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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by nell
    Yes, it's me with the shippy picture stories! Thanks, I have fun with those. I'll have to think of something soon. Right now I'm reading Amy Sithen's The Band. Set in Season 9. Sam and Jack romance. My favorite!!!

    Could you post a link Nell ? I couldn't find it on , heliopolis or GW. Thanks


      Originally posted by jafacakes
      Could you post a link Nell ? I couldn't find it on , heliopolis or GW. Thanks
      Me neither


        Originally posted by Gatetrixer
        Still scratching head and not getting it. Sooooo....if someone says read my Life Journal,do they really mean read my blog on Life Journal?
        You got it! *cackle*


          Originally posted by meimei
          *cackle* Thanks, Gwen! I don't want it on Showtime though. I don't get Showtime!!
          I don't either! But I'd sure make sure to get it if they made the writers all ff writers!

          Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


            Originally posted by meimei
            I've posted in installments before but I had the whole series plotted out before I posted the first one. I also made sure, with one exception, the series could end happily if I had to stop but still left the reader wanting more.
            And the readers want more and more and more and more!!!!! !


              Originally posted by jafacakes
              Could you post a link Nell ? I couldn't find it on , heliopolis or GW. Thanks
              Here ya go:
              Last edited by hope leslie hermnharry; 27 May 2006, 09:48 PM.


                Originally posted by stargate barbie
                speaking of works in progress and long updates/abandonment "alternate politics" on better get updated again soon, because the newest one made me all at then end of the chapter.

                This is why I'm now waiting for the fic to be completed before I start reading it again!


                  Originally posted by ReganX
                  Maybe that's why Sam stayed with Pete so long. Subconsciously, she was using him as an experiment; when he survived she knew that she was cured and that she could have a relationship with Jack without him dying.
                  LOL! I never understood the "Black Widow" curse, mainly because I can never come up with more than two or three guys that she's been with who later died. Off the top of my head, Martouf, Jonas (that was mentioned here...)... Who else? I haven't seen '2001' yet. I've only just watched 'Entity' on my dvds (more on that later...)

                  OT I have a couple of friends who are slashers, and think that Janet died because of the Black Widow curse. They even brought it up to Teryl at a con (I wasn't there so I couldn't see the reaction). Teryl agreed!


                    Well, about the Black Widow curse, nearly every man who were interested in Sam died. First there was Jonas, then Martouf, Orlin, Narrim, Joe. Lieutenant Simmons nearly died too in Message in a bottle.
                    The only two who didn't die are Pete and Jack, though Pete was seriously injured by Osiris/Sarah and Jack died once but always came back.


                      Originally posted by gatebee

                      What's this one from? I can't place it (hey, I have a bad memory!)


                        Originally posted by gwenhwyfar
                        Love the intensity in her eyes! And...

                        Is it just me or is he looking at her lips like he wants to kiss her?
                        Of course he wanted to kiss her!

                        Sam: Don't you want me?

                        Jack: Not like this!

                        He didn't want their first time to be when she was under the influence of an alien bug.

                        Edit: Whoops, got beaten to it. That's what I get for being off line for over 48 hours


                          Originally posted by hopalong
                          What's this one from? I can't place it (hey, I have a bad memory!)
                          The Broca Divide when Sam jumped him in the locker room while she has the virus.


                            Originally posted by Queen_Bee
                            HEY HEY FINE SHIPPERS!!

                            Just a reminder my bday this year is 6TH 6TH 2006!!
                            I know i havent been around for awhile, but any of u guys are in Aust on the 3rd of June come and gatecrash!!

                            & 4EVER!!

                            lots of love
                            Gatecrash? I'm and Aussie, but huh?


                              Firstly, Harrp Birthday Token!


                              Thank you to everyone who told me I had to watch 'Entity'! It made me cry! When Janet told Jack that Sam had a living will, that "no extraordinary measures" be taken, that only the machines were keeping her alive; and suggested that it was time to let her go, I just started sobbing! And I knew full well that Sam was not going to die! (yes, I know I'm a sap. Sue me!)

                              That said, I don't think that there can be any doubt that Hammond knows exaxctly how Jack feels about her. Just after Daniel suggested trying to convince the entity to leave Sam, Hammond told Jack that difficult choices had to be made (ie, perhaps having to kill Sam). He told Jack he knew how much Sam meant to him. Jack made a quick comment about her being an important member of his team, and Hammond agreed with that; but I got the feeling that's not what Hammond was getting at. He quickly dropped the subject... because he knew that any admission on Jack's part at that point would mean that he had to be "officially" aware of the relationship between the two?

                              Also, the entity made a point of saying that it chose to inhabit Sam because it knew that Jack would not "terminate" her. It stressed that point, to Jack and to everyone else; it knew that none of them would terminate her, but especially Jack.

                              Which makes me think. Either something *very* interesting happened between Jack and Sam while the entity was observing them, or there's a rather incrinating document buried somewhere within the base computer system. Remember, this is after the Zatarc incident. Jack no longer calls her 'Sam'. It's always 'Carter'. They are now making sure there's nothing in their behaviour that could incriminate them. So what did the entity observe to draw its conclusion?

                              Phew, long post. btw, Vicky, don't recognise it from 'Broca Divide'. But then, I never really found that scene particulaly shippy (except the "Not like this!" and the bit where it looks as though he kissed her neck!)


                                Have not seen 'Entity' for a long time, after reading your post hopalong I want to have another look.
                                I agree with your comment about Hammond, he definitely knows how Jack feels about Sam, i've noticed it in other episodes too, Grace comes to mind.

                                Did anyone like my Vid? or was it terrible, I can take it.

                                Four To The Floor.

