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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by ses110
    Hi Gatetrixer.I mentioned the other day about
    the Dr.It just drives me crazy when I see the same Actor play two different characters on the same Show.I also agree with the reason TPTB are using RDA more on Atlantis.Mitchell pales in comparision to Jack.I do not want Atlantis but it does sound like they have too many characters.
    With regards to the
    Same actor playing two different roles on the same show. My friend has a term for them "Recycled Canadian Actors". The thing is, there are only so many actors in Canada, and for anything filmed up there, there have to be a cetain amount of "local" actors.

    Me, I find it amusing. I look at an actor and go "They were in Dark Angel, they were in Battlestar..." I've found some that have done three of my favourite Canadian filmed shows: Dark Angel, Battlestar, and SG-1

    Comment's 3 AM and I'm sitting here coming up with ideas for Ship Day. The only thing about it is Friday I work 8-4:30, then there's SG-1 and SGA from I won't be here most of the time, but I will drop off goodies. By the way, when does it start? Midnight Eastern Time? Pacific?


        Originally posted by RoryJ
        I'm gonna go dig up the exact quote for y'all so I don't end up having to stuff my foot in my mouth . . . *trots into living room*

        . . . *trots out of living room* Okay, here it is:

        RCC, talking to director Andy Mikita and director of photography Andy Wilson,
        "To me, it's something that Rick and Amanda started to play and we picked up on as writers and it's always gonna be just a little bit of flavor to the show that makes these people real. And you can't go through what they've gone through as human beings without developing, I think, either an abnormal affection or an abnormal hatred to somebody (laughter). It's just a simple fact of life that when you're in the foxhole with someone, you either grow to love them or grow to hate them, and these characters have obviously grown to love each other and I don't think there's anything wrong with showing that. I mean, it's never going to become the Sam and Jack hour, you know, with Jack coming in from work and tripping over the ottoman as Carter comes in from the kitchen (more laughing). I mean, that's never going to happen on Stargate SG-1. I think it just a bit of flavor that makes them real people."

        There. That was more than a few trots into the living room for you guys, lol. It was worth it though; now I feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

        I'd forgotten that quote Sometimes we do get these little gems in the commentaries. All of tptb who have done commentaries have mentioned the ship positively.

        I know I'm sometimes too hard on tptb. I was really giving them a bashing after Moebius because I'd got my hopes up too far after Threads. Threads really was the Sam/Jack hour and I guess I expected that to continue, so I was gutted by Moebuis the first time I watched it. I liked it, but thought it wasn't good enough for a season finale, especially as LC had been so fantastic, and loads of fans were in uproar because they didn't think it was our Sam and Jack back and that the previous 8 seasons had just been wiped out.

        Now I really appreicate Moebius for the excellent episode it is. There's real ship in it as well as AR. The bit I love the most is when AR Jack first sees Sam, he immediately checks her out and then makes sure she's not with Daniel

        I also firmly believe that it is our Sam and Jack, the timeline was restored and the extra fish in the pond can be taken two ways. One, which is the way tptb do, it's an homage to the Simpsons. The second (my personal favourite), it's an acknowlegdement that the ship was there all the time, just waiting to be allowed to flourish I see the fish as the ship

        So it really is shipping all the way It's even the basis of one of my sigs


          Originally posted by Oma-1
          I see the fish as the ship
          The fish is the ship. That's deep Oma. Take after your namesake some, huh?


            Originally posted by Buc252
            I disagree. As Sam has said in the past, Jolinar's "remains" - for lack of a better description - can't and don't control Sam. I still can't explain why she did it, but it was allllllll her, I'm afraid.
            "Control her" no. However, the memories can have an effect on her when introduced to certain stimuli. For example: Spoilers for RE
            The presence of Matouf would have a powerful effect on her. There are unresolved issues there, and the fact that she killed him in her reality had got to be playing on her mind.

            She admitted to being confused about him to Narim, and I think hearing about the AU Martouf's relationship with "his" Sam made her think.

            All of this would lead to a certain "atmosphere" (for lack of a better term) between them that would just lead to the almost kiss without conscious thought. As soon as conscious thought comes into it BAM, the moment's gone and all that's left is the awkwardness.

            Mind you, that's just IMHO


              Originally posted by Gate gal
              Pick me, I'll be a Nielson family! I'll have SG1 on every t.v. in the house. Just don't cancel my show til my ship is resolved! (Just kidding! I'm still feeling positive at the moment!)
              I wish I could have been one, too. I would have saved a bunch of good shows that were canceled too early.

              Whenever SG1 ends, I just want it to end strong. I want them to have a plan. Except for the Ori plot, the last couple of years have felt so 'catch as catch can' especially in terms of character development. In the 8th and 9th season I kept saying to myself, 'who are these people?,' 'what are they doing?' and 'what is she wearing!' I want them to really work things out this year. I want them to have fun, but also stay true to the characters. And resolve the unresolved-- and not in one ep at the end of the series (or the 200th).

              And Mitchell should realize he's not as qualified as Sam and give her his spot in the credits! lol, now I'm asking for too much.

              ship sistah

              ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
      's 3 AM and I'm sitting here coming up with ideas for Ship Day. The only thing about it is Friday I work 8-4:30, then there's SG-1 and SGA from I won't be here most of the time, but I will drop off goodies. By the way, when does it start? Midnight Eastern Time? Pacific?
                I hunted out the 3rd annual ship day thread (last year's thread) to snaffle the times and adjusted the days to fit our Friday.

                Start Times

                US Pacific: 2100 Thur 27
                US Mountain: 2200 Thur 27
                US Central: 2300 Thur 27
                US Eastern: 0000H Fri 28
                UK: 0500 Fri 28
                Germany: 0600 Fri 28

                It didn't say what time it is for Australia though - does anyone know?????

                Oh, and here's the link for last year's thread if anyone want to see what happened.

                3rd Annual Ship Day

                nell (or anyone else from SSHOT)- can you put our minds at rest that all is arranged for our 4th Ship Day Thread? Will Shipperahoy be opening it for us?
                Do we have a poll?
                Do you need any more ideas????


                  Originally posted by Oma-1

                  I'd forgotten that quote Sometimes we do get these little gems in the commentaries. All of tptb who have done commentaries have mentioned the ship positively.

                  I know I'm sometimes too hard on tptb. I was really giving them a bashing after Moebius because I'd got my hopes up too far after Threads. Threads really was the Sam/Jack hour and I guess I expected that to continue, so I was gutted by Moebuis the first time I watched it. I liked it, but thought it wasn't good enough for a season finale, especially as LC had been so fantastic, and loads of fans were in uproar because they didn't think it was our Sam and Jack back and that the previous 8 seasons had just been wiped out.

                  Now I really appreicate Moebius for the excellent episode it is. There's real ship in it as well as AR. The bit I love the most is when AR Jack first sees Sam, he immediately checks her out and then makes sure she's not with Daniel

                  I also firmly believe that it is our Sam and Jack, the timeline was restored and the extra fish in the pond can be taken two ways. One, which is the way tptb do, it's an homage to the Simpsons. The second (my personal favourite), it's an acknowlegdement that the ship was there all the time, just waiting to be allowed to flourish I see the fish as the ship

                  So it really is shipping all the way It's even the basis of one of my sigs
                  can you tell me about the "Simpsons" connection?

                  I've only seen Moebious once. I disliked it for many reasons. Maybe in time I'll be able to go back to it, but I'm not ready yet. I also had problems with Threads, but that's another story.

                  ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                    Originally posted by Gate gal
                    Wow, this is my 300th post! How did that happen? LA, this is addicting! Keep up the good work helping others delurk! Oma, thanks for the fanfic. I'm reading it in another window now. Wow!

                    About RDA's 2nd appearance,
                    I think if there is ship, we will not know it until it airs. The ship is way too big for them to risk spoiling it. Personally, I expect ship. There are no more appearances scheduled for RDA, and this could be the final season. TPTB must know that the ship will have to be resolved if we are going to trust them enough to watch future projects. I am feeling optimistic again. I don't expect full resolution, but we will get our BHK!!!!!
                    Congratulation Gate gal!

                    Yes, it is very addictive. If this keeps up. you'll soon pass my mark of 400 and somthing...


                      Originally posted by Oma-1
                      I hunted out the 3rd annual ship day thread (last year's thread) to snaffle the times and adjusted the days to fit our Friday.

                      Start Times

                      US Pacific: 2100 Thur 27
                      US Mountain: 2200 Thur 27
                      US Central: 2300 Thur 27
                      US Eastern: 0000H Fri 28
                      UK: 0500 Fri 28
                      Germany: 0600 Fri 28
                      That's 11 PM Thursday for me then. Good, I can get posting before bed. Thanks for the info Oma.


                        Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                        The fish is the ship. That's deep Oma. Take after your namesake some, huh?
                        I try

                        More like I usually don't make any sense, and neither does Oma (unless of course you're Daniel and can figure out just about any language....)

                        I'm trying to remember what my first sig said........ something like "If the candle is lit then the meal is already burnt "

                        Edit: My response should have been to give you the Teal'c eyebrow from LC...
                        Daniel: Teal'c say something deep
                        Last edited by Oma-1; 25 July 2006, 12:50 AM.


                          Originally posted by hopalong
                          Congratulation Gate gal!

                          Yes, it is very addictive. If this keeps up. you'll soon pass my mark of 400 and somthing...
                          It's so addictive! That's why I'm up at almost 4 AM! Or it could be that nice nap I took and that ice cold coke I drank at midnight.... I've been quite talkative today, with almost 40 posts...maybe that's how I got over 1600 posts! D'oh!


                            Originally posted by sacme
                            can you tell me about the "Simpsons" connection?

                            I've only seen Moebious once. I disliked it for many reasons. Maybe in time I'll be able to go back to it, but I'm not ready yet. I also had problems with Threads, but that's another story.
                            The Simpsons did an AU episode where everything went horribly wrong and had to be fixed (can't remember the details, it's ages since I saw the ep)

                            At the end, just when you think everything's back to normal, they have forked tongues

                            Course, in the next ep, everything is as it should be.


                              Originally posted by Gate gal
                              My shippy moment is from Politics. The episode itself was probably one of my least favorite s1 episodes, but I'd watch it over and over again for the "Engaged?" comment from Jack. (See my sig!) It is so obvious that they are already attracted to each other. Solitudes was just a few weeks prior, and I think they were both beginning to see the possibilities.
                              I love how Jack was totally stuck on the "Engaged?" line of thought.

                              I don't know about my favourite shippy moment (I can never pick any one at a time), but one moment that got me was in 'Singularity' when Sam chose to stay with Cassie in the bunker. The moment for the boom came and went, and Jack was on the intercom trying to raise Sam. It was the first time I heard him say "Sam" rather than "Carter" or "Captain", and the look of utter relief on his face when she answered I never could explain away.

                              And now I've got an idea for another wallpaper for Ship Day...


                                Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                                Well, it could be a good thing...maybe.
                                So, if they do this 6-month break, it could possibly be positive. They show the 1st half and see how the ratings and responses are. Then they can decide if they want to renew or not. If they do renew, cool. If they decide not to, they will have more time to come up with a satisfactory ending, instead of throwing something together. But that's only if they haven't set the rest of the season in stone...and I'm pretty sure the season finale isn't...I think. Just a thought.
                                I would think...

                                the last few episodes of the Season are open to change dependent on whether they get S11 or not - they may even have 2 versions.
                                Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                                My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.

