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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    I agree with you Brooke, in that being with Pete was like cheating on Jack as she was still in love with him, but she was still with Pete - and at this point she still wasn't sure how Jack still felt about her and was trying to fall out of love with him and move on. And as Jenn's said, yes she was using Pete in some respects, but she is only human.
    *just read post, it makes no sense*

    *new post*
    What Jenn said
    sigpicMy Fanfic


      Originally posted by JackandSamAddict View Post
      Well...Sam was never really loyal or faithful to Pete to be perfectly honest. She was in love with another man and in a relationship with Pete. Pete might have had her in his arms, but Jack has always had her heart.

      IMHO she had a bigger commitment in her career with the air force than her relationship with Pete. The way I see it, I would have been more angry if she broke the regs than her 'relationship' with Pete.

      All that was was half a relationship anyway. Two people are in person in the relationship can love the other, while getting no love in return.

      Jack and Sam both had faults that needed worked out. Jack needed to see his worth and Sam needed to love someone who loved her just as much in return. The in love kind of relationship. The kind she has with Jack.

      That is just MHO.
      I kind of agree. She's in love with Jack. Jack's in love with her. But she was in a relationship, apparently a committed one, with another man. That man was in love with her. (Though, I don't know if it was a healthy love, as it started with lies, deciet, and stalking, but still...) Regardless of how much she loved either one of them, it wouldn't have been fair to the three of them if she had kissed Jack while in a relationship with Pete. He was still receiving "yes" signals from Sam, which meant there was a relationship, however "flat" it was.

      Sam is an honest person. She would never do anything intentionally to hurt someone that loves her. But she can't account for her heart. It loves what it loves. I think that she was honestly trying to love Pete. And I think she did. But she wasn't in love with him. Those two things are different. You can love without being in love, and I think Sam was trying to make her heart be in love with Pete. IMO she finally realized it wouldn't happen and is now, at the very least, in a relationship with Jack.
      Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa


        Originally posted by tayradio View Post
        If I'm really going to be fair and take a step back to look -- I've probably not done much better in my own personal life at times. I've dated men I really wasn't *interested* in because I thought I *could* be or I *should* be, or that I *might* be at some point down the road. That whole "you can't hurry love" thing, only I've let it go way too far and have had to break it off in an unnecessarily harsh way... Yeah, I'm still single and I'm still looking and I haven't found MY Jack yet, but...
        Have I mentioned, I'm glad your here ... I couldn't have said it better myself. And this is one of the reasons I love S/J, and really Stargate in general...the characters just seem so amazingly real in their reactions, making some of the same stupid mistakes we all make.

        Plus, of course, the characters and the situations are constantly moving forward, so that it is possible for someone, like yourself, to see an actual real change in Sam and Jack's characters even without having followed the ship and to be able to go back and actually find WHY that change occured. Truly amazing, IMHO, for a TV show, as TV shows are notorius (IMHO) for constantly spinning 'character wheel's' while getting NOWHERE fast.

        EDIT: This may really be, in part, because Stargate tends to play the AT/AU card whenever it wants to explore/dramatize characters and/or their relationships, which allow them to push their Big Red Reset button at the end, while the soft subtle relationships and character advancements they 'mean to keep' are played out naturally in our timeline/universe.


          Well, Sam certainly wouldn't be the only woman who talked herself into feeling something that she thought was love, only to realize later that it wasn't. And even if it wasn't the same passion or depth of feelings she had felt for Jack, love doesn't always come in the exact same shape and size every time around, so who's to say she didn't love Pete on some level...especially when it was so obvious that the guy was desperately in love with her. And even though I felt it was obvious from the beginning that Pete was just wrong for her in so many ways, I don't have any problem with Sam trying to move on with someone else. Or even fooling herself into believing that she loved Pete enough to marry him. Women settle sometimes. So do men. People look for happiness wherever they think they can find it. Even brilliant astrophysicists who seem to have it all together can make mistakes. Which I think is what makes Sam's character so great...the fact that she is fallible. Especially in her personal life. Because, let's face it...she's a work-a-holic who has spent most of her life in school or at work, and I seriously doubt if she has much experience in these matters at all. The Trio scene where
          she and Rodney have no clue as to the bar bet Keller is referring to always cracks me up...and makes me a little sad too. Neither Sam or Rodney get out much. And the fact that Sam would play "who would you rather" and then name two physicists????
          I think that tells us quite tellingly where Sam's range of experience lay.

          Personally, I think it gives Sam's character a lot of depth to show her vulnerable in other areas of her life. Not such a wonder-woman. Someone we can relate to on a personal level, even if we cannot on a professional level or intellectual level.

          Okay. Really. Am leaving now. House guests coming.


            Bev! Bev! Bev!!
            I've finished the crossword!!
            *is proud despite how long it took her*
            sigpicMy Fanfic


              This is what happens if you push a Continuum Spoiler Tag:



                Hehe. APA mentioned the Trio scene. Another thought I just had on that last night:
                It's interesting, IMHO, that Keller claims she knew Sam was in a relationship with someone. Makes you wonder what clues Keller picked up on, and also, if she can tell, why can't everyone else around GW ?


                  Originally posted by Aveo_amacus View Post
                  Bev! Bev! Bev!!
                  I've finished the crossword!!
                  *is proud despite how long it took her*
                  Me too! I only started on it this morning and was going well until I got stuck on 14 down. Serious *headdesk* when I figured it out
                  Now to start on the Soduko, could take a while..........


                    If the REGS weren't an obstacle:

                    Jena and I have been thinking. We understand the argument that Sam is with Pete, and that she should be loyal to him. That's true. But...let's play devil's advocate for a minute. Who cares about Pete at that point in time? Not trying to be mean or rude here, but...think about it.

                    You are in love with your CO. You can't have him. He is about to DIE. Die. As in for ALWAYS. Dead. You are on a ship, you can't exactly call Pete up or show up at his door. You've been hiding from your feelings for a long time. There would have to be a point at which you would reach a fork in the road.

                    To the left is Pete and earth, her 'great' relationship with Pete. To the right is the man you LOVE. You just want to kiss him because it may be the last time you ever see him alive. You've been foolish enough to let other things stand in your way, now you might lose the last chance you have to make things right between you. You can at least try.

                    No one's perfect. Sam included. However, if the regs were an issue that would have been unacceptable (and she probably wouldn't have done it, told him about her feelings, but not necessarily acted on those feelings).

                    Just so you know, we do believe in fidelity in a relationship, but it's not like she was going to throw him down in the Alkesh and have her way with him.

                    It was going to be a moment when she told him everything that was in her heart, that her words could never express. Why let a mediocre relationship back on earth prevent you from letting the man you love die not knowing you loved him?

                    We are talking life and death here. It is not a decision that Sam would make lightly. (That would be out of character). It's not like she is actually cheating on him as in taking some guy home from a bar. It's not like it's some shallow reason to shack up with some other guy. It's not in her mind to cheat on him. That's not what this is about. It's not about her and Pete. This goes deeper than that. It's about her and Jack. Just about any other situation you could think wouldn't give Sam, a very loyal person, a good reason to 'cheat'. She's not going to step out on Pete purposefully with the intent to hurt. Honestly, Pete probably wasn't the first thing on her mind at this point...and after it was all over, I bet Sam would say something to Pete about what happened on the ship...and I think he would understand. I think he always knew Sam's heart was elsewhere and now he'd know where.

                    Sam is a loyal person. She's loyal to those regs. She's loyal to Pete. She's loyal to Jack. But when it comes down to it, who will win out? Jack or Pete? Where do her true loyalties lie; who has buried himself deeper into her heart? What can she live with the rest of her life?


                      Originally posted by Amalthea View Post
                      This is what happens if you push a Continuum Spoiler Tag:

                      Dude! I clicked, I screamed! That's not what I want for me.

                      Originally posted by josiane View Post

                      CONGRATS ON 700 WENDY!!!
                      Thank you josiane!!

                      Originally posted by JackandSamAddict View Post
                      [CENTER][B][SIZE="7"][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Congratulations Jena on 8700 Posts!!!
                      Congrats on 8700 posts! That's A LOT of chatting.

                      Originally posted by Aveo_amacus View Post
                      I agree with you Brooke, in that being with Pete was like cheating on Jack as she was still in love with him, but she was still with Pete - and at this point she still wasn't sure how Jack still felt about her and was trying to fall out of love with him and move on. And as Jenn's said, yes she was using Pete in some respects, but she is only human.
                      *just read post, it makes no sense*

                      *new post*
                      What Jenn said
                      That post did make sense, I can see what you're saying
                      Made by the lovely Jakie


                        Originally posted by Aveo_amacus View Post
                        I agree with you Brooke, in that being with Pete was like cheating on Jack as she was still in love with him, but she was still with Pete - and at this point she still wasn't sure how Jack still felt about her and was trying to fall out of love with him and move on. And as Jenn's said, yes she was using Pete in some respects, but she is only human.
                        *just read post, it makes no sense*

                        *new post*
                        What Jenn said
                        So isn't it safe to say that it is also human to let Jack know how she feels before he dies?


                          Originally posted by JackandSamAddict View Post
                          So isn't it safe to say that it is also human to let Jack know how she feels before he dies?
                          She did do that. But a kiss is taking it further. I just don't see, given the level of CONTROL we've seen from Sam, that she'd make that sort of a break from being 'thought controlled' to being 'emotionally controlled' regardless of the circumstances.

                          Of course, NOW we've seen quite a few examples of Sam putting emotions - both her own and others - before logic and rules. (Thinking Stronghold and S&R atm), but that's Samantha 2.0 and isn't pertinent to this discussion


                            Regs aside, I think Sam would let Jack know her feelings. But I still don't know if she'd kiss him. If he was out of it, I could see her maybe kissing him a bit, but not if he'd know she was kissing him. I think she would have been able to express her feelings, but not act on them, unless the regs were non-existent. And even then, I think she still might not have kissed him. IMO, it would depend on if she remembered being with Pete at all. If so, no kiss. But if not, if the pain of loosing him was so great that she forgot about the rest of the world, she might kiss him. But that's just MHO.
                            Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa


                              Ladies, while I was going through the vids from Ship Day I found thin one in the related videos list. It's to So Close from Enchanted, I don't know who the vidder is, but they did a good job.

                              Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                                Originally posted by Padme18 View Post
                                Ladies, while I was going through the vids from Ship Day I found thin one in the related videos list. It's to So Close from Enchanted, I don't know who the vidder is, but they did a good job.

                                Thanks for the link.

