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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by majorsal
    no, we need sam and jack to get together, so that when we're secluded in our bomb shelters, we have something *wonderful* to occupy our minds.


    ps - i'd like to apologize to my fellow shippers for my negative state of mind. i'd been fighting an infection that i started losing, and then started taking anti biotics that did a number on my chemical balance (and throw in pms). meaning, i've been over reacting a LOT. last night was the last of my meds, so i'm looking forward to my chemistry getting back to normal. again, i apologize and am sorry if i've brought anyone down.
    ok sorry for the OT a bit but I want to respond
    ((((((((((sally)))))))))) hope you feel alright now and I do think I am one of the few who really was a little hard on everyone because they were being negative. It was nothing personal...but sometimes it is to much of the negativisme. I mean most of the time I am positive but if I read all that negative thing about the ship, I just have problems with seeing the good things. And maybe I wasn't exactly myself the last week, well I am still not but that is not the point. My point is just if there is a good balance between optimisme and negativisme... It is great, when it is starting to get more to one side than I am starting to feel bad about it and I don't think I am the only one.
    So also I apologize for beeing way to hard those last week.


      ps - i'd like to apologize to my fellow shippers for my negative state of mind. i'd been fighting an infection that i started losing, and then started taking anti biotics that did a number on my chemical balance (and throw in pms). meaning, i've been over reacting a LOT. last night was the last of my meds, so i'm looking forward to my chemistry getting back to normal. again, i apologize and am sorry if i've brought anyone down.

      Feel better Sally!


        Originally posted by majorsal
        ps - i'd like to apologize to my fellow shippers for my negative state of mind. again, i apologize and am sorry if i've brought anyone down.
        On the contrary, Sally! From my perspective at least, we all get down about things from time to time, I've been there myself. What's important is that we help each other through the good and bad days, after all, isn't that what family is for? Hope you're feeling better soon and I look forward to hearing from you again soon! ((((hugs))))

        OK, I'm really going to bed now! Goodnight, shipper family!
        Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

        My fanfic


          Originally posted by ses110
          Very true.I did say maybe.Ship is very important to me as far as TV Shows and Movies.I need Ship.I said this before and I'll say it again.All you need is Ship.
          So do I. I won't enjoy the show without it so then I'll stop watching. Oh my husband will keep watching but I'll sit there reading some cozy caper novel. The only thing that keeps me with the show is the hope that we'll get that resolution (spelled P-O-S-I-T-I-V-E) and then I can move on to find some other shippy show (because I have very little time for television so this keeping me hanging thing is really starting to grate me when I think of how there has to be another show that I could be hooking up with but I'm committed to this one now and I just can't walk away from it.) *big inhale* Phew!


            Originally posted by ses110
            You make a lot of good point stargate barbie.I think staying away from interviews is an excellent idea.Regarding the Ship Maybe we Shippers take the Sam/Jack Ship too seriously but I have no regets.Maybe I should be more understanding towards the Actors and TPTB.Maybe having to answer Shippers questions all the time can be annoying.Maybe I'm not being pratical but I like the Actors and TPTB to be consistent with their Shippers answers.I just like to know where they stand in terms of the Ship.I would like to hear either I do not want Sam/Jack to get together or I do want them to get together.I enjoy the straight forward answers and the person sticking with that answer even if it sounds boring or may alienate a large section of the fan base.
            It's frustrating to see TP be so evasive and inconsistent when it's something you really, really want to see. We get so little in the way of ship anyway that all the up, down, in, out, and around and about just makes it even worse. If we had some assurance that S & J eventually will get together, a little teasing wouldn't be so bad.

            s u g a r s h a k e r


              Originally posted by ses110
              Right you are Sally.The Sam and Jack Ship is part of the characters and the characters would have been living a lie for 10 Years if its' just dropped.You may as well kill off the characters if you drop the Ship.It is too late to drop it now.TPTB could have ended the Ship earlier on but not in Season 10.

              OMG! No! Don't say stuff like that!

              *runs around the PTB and screams loudly*


                Originally posted by AmberLM
                Ship Day is 28th July!!!!!!!!!! Squeee! I'm really looking forward to it!
                Thank you dear! I've sticky noted that on my monitor.

                And also thank you for the vid plug. *blushes*


                  It's starting to grate on me as well.I just do not have the patience anymore to wait Year after Year for these Shows to get their acts together.I said a while ago IMO these Shows today should go 5 no more than 6 Years and that's it.The Actors may be able to move on to other projects easier and the quality of the episodes should be high.If the Show is good enough there is always the chance to make Movies out of the Show.


                    Bad example of trying to get my point across.It's just too late to run away from the Sam and Jack Ship.Can anyone really see Sam wanting to go out with someone else besides Jack and the same for Jack? There is no turning back now unless TPTB want to inflict damage beyond repair to the Sam and Jack characters and turn the Show into Dynasty .


                      Ok, first I have to say that I cheated......I broke down about ten minutes ago and read the "200" spoilers.....*hangs head in shame*.......I'm weak

                      and here is my responce......

                      WTF!!!!! "Possible fake wedding"........*bangs head on computer desk*.....ok,that hurt. I'm not against scenes that involve these two characters by any means(in fact, it could be very sweet) but, I was and am hoping for something "real". Come on, one "real" romantic actual verbal(no room for interpretation) indication that Sam and Jack are in a relationship and are happy. Just throw that bone and I happy, I'm done......stick a fork in me. I love this show, the entire show and nearly the entire cast of characters. It is one great multi-character, multi-dimentional Science Fiction piece.

                      However, this one little thing keeps bugging me. It is like finding "Threads" unraveling off your shirt and you can't reach them to fix. Like I've said before, I will continue to watch this show as long as it is on the air(no matter what), I began the stargate path for love of good Scifi. Sam and Jack were a wonderful and interesting surprise. There has to be a simple way to scratch this particular itch without making it the Sam and Jack show. I still say the love and passion the characters have for eachother are too amazing to give up on......they are not robots. Neither are we, for that matter

                      Hey, can someone slap my name on that list......

                      Happy Posting
                      It doesn't matter what you believe in, just believe in something. I believe in myself, in others, in Love, in peace and Health and well-being for ALL.....


                        No, I can't imagine Sam or Jack with anyone else. That's why I'm here.

                        Considering that the Sam/Jack pairing has been SINCE THE FIRST SHOW I really don't think the PTB will fall down and cry "It never happened." They do a really good job of ignoring it don't they? Kind of gives the feeling that they hope it goes away. If they do continue to ignore it then I'll get bored and go away. But that doesn't mean I go away from the other shipper fans nor will I throw away my DVD sets of seasons 1 through 8. I do feel that because this relationship was started and it became a very strong subplot, they should give it a respectful finish. Anything less would "inflict damage beyond repair" to the characters AND to the show. If nothing else, they should be concerned about that for monetary reasons.

                        Please forgive me if that's rambling. I'm getting sleepy. Think I better go to bed now.


                          Originally posted by Rocketgal

                          SHIPPER MEDAL OF PATIENCE!!!!!!!

                          Courtesy of Mala the Great

                          which is being issued to the following Shippers Family members:

                          Ship Nana
                          chelle db
                          Ancient 61
                          Gate gal
                          Hope Leslie Hermnharry
                          shipper hannah!!
                          I asked once already with no result, so I'll ask again . . . May I please be added?

                          (Does this earn me a second medal?)
                          Last edited by Buc252; 19 July 2006, 05:34 PM.
                          - Mary
                          SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                          Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


                            Originally posted by meimei
                            Sorry for the off topic but I had to tell the Shipper Family in spite of my internet not working properly! After all, ya'll got me started writing romance with Jack and Sam!

                            MY FIRST SALE!! Woo hooo!!! Somebody pinch me!

                            Back in April, I went to DARA's Dreamin' in Dallas conference. Myla Jackson, Delilah Devlin was there as well as Megan Kerans and Layla Chase. We had a blast!

                            While sitting around talking, Delilah threw out a title, "Damned, Dangerous & Delicious" for an anthology. By the time we left the conference, we had outlined an idea for a 6 person anthology of 10-12k length stories. We did one page treatments, and bolstered by a previous successful sale to Hillary Sares at Kensington Aphrodisia by Delilah, Layla and Myla, we submitted DDD to her as well.

                            Hillary bought it!!! But instead of one book, she wants two, each with three authors and 25k stories! I'm floatin' here! I can't believe it!

                            Here's the line up:

                            DDD Vol 1
                            Volume I
                            Delilah Devlin - historical - The Demon Lord's cloak
                            Lisa Renee Jones - futuristic - Night Sins
                            Megan Kerans- contemporary - The Devil's Paradise

                            DDD Volume II
                            Myla Jackson - historical - Pirate of Mystique Island
                            Layla Chase - contemporary - Ghostly Legacy
                            Shayla Kersten - contemporary - Keket's Curse
                            Congratulations meimei. Fantastic news!!
                            always and forever
                            My LJ
                            My History Website


                              Originally posted by Oma-1
                              And cos I was bored while waiting for photobucket I made one for everybody who signed up

                              I'll put the links for them in a spoiler tag. Just scroll down to you and clickety click

                              Ya know, it took me longer to post them than it did to make them

                              The list was up to date when I made them, but if I've missed anyone I'm sorry! *begging for mercy*

                              Oh, and if I spelt anyone's name wrong - just slap my wrist and I'll do it again
                              Thank you so much!!!!

                              Right back at ya, here's a ribbon part if you want it.

                              I changed the colors to
                              BLUE (Sam's jello or our faces after holding our breath for ship)
                              RED (Jack's jello or our faces with anger after not getting ship)
                              PURPLE (mixed jello or the many bruises to our shippy hearts)
                              Oh and, shhhhh, if hubby comes looking for it, you guys don't know anything. Right?


                                Originally posted by Oma-1
                                Yeah! Photobucket is back up and running .... and so am I

                                One special medal coming up for Nickatell

                                And cos Ship Nana and Mala gave them to us in the first place ...

                                May I ask for a patience medal too? Although the patience is slowly dwindling, ep by ep by ep...........


