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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
    And just to get the ball rolling...I'd like to suggest Saturday, February 9 for Valenship. That makes it Saturday for most of us...and Sunday for the Aussies and New Zealanders, right? That way it falls on a weekend day for everyone.

    Ok...I've put an idea on the table. How do you like it?
    Valenship...that sounds great!
    Originally posted by zuz View Post
    My 5,000th post!

    To celebrate this posting milestone I wanted to make something special for my Shipper Family. It's my way to say: Thank you, fellow shippers, for making this thread the most friendly place on the web.
    Congrats to the very talented zuz!


      First off - OT but I think more importantly: I'm feeling much better now. Still not quite 100% better but near enough. Thanks to everyone who passed on their "Get Well Soon" wishes and greens. I really appreciate that. I love you all!

      Originally posted by chelle db View Post
      I wasn't sure if I could add anything of any interest to the discussion of the whole Sam/Cam ship or not but this is what I think about it....

      In Unending we see Cam give Sam a kiss at Christmas time. He brings her macaroons when she's recovering after been shot by an Ori. Sam even kisses General Hammond...does that mean they are being shipped....uhm...I don't think so!!!!!
      What i see happening is that they care about each other...all of them! Vala jumps in Teal'cs arms...but never wuld I consider them shipped together.
      It's just genuine friendship.
      When I meet my friends I give them a hug and kiss and when they are hurt I bring them flowers or what not....does that mean I am unfaithful to my man...I don't think so!!!!
      So why must we read into an act of friendship and kindness as being a relationship???
      Amanda stated before starting filming on season 9 that she did NOT want to have Sam shipped with Cam.
      JM has mentioned that it would be like brother and sister dating...I guess in the same way as a Sam/Daniel ship.
      In a recent interview, Amanda hinted that she would love for RDA to return and visit Sam...after he's, I like to think that there is definitely a relationship between Sam and Jack and that no other man will fill his place....and no other woman will fill hers....EVER!!!
      I truly believe...and I said this eons ago....that by the time Stargate finishes...and I include SGA in that now as well, the Sam and Jack ship will be resolved...POSITIVELY!!!!!!
      Have faith folks...TPTB are shippers....and we will get our resolution!!!
      Second of all: Here, here!!! You only need to look back at the 2 seasons worth of episodes Sam and Mitchell appeared in. Is there *anything* that so much as suggests they are more than friends and colleagues? No they have a good brother/sister type of relationship going on. I can't think of anything that suggests otherwise. In fact I find evidence to the contrary - look at the Season 10 episode Family Ties...Sam says that Mitchell is out on a date (presumably with that woman who appeared at his school reunion in Bounty). If Mitchell's ever gonna have a romantic relationship with anyone, it's gonna be with her. *Not* Sam.

      K-9, CLASS and much more...


        Just because I feel like laying the Cam/Sam ship to rest at the bottom of the sea:

        Does this look like chemistry to you?

        Or does this?

        I rest my case.


          Originally posted by VastlySuperiorStuff View Post
          I still maintain that in Continuum
          I]the "subtle but permanent change to the timeline" will be a picture of S&J's wedding. Wright said it shows up in the last frame and you'd miss it if you're not looking for it. What else could it be but a picture or some other still object? A perfect way for them to handle the whole topic without taking up precious screen time or making someone whine about stargate becoming a soap opera.[/i]
          WHICH would be severely annoying. Because that's nothing new. >.> Well, not really... Considering....

          ...what we've already seen in Sam's office on Atlantis. That would be absolutely no resolution for me, regardless; anyone else agree?

          You ended that sentence with a preposition! You *******!!


            Originally posted by chelle db View Post
            I wasn't sure if I could add anything of any interest to the discussion of the whole Sam/Cam ship or not but this is what I think about it....

            In Unending we see Cam give Sam a kiss at Christmas time. He brings her macaroons when she's recovering after been shot by an Ori. Sam even kisses General Hammond...does that mean they are being shipped....uhm...I don't think so!!!!!
            What i see happening is that they care about each other...all of them! Vala jumps in Teal'cs arms...but never wuld I consider them shipped together.
            It's just genuine friendship.
            When I meet my friends I give them a hug and kiss and when they are hurt I bring them flowers or what not....does that mean I am unfaithful to my man...I don't think so!!!!So why must we read into an act of friendship and kindness as being a relationship???
            Amanda stated before starting filming on season 9 that she did NOT want to have Sam shipped with Cam.
            JM has mentioned that it would be like brother and sister dating...I guess in the same way as a Sam/Daniel ship.
            In a recent interview, Amanda hinted that she would love for RDA to return and visit Sam...after he's, I like to think that there is definitely a relationship between Sam and Jack and that no other man will fill his place....and no other woman will fill hers....EVER!!!
            I truly believe...and I said this eons ago....that by the time Stargate finishes...and I include SGA in that now as well, the Sam and Jack ship will be resolved...POSITIVELY!!!!!!
            Have faith folks...TPTB are shippers....and we will get our resolution!!!
            ITa with both Bolded bits. i Do the same thing with my firneds and My partners friends and it's just showing genuine friendship nothing more. Seriously Shippers we have nothing to worry about, There will never be as man cam/Sam fans as us

            Originally posted by zuz View Post
            My 5,000th post!

            To celebrate this posting milestone I wanted to make something special for my Shipper Family. It's my way to say: Thank you, fellow shippers, for making this thread the most friendly place on the web.

            <Snipped For Size Only>


            Love the Artwork tis Beautiful. i'm biased to september pics but anyhoo
            Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
            Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


              Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
              Congratulations, Zuz, on 5,000 posts!!!

              Congratulations, JenniferJF on 3,200 posts!!!

              Congratulations, ses110, on 2,800 posts!!!

              * Had to use a Zuz smilie for this!

              You ended that sentence with a preposition! You *******!!


                Originally posted by VastlySuperiorStuff View Post
                Just because I feel like laying the Cam/Sam ship to rest at the bottom of the sea:

                Does this look like chemistry to you?

                Or does this?

                I rest my case.
                I think that should do it.

                I do not like the Season 10 cast promo pictures at all! Far too casual! I really wish they'd done the normal "in uniform" promos instead...or as well even.

                THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                K-9, CLASS and much more...


                  Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                  What Jack said/could have said in Threads...I'll try it out both ways...

                  Kerry: Is the Air Force the only thing keeping you two apart? Rules and regulations? Cause if it is, you’re making a very big mistake.
                  Jack: And you know what I should do?
                  Kerry: Retire.
                  Jack: Again.

                  Kerry: Is the Air Force the only thing keeping you two apart? Rules and regulations? Cause if it is, you’re making a very big mistake.
                  Jack: And you know what I should do?
                  Kerry: Retire.
                  Jack: I've thought about it.

                  I think I know which one I personally find shipper. What do you think?
                  Holy hannah...I love the second version much better...OMG....that is so....
                  "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                  Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                  ~Amanda Tapping


                    Ben Looks so interested in that pic, Good Job Ben!
                    Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
                    Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                      Originally posted by VastlySuperiorStuff View Post
                      Just because I feel like laying the Cam/Sam ship to rest at the bottom of the sea:

                      Does this look like chemistry to you?

                      Or does this?

                      I rest my case.
                      I love that S/J cute, and definitely meant to imply something.


                        Originally posted by Patriot_Jackie View Post
                        WHICH would be severely annoying. Because that's nothing new. >.> Well, not really... Considering....

                        ...what we've already seen in Sam's office on Atlantis. That would be absolutely no resolution for me, regardless; anyone else agree?
                        First off, I haven't seen anything
                        in Sam's office during the eps. Maybe I'm old, but the only time I have been able to discern the fishing picture was in the spoiler stills. That pic has not been obvious. In fact, during BAMSR it was behind a potted plant, FCOL!

                        And, there's still the little possibility the fishing pic doesn't really mean what we all think it means, certainly a lot of people think it means nothing more than a team scene. So yes, a big ol' wedding pic would be different. What would really be funny is if it was the one from 200, despite the fact that I despise that veil with all my heart.


                          Originally posted by ses110 View Post
                          It amazes me how patient some Shippers can be. I'm not sure how you do it. There has been no
                          real Sam/Jack Ship since Season 8. The few scenes I've seen with Sam on Atlantis and I cannot stop thinking what is wrong with this picture. Why is Sam without Jack? I also think the Sam and Jack characters do not work as well when there in command and not in the action. If there is no Sam and Jack Ship in the two Movies and no RDA in Season 5 I'm not sure how I cannot lose all hope.
                          ses're just not looking hard's been there...although I admit I don't see it as much as others but there has been some very obvious's there....just have faith!!!
                          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                          ~Amanda Tapping


                            i've noticed it more to be honest, i know it sounds weird. Sam's Mannerism's and her more sarcasticness can only be the result of hanging around Jack too long. Hes conformed her to the Simpsons as we heard in LITS.
                            Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
                            Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                              Congratulations, trupi, on 4,300 posts!!!


                                Originally posted by ses110 View Post
                                It amazes me how patient some Shippers can be. I'm not sure how you do it. There has been no
                                real Sam/Jack Ship since Season 8. The few scenes I've seen with Sam on Atlantis and I cannot stop thinking what is wrong with this picture. Why is Sam without Jack? I also think the Sam and Jack characters do not work as well when there in command and not in the action. If there is no Sam and Jack Ship in the two Movies and no RDA in Season 5 I'm not sure how I cannot lose all hope.
                                Well, it is kinda difficult when he's not even on the show anymore... But there are hints! Vague, completely ambiguous hints!!

                                You ended that sentence with a preposition! You *******!!

