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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
    Hum, didn't know that. But seriously, I don't know anyone who's a Nielsen family. Certainly not any of the people I know that watch Stargate. So I don't count. A question-what about ratings in the UK, Australia, etc.? Does that affect whether or not the show gets renewed? I know it's a big thing in the UK.
    I dont' know if the show will live or die by the US ratings alone. As it was pointed out in BW's recent interview (I think it was BW ) Stargate is a world-wide phenomenon. The show sells to countries all over the world - just look at how far flung our shipper family is! Then there's the DVD sales and re-runs and conventions .....

    Yes, I know it's Sci-fi that renews the show, and the target is 2 million views per new ep. But it was being renewed constantly from S5 without that many. Plus how many of Sci-fi's other shows have that much viewership? (That's a real question btw, not a rhetorical one cos I don't have Sci-fi ) Is it just SG-1/SGA/BSG - or are there others?

    Perhaps the 6 month break is to decide the future of SG-1. Should they go for S11? Perhaps they want to end strongly rather than losing ratings in future seasons. Perhaps it's because they want to launch the 3rd series off the back of SG-1. Perhaps they're deciding if they can do a 3rd series. Perhaps it's because they are trying to figure out the story and negotiate for the Sg-1 movie. Could be any or all of these things - or even something completely different.

    Course, the 6 month break could be just as reported and we're all reading too much into it - Scifi want new programming all year round. Does seem a bit suspicious though that they would run 1/2 of SG-1/A, then all of BSG and then the other half of SG-1/A. That's just "illogical". But then again, this is Scifi we're talking about *shrugs*

    Does anyone know if this will affect filiming schedule for S10?

    Whichever way, we're just gonna have to wait and see. *groan* I'm not sure how much patience I have left! *look at the medal look at the medal look at the medal *


      Originally posted by ses110
      I've been hoping for an Sg-1 Movie since Season 8.Now with the talk about Stargate 2 and 3 who knows when or if an SG-1 Movie will be made.It seems like nothing but bad news for the longest time.The 6 month break today is just the latest.
      If anything, I can only see a tv movie for SG1. While it seems more popular abroad, I don't think enough people watch it in the US.

      ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


        Originally posted by sacme
        If anything, I can only see a tv movie for SG1. While it seems more popular abroad, I don't think enough people watch it in the US.
        I agree, an SG-1 tv movie does seem more likely - especially with the Devlin movies being talked about.

        Is there any precedence for a TV show to translate to the big screen rather than the other way around? The only one I've heard of was X-Files, and to be honest, that's only from the thread. I wasn't aware of an X-Files movie before.


          Originally posted by Oma-1
          I agree, an SG-1 tv movie does seem more likely - especially with the Devlin movies being talked about.

          Is there any precedence for a TV show to translate to the big screen rather than the other way around? The only one I've heard of was X-Files, and to be honest, that's only from the thread. I wasn't aware of an X-Files movie before.
          Yeah, The X-Files is the only one I know of...wait, wasn't there a Beavis and Butthead movie?

          A TV movie would probably be best, I think.


            Originally posted by Gate gal
            I love the end of your post Oma! that commanding her aint gonna be easy. It gets a whole lot harder about season 4! I just love that he didn't know how to handle her and couldn't help but be impressed! His feelings for her were stated so well in Lost City when he called her a "national treasure."

            Oh, my 30 posts in one day! That is my personal best! I must go to bed now, and spend less time here tommarrow. Good night everyone!
            LOL! I had the same feeling at the weekend - I made 100 posts last week That's a lot for me! Must have been the medals


              Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
              Yeah, The X-Files is the only one I know of...wait, wasn't there a Beavis and Butthead movie?

              A TV movie would probably be best, I think.
              Now you've got the ball rolling Mr Bean too.

              So ok, it could still be possible, just not likely?

              *groan* I'm getting so befuddled gonna stop speculating and keep my mouth shut!


                Originally posted by Nolamom
                Wasn't it only on Showtime through season 5? It was then picked up by SciFi for ONE season only, but the ratings were so good that they kept renewing - a year at a time.
                Yes, it picked up a lot of people (including me!) during syndication and season 6. Then all us newcomers had to go back and watch everything we missed! To a certain extent, that's when the show in the US really hit big. But, being on the Sci-Fi channel, the viewership is always going to be fairly limited. The same thing is happening with BSG-- it's considered one of the best shows on tv by reviewers, but many people aren't watching because it's on Sciffy.

                ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                  Originally posted by sacme
                  Get ready for Teal'C drinking Coca-Cola after a hard fought battle and Daniel eating Kelloggs as he researches how to defeat the Ori. TV will have to adopt product placement (like the movies) to pay for their programming.
                  Actually, I've already seen quite a bit of product placement on SG. Dell and Ford in particular. It never detracted from the show for me, and if it means less commercials, what the hell!

                  Originally posted by sacme
                  I don't know many people that watch Stargate. I think it really is a niche show in the U.S., especially since it was on Showtime for most of it's life. I never saw it until syndication.
                  With the exception of my mom, stepmom, and grandma, I don't know any SG fans either. Certainly not in the high school/college bracket, which is when I started watching.

                  Originally posted by Gate gal
                  Oh, my 30 posts in one day! That is my personal best!
                  In the immortal words of Daniel: Holy . . . buckets.

                  Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                  RCC said that? For real?? Wow. Maybe there is hope.
                  I'm gonna go dig up the exact quote for y'all so I don't end up having to stuff my foot in my mouth . . . *trots into living room*

                  . . . *trots out of living room* Okay, here it is:

                  RCC, talking to director Andy Mikita and director of photography Andy Wilson,
                  "To me, it's something that Rick and Amanda started to play and we picked up on as writers and it's always gonna be just a little bit of flavor to the show that makes these people real. And you can't go through what they've gone through as human beings without developing, I think, either an abnormal affection or an abnormal hatred to somebody (laughter). It's just a simple fact of life that when you're in the foxhole with someone, you either grow to love them or grow to hate them, and these characters have obviously grown to love each other and I don't think there's anything wrong with showing that. I mean, it's never going to become the Sam and Jack hour, you know, with Jack coming in from work and tripping over the ottoman as Carter comes in from the kitchen (more laughing). I mean, that's never going to happen on Stargate SG-1. I think it just a bit of flavor that makes them real people."

                  There. That was more than a few trots into the living room for you guys, lol. It was worth it though; now I feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
                  Last edited by RoryJ; 24 July 2006, 11:16 PM.


                    Originally posted by Oma-1
                    I agree, an SG-1 tv movie does seem more likely - especially with the Devlin movies being talked about.

                    Is there any precedence for a TV show to translate to the big screen rather than the other way around? The only one I've heard of was X-Files, and to be honest, that's only from the thread. I wasn't aware of an X-Files movie before.
                    Recently, "Serenity," but it barely made back it's production costs (which were fairly low for a sci-fi movie).

                    ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                      Originally posted by RoryJ
                      There. That was more than a few trots into the living room for you guys, lol. It was worth it though; now I feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
                      I have warm fuzzies too! Maybe season 10 will give me the warmest fuzzy of all.


                        Originally posted by sacme
                        Recently, "Serenity," but it barely made back it's production costs (which were fairly low for a sci-fi movie).
                        The very making of Serenity was a pheomenon in and of itself and I doubt a replicable one at that.

                        I'd prefer a TV movie of SG. Then maybe I'll find a rich person with a huge projector and feel like I'm at the movies only without the pressure of seeing the film a hundred times in order to single-handedly boost ticket sales. What?


                          Originally posted by RoryJ
                          The very making of Serenity was a pheomenon in and of itself and I doubt a replicable one at that.

                          I'd prefer a TV movie of SG. Then maybe I'll find a rich person with a huge projector and feel like I'm at the movies only without the pressure of seeing the film a hundred times in order to single-handedly boost ticket sales. What?
                          Hey, I'm with you. What?

                          If there was a BHK and major ship in a movie I'd camp out there and watch it over and over and over and over....


                            Originally posted by Rogue

                            At the end of S8, it looks like Sam and Jack were finally ready to move forward with a relationship. When S9 begins she is in Area 51 and he in DC. Why not continue with what they started at the end of S8, with both of them in DC. After what we saw in Threads, S9 was the time to get rid of the vagueness and commit to a relationship.
                            Little better.


                            Remember Sam have "personaly reason" for area 51.
                            Maybe is some time together in Area 51 & some time in DC


                              Originally posted by Kri
                              Okay, from someone who watched VERY little of season 9, what is everyone's real reaction to the low ratings and scheduling of season 10? Do you guys think that the SG-1 franchise is coming to an end, so that Sci-Fi can start fresh with some new shows, as it is doing this year with Eureka?

                              I said at the end of season 8 that SG-1 should have come to an end. Although the ship would not have officially been resolved, I would have been much happier having had the show end with RDA still at the helm. He was the main reason my eye was caught to this show, and the whole SG- 1 team dynamics kept me watching. Without Jack O'Neill, the show, in my opinion, is crap. And by the looks of the ratings, I am probably not the only fan who feels that way.

                              So, if the Jack and Sam ship is never officlally resolved this year, would any of you besides me been happier to have seen the show end at the end of season 8? Just curious.
                              I wish it had ended after season 8-- but gone out with a BANG (so to speak)!
                              And I don't mean an AU kiss. I wouldn't have minded the foursome at the cabin, if only they had taken their time to resolve the ship that year and not waited til the end.

                              Plus, since we're dreaming, I would have restructured the whole season and would have been left on some potato farm investigating spud life while Sam and Jack actually followed up on all the ship potential and angst from the end of Season 7 (that was unceremoniously dropped as if it had never happened). [/mini-rant]

                              ship sistah

                              ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                                Originally posted by trupi
                                I believe we will get some type of resolutions with Sam and Jack. It might be TPTB version and not the one we envisioned but we have to wait and see and keep the emails going so they know where we stand. A wise person has said to me, to be patience, ignore the the interviews and to "stay focused" on the show episode's plots. If we don't get what we truly want,then release the "PENGUINS OF WAR" ! So IMO, I would ignore the interviews and complain only if,after all the episodes have been placed on the table and we don't get our resolution.
                                I think they honestly thought they resolved the ship after season 8, which is why they didn't say very much about it in season 9. I bet they were surprised when fans complained or were at least still asking questions about it.

                                Will they be more cluefull this time around...?

                                I don't know. After they wrote the
                                Martouf almost-kiss,
                                for me, all bets were off. Even the anti-ship fans felt bad about the way they were treating shippers after that.

                                ship sistah

                                ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =

