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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by RepliCartertje
    What a great vid!!! I loved really have talent!!! Really your vids are great...Did I mention that your vids are great!!!!
    Thanks so much...I just love doing vids with those two...I am a shameless shipper...I am so glad you guys liked it


      Originally posted by Gate gal
      My daughter wants to redecorate her bedroom in Stargate. Now, I have to figure out how to make a Stargate headboard. She wants the dolls for Christmas (especially the Sam and Jack). Oh, my, I've created a little SG ship addict. Hubby says, "Like mother, like daughter." I'm so proud!
      don't mean to have two posts back to back, but i have to say that's awesome!!! I'm at college right now and I've got quotes from Stargate all around my desk and stuff. I left my posters at home so it's going to be Thanksgiving before I can get them back up here.

      if you figure out how to do the headboard, you should totally take a picture!

      Thank you for 10 years of Sam Carter, Amanda Tapping!
      My LJ "I Live in a Sci-Fi World"
      My Stargate (Mostly Sam Carter) Icons
      My Stargate Videos
      It's meant to be!


        I agree myblackrose and LadyJeep that is one of the best promo pics I've seen. So, many fics can be launched from that one pic. RDA looks yummy! And AT is so cute leaning on RDA. Of course, that pic reaffirms for me that J & S have just been secretely dating/married for the last oh say 8 years - S7 and Potato Pete not allowed..... my universe anyway.
        This is great.
        I told ya.
        I can't believe we didn't do this years ago.
        Well, let's not dwell.


          Originally posted by Sam_Carter
          Hey. i made a music video to Evanescence's 'Taking Over Me'. Take a look and tell me what you think...

          I hope you like it. Its all about how Jack takes over Sam and how she would do anything for him because she loves him and needs him so much.
          Love your vid, love it soooo...Great song...


            Originally posted by morjana
            All the physics of time travel?

            As no one has actually EVER time traveled before, I'd say the subject is fairly open to interpretation.

            There's been a avalanche of popular media on time travel, and almost all of them have a different take on the subject in some respect.

            I'd say it's open to each viewer's interpretation. If we can bend our minds around Jack and Sam time traveling to the past in "1969" and then time traveling to the future in the same episode, and then time traveling back to where they supposed to be...

            If Jack and Sam can die in the events of "2010," but in doing so set things right for the current Jack and Sam...

            Then I firmly believe that the season 1-8 Jack and Sam ARE exactly the same people we saw at the end of season 9 in Moebius. Remember, the final scene in the SGC in Moebius 2 took place 2 weeks BEFORE the events of Moebius 1.


            I agree. And while I enjoy the few fanfics telling about what happens to the Alt. Sam and Jack, in my mind once the future(or present, if you will) was corrected, the alt Sam and Jack would not be stuck in the past--- they would not be anywhere-- because they were part of the "messed up" future and were only around because it WAS messed up. And Daniel wouldn't be stuck in the past because he was from the "correct" future--he was our Daniel-- and would be joining our Sam, Jack and Teal'c(who now were never killed) in that "correct" future. And my head hurts.

            Ah, but one little thing might have been changed, the acid rain is no longer such a big problem in the north woods, so Jack's pond (which was a lake in some eps wasn't it?) now has a fish or two. Just kidding. I speak with forked tongue ala the Simpson time travel. I really think the fish was a TPTB homage or joke.


              Hey Gate gal...a Stargate bedroom headboard set is an incredible idea! I wish I had one. You could get quite creative with that...wish I could help you build it. I'm thinking relief lights...ooh and tide dyed blue and white sheets for the bed so it looks like the kawoosh is on!

              Too bad they don't sell SG1 household stuff...they'd make a fortune off of us...I personally would love SG1 dinnerware china.

              And to keep this on topic....S/J ship.... why is it evidently so hard for all the lost non-shippers to not see or admit the ship?
              This is great.
              I told ya.
              I can't believe we didn't do this years ago.
              Well, let's not dwell.


                Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                FCOL, page 2?!?!?! This is unacceptable.

                I'm trying to outline a fic...I don't usually do this. Typically, I know what I want to write, so I write it. But in this case, I know exactly what I want in the last half of the story, but the first half is a bit hazy. I've contemplated writing the parts I know I want, then filling in the spaces later. But I really don't want to do that. What do you other fic writers tend to do in this situation? I'm thinking watching a plethora of shippy episodes will give me enough inspiration to write it all!
                Watching shippy episodes is always good for inspiration!

                What's your fic about?
                my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                  When you search on yahoo, you know how it gives you the 'also try:' then lists similar topics you might want to try? Well, if you search Samantha Carter, it says 'also try Jack O'Neill and Samantha Carter'. Then it lists 'Stargate SG-1' and 'Sam Carter' after that.


                    Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                    I've got a horribly sad fic in the works too, but not this one. This one is a sequel to another story I wrote. For the most part, it will be a happy, shippy fic(I always have to throw a bit of angst in). It you need help writing something depressing, watch 'Entity'. Geez...that's sad.
                    Personally, I love 'Entity'. I love the angst when Jack shoots her for the second time and the powerful looks between the two. And, of course, when Hammond confront Jack about his feelings...

                    I even appreciated it more when I read 'Sticks and Stones' by Kimberly. It's nominated for the 2006 Stargate Awards. It's a fantastic fic and a good length.

                    Here's the link...

                    EDIT: Is anyone else having trouble with
                    my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                      Originally posted by SamO'Neill
                      Watching shippy episodes is always good for inspiration!

                      What's your fic about?
                      My fic is a sequel to a sequel... It's got Jack...Sam...a retirement...a cabin...a wedding...stuff like that.


                        Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                        My fic is a sequel to a sequel... It's got Jack...Sam...a retirement...a cabin...a wedding...stuff like that.
                        You're almost as horrible as TPTB with your shippy clues.

                        What fic is it a sequel to? And if you need help getting over your writer's block, I'd be happy to help... or beta if you would like...

                        OH! How did you like the lovely fic Ljevans wrote with our idea?
                        my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                          Originally posted by SamO'Neill
                          Personally, I love 'Entity'. I love the angst when Jack shoots her for the second time and the powerful looks between the two. And, of course, when Hammond confront Jack about his feelings...

                          I even appreciated it more when I read 'Sticks and Stones' by Kimberly. It's nominated for the 2006 Stargate Awards. It's a fantastic fic and a good length.

                          Here's the link...

                          EDIT: Is anyone else having trouble with
                          Dont know if you realised but there was meant to be a hands on fight between entity sam and Jack when she pulls the plugs are runs out of the infirmary
                          That would have been kewl and EXTRA angsty!!!
                          "Imagination is more important than knowledge"

                          sig by RepliCartertje


                            Originally posted by SamO'Neill
                            EDIT: Is anyone else having trouble with
                            Yeah, it's down for a few hours. I feel so tired! And bored! I have a billion things to do, but I just feel kinda 'blah'...


                              Originally posted by Gatetrixer
                              No rings, sob! Has anyone figured out what Jack's left hand is doing to make it look like that?
                              I dunno. It does seem weird, though.

                              Anyone else think RDA/Jack's smile looks cute? And aww... AT/Carter looks like she's enjoying the moment. =)
                              Past | LJ | Last.FM | IG


                                Originally posted by Queen_Bee
                                Dont know if you realised but there was meant to be a hands on fight between entity sam and Jack when she pulls the plugs are runs out of the infirmary
                                That would have been kewl and EXTRA angsty!!!
                                Yes. I know. I've grieved for the loss of angst. I've never been a fan of angst in my fandom ships, but with Sam and Jack, it just works.

                                Actually, I think it was you who orginally told me about that missing scene. Where did you find that information?
                                my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover

