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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by silkie View Post
    Yeah she should have broken up with him in a park like he proposed...
    Shoulda broken up in the park where he proposed...or when he proposed. It could have been like on of those awkward scenes where each says something completely opposite Sam woulda said something like "I don't love you, and I never have, this relationship isn't healthy for either one of us..." All the while Pete would be proposing...


      Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
      Mmm... So am I right if I say SGA has gotten a go for S5?

      I wonder what that means for
      The deleted scene about ''the guy in Washington''
      from Trio.
      I'd rather see it ending up in an episode than on DVD... Assuming, of course, Sam will still be there
      Originally posted by Arwen Undomiel View Post
      Why wouldn't she? I assume AT like sg too much to go away from it.

      edit: Hey, Bekki, now just you and me. What time is at your side?
      Oh...I think AT loves SG...but if she were to leave...I think they could answer the "Where's Carter" question...."Oh, you mean Colonel O'Neill...General O'Neill retired, so they don't have to hide it anymore..."


        Congratulations on Season Five of Atlantis!!!!!!!!


          Where did you all hear about renewal for Season 5? I haven't been able to find it at GW or Sciffy...sorry...I'm a doubting Thomas...I need to see myself...!


            Originally posted by michelleb View Post
            I think Hammond knew. Certainly by Grace he did. Doesn't he say something to Jack about knowing he cares about Sam and Jack tries to over it up by saying 'she's a valued member of my team, Sir?'. Either way, Hammond knows, and so does Teal'c and Daniel, and Janet, and Siler.....
            Hammond knew even earlier than that. The scene you describe took place in Entity when Hammond was suggesting they might have to terminate Sam. In Grace Jack spent a lot of time stomping around, being nasty to other people and going on worthless S & R missions. Hammond wouldn't have touched him with a ten-foot pole, IMHO.

            Originally posted by Alan View Post
            It's twice now Sam's been a fiancee and never made it to the altar so obviously something wasn't working with Captain Hansen and Pete. Hopefully now that Sam is with Jack she'll have learnt from her mistakes with Hansen and Pete and she'll want to take her time and not rush into anything. This is one relationship they'll both want to definitely get right.

            I think for both Sam and Jack it's each other or nobody at all.
            Well-said! And I think even TPTB realize that by now.

            Originally posted by silkie View Post
            Or she'll decide that engagement was not her thing, skip it and get hitched right away
            I agree. FCOL they've been with each other for years and years, they've probably spent more time together than most married couples. I would think they'd know each other pretty well by now. If they're in a situation where the regs finally allow them to get engaged, I can't see them putting off marriage. Doesn't make any sense to me. They've waited long enough.
            Last edited by VSS; 24 October 2007, 05:06 AM.


              Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
              Where did you all hear about renewal for Season 5? I haven't been able to find it at GW or Sciffy...sorry...I'm a doubting Thomas...I need to see myself...!
              I found the great news in this article. See the link below:


              THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
              K-9, CLASS and much more...


                I think squee is an interjection. Remember Schoolhouse Rock?
                Originally posted by hbt123 View Post
                Ahh I see what you mean there.

                I believe the real question here is: What is a squee? It is a verb? A noun? An onomatopoeia?

                Aaaand I need some coffee.
                Actually, the MOST important questions for someone new is 'just exactly how do you squee'?


                  Originally posted by Seahen View Post
                  Hi everyone. I'm just an occassional lurker but I couldn't let this post go by without posting my thoughts...

                  I just spent 8 years as an Air Force officer and I know this rule doesn't seem fair but trust me, it is important. The biggest reason that relationships within the same chain of command are forbidden is favoritism. Promotions can be very competative and with only your performance reports to distinguish you from someone else, any appearance of impropriety can taint the whole process. It doesn't seem like a big deal in this case as while O'Neill was on SG-1, Carter was the only other military so there could be no favoritism right? Wrong. What you don't see is all the other Captains and Majors who want to be on SG-1 or any SG team who can't get there because Carter is there. So to them, it would seem that Carter gets the great career opportunites, even if she deserves them, all because of who she's sleeping with. I know I would have been very uncomfortable if my commander was sleeping with one of my peers, even if I liked both of them.

                  Also, keep in mind, two officers who are not in the same chain of command can have a personal relationship. So, the real world solution to the Carter/O'Neill situation is to move Carter to another team. It can be done in such a way that it is either a lateral move or promotion for her so there is no negative effects on her career. Then O'Neill is not in her chain of command and everyone is happy. Of course, we don't really want that to happen on the show as then the show is not as good , and so we must watch Sam and Jack pine for each other . (sorry just discovered all those icons on the side! )

                  Okay, I'm gonna go back to lurking mode as House is on (Carmen Argenziano is guest staring!) and I've lectured long enough.
                  Nice explanation.

                  I've always wondered why none of the other too-close relationships were ever pointed out. I know the answer, there wouldn't have been a show as the show is based on relationships. But I found it a bit odd they were such sticklers for Jack/Sam, but not others. Course, then there wouldn't have the angst story line.


                    Originally posted by Alan View Post
                    I found the great news in this article. See the link below:



                    *does shipper happy dance!!!*
                    *does shipper somsersault (not a pretty picture...)*
                    *hugs beagle*
                    *pumps fist in air*

                    (((Shipper Family)))

                    *lets out a "Whooop!"*



                      Originally posted by Buc252 View Post
                      Y'know, I just love this clip. Mostly, I think, because with Jack being ex-special ops/black ops, and very well trained, I just imagine if somebody on the spur of the moment reached for his sidearm (no joke intended here), they'd find themselves laid out on the ground with their arm broken. Yet somehow, they've gotten so they work in tandem so well that he doesn't react at all to her taking his sidearm. A well-trained soldier would never let himself be disarmed without a fight, but he instinctively (and with a reaction that fast, it can be nothing else) knew it wasn't a threat.

                      I like that!
                      Plus, Jack knows Sam was unarmed at the moment, so as a good leader he needed to make sure she could defend herself.

                      Of course for Jack to know that, he had to be checking out Sam's legs and/or chest (or both!)


                        ...and we're dancing!!!!....

                        (sorry...don't have a picture of dancing penguins...)


                          Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                          Mmm... So am I right if I say SGA has gotten a go for S5?

                          I wonder what that means for
                          The deleted scene about ''the guy in Washington''
                          from Trio.
                          I'd rather see it ending up in an episode than on DVD... Assuming, of course, Sam will still be there
                          Oooohh good question! Here is another one....

                          Will they still put the scene on the DVD now definitely knowing there will be a season 5?


                            Hi Shippers!!

                            Originally posted by Zoser View Post
                            Mara, I'm sorry I missed you're birthday! I got you a little something and only had gray wrappings and some silver ribbon. Unwrap in private.
                            *gasp* Thanks Zoser! I think I might keep the silver ribbons on just a little longer

                            Originally posted by Zoser View Post
                            I am not an expert but do like opera and thought of this aria pointing out that Jack was donning a disguise (going undercover) like the singer donning the clothing of a clown to hid his true self. Also Jack was reading Mad magazine while listening to opera - such a curious juxtaposition.
                            Hehe...yep! It's one of his endearing qualities and what makes him so damn complex, many layers like an onion And so damn adorable!!

                            Originally posted by VastlySuperiorStuff View Post
                            Regarding the bolded part, I think Sam was most definitely not keeping Pete in her back pocket just in case Jack didn't care about here. The reason why I think that is because Kerry was there at Jack's house, and Sam went ahead and broke up with Pete anyway. Remember, at no time during Threads did Sam actually know Kerry was out of the picture, except maybe when Jack came to see her in the infirmary. So she wasn't keeping Pete on the line just in case- it was a done deal. Whether or not Jack still loved her didn't figure in to that decision. Truly, she probably thought he didn't, at that point.

                            Now, why she didn't break up with Pete first, who knows? My feeling is that seeing that house was a wake-up call. At that instant, she knew for sure she needed to resolve the Jack/Pete issue, and I think it would be logical (maybe not honorable, but logical) for her to do the thing she wanted to do first, and the thing she hated having to do second. That's human nature.
                            I do agree with this. Well said.

                            Originally posted by Rogue View Post
                            I can't see Kerry breaking up with Jack only because of Sam visit. I think Kerry probably had some concerns about her and Jacks relationship before the backyard scene. Maybe she wanted to move forward with the relationship and Jack was stalling. Maybe she heard rumors at the SGC. I think the backyard scene just confirmed it and she got out as quickly as she could. Kerry knew she had made the right decision because Jack didn't try to talk her out of it or didn't run after her either.
                            But I have to disagree with this. I think Kerry was actually quite happy with Jack, though she may have thought he had issues, she didn't know what they were, the nature of them, and I think was willing to overlook them or live with them to be with him. I don't think she would ahve heard any rumours coz I'd like to think that the members of the SGC are a fairly tight knit group by now and wouldn't be gossiping about 2 people they all seem to have a great deal of respect for by now in front of outsiders (which Kerry was at the SGC).

                            I think she had no clue...until she saw Sam and Jack together. Remember this is the first time Sam and Kerry have met, so Kerry has never seen them together. She saw Jack's reaction to Sam, both in thje scene we saw and whatever we didn't see after Sam left. I think it was here that she realises Jack's heart belonged to Sam. I think this is her "OMG he's already in love with someone wonder he sleeps on the edge of the bed as far away from me as possible "...moment.

                            Originally posted by VastlySuperiorStuff View Post
                            I agree with you that seeing the house and all it represented shocked her. But, she did mean to go to Jack's deliberately. She was sitting in his driveway for 10 minutes, and when she's talking to him, said "I've been working up the nerve to come and talk to you for a lot longer than that." The house thing just made her want to do it right this minute, instead of putting it off. She already knew she loved him or she wouldn't have come over to talk to him in the first place, so I don't think Kerry had a lot to do with that. Although she probably caused Sam to think she was too late in talking to Jack about her feelings.
                            Yes I agree with this too. Though I think she went to his house deliberately but once there got an attack of nerves and that's why she spends 10 minutes in her car trying to work up the courage to get out and talk to him. It's one thing driving there with a purpose, it's another to step out of the car and do what you came for!

                            And Sam had known she still loved Jack all along. I don't think, after 100 Days, that Sam was ever under the impression that she didn't. Even Grace and her apparant confusion doesn't convince me of that. I mean her last fantasy was the Grace kiss I think she was giving herself permission to try to move on in the hope that maybe if she could meet someone else her feelings for JAck would fade. She wanted and needed this coz IMHO she had come to believe that Jack no longer cared for her in that way.

                            IMHO in Threads, it's not that she comes to realise she loves Jack and only Jack, she already knows this. It's that she comes to realise that that will never change. That it doesn't matter where she is, who she's with, who she meets...she will always love Jack alone and her feelings for him will never fade. And therefore trying to move on with someone else will never work.

                            Originally posted by VastlySuperiorStuff View Post
                            I agree. She'd obviously heard the rumors at the SGC- "Is it true that the Air Force is the only thing keeping you two apart?" She's asking if the rumors are true.
                            Um, I just had to say something about this coz I think it might change things. Kerry doesn't ask "Is it true that..." She simply says "Is the Air Force the only thing keeping you 2 apart? Cuz if it is you're making a big mistake."

                            So IMHO she hasn't heard any rumours and does actually break up with him coz in that brief encounter with Sam she's astute enough to have figured it out. And classy (and kind) enough to let Jack go, all the while pushing him to be with Sam, coz she does care about him and she wants him to be happy.

                            Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
                            Congratulations, PengYn, on 3,100 posts!!!

                            Congratulations, Zoser, on 3,000 posts!!!

                            Congratulations, JackandSamAddict, on 2,400 posts!!!

                            Congratulations, Alan, on 400 posts!!!

                            Congratulations, Arwen Undomiel, on 100 posts!!!
                            Yay...from me too!!

                            Originally posted by michelleb View Post
                            I think Hammond knew. Certainly by Grace he did. Doesn't he say something to Jack about knowing he cares about Sam and Jack tries to over it up by saying 'she's a valued member of my team, Sir?'. Either way, Hammond knows, and so does Teal'c and Daniel, and Janet, and Siler.....
                            Hammond definately knew. And he says this in Entity of S4, so he knew for a while. But he also knew that they would never act on their feelings and break regs and he wasn't about to split up his best team and risk the safety of the planet.

                            Originally posted by silkie View Post
                            Yeah she should have broken up with him in a park like he proposed...


                            My last remarks on Sam/Pete

                            I see a lot of posters agree that Sam didn't love Pete (I think for a while she loved the idea of what he represented), but I'd like to point out that I don't think Pete really loved Sam - you can't really love something/someone you don't know, you can have a crush on him/her bit not love - and it's pretty clear to everyone he doesn't get her at all - I think Pete was in love with his image of Sam, he did not love the real Sam at all...
                            Maybe that's why their relationship was doomed in the end...(in "Threads" when Pete was showing her the house maybe Sam had an epiphany - wait a minute this guy doesn't know me at all, how can he love me???)
                            I agree with this Silkie. Well said.

                            Pete was suffering a serious case of hero worship (I mean look at the way he is with Jacob!!) and he doesn't know her at all.
                            Sig by AstraPerAspera and avatar by SamJackShipLover

                            Thanks Bekki


                              Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post

                              *does shipper happy dance!!!*
                              *does shipper somsersault (not a pretty picture...)*
                              *hugs beagle*
                              *pumps fist in air*

                              (((Shipper Family)))

                              *lets out a "Whooop!"*

                              So I take it your just a wee bit happy?

                              THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                              K-9, CLASS and much more...


                                Originally posted by Alan View Post
                                So I take it your just a wee bit happy?
                                Ya think???!!!

                                (hi mara!!! live and in person! well...sort of ... )

