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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by ses110 View Post
    It amazes me how patient some Shippers can be. I'm not sure how you do it. There has been no
    real Sam/Jack Ship since Season 8. The few scenes I've seen with Sam on Atlantis and I cannot stop thinking what is wrong with this picture. Why is Sam without Jack? I also think the Sam and Jack characters do not work as well when there in command and not in the action. If there is no Sam and Jack Ship in the two Movies and no RDA in Season 5 I'm not sure how I cannot lose all hope.
    C'mere ses!


    We'll keep the faith for you, just keep coming by for the good vibes
    Anybody else who's feeling down about the ship (or anything for that matter!) gets hugs too


      Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
      C'mere ses!


      We'll keep the faith for you, just keep coming by for the good vibes
      Anybody else who's feeling down about the ship (or anything for that matter!) gets hugs too
      Amen! That's what's so great about this place...when one's shipper's mojo is seriously in need of a jumpstart, there's always someone around here who see's the cup as half-full instead of half-empty! I think we all have our periods of ups and's where we can share it and, hopefully, get that mojo back.

      And now that I've seriously mixed metaphors...

      *slinks off to make bologna sandwiches...*


        I'd love to see some ship in season 5 that would rock i miss seeing Jack he should be there with Sam check out the pegusis galaxy together

        MOEBUIS P2: I so love that eps i've watched it twice tonight and i love watching it before i go to work when i watch it i hope we get a kiss like at the end in the puddle jumper but the real them in CONTINUM .
        • kiss in the jumper
        • flirting in the jumper

        (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen


          Originally posted by helenmagnus23 View Post
          I'd love to see some ship in season 5 that would rock i miss seeing Jack he should be there with Sam check out the pegusis galaxy together

          From Your Mouth to TPTB ears my friend. We need some more Sparky and a dose of Shipper would jsut top of my day!
          Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
          Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


            Originally posted by Chocolatequeen View Post
            I can kind of see the ship in both. "I've thought about it" carries a lot of weight in the context. Kerry's telling him to retire so he can be with Sam, and he says he's thought about it. That's definitely squee-worthy.

            However, I see the angsty-ness of the canon version. He feels broken down by the events of the last year, the woman he loves is all set to marry another man... What would be the point in retiring? So when she suggests it, he says, "Again," like he knows it's not the fix-it Kerry thinks it is. Hidden in that one word is a wealth of, "And what good would that do? If I retired, Sam would still be engaged to Pete. I can't do anything about that."

            Honestly Jena, I'm surprised you aren't enjoying the angst.
            I just don't know what came over me.
            Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post

            I'm so excited for SGA's ep 'Quarantine' today! Anyone else gonna watch?
            Wouldn't miss it!
            Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
            I agree. In fact, I think the change to "Again." is actually better. The way he delivers it says so no particular order....

            - Been there, done that, doesn't work for me.
            - It's not the only thing keeping us apart, so it's not that easy.
            - I'm still needed here in a military capacity.
            - I know you're trying to help, and I appreciate it, but I'm humouring you.
            - Did she really come to my backyard to say what I hope she was going to say?
            Hmmm.....I can feel the angst flowing...


              Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
              The JF pic was here on Google Gorgeous, isn't he? *thunk*

              Engineering and science? Cool! I'll be taking a tech course in the next year or so.... like working with software and stuff. Geeks unite! *holds up geeky banner*
              He is indeed so, squee, darn, wow, thunk, nice, yummy, HOT

              Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
              Amen! That's what's so great about this place...when one's shipper's mojo is seriously in need of a jumpstart, there's always someone around here who see's the cup as half-full instead of half-empty! I think we all have our periods of ups and's where we can share it and, hopefully, get that mojo back.

              And now that I've seriously mixed metaphors...

              *slinks off to make bologna sandwiches...*
              Yup agree with both of is indeed a lovely place And that is why this is the only place I've managed to stay for this long period of time WOOHOO.


                I finally caught up after missing just one day!

                Originally posted by JackandSamAddict View Post

                Confirmation could include the following:

                (Sorry had to snip)

                That was so......... SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

                Originally posted by zuz View Post
                My 5,000th post!

                To celebrate this posting milestone I wanted to make something special for my Shipper Family. It's my way to say: Thank you, fellow shippers, for making this thread the most friendly place on the web.
                That was an awesome calendar! I want one to hang in my classroom!

                Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
                Gotta go get some shut-eye! Just a short pic run before I go.

                Sam & Jack were cute together from the beginning:


                And just got more compatible as time passed...



                And even at a time when things looked dim
                for their relationship, they still just seemed so in-sync...


                And now...they're going to live happily ever after!!!
                I loved your shippy picture commentary! It was squeelicious!

                And I'm with LAD on the kissing brothers thing-Yick!
                Thank you Astra Per Aspera for the sig....... My Fan Fiction


                  Originally posted by Karibou View Post
                  First of all, more VISUAL Arc of Truth spoilers...


                  Tell me I'm overreacting for being YUCKED out by this... (pardon the Chinese subtitles.)

                  I like the Sam-Cam friendship as much as anyone. And I adore Ben Browder. But this?? It had the SAPPY music going in the background! Tell me this isn't yet another way for TPTB to torment us!!!
                  It is. And that's the point, Karibou. Cooper has been wanting to do something like this from day 1 of season 9. This whole Sam/Cam thing reminds me of that Martouf near-kiss in The Ripple Effect. It is exactly the same thing- designed to stir up buzz about what's going on with Sam and Jack. My impression has been that Cooper is not a big S/J shipper, or that he even cares much for RDA. This is all about generating buzz and- hey it's working, isn't it?

                  In my wildest hopes I think they shot this scene to get the whole S/J thing back on the radar screen for the non-shippers. To surprise us all in Continuum. A shipper can dream, right?

                  <snip for space>
                  I'm trying to hang onto your words, but
                  when the visual and musical cues between them just scream SHIP, it makes me... mad. Really mad. We waited a frigging DECADE for ship, and now they're going to try to swap with Sam-Cam moments?? Uh. hello?? Pete was bad enough. But to make me dislike a member of the team over this? No. It's wrong. And TPTB had to know what they were doing when they filmed it. Grrr.
                  They really should let US write the scripts from now on!
                  If the music sounds like you say, then that'll really tick me off. On the other hand, I still think they're jerking our chains. for the reasons I mentioned above.

                  I couldn't agree more.
                  After this crap in AoT, I sincerely hope TPTB give us SOMETHING in Continuum. We've endured so darn much -- we deserve something of at least Divide & Conquer significance. I like Cam, but not when they try to shove Sam at him.

                  Okay, kiddies, until tomorrow. Hope everyone is having a lovely week!
                  I agree with that. But how can you ship someone who's in a movie every two years? Remember that, people. We will not be subjected to any more of this since no one has EVER mentioned Cam in conjunction with Atlantis. He's got zip to do with that, whereas O'Neill does. At least, theoretically. And historically. And off-screen when he comes to see Sam.

                  There is the frightening possibility that
                  Continuum has some kind of weird AU ship thing going on, but I really don't think they'd go there, there's not enough screen time for that and all the pretty machines and the Arctic scenery.[/I]

                  And, at the start of SGA season 4, we have nice Jack pictures and no Cam pictures. Hold that thought. I am.

                  Originally posted by ses110 View Post
                  scene was horrible. I'm going to be sick. The only thing that can cure me is a real Sam/Jack Kiss in Continuum. I was already sick tonight because for some reason I was reading the SG-1 Illustrated Companion Season 3 and 4 I read very Anti Sam/Jack comments from one of the Actors. If anyone has the book it's on page 112 or I can let eveyone know what was said. It wont be pretty.
                  I bet I know who it was and what was said
                  because the same actor said it in the DVD extras for season 4. That was 7 years ago, ses110! And the same actor just last week gave an interview with scifi that shows she's changed her mind on the whole ship thing. Besides, what the actors think/want are not that important- it's what TPTB want that counts, unless the actors flat out refuse, and why would they? That same actor played out the ship for 5 more years after making those comments, didn't they?

                  Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
         those pictures only reinforce for me that there's NOTHING there...knowing Sam...knowing how incredibly strong her rule-adherence tendencies are, anything that remotely smacked of inappropriate fraternization would have been carefully avoided. The fact that she can
                  bring him macaroons, kiss his cheek and be as easy and unconcerned as to how that looked says that there is absolutely nothing there aside from comraderie. And as long as the Sam/Jack theme wasn't playing in the background, I have no problem with this whatsoever. JM said there was nothing there and I believe him. It's like kissing your brother. Seriously.
                  Yeah, but the music part stinks, if it's the way Karibou says. Which means the whole point of the scene is to confuse people about Sam and Jack, and I think that's sad. The Sam/Cam ship can't sail, so to frame it as a romantic kiss is manipulative of all the shippers, IMHO. But it's Cooper- I think I'm repeating myself, here........
                  Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                  Oh...and btw...I'll be here tonight to summarize SGA...the episode is Quarantine. For some reason I'm anticipating this one as much as I am Trio. Don't know why. *shrug*

                  Spoiler for upcoming Midway episode...

                  I was reading some of the spoilers on GW about this ep--the one where Teal'c visits SGA to help Ronan prepare for his IOA evaluation--and there was some indication in a few of the remarks related to this ep that the Midway station may not survive much longer. This could put a serious crimp in Sam's ability to get to earth quickly and frequently, if you know what I mean...*sigh*
                  JM said
                  Not to get too attached to it at the beginning of the season.

                  Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                  Ironically, on his blog, I got the impression JM feels the same way. But what's his opinion worth, really?
                  Less every day, IMHO. But on this topic, I believe him because he's been consistent about the lack of Cam/Sam ship from the very beginning.

                  Originally posted by mara-anni View Post
                  So here's my 2 cents worth about what I would like to see as resolution and the hints we've been getting.

                  Firstly, I agree that fishing at the end of Threads was resolution. I was totally happy and satisfied with that when I thought that would be the end of the show. However now that the show has continued *slaps hand over facial tic in an effort to stem the pain* what I believe is necessary is confirmation that not only did they get together but that they are still together. That their relationship grew and we all know it did...but I want unequivical, canonical proof. Otherwise, for me, the story of those beloved characters and thus the wider story encompassing the entire show will always seem incomplete.

                  Spoilers for space.

                  Having said that, while I'm not averse to a BHK in Continuum actually what I want is a soft, quick kiss (not a peck mind you, it has to have feeling). The reason I want this is coz it would show that Sam and Jack are used to kissing each other; that they've been doing it so long that it is now as natural to them as breathing (and just as essential I would venture to say )

                  What I would love even more...but we'll never get (I think the quick kiss is a more realistic hope...kinda) the bedroom scene, at the beginning and the end but esp at the beginning coz that would prove they were together BEFORE the change in the timeline. They don't even need to kiss, just to be there togehter, maybe have one of them answer the phone as the other wakens sleepily with arms and limbs entangled. A short scene, no more than a few seconds and I would be one happy and satisfied shipper.

                  Then if there was a photo of the wedding at the end I wouldn't mind coz we already know that married or not, they were still together before hand. However if we get no hint of ship and then have a photo at the end which is supposed to be our subtle change I will be seriously peeved!! To me that would be a cop out of the highest sort and it would allow anyone to try to claim that Sam and Jack only got together after those changes rather than after Threads and that to me is wholly unacceptable.

                  Still I'm confidant - well relatively confidant - that this won't be the case. I Hope X14

                  As for the hints being minor and vague. Well personally...(spoilers for SGA S4)
                  I see nothing vague about a huge photo of Jack, and Jack alone, and a close up no less, in Sam's personal belongings. One we can logically deduce - since it is clearly not in her office - remained in her private quarters. This to me speaks volumes.

                  Personally I have no doubt that, at the very least, by the time Sam goes to Atlantis she and Jack are married.

                  Umm, just MHO though
                  That part in bold is about the best summary of the ship problem that I have ever seen. The fact that the show went on without seeing Jack and Sam together left everything up in the air. The show was supposed to end, and didn't, and the new showrunners kept the ship alive but ambiguous so they didn't have to actually deal with it yet could always say it was still sailing, since it was such a big piece of SG-1. And of course, could resurrect it in a big way if it became convenient, which is where it remains to this day.

                  Originally posted by mara-anni View Post
                  About not getting your hopes up for Continuum - that is a very wise move Rachel, but I'm afraid I just can't help but really, truly hope for confirmation. Especially in light of the hints and the SGA thing I mentioned previously.
                  Yeah, me too. But after what JM said
                  about there not being any emotional scenes between Sam and Jack, I am just hoping for better hints than what we have so far. That is why something like a photo makes sense.

                  It really is pretty disappointing, and after
                  TAoT thing
                  I won't be a happy camper if nothing pans out in Continuum. People do get tired of this teaser-type stuff and it does sour me on the whole franchise because I think, at this point, it turns off more fans than keeps them on the edge of their seat wondering whatever happened to Sam and Jack. Fooling around with the Sam/Jack ship was for season 7 and 8, not now. It's just getting kinda old.


                    Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
                    I'm not expecting the minor time-line change to be ship-related (and quite frankly it would annoy the hell out of me if it was ship related - in my universe they've been together since Threads, I don't want somethng that suggests they weren't but now they are or even worse something that suggests they were but now they aren't.)
                    Hehehe. Cause it's been 15 years all together and you gotta admit these guys can be perverse and twisted:
                    A nagging voice keeps telling me it will be Teal'cs hair. It'll be back the way it was. Saving them from forever having to doctor it. And then they can make a comment about a 'change' and have fun playing dodge ball with rabid fans for 4 months.

                    Not that they enjoy that sort of thing, but....


                      Hey Ship Family,

                      I was a talkative ship family yesterday huh

                      I loved reading all the positive ship posts and I agree that staying positive is the best thing to do. Yep its a hard thing to do when it might not always seems like we're being rewarded but at least our ship is sailing and TPTB haven't stunk it, they even give us little ambiguous hints to show us its still there.
                      (((((Shippers)))))) have faith, it isn't over until TPTB Squeeeeeeeeeee!!

                      Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
                      Three weeks?!? I hope it's for something fun! And you should get back just before Valenship then.

                      And just to get the ball rolling...I'd like to suggest Saturday, February 9 for Valenship. That makes it Saturday for most of us...and Sunday for the Aussies and New Zealanders, right? That way it falls on a weekend day for everyone.

                      Ok...I've put an idea on the table. How do you like it?

                      'Cause it's all about them:

                      * Smilie by Zuz
                      That's good for me! Now to start planning my Valenship gift....

                      Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                        I was going through all my old 90's songs and i found this song. Its a St00pid attempt of trying to Match it to Sam and jacks relationship Now that She's in Atlantis.

                        "Doctor Jones"

                        Somtimes, the feeling is right
                        You fall in love for the first time
                        Heartbeat, and kisses so sweet
                        Summertime love in the moonlight


                        Now the summer is gone
                        You had to go back home
                        Please come and see me again
                        I never felt more alone

                        Baby, I am missing you
                        I want you by my side
                        And I hope you'll miss me too
                        Come back and stay
                        I think about you every day
                        I really want you too
                        You swept my feet right off the ground, you're the love I found

                        Doctor Jones, Jones, Calling Doctor Jones
                        Doctor Jones, Doctor Jones, Get up now (Wake up now)

                        Doctor Jones, Jones, Calling Doctor Jones
                        Doctor Jones, Doctor Jones, Wake up now (Wake up now)



                        All I think of is you, and all of the things we had
                        Doctor, what can I do?
                        Why does it have to be like that?

                        Baby, I am missing you
                        I want you by my side
                        And I hope you'll miss me too
                        Come back and stay
                        I think about you every day
                        I really want you too
                        You swept my feet right off the ground, you're the love I found

                        Doctor Jones, Jones, Calling Doctor Jones
                        Doctor Jones, Doctor Jones, Get up now (Wake up now)

                        Doctor Jones, Jones, Calling Doctor Jones
                        Doctor Jones, Doctor Jones, Wake up now (Wake up now)



                        Please, please cure me
                        Please, please cure me
                        Please, please cure me
                        Please, please cure me

                        Doctor Jones, Jones - (Wake up now)
                        Doctor Jones, Jones - (Wake up now)
                        Doctor Jones, Jones - (Wake up now)
                        Doctor Jones, Jones,
                        Wake up now!



                        Doctor Jones, Jones, Calling Doctor Jones
                        Doctor Jones, Doctor Jones, Get up now (Wake up now)

                        Doctor Jones, Jones, Calling Doctor Jones
                        Doctor Jones, Doctor Jones, Wake up now (Wake up now)

                        im in a st00pid mood tonghit
                        Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
                        Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                          Originally posted by helenmagnus23 View Post
                          I agree chelle no matter what Sam and Jack are togther but i can also see something more between Sam and CamONLYin an alternate reality
                          Can't see it even then. JM himself has described their relationship as that of siblings, and wondered who'd want to watch that. Pretty much says it all.

                          Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
                          Whichever way you look at it, our ship is safe. It only remains to be seen how many storms it has to weather (or calm peaceful seas) before it's brought safely into the harbour. And like APA said, that'll happen when SG-1 finishes completely - long away may that day be!
                          Siler and his wrench. lol.

                          And to draw your analogy further, if we assume our ship is in harbor already, that 'fishing' was a look at that, we just haven't seen it there lately, it's almost better to have it stay safely in dock. Cause, you know... there be monsters out there just looking for ships to dump into the great black sea.

                          As upset as some folks are by that scene between Cam and Sam, I suspect the scenes between Tollin (nm?) and Vala was worth for the D/Vers.
                          And don't get me started on the poor things all the SGA shippers have been through.

                          So, really, we don't have it THAT bad by being completely ignored since being given a vague resolution. Comparatively.


                            After that long-winded post of mine I just have one more thing to say:

                            Can we just have a real, non-viral, non-AU/AT, non-timeloop, non-hallucinatory, no-we're-just-friends
                            (Between Sam and Jack)

                            For Cryin' out loud?

                            Is that too much to ask?


                              Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                              As upset as some folks are by that scene between Cam and Sam, I suspect the scenes between Tollin (nm?) and Vala was worth for the D/Vers.
                              And don't get me started on the poor things all the SGA shippers have been through.

                              So, really, we don't have it THAT bad by being completely ignored since being given a vague resolution. Comparatively.
                              Have you seen AOT? 'Cause Tomin
                              leaves at the end
                              so I guess DV shippers are as upset as we were with Pete...


                                Originally posted by VastlySuperiorStuff View Post
                                After that long-winded post of mine I just have one more thing to say:

                                Can we just have a real, non-viral, non-AU/AT, non-timeloop, non-hallucinatory, no-we're-just-friends
                                (Between Sam and Jack)

                                For Cryin' out loud?

                                Is that too much to ask?
                                I'd green you for that if I had any...

                                Sciffy Alert: SG1 marathon on today...Season 7, if anyone's interested!

