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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Goddess View Post

    My friend and I said that if we didn't like Pete for any other reason we would be glad that Sam was with him when she met Malcom cause that relationship could have actually worked out and then poor Jack would be all alone instead of them being
    soooo married!
    I could see a relationship with Malcom and Sam working out, because IMHO they were a much better match than she and Pete. But much better match doesn't even compare to THE BEST MATCH which = Jack and Sam...SOOO MARRIED!


      I would hope since season 5 is after the 2nd Movie
      Sam mentions she is with Jack and not just say some guy in DC. Even better lets get RDA on the show. I cannot believe getting RDA to appear would break the budget. Saying TPTB cannot afford RDA sounds weak to me.


        Originally posted by ses110 View Post
        I would hope since season 5 is after the 2nd Movie
        Sam mentions she is with Jack and not just say some guy in DC. Even better lets get RDA on the show. I cannot believe getting RDA to appear would break the budget. Saying TPTB cannot afford RDA sounds weak to me.
        Sounds like that to me many eps did they have him on for s10 and s3? AND season 4 is after the two least in their timeline I think that's why the now deleted scene in Trio was to be important for I think it all bodes well for Continuum and for s5!!!


          A bit OT, but...

          According to Kate over at all is well w/RDA & his home, so far. I have been wondering, so I thought a few of you may have been, too.




              Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
              A bit OT, but...

              According to Kate over at all is well w/RDA & his home, so far. I have been wondering, so I thought a few of you may have been, too.
              That's good news. I have been wondering about that.

              I am lucky that I am not in the main path of any of the smoke blowing or anything. At least the winds have died down for now.


                Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
                That's good news. I have been wondering about that.

                I am lucky that I am not in the main path of any of the smoke blowing or anything. At least the winds have died down for now.
                You are lucky, Amanda! And it's a good thing the winds have died down. Now all they need is rain and cooler winds!


                  Originally posted by Lesleyp View Post
                  Lesleyp:Thanks again Micelleb, found it and added the app
                  Ya, and she only needed an astrophysicist to help her locate it.
                  Lesleyp: Jack- kiss my....
                  Lesleyp! Jack!
                  Don't look at me. She's the one who wants to play stupid Stargate trivia games rather than write stories hookin me up with you.
                  Lesleyp: Do not!
                  Lesleyp: Not
                  Both of you! Now! Stop. You're going to wake the baby!
                  Lesleyp Sorry.

                  btw, there's a sam ad jack group on facebook (called 'when are sam and jack finnaly going to hook up' complete with spelling mistake). It's very quiet, though, I seem to be the only one posting on there!
                  Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                    Someone posted a link to Infanity on LJ and I thought I'd share. I don't know if this has been posted, so just in case...


                    That's part one, but there are links to the other parts - shouldn't be too dificult to find them all.


                      Originally posted by michelleb View Post
                      btw, there's a sam ad jack group on facebook (called 'when are sam and jack finnaly going to hook up' complete with spelling mistake). It's very quiet, though, I seem to be the only one posting on there!
                      Heehee...I think I'm in that group, I swear I'm in just about every SG (especially ship group) on facebook. Maybe I'll go post something! See you there!


                        Originally posted by michelleb View Post
                        btw, there's a sam ad jack group on facebook (called 'when are sam and jack finnaly going to hook up' complete with spelling mistake). It's very quiet, though, I seem to be the only one posting on there!
                        Yea! I posted, I hardly ever do in groups...I usually just join.


                          Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                          Actually, the MOST important questions for someone new is 'just exactly how do you squee'?
                          Easy. You say 'squeak' in very high voice, but you never get to the 'k' part, and the 'eee' sound gets more enlongated and louder the more shippy the episode. At the fishing scene, many shippers - myself included - squeeed so loud and so long that they forgot to breathe, passed out, and fell off the sofa.
                          Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                            Originally posted by JackandSamAddict View Post
                            Martouf made me want to throw up...I hated the guy. I mean he liked Sam, whatever, who doesn't? But I think it was more than that for me...I dunno. Something else about him I didn't like...but I just can't pinpoint it...and maybe it was all those teeth!
                            I liked Martouf...well, a little. It even didn't bothered me when there was something between him and Sam. I knew Sam's loyal to Jack. And he was a nice lest for me.
                            Originally posted by VastlySuperiorStuff View Post
                            Hey ship family, I have to tell a cute little story.
                            My son (the little guy who loves Stargate) and I were watching Reunion last night, and he said, "Hey, isn't that a picture of Jack in her suitcase?" (Good eyes!) Well then, of course, McKay walks in Sam's room. So my kid looks at me and says, "Doesn't McKay like Sam?" and then "Doesn't Jack like Sam?" So I told him "McKay likes Sam, but Jack loves Sam." So my son looked at me and said, "McKay better get out of the way, then."

                            The little shipper!
                            Hehe, cute little boy you have. And very smart.

                            Originally posted by JackandSamAddict View Post
                            Yea! I posted, I hardly ever do in groups...I usually just join.
                            What's FaceBook?
                            Last edited by Arwen Undomiel; 24 October 2007, 09:24 AM.
                            'One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
                            One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them'

                            SGA fanfiction I'm translating to english. It's a novel!


                              Wow, there is a ton to catch up on!

                              Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                              LOL!! (((APA))) You are hilarious! Thanks for the morning laugh!

                              How are you today, family?!

                              Hope x14 for a Jack appearance in season 5 of SGA!
                              I don't think I've ever watched a show as closely as I've been watching this season of Atlantis, just hoping for a glimpse of shippiness.

                              Originally posted by JackandSamAddict View Post
                              Okay guys I have a fic rec...a new writer I found on FF...

                              Sleepless by Sarbey
                              That was soo funny! Gotta love Daniel

                              Originally posted by ses110 View Post
                              I would hope since season 5 is after the 2nd Movie
                              Sam mentions she is with Jack and not just say some guy in DC. Even better lets get RDA on the show. I cannot believe getting RDA to appear would break the budget. Saying TPTB cannot afford RDA sounds weak to me.
                              yea...maybe we could all write letters to him and convince him to be on the episode for free.

                              Originally posted by dexterav View Post

                              I love your sig!

                              Originally posted by Alan View Post
                              Further to those suggestions...I think they should just fire the rest of the cast and centre Stargate: Atlantis on Amanda and Rick and their characters. 20 episodes of non-stop Sam and Jack.
                              I would watch that show obsessively. I would pay money to watch that show. lots of it.

                              Originally posted by VastlySuperiorStuff View Post
                              Yeah, these are the same people who said, in the commentary from "Heroes" when Jack gives Sam that great hug, "Don't worry, we're not turning this into the Sam and Jack show." From one hug.

                              Honestly, they act like girls have cooties.
                              We don't have cooties? Seriously though, over one little hug? It took out like 15 seconds from the episode, they can deal with it.

                              Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                              How could I forget! *headdesk* Us hormonally overcharged bored housewives don't count...I should have looked up from my Harlequin Romance long enough to have realized that!!!

                              Ah yes...As The Stargate Turns...
                              Yea, we do make up a big part of the demographic. Please listen to us and put more shippy stuff in! It's why I watch the shows!

                              Originally posted by VastlySuperiorStuff View Post
                              I think they were actually supposed to kiss in this scene, but they wrote it out, because, they'd already kissed once this season! Oh, the horrors!
                              What, did they think more than one kiss a season would cause us all to have heart attacks? Or that it would break Gateworld cause we'd all be flooding in here to squee? boo
                              Originally posted by Alan View Post
                              Amanda's definitely interested. Check this out:

                              She HAS to come back! We're for sure getting a 5th season? YAY!!!!!!
                              sigpicsig by starlover1990 Thanks!
                              I ship Sam/Jack because "always" is a very long time and he'll "always" be there for her.



                                Originally posted by Arwen Undomiel View Post
                                It was really nice, I greened you! (Well I don't know when will it counts I think I'm still a newbie for that to count)

                                Congrats to the fellow ones, and thank you very much. But please call me just Arwen, ok?
                                yup...and a promotion to Jaffa Warrior for you too....instead of Jaffa fodder....

                                Originally posted by nogigglingmajor View Post
                                Well, got final exams coming up for yr12 (almost free!) so this my be all for a while. I have 3 SJ stories, 1 sparky and 1 sparky video in the making, but don't expect anything too soon, cause of studying. yes there is sequel to my parallel lives which i've started and I will be finishing one promise. Got about 2 chps on that. I'm trying to write a bit each day.

                                You know i have a FLTLT O'Neill at my Air Force squadron...well he got really frustrated last night and came out with... Oh for cryin' out loud! Instant stargate for me!
                                :LOL:....that was cool!!

                                Originally posted by Lesleyp View Post
                                Lesleyp:Thanks again Micelleb, found it and added the app
                                Ya, and she only needed an astrophysicist to help her locate it.
                                Lesleyp: Jack- kiss my....
                                Lesleyp! Jack!
                                Don't look at me. She's the one who wants to play stupid Stargate trivia games rather than write stories hookin me up with you.
                                Lesleyp: Do not!
                                Lesleyp: Not
                                Both of you! Now! Stop. You're going to wake the baby!
                                Lesleyp Sorry.

                                Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                                Thanks for your input!

                                Siler! I love that guy!

                                I have an SG music vid of's fitting.

                                I agree that Pete never really knew Sam.

                                I saw the news! *does jig* Oh, happy day! The kids are gonna wonder why I'm so today.
                                I liked Siler too, Jena!! The guy that always gets electrocuted.....LOL!!!!

                                I think it was in 200 where he got zapped again and he was like....C'mon!! Not again!!....

                                Originally posted by helenmagnus23 View Post
                                HI EVERYONE!

                                oh he'll drop in....even if Teal'c has to knock him out and sling him over his shoulder and take him through the IGB he will....

                                Originally posted by JackandSamAddict View Post

                                Congratulations on Season Five of Atlantis!!!!!!!!

                                *tackle hugs everyone and everything*


                                Originally posted by VastlySuperiorStuff View Post
                                Hammond knew even earlier than that. The scene you describe took place in Entity when Hammond was suggesting they might have to terminate Sam. In Grace Jack spent a lot of time stomping around, being nasty to other people and going on worthless S & R missions. Hammond wouldn't have touched him with a ten-foot pole, IMHO.

                                Well-said! And I think even TPTB realize that by now.

                                I agree. FCOL they've been with each other for years and years, they've probably spent more time together than most married couples. I would think they'd know each other pretty well by now. If they're in a situation where the regs finally allow them to get engaged, I can't see them putting off marriage. Doesn't make any sense to me. They've waited long enough.
                                I agree!!

                                Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                                Actually, the MOST important questions for someone new is 'just exactly how do you squee'?
                                I think it involves pitching your voice at frequencies so high only dogs will be able to hear it.....

                                Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post

                                *does shipper happy dance!!!*
                                *does shipper somsersault (not a pretty picture...)*
                                *hugs beagle*
                                *pumps fist in air*

                                (((Shipper Family)))

                                *lets out a "Whooop!"*
                                such a subdued reaction form you Susannah....

                                *resuscitates her beagle from having the stuffing huggled out of it*

                                *applies ice packs to Susannah's bruises from her failed attempt at a somersault*

                                Originally posted by mara-anni View Post
                                Yep...that's why all Sam's boyfriends or even remotely potential love interests always dropped dead. It was the universe trying to tell them something

                                I vote for this one.

                                I agree with all this.

                                I don't think Sam and JAck can be accused of rushing into anything even if they married the day after they got back from their first fishing trip! Besides as we've already said there are so many practical reasons for them to marry relatively quickly.

                                Hehehe...I take it from your subdued glee that it was good news APA? I couldn't be bothered reading it Did they say if
                                Sam was gonna be in SGA S5??
                                that and all her other love interests were too intimidatd by Jacob.....

                                Originally posted by mara-anni View Post
                                Yep I finally caught you!! *claps hands* don't know for how long but still...

                                Just tried to post something for the new family members and it's not letting me!!! What the....?! I can't paste!! *growls*
                                perhaps I should zat GW? or your computer? or both?.....

