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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Thanks for the link, I'll check it out. I joined a month or so back and have been happily splashing around since!


    Originally posted by TrueRomantic View Post
    I seem to have missed you joining. WELCOME!!!!

    And for a definition of broccoli, check out The Shiptionary. It will explain many of the things that confuse the newbies.
    Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


      I am back! (((Family)))

      I feel I was away for ages. So what important I missed? What about MOP? I want to get through the posts I didn't read but its more than one hundred!
      Its great to be back

      *goes back to reading*


        Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
        I was eating penguin lollies at work today... I lined 14 of them up as a wee MOP army but when the rest were gone, people started stealing the MOP guys as they walked past my desk.

        I also had my very first Jaffa cakes... instead of buying real food today I headed to the candy store near my work that sells stuff imported from everywhere. Awesome for homesick Britons and Americans... and the odd curious Kiwi
        What are Jaffa cakes? I never heard of them before I became a 'gater, still don't know exactly what they are.

        Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
        Timezones confuse me too, but B once calculated all starting times:

        July 28:
        US Pacific - 9:00 pm
        US Mountain - 10:00 pm
        US Central - 11:00 pm
        US Eastern - 12:00 Midnight
        UK - 5:00 am
        Western Europe - 6:00 am
        Eastern Australia: 2:00 pm
        New Zealand: 4:00 pm

        So... it might
        Okay, so I live in Central US, so ship day starts at 11:00 P.M. on July 28 for me? Hehe, maybe I'll stay up late, post for an hour, then get my mom to drive me to the store at midnight for Continuum!

        Originally posted by josiane View Post

        No, sadly he doesn't He's just the MOP penguin. Maybe he should have a name? Any ideas? (All I've got is Moppy )
        Personally I think we need a name for him! We've got Broca for the gutter, the Hippy chick for the S.H.I.P., Fluffy for the fluff party, but no name for the mascot of ALL M.O.P. shippers? That's not right! Presently, I don't have any ideas for names, anyone else?
        The Return of King Arthur
        Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
        acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


          Originally posted by Alan View Post
          Hi all! And how is everyone today? Sooooo...any more ship news from TPTB? I'm still waiting to hear on those uber-O'Neill/Carters.


          Today I had no less than 3 Stargate moments! They were:
          1. Bending the peak of my cap as Jack did in Moebius Part 2! I totally didn't realise what I was doing until after I did it!

          2. My Dad, frustrated with something, said "Oh for crying out loud!"

          3. My Dad and I were driving by a petrol station and he observed that they should have lowered their prices along with other stations in the country. I suggested that "maybe they're not getting all their memos". Again, I didn't realise what I was saying until after I said it and realised the significance.

          I grew up with my Dad saying "For crying out loud!" He also was fond of "For Pete's sake!" but I don't use that one so much.
          Of course, I'm pretty sure he meant the saint, not the cop.


            Originally posted by Fainne View Post
            I'm not sure if you've posted it before. I just visited JM's blog and LOOK what I found
            Ahahahah this is great!


              Originally posted by Pol View Post
              Hey everyone,

              Okay, so I was treating myself to a rewatch of CotG today - for fanficcing purposes - and realized that even in that very first episode, there's LOTS of Sam/Jack stuff. Even in the framing of shots.

              So...being me, I had to then quantify that. To save bandwidth I'll put my caps here...


              Okay, so this was weird, right? ::shakes head:::

              Gah...I have to get some writing done! LOL
              nice caps......

              Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
              NOOOOO!!!!! I LOVE broccoli just the way it is! It's yummy, yummy, yummy, and if scientists change it into peas, I'm going to send Teal'c over to them to teach them a lesson. Then they'll know not to mess with my (our!) broccoli!

              On a slightly happier note, good morning my loving shippy fam!

              What are we discussing today?

              Oh and Egle1, love the flag project! So many countries, it's mind-boggling! We shippers are EVERYWHERE!!!!! Great job!
              also if they think making broccoli taste like peas is gonna get kids to eat it then they are sadly mistaken....because I don't know any kids who like peas either.....

              I don't even like peas

              never was a fan of broccoli either till I actually decided to try it at a restaurant.....I think it might be starting to grow on least if it'ssteamed with just a light touch of butter.....

              Originally posted by TrueRomantic View Post
              Since Queen Jann isn't here right now, I, as her Loyal Advisor in the Gutter Army, present the newbies with this:

              Join us in the gutter with your love of Sam and Jack!!!! We have chocolate!!!
              and also full body massages provided by yours truly...


                Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
                What are Jaffa cakes? I never heard of them before I became a 'gater, still don't know exactly what they are.
                They're sort of a cross between a cake and a biscuit. Layer of sponge, layer of orange jam/jello, topped by a layer of dark chocolate. I personally hate them

                Okay, so I live in Central US, so ship day starts at 11:00 P.M. on July 28 for me? Hehe, maybe I'll stay up late, post for an hour, then get my mom to drive me to the store at midnight for Continuum!
                Sounds like a plan I won't get Continuum until about the 8th August

                Personally I think we need a name for him! We've got Broca for the gutter, the Hippy chick for the S.H.I.P., Fluffy for the fluff party, but no name for the mascot of ALL M.O.P. shippers? That's not right! Presently, I don't have any ideas for names, anyone else?
                I can't think of anything good either. Naming our Hippy chick was soooo easy

                Broccoli !!!!


                  Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
                  Okay, so I live in Central US, so ship day starts at 11:00 P.M. on July 28 for me? Hehe, maybe I'll stay up late, post for an hour, then get my mom to drive me to the store at midnight for Continuum!
                  I am in the central US too...that means that it starts at 11:00 PM on July 27th.


                    Originally posted by Egle01 View Post
                    First draft:

                    And I'm listening.
                    I love this version, better than the 2nd from my opinion...

                    Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                    Oh, sorry! Confirmation... then it's:

                    * Estonia - kinnitus, konfirmatsioon, kinnitamine
                    * USA
                    * England
                    * Scotland - "daingneachadh" (Scottish Gaelic)
                    * Wales - "cadarnhâd" (Welsh)
                    * Australia
                    * Macedonia - "Potvrda"
                    * New Zealand "whaka?"
                    * Russia - "?????????????"
                    * The Netherlands (Holland) - ''Bevestiging'' / ''Confirmatie''
                    * Sweden
                    * Poland
                    * Czech Republic
                    * Belgium
                    * Canada
                    * Trinidad West Indies
                    * Germany - "Bestätigung"
                    * France - Confirmation

                    We are supposed to put the word "confirmation" in your own language? Mine isn't hard...

                    Originally posted by Egle01 View Post
                    Welcome to the thread, SamONeill!
                    From me too!!!


                      Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
                      What are Jaffa cakes? I never heard of them before I became a 'gater, still don't know exactly what they are.

                      Okay, so I live in Central US, so ship day starts at 11:00 P.M. on July 28 for me? Hehe, maybe I'll stay up late, post for an hour, then get my mom to drive me to the store at midnight for Continuum!

                      Personally I think we need a name for him! We've got Broca for the gutter, the Hippy chick for the S.H.I.P., Fluffy for the fluff party, but no name for the mascot of ALL M.O.P. shippers? That's not right! Presently, I don't have any ideas for names, anyone else?
                      I think they're supposed to be like a small cake the size of a cookie or something and filled with some kind of icing like filling.....though I'm sure eileen would prefer eating a different kind of Jaffa that's tall, dark-skinned, broad-shouldered, and muscular.....

                      wow....I think the temp. in eileens neck of the woods just shot up.....


                        So, having made my way now to Cold Lazarus. Something I've never really noticed before, but which I find.. interesting.

                        When we first see Sara, when Jack goes to his old house, she's working on her car's engine.


                        At least the boy's consistent.


                          also to add to the flag discussion if the CSA (Confederated States of America) were still in existence you'd be using their classic trade mark flag of a blue cross on a reddish orange background with 13 white stars lined up in each part of the cross....

                          also I think the USA should have confirmation in it's native language....does anyone know American Indian for the phrase "Land of Creeping Fascism?"


                            Originally posted by Egle01 View Post
                            Mm, felt the need to post this. Again.

                            It's a good thing I was already in the gutter!!! It would have hurt when I fainted otherwise!
                            Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                            Timezones confuse me too, but B once calculated all starting times:

                            July 28:
                            US Pacific - 9:00 pm
                            US Mountain - 10:00 pm
                            US Central - 11:00 pm
                            US Eastern - 12:00 Midnight
                            UK - 5:00 am
                            Western Europe - 6:00 am
                            Eastern Australia: 2:00 pm
                            New Zealand: 4:00 pm

                            So... it might
                            If Ship Day is July 28th, shouldn't those times start on July 27th? Otherwise, Ship Day would be on July 29th, and I don't think that would work for anyone getting the movie then.

                            If you go by US East Coast time as 12 midnight on the 28th, that would make this list more like this:

                            July 27:
                            US Pacific - 9:00 pm
                            US Mountain - 10:00 pm
                            US Central - 11:00 pm
                            July 28:
                            US Eastern - 12:00 Midnight
                            UK - 5:00 am
                            Western Europe - 6:00 am
                            Eastern Australia: 2:00 pm
                            New Zealand: 4:00 pm

                            At least, I think that's the way it should be.
                            Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
                            nice caps......

                            also if they think making broccoli taste like peas is gonna get kids to eat it then they are sadly mistaken....because I don't know any kids who like peas either.....

                            I don't even like peas

                            never was a fan of broccoli either till I actually decided to try it at a restaurant.....I think it might be starting to grow on least if it'ssteamed with just a light touch of butter.....

                            and also full body massages provided by yours truly...
                            Yeah, I think it might be time for my next appointment Joe, lol!!!

                            And I like peas! I've always liked peas!! And spinach, corn, beets, and French Style green beens! But then, I never complained about shots either...I actually used to ask for more...

                            But broccoli and onions are two things I can't stand!!!
                            Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa


                              Egle, forgot to comment on the banners! I like them! Very colourfull and international I liked the first one best... Even if there are penguins sitting on my flag

                              Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
                              Personally I think we need a name for him! We've got Broca for the gutter, the Hippy chick for the S.H.I.P., Fluffy for the fluff party, but no name for the mascot of ALL M.O.P. shippers? That's not right! Presently, I don't have any ideas for names, anyone else?
                              Oooh! How about MOP?
                              Mop's Original Penguin

                              Originally posted by mad_gater View Post

                              never was a fan of broccoli either till I actually decided to try it at a restaurant.....I think it might be starting to grow on least if it's steamed with just a light touch of butter.....
                              Broccoliiiiiiiii yummmmmmm.... You know you want it...
                              It's great steamed! Broccoli smoke is the best!

                              Originally posted by jumble View Post
                              I can't think of anything good either. Naming our Hippy chick was soooo easy

                              Broccoli !!!!

                              ...Notice how fitting Broccoli is to The Party?
                              He's walking circles in broccoli induced daze while almost stumbling over it's own feet...
                              I'm such a proud co-mommy...
                              Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                              Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                                Originally posted by TrueRomantic View Post
                                It's a good thing I was already in the gutter!!! It would have hurt when I fainted otherwise!

                                If Ship Day is July 28th, shouldn't those times start on July 27th? Otherwise, Ship Day would be on July 29th, and I don't think that would work for anyone getting the movie then.

                                If you go by US East Coast time as 12 midnight on the 28th, that would make this list more like this:

                                July 27:
                                US Pacific - 9:00 pm
                                US Mountain - 10:00 pm
                                US Central - 11:00 pm
                                July 28:
                                US Eastern - 12:00 Midnight
                                UK - 5:00 am
                                Western Europe - 6:00 am
                                Eastern Australia: 2:00 pm
                                New Zealand: 4:00 pm

                                At least, I think that's the way it should be.
                                You're right, but I was to lazy to do so
                                You know... copy and paste...
                                Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                                Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website

