (*sigh*).


        luvnjack, welcome back
        I think Jann said all We didn't post so much when gw had problems. But it should be ok now.


          Originally posted by Aveo_amacus View Post
          aww when Jack says "her brain is worth a lot more than mine" he does this little self-depricating smile and you can (shippy glasses to maximum) the affection in his voice and face as he talks about how smart she is
          it's just so like Jack, putting down his own intelligence, so proud of Sam, but you can also see pain there, he doesn't want her to die - not fond of the idea of dying himself (huge character step forward) but for her? He'd literally do anything for her, and we'll see this in the flashback in a moment when it shows that not only will he sacrifice himself for her, die for her, but he also doesn't want her to die alone, to be there for her - to the end

          And the other side of that is - how Sam would feel if he did die for her. I think she'd be devastated by what he did. And then there's the guilt she would feel because of it. Not sure how she would go on, knowing he'd sacrificed himself for her.

          I don't recall the name of the fanfiction story, but there is one where Sam has been infected by some very contagious fatal illness and she's being kept in isolation from everyone on the base. Others can sit in the observation room and talk to her, but she's still very much alone in that isolation room. Jack finally can't stand it any longer, saying something about how alone she is, and knowing exactly what's going to happen, he walks into that isolation room to be with her so she won't be alone. And, yes, it's a tragic ending, but it was soooo sweet, too!
          Last edited by hedwig; 07 July 2008, 02:46 PM.


            Luvnjack!!! great to have you back!!
            sigpicMy Fanfic


              Originally posted by Aveo_amacus View Post
              Luvnjack!!! great to have you back!!
              From me too! *waves*
              Slidell and I are re-watching SG1. Why don't you join us? SGBFFF-SG1-Rewatchsigpic
              You want to read Torn written by Slidell Yes... yes you do.


                Originally posted by Aveo_amacus View Post
                Luvnjack!!! great to have you back!!
                Originally posted by madaline_7 View Post
                From me too! *waves*
                Thanks! *waves* Good to be back!


                  Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                  Must watch D&C tomorrow, then! *happy luvnjack*

                  Trip OT:
                  Trip was great! Lots of sun, lots of family, lots of laughs! Thought of all Y'all and Jack (*sigh*).
                  Yay for happy you...

                  and D&C is good...

                  thinking of it now...are we gonna do a together looking/seeing D&C this week? if yes, then when?

                  good to hear that you had fun!! and ofcourse Jack would have been on your mind lol!


                    CONGRATS ON 7700 JANN!!

                    please tell me I've got it right this time??

                    This shipper's off to bed
                    night family
                    sigpicMy Fanfic


                      Originally posted by Aveo_amacus View Post
                      CONGRATS ON 7700 JANN!!

                      please tell me I've got it right this time??

                      This shipper's off to bed
                      night family
                      Geez, 7700! That's impressive that is.

                      *looks at own post count*
                      Too cool for a signature.


                        Originally posted by starlover View Post
                        Yay for happy you...

                        and D&C is good...

                        thinking of it now...are we gonna do a together looking/seeing D&C this week? if yes, then when?

                        good to hear that you had fun!! and ofcourse Jack would have been on your mind lol!
                        Would love to have a watch together as it were with D&C....
                        Slidell and I are re-watching SG1. Why don't you join us? SGBFFF-SG1-Rewatchsigpic
                        You want to read Torn written by Slidell Yes... yes you do.


                          Originally posted by Aveo_amacus View Post
                          CONGRATS ON 7700 JANN!!

                          please tell me I've got it right this time??

                          This shipper's off to bed
                          night family
                          Thanks for the congrats!

                          and you are right this time

                 noticed it before me

                          and I'm also off to to sleep...already lazily with laptop in bed.. ...

                          oh and since I just watched Homecoming and I want to make a new sig soon, I was really looking good for some good S/J moments to cap...and wow...there are a lot of "looks" between them...never noticed that before...awesome! You really do see something when you are rewatching the series!

                          and I like the pairing in that episode ...Daniel/Jonas...Teal'c....Sam/Jack...


                            Originally posted by hbt123 View Post
                            Geez, 7700! That's impressive that is.

                            *looks at own post count*

                            and I'm just a little tiny bit talkative!

                            You will come there day Positive thinking!



                              when gateworld was down yesterday (), i decided to read this one shipper story i'd not read in ages. it's a wonderful fic!

                              it's called, "Until the End of the World" By Ruth M.King. i very much recommend this.

                              here's a link for the rest of her stories. just go down to Ruth M King and check out some of her fics. i also recommend alli snow and sue corkill.

                              for you angst lovers, check out "Alone" By AliCat. (keep tissues handy)

                              there's a LOT of wonderful fics at this site. when i first got into fandom (season 4), these were the fics i read.




                                Good moorning good moooorning it's great to be up...early...actually not that early at all....



