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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by SamO'Neill
    Sorry to but in here, but I just wanted to do a bit of self-promotion. I've written a fanfic. It's posted here:

    It's my first stargate fanfiction, and I'd appreciate it if you would read it! It's going to be full of S/J goodness!
    Just read it and it looks great!!! hope you update soon.

    btw check your pm!


      Originally posted by RepliCartertje
      <snipped>as for a kiss there...I don't think that was the right time. As much as they both love eachother...Sam was still with Pete and I think she would never cheat on him.
      And the oppurtunity there was not one of kissing but more one of a good and close friendship and their looks say so much more than a kiss. I think if we had a kiss there it would look really unapprapriate. Cause they both were thinking about saving earth, but in the meantime they also were thinking about Jack who would probably die. And that is why their little line is much more effective than a kiss.
      I agree the timing was wrong for a kiss then - they're in the middle of a mission and I think the only reason she brings it up at all is for the same reason Teal'c brings up his feelings for Jack, because they know time is running out for Jack and want him to know how much they care about him. I think she feels it's her last opportunity.

      Interestingly Pete was never mentioned between Chimera and the Lost City to my recollection so if they had kissed and S8 had gone differently (ie no Pete), it might have been assumed that she dumped Pete at the end of Chimera in her discussion with him.
      Women of the Gate LJ Community.
      My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


        Originally posted by AmberLM
        Hey guys I thought since I'm re-reading it I'd post a few shippy snippets from Sally Malcolm's fandemonium novel 'The Cost of Honor':

        *Sam is trying to fix the rapidly failing engines on a goa'uld hatak but it's blowing up around her ears faster than she can fix it.*

        Jack wrenched her out of the knotted mess, staggering against the bulkhead and ignoring her protests. She tried to go back, slipping out of his grip and lurching away. But he was too fast, snatching hold with both hands and slamming her against the wall of the corridor.
        "Stop!" He rasped. "Getting yourself killed in there won't solve a damned thing!"


        Jack appeared in the cockpit, a nasty contusion on his forehead and one hand gripping Sam's arm - holding her upright, by the looks of it.


        *Jack and Sam are about to be arrested for SG-1 going AWOL*

        Jack: "I made a mistake but it's got nothing to do with Carter, leave her out of it!"

        *Crawford leers at Sam*

        "Leave her out of it? Would that make things easier for you, Jack?"

        He said no more. He'd already said too much.


        *Sam and Jack are in "prison" off-world and they're discussing the charges they're being faced with*

        Jack: "I should never have done it. It's not worth the price."
        Sam: "No. You're wrong."
        Jack: "What?"
        Sam: "You're wrong because if you hadn't taken those plans, if you hadn't done everything you could to bring SG-10 home then..."
        Jack: "Then what?"
        Sam: "Then you wouldn't be the man I thought you were. Sir."
        Jack: "Carter... I'm not-"
        Sam: "Yes," she insisted quietly, "you are."
        He stared at her, a silent interrogation, digging for truth she couldn't admit. Not even to herself.


        Kenna: " You seek to retrieve Major Carter? It's a fool's errand, she's already dead!"
        Jack went very, very still and when he spoke his voice sounded like rasping steel.
        Jack: "What?"
        Kenna: "She's dead! Her mind is gone she's just an empty, rotting-"
        Jack lunges at Kenna
        Jack: " You sonofa-" Jack grabs the front of his shirt and slams him against a wall

        Later on Sam finds the rest of SG-1:

        Jack: "Carter?" He was gaping in astonishment, as if she were a ghost or a figment of his imagination.
        Sam: "Yes, Sir. It's me."
        For a moment he just stared.
        Jack: "I've, um..." And then he shook himself, hiding everything behind an arid smile. "We've come to rescue you."

        *Carter is being tortured*
        Jack: "Stop right now, or I swear to God I'll kill you!"
        Koash: "You will not risk her. I have seen your mind, Colonel O'Neill. Albeit briefly.You would rather die than-"
        Jack: *leaping at him and pointing a gun in his face* "Actually, I'd rather you die!"


        *Jack's gone off on a one-man rescue mission*
        Sam: "I'm telling you, if he brings back Crawford alive, I'm first in line to kick his ass!"
        Daniel: "Crawford's, or Jack's?"
        Sam: "Both!"

        If you don't already own it I suggest you buy that and the first half of the story, 'A Matter of Honor' because they're amazing and really shippy!
        Thanks for posting this! Now I want to read more!


          Originally posted by Nolamom
          Good day shipper family! I actually got a decent night's sleep last night - even if I didn't go to sleep until after 2 am. I'm stretching out these last few days of summer vacation as looooooong as I can. Have to go in for prep days two days next week (I volunteered like an idiot) and then district meetings for department chairs. The following week all the teachers come back and then the week after, school begins. Ugh!

          I was reading over that snippet of transcript from Emancipation. I use that episode in my sociology class to teach about feminism. I use Allegiance to teach about race relations and trust. I'm careful about not getting too shippy in school (that just wouldn't do!) but I'm always trying to think of different episodes and/or scenes I can use to illustrate different concepts. Talking about Charlie's death has made me realize that I can use at least a scene from Cold Lazarus to get the kids talking about loss and how that affects families.
          I wished I had a teacher like you! I was lucky to even find a Stargate fan in any of my classes--which didn't happen often. Too shy, and too many kids to talk to.


            Ok, plugging my latest drivel
            Let me know what you guys think?


            Lesleyp has a special request of US SciFi viewers:

            Ep 200 is airing later this month in the good ole USA. Please please please would one of my American shipper friends write a detailed Fan Review right after it airs, with heavy slant on what happens between S/J?
            Pretty please?
            With snow covered cherries on top
            Sig. made by RepliCarterje just for me
            Get RDA on Canada's Walk of Fame: Click this link to find out how
            Love dogs? Have it in your heart for a big barrel of love? Go to


              On another note about Threads/moebidus: well you see Daniel and Teal'c arriving at the lake but Sam and Jack are already fishing that would mean that they were there already...longer than Daniel and Teal'c...So that would mean that they at least were togheter in the morning there by themself cause IMO and looking at the weather...It was afternoon as Daniel and Teal's arrived. So what did they do in that morning togheter?!? I think they were having a great time by themself: I think they talked about everything what has happened to eachother. and about where to go from now. It is a pitty that they didn't show that to us...that would have been so nice to see cause IMO after Jacob died and the break up with Pete, they had to talk about everything that has happened but they never did...well not that we have seen
              it is a pitty isn't it i like to think that they sorted everything out and discussed where they were going, in the morning before daniel and teal'c got there.
              maybe they even discussed jacks retireing (is that the right spelling?)
              i have lovely dreams in my own little world

              sig made by Samjackshiplover


                Originally posted by Lesleyp
                What's the chance of you posting it on GW too? I find GW stuff easier to read. If no can do, I'll go to (cringe) and give it a whirl.

                S/J goodness is good
                That's a good idea! I've never done anything on Gateworld, but when I post it, I'll post the link for you guys...
                my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                  Originally posted by Gate gal
                  Thanks for the link. On her web page, Sally says that Jack and Sam were supposed to be lovers in the original script for Beneath the Surface. That's news to me. Has anyone else heard that? I think I'm glad they didn't go there in season 4. Things would have been way too complicated.
                  That's news to me! I would love to see the original script. Anyway, I always felt that something more happened between Jack and Sam (or should I say Jonah and Thera?). IMO, the look they gave each other at the end of the episode says something happened which would not be mentioned.


                    Originally posted by SamO'Neill
                    Sorry to but in here, but I just wanted to do a bit of self-promotion. I've written a fanfic. It's posted here:


                    It's my first stargate fanfiction, and I'd appreciate it if you would read it! It's going to be full of S/J goodness!
                    I like it! Update it quickly please!


                      Originally posted by Lesleyp
                      NOW MORE IMPORTANTLY

                      Lesleyp has a special request of US SciFi viewers:

                      Ep 200 is airing later this month in the good ole USA. Please please please would one of my American shipper friends write a detailed Fan Review right after it airs, with heavy slant on what happens between S/J?
                      Pretty please?
                      With snow covered cherries on top
                      I will try. I'm not great at reviews. But I DVR all the episodes so I can review them easily with my lappy at hand. I can't do screencaps sorry. I don't know how and don't have the right hardware/software to do it. But I can put what I think the *flavor* of the moment is in my report.



                        posting on behalf of ship family members Shelsfc, GateBee, Twisted_Angel and Somnium! (hope you all don't mind )

                        We're all currently in an internet cafe in London, with the exception of Shel who had to go home early.

                        We've had a fantastic day...tell you all about it soon
                        Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                          Originally posted by SamO'Neill
                          That's a good idea! I've never done anything on Gateworld, but when I post it, I'll post the link for you guys...
                          In the words of the great Jack....and Mr. Burns
                          Sig. made by RepliCarterje just for me
                          Get RDA on Canada's Walk of Fame: Click this link to find out how
                          Love dogs? Have it in your heart for a big barrel of love? Go to


                            Originally posted by Nolamom
                            I will try. I'm not great at reviews. But I DVR all the episodes so I can review them easily with my lappy at hand. I can't do screencaps sorry. I don't know how and don't have the right hardware/software to do it. But I can put what I think the *flavor* of the moment is in my report.

                            So many thank yous would be coming your way!!!!!

                            I'll look forward to the read!
                            Sig. made by RepliCarterje just for me
                            Get RDA on Canada's Walk of Fame: Click this link to find out how
                            Love dogs? Have it in your heart for a big barrel of love? Go to


                              Originally posted by sueKay

                              posting on behalf of ship family members Shelsfc, GateBee, Twisted_Angel and Somnium! (hope you all don't mind )

                              We're all currently in an internet cafe in London, with the exception of Shel who had to go home early.

                              We've had a fantastic day...tell you all about it soon

                              Hi Gang......glad you're having a great day!!!!
                              Sig. made by RepliCarterje just for me
                              Get RDA on Canada's Walk of Fame: Click this link to find out how
                              Love dogs? Have it in your heart for a big barrel of love? Go to


                                Originally posted by sueKay

                                posting on behalf of ship family members Shelsfc, GateBee, Twisted_Angel and Somnium! (hope you all don't mind )

                                We're all currently in an internet cafe in London, with the exception of Shel who had to go home early.

                                We've had a fantastic day...tell you all about it soon
                                You lucky dogs! Wish I were there. Have loads of fun, and lift a pint for me! Not really - not much of a beer or ale drinker - stick with wine, and then just a glass. I'm an easy drunk.

                                Mind the gap...

